05-246Council Ffle # D5- a '�(o GreenSheet# 3025735 RESOLUTION SAINT PAIIL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Z�- Committee: Date 2 Wf�REAS, Joseph and Judy Rossi made application to the Board of Zoning Appeals 3 (hereinafter the `BZA") for a variance from the strict application of the zoning code for their 4 pmperty commonly known as 1899 Sargent Avenue and legally described as: BERRYFIII,L 5 PLACE E 30 FT OF LOT 23 AND W 20 FT OF LOT 24 BLK 1; and 6 7 WFIEREAS, the gtupose of the Rossi's application was to vary the zoning code standards 8 for the purpose of building an addition to the existing structure: 6-foot sideyard set back required, 9 3-foot set back proposed for a requested variance of 3 feat; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ?9 i0 WHEREAS, on September 13, 2004, the BZA conducted a pubiic hearing after having provided norice to affected property owners and in its Resolution No. 04-112170, adopted September 13, 2004, the BZA granted the Rossi's variance request based upon the following findings and conclusions: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the Code. The applicants have lived in this house for about 20 yeazs and would like to continue living here into their senior years. The house has no bedrooms or bathroom on the first floor. This makes it difficult when the elderly or disabled visit and eventually will make iY impossible far the applicants to continue living here. The proposed addition will provide a bedroom and a bathroom on the first floor as well as expand the livingroom. This is a reasonable request that would make the house more livable and accessible. Aowever, the location of the house on the site and the room arrangement within the house prevent accomplishing this goal under the shict provisions of the Code. 2. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these cireumstances were not created by the lar�downer. 1 The room arrangement makes it impractical to build the addition on the back of the house and the 2 location of the house on the lot makes it nnpossible to construct a functional addifion without a 3 variance. These are c'ucumstances that were not created by the applicants. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent ofthe Code, and is �_°��T consistent wzth the health, safety, comfort, morals, and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. PauL 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 �3 14 �5 6 7 This house was built in 1923 and was not designed to be compatible with persons of limited mobility. The proposed modifications wiil update the house. Renovation and improvement of elcisting housing stock are consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Capital Plan and in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Code. The requested variance will not affect the health or safety of azea residents. 4. The proposed variance wi11 not impair an adequate suppty of Zight and air to adjacent propetZy, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The proposed single-story addition with a 3-foot sideyard set back will not significantly effect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Although the current code requires a 6-foot sideyard set back in this district, when the homes in this area were built a 4-foot setback was required. Many of the homes haue non-conforming sideyazd set backs and many of the homes have similar additions on the side of the house. Provided that the addition is finished to match the finish on the rest of the house, the requested variance will not change the character of the neighborhood ar haue an adverse impact on surrounding properiy values. 5. The variance, ifgranted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the Code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classiftcation of the property. The proposed variance, if it is granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request for variance is not b¢sed primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. WHEREAS, on September 23, 2004, and pursuant to the provisions of Leg. Code § 6L702(a), Kelly and Mary Michael, 1893 Sargent Avenue, duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the BZA; and WHEREAS, acting to pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702(b) and upon notice to affected parties, the City Cauncil duly conducted a public hearing on December i, 2Q04, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, the Council having heard the statements made, and having considered the variance application, the report of staff, and the BZA's record, minutes, and resolution, DOES HERE$Y RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby upholds the BZA's decision in this matter based upon the following findings of Council: The variance applicants and the appellants in this matter have advised the Council that they have reached an agreement which would establish the sideyard setback distance at 3.5 feet. Based 1 upon this mutually acceptable agreement the Council finds that the BZA did not err in their ��j' eZ��p 2 findings or facts granting a side yard setback variance. However, with the reported agreement 3 between the Rossi's and the Michel's, the Council, exercising the authority granted pursuant to 4 Leg. Code § 61.704 hereby modifies the variance granted by the BZA to allow a sideyard set 5 back of 3.5 feet snbject to the condition that the Rossi's eaves project no more than 12 inches. 6 With this modification, the original findings, conclusions and grant of the BZA in its Resolution 7 No. 04-112170 remains the same. 9 AND BE TT FURTE�R RESOLVED, based upon the findings, the agreement between 10 the parties and modifications noted above, that the appeal of Kelly and Mary Michaei is in all ll things denied;and 12 13 BE TT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this Resolution to 14 the Rossi's, the MichaePs, the Zoning Admiiustrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of 15 Zoning Appeals. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepattmeM/pfificelCpuncl: DatelnrtldtEd: �_°�'�� u� ��e����6�,�„�� '14MAR-05 Green Sheet NO: 3025735 Contact Person & Phone: Peter Wamer 266-8710 on Councii Agenda by (Datej: � Deoartrne�rt Serrt To Person Initia ate D ' oJE viro � A55i9n 1 ice eJtn 'ro P D a t"r Number Z �;_tt-OS For Routing 3 or' Ma orf i nt Order 4 � 5 e k i Clerk ToW I# of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Approval of a resolution memorializing previous council action taken December 1, 2004 wluch upheld and modified the Board of Zoning ilppeals' (BZA) decision to grant Joseph and Judy Rossi permission to build an addition on iheir home and denying Kelly and Mary MichaePs appeal as the parties reached a compromise. �oaiwns: Hpprove �H� or n Planning Commission CIB ComMittee C1vi15ervice Commissian Persona{ Service Contrects Must Mswer the Rol{owing Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for th+s department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personifirtn possess a skili �ot rtormalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers an separaM sheet and atpch to green sheet initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Rossi's applied to the BZA for a setback variance in order to add on to their home. A public hearing of ffie BZA was held on September 13, 20�5 and the BZA granted the Rossi's variance request. Kelly and Mary Michael appealed the BZA's decision to the City Council and a public hearing was held on December 1, 2004 where it was announced that the variance applicants and the appelates iad reached a compromise agreement. �IvanWges If Approved: >� •-,.,,, _ � . �� :. � •:,:! sadvaMapes ff Apprpved; 1 6 2D05 ���'�: ��3 .'��,- � 1 MAR 16 24fla advantageslfNotApproved: � Transaction: Funding Source: 3ncial IMormation: (F�cplain) CosGRevenue Budgeted: ActivitY Number: ��t €����arch C�pnter s,'� , ,� �.4.. OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSP£CTIONS AND a5 � a�0 ENVII20NMENTAL PROTECITON Taneen E. Rosag Di�ector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. KeZ1y, Mayor November 9, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall SaintPaul, MN. 5�102 Dear Ms. Erickson: LOR'RYPROFESSIONALBUILDING Telephone: 651-?66-9090 350 St. Peter Street Suiie 300 Facslmife: 65Z-266-9124 SainlPaul,Minnesota5�702-IAO We6: www.cf.sfpaul.mn.urfliep I wouid like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, December 1, 2004 for the following zoning case: Appellant: Zoning File #: Purpose: Location: Staff: District : Board: Kelly & Mary Michei, 1893 Sargent Ave 04-112170 Appeal a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting a side yard setback variance in order to construct an addirion on the east side of the house. 1899 Sargent Ave. Recommended approvai. No recommendation from District 14 Approved on a 5-1 vote. I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Patrick Harris. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will pubiish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks ± xoricE o� rusuc �rc Sincerely, 7ohn Hazdwick, Zoning Specialist AA-ADA-EEQ Employer � s�c na c�cy c�� .o;n �- duct a public hearing on Wedveaday, De- oemtber 1, 2004 taescheantea &om I3ovem- ber 17) at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, CitS' Aail, to com- sider the appeal ofKe3ly and Mary Michel, 1893 Sargent Avenne, to a de�.7sion of,the Board of Zaning APPes3s granting a side Yard setback variance in order to� con- stract an additian on the eastside of'the hovseat 1899 SargentAuenue. . Dated: Nwember 9, 2004 MARY ERICKSON, � Assistanf CiLY C�itnell -Sep�etaTY • ' (November 11) � � 81: PnID.I8f3N.I� 220HSK39 ` � __...- OFFICEOFLICEfSSE,INSPECROI3SAND � ENVIRO:NMENTAL PROTHCfION Jm.ea+E. Raras, D'cecto� crrY oF s�rr rAUr. RmrdyC%11y;.Hayror �ObeI' S� ZD� Ms. Mary Erickson Coimc�l Reseazch O�ce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN. 55102 Deaz Ms. Erickson: LOWRYPROPP.SSIONALBUILDING Tel�hane: b51-2664090 350 St. PaerSlmet, Suue 300 Faa�6m7e: 651-266-9724 3rm�7Pau1,ASrmasota55702-I570 R'eb: ww%cistpaut�.ud[iep I would l�lce to confirm that a public hearing before the Ciry Council is scheduled for We.dnesday, November 17, 2004 for the following zoning case; Appellant: Zoning File #: Purpose: Location: Sta� District : Board: Kelly & Mary Michel, 1893 Sazgent Ave 04-112170 Appeal a decision of the Boazd of Zonmg Appeals granting a side yard setback variance m order to construct an addition on the east side of the house. 1899 Sargem Ave. . ����-..-. ... . No recommendatian from District 14 Approved on a 5-1 vote. I have confirmed tlais date wikh the office of Councii Memher Patrick Harris. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convemence and that you will publish norice of the hearing ia the Samt Paul Legal Ledger. 'T6aaks .SIDCEIB� John Hardwick, Zonmg Specialist AA-ADA-EEO Employer �roricE oF r�is�sc �axnrc The Saint Paul City Council will cwn- duct a public heariag on Wednesday, No- vember 17, 2004 (rescheduled, from Octo- � ber 27) at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Cham6ers, Tlurd F7oor, City FIall, to con- sider-t3ie appea3 of Kelly & Mary Michel, 1893 Sargent Avenue, to a decision oFthe Board of Zoning Appeals granting a side Yard seWaek variance in oxder to con- strrict an xddition on the east side of the twuse at �YS99 Sargent Avenne. - Dated: October 21; 2004 � MARY ERLCKSON; - � ' AssistanC City Counctil Secretazy . � (Octobet 25) � - � S1: PAOL fY.[5AL IEIIGSR =���- .. 22087r1�12 � _ . , � �2+-�( � APPLICATtON FOR APPEAL Deparinent of P(anning and Eronomic Developmefu Zoning Section " 1400 Ciry Halt Annra- ?5 West Fourth Stteet Saint Paul, M5 �5702-1634 (65I) 356-6589 APPLICANi PROPERTY LQCATfON � Zoaing , o s � ffice use on �i�@ m `—' � J v�/ ! {� Fee: � ��5: � Tentative Hear3ng DaEe_ �� �� � Name Kel1y and i4ary 29ichel Addrass 1893 Sarqent Avenue C�t St. Paul gt, s1N Z� 55105 Daytime Phone 651-698-6083 Zoning Fi1e Name Soseph S. and Judy Rossi Address/Location 1899 Sargent Avenue, St. Pau1, MN 55105 TYPE OF APPEAL: App{ication is hereby made for an appeal to the: � Baard of Zoning Appeals � City Council Under the provision of Chapter 64, Section Paragraph deciSion made by the Board of Zoning Appeals on September 13 , 20 �`! Fite Number: 04-112170 (date of decision) of the ZonSng Code, to appeal a GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feei there has heen an error in any requirement, permit decision or refusai made by an adminisfrative official, or an srror in faci, procedure or finding made by the Soard of Zoninq Appeals or the Planning Commissian. 1. F.rror made in findings 1, 2, 4 and 6. 2. Pailure to submit to District Council. 3. Inadequate findings to support determination af hardship_ 4_ Arbitrary and capricious. � (attach addifionai sfieet "sf necessary) ApplicanYs � Dafe J� v 7" City Agent -� � ��✓ f j �� r , i . �-� � � �t ,?� �,� �',�'� ; .r • � '. Bfl_�i2� t3F ZflNI�G APPEAI,S ST.�' R�PtiRT T3�'PE Q�' APPLICATIE)N; ar�a.zc�v�: �axz�v� �aT�: LflCATIOrii: i,EGAT, DESCl2IPTION: PLANNING DISTRICT: PRESENT ZDNING: REPORT DATE: DEADL3NE FOR ACTI�N: Minor �areance ros�px s. & ru�Y xossr September i3, 2004 I899 SARGENT AVE ZONIIVG CODE REFERENCE: bb.231 BERRY"I�I,L PLACE E 30 FT OF LOT 23 AND W 20 PT OF LOT 24 BI K 1 14 R-3 September 8, 20Q4 October 3, 2004 ��.� � o�-� zz��o BY: 3ohn Hardwick DATE RECEIVED: June 29, 2004 A. PUItPOSE: A side yard setback variance in order to build an addition to the existzng house. A side yard seTback of 5 feet is required and a setback of 3 feet is praposed, for a variance of 3 feet. B. SYTE AND AREA CONDI'I'ION: This is a 50 by 125-foot lot with alley access at tha rear. Surrounding Land Use: Single family homes. C. BACKGROITND: The applicants are proposing to build a 1S by 26-foot additions to the east side of tlus house. D. FINDINGS: 1. The praperty in question cannot be pur to a reasonable use aznder the striet prouisions of the code. The appiieants have tived in t2ris house for about iwenty years aad wouId Tike to cantinue iiving here into their senior years. The hause has no bedrooms ar bathraarn on the first #Ioor. This makes it difficult �vhan Yhe efderty or disab2ed visit and eventually wi1} make it impossib2e for fhe applicanYS to continue living here. The pmposed addition will Pa4e I of 3 .� � \i _ o5-a� +� File #04-112170 Staff Report Provide a bedr�Qm and bathroom on the first floor as weIl as expand the livingraom. This is a reasonable request that would make tfie house more livable and accessible. However, the Iocarion of the house on the site and tlie room arraagement within the house prevent accompIishing this goal under tt�e strict provisions of the code. 2. The plight of the Zand owner is due to circaan�stances unique to this property, ancl these circumstances were not created by the Zand owner. The room arrangement makes it ampractical to build the addition on the back of the hausa and the location of the house on the lot makes it impossible to construct a funcfional addition without a variance. These are circumstances that were not created by the applicants. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and iratent of the code, anct is consistent with the heczlth, safety, conifort, morals and ivelfare of the inhabitants of the Czty of St. Paul. � This house was built in 1923 and was not designed to be compatible with persons of limited mobiiity. The proposed modifications �vill update the house. Renovation aaid improvement of existing housing stock are consistent with Che goals of the Comprehensive Plan and in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. The requested variance will not affect the healTh or safety of area residents. 4. The proposed variance well not impair an adequate suppty of light and air• to acljacent property, nor will iz ulier the essential character of the sur-rounding area or urtreasonably diminish established propertp valuss wiihin the s2irrour2ding area. The proposed single story addition with a three-fooT side yard setback will not siti ificantly affect the suppiy of light or air to adjacent properties. Although the current code requires a six-foot side yard setback in this district, when the homes in this area wsre built a four-foot setback tidas required. Many of the hames have nanconforming side yard setbacks and many of the homes have similar additions on the side of the house. Provided that the addition is finished to match the finish on the rest af the house, the requesfed variance will not changa the chazacter of the neie,�borhood or have an adverse impact on svrrounding praperty values. � Pa�e 2 oF 3 �-a�6 File #fl4-112 i 70 StaffReporE S. 1 he vaxia�ce, ifo anted, would notpermit any use that is nat permitted undex tlie prouisions of the cocle for the property In the dish•iet where tDze af�'ected land ts Zocaterl, . nar would it alter or change the zoning district classification af the properry. The proposed variance, if it is �anted, would not ckange or alter t17e zaning classification of the property. 5. The reqtiesZ for variance is not based prznzarily on a desire to increase the value or income pozential of the parcet of larad. E. DI3TRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: As of ihe date of this report, we have not received a recommendafioa from District 14. F. CORRESPONDENCE: Staffhas not received any correspondence regarding fhis matter. G. S'i'AFF RE�OVIIYT�NPATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staffrecommends � approval ofthe variance subject to The condition that the addi#ion is finished to match the finish on the rest of the house. � Paaz 3 of 3 APPLiCATI01i FOR ZOIdlNG VAi2iANCE � OF�ICE OF LPCE,YSE, INSPEGTION, A14D E1�YIRaN1�fENT,9L PROTECTION 30U Lowry Projessionrrl Building 35� SL Peter Street SaintPau�1111t'SSIO2-I510 - (651) 266-9008 F_\3;14�1�t� PROPERTY iNF�RMATIQN `J zon9ng office nse File##_. 1�"t f b5-��ib ��7� �-. f ". r -F_ -' ` - SEC�lOR S - - �(�:-� ! � -� - -{) °��°'- = Cify agerft - _ ' _ FenYatfve.hearf g-dat' _ _ iVame � �i .i�:a=•: ��=�3f Company / Addsess t`�`�.�a �r't�`=��+��i '7�`s`�e'ii.es.�= . a Gity `S�': s t�.E._� St.YY��t; ZiQ '' � 7� DayYime Phon2 ��si°t,,°;s °34 ��s€!zg Property Intsrest of App3icant (owner, aont=act purchaser, etc.} �=,t�;, r °� Name o� Ovsrner ({fi AddresslLocation ��`f``s ��a�ar_g�.Y Ft��u°c�c,°e.. p �;�� , , r -Y��- u�,: 1'� Ji�-�"e`� ��'� ? 3<:n'+e.^!�}rg� c.,.: �,.�j�.-�lE:'y :'�^"°�°'�'� Lsgal Descr tiort �f p {aftach �dditional she�t ef nesessaryj � �7 Lat Siz� '; �"?'s� k_ ��`' �raserat Toaing f�x%�- �rs�ent �;,'.,�;r�3''lc."�ay �t:� ,'r;}� 9 ils� ;�.e:.�i�i�_�`,�,�a- Proposed Use ��:�e�r���,t�" '�, vdI'18RCB{5� Y8QU8St@d: ' �-`�,t.`"��,%. b.�'�"-.i,5ni.� � 'r�J`.. �'_,"�,'° i't L`�..YS.�.:..= `��-'�.' �t.y1� -/=.4i;ti.. cg� �Ll�.-r`1�..$�.-.. # t; �e ✓ 2. �lhat physicai characteristics o# Lhe g�raperty prevent its being us�d for any of the permitted uses in yaur zone? {topogeaphy, size and shape of lot, soii aondiQion�, eic.) �����n�-�� ���� 3. �zpiain how the striet appiication of the provisians of the Zoning Ordinance woutd result in peealiar or ezc�ptinnal practical di�cc�ities oe� exceptionat undue hardships. Y� ���i s�j� ��,�� � y,.� �_.....�.�__.. �. CASHIERS USE ONLY 4. Explain how fhe granting a# a varianc� wili not be a su6sYant3aS detsiment 3o the puBlic good ar a subs#antial impa'srment os #he intenf and purpose „ of the Zoning Ordinanca. �.��;�� / � ��� � � � � �' .�-- � � p -o-���.��: -� � 4 r: � `�'1 � ��' � 7plican#'s SignatvrQ ::L.r� i �,.� �°-�' :k � �?�2,a� �.�`'�i vg-a�� �.t �� -���f�: � � . ----- -- --� �----��� �- �=�z�� - - _--_.-- -- - ---- ---- ---- ' ` �==��"��:.� � - ` �"<�-_— - _S��'�',_m�: �� �`� --�-- ---- _-- --- r`�' J—� =c:�_'t�1'� � % ------- -- -- - -- -- — -- --- — — - -----�_�� -� �a ` -� ' � z �` r�>< ��� -- — --- -- - --��� " � c s: --- ---- ----------- --- t j� � � . _ "'__ ' " _' __' -_._._ __-'_�/�/`t�^-CJ�i{''-)b)'Y_Yi�GtPu9�.�3.�':�'Ct�t-.t���'__"_____'__-'_________""__"""__-"'___ � : „ ^ � � . �} y '_._ _ _'__ _ =:� �'14� ��(i:.-ti ��f_ — _— _ {� - - _ _- - -- ---- ----- -- -- 's�� `Ls�_�t�'��'iatt�c' -f�tz� --- — - — --; - - -- - ------- - --------- -- --- -- -- -- - _ -- — ---;�>.[_'_��f�. 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'" _ �5-�oZ��a _� , , .;. ,-�.' � ,-. a {j �✓ -�,�r � t°� C� r� (� � ,� ! t � � I ` 4 Z�±' '' � .y -2' ° J' [.t?.�, 3 4 � .. ' E � � . W ^S � �� . . � c'�..5 . . . . .. G°.. c'. u i� - µ � tiv ` "a � � � �£ �a � .� � •»� } *��� 3., t� � � _ �� � a y +. z < : -� an°w ' m. s= ° . r . . A t�,._ �� ,.�.._ y . �1 � � , . '. ro � _ '> � � "'�'� �3� � � _ . � �'- -.. d ; ,. ^ ` . _ '4 � E'n, � �� a . �-. �� .� . � � F � .�y.� . ..'� ,� Y' � g y�i i y g . . x . . � . <<s. x . Ad�^.�� � ? �. . � � '._ . =u � � � � � � >� '. ` Y �# �� '� � W r .hs .� ar r��- :�° -�;�: d $�� .- sY'� , cY '.. : 1► . � Page 1 af I ,7ohn Hardjvick - Reschedu3e appearance at aneeting — • From: joe sossi <mssi@tcq.net> To: Tohn Aazdwick <john.hazd�vick@cistpaul.mn.us� Dzte: 7l2ii20f34 9:39 ANi Sabject: Reschee3u2e aapearance at meeting Good morning, John, I am requesting that my husband, Sae and I woutd bz able to reschedule our July 19th appearance at thc City Council meeting. We have noT yet been able to complete ike survey and aegatiations �,�ith our neighbors to oar east which we feel ara necessary to be prepared for the meeting. Wa wautd Iike to attend t6e meeting on Monday, Sept. 13th, Z004 due to the following: SuIy 29 - Aug. 8 we will be in $emidji caring for 1oe's Dad (who has Altziemers & lives at home) while 7oe's Mom goes on a vacation. Aug.9 - 31 loe will be in Aihens photoo aphing the Otympics for the St. Paul paper. We witl give our neigh6ors copies of this email to notify them of the schedule changes. I understand that yoa witi also be mailin� them cards of notification. Thank You, Judy Rossi 1899 Sazgent Avenue St Paul, MN 551�� S�I-698-U33 jrossi@tcq.net �`z - �`,�� �� 1 4i t • _ file: O�fl04.H1... 7/1:�!2Q04 uu PROPERTY WlTHIN 1GQ FEET OF PARTIAL: 1899 SARGENT AVENUE I --r 1�� � I � I l� � P � _:'i4�'w' ! r �-� _ � � � �. , � � � '° � l�il � E � ` t �: � s �r' � - - - - - __-- - -- ---- PRINCETON 05 -au� � • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9, IQ. il. iz. 13. ?4. I5. lb. 17. SUNR >Y-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOOD Hq7EL PARK IIADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCREST WEST sIDS DAYT:JN'S BLUFF PAYNE-PHALEN NORT:� END THONfAS-DALE SUM1viIT-i3Nf VERSITY WEST SEVEN'I'I� CObiC HAMLINE-MIDWAY ST. Ar'THONY PARK MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON IiAhiLINE•SNELL3NG HAh�ILIi�FE MACAI,ESTER GROVE�_Aiv'D I-IIGFIZ.Ah'D SUM144TI' HILL D01VNT01�N �� � ��id'x ��S R� i i4� `c t ~ f�.;Tt�� CITTZEN PAl..TICIPATION PLAiVrIING DISTRICIS o� ��h � CITIT �F SAI.�TT PAUL �eadIine for Action: 09-03-og BOARD OF ZONING APP�AL� RES4LUTI+�N ZONING FILE �IIMBER: #U4-ll2170 DATE September 13, Z004 4Vi�REAS, 3oseph S. Rossi has applied for a variance from the sYrict application of the provisions of Section 66.231 of the Saint Panl Legislative Code pertainin; to the required east side yard setback of a house addition in the R-3 zoning disirict at 1899 Sar�ent Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 13, 2004 pursuant to said application in accordance with Yhe requiremettts of Section 64.203 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence prasented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the tninutes, made the following �indings of fact: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. • The applicants have lived in this house for about twenty years and wauld like to continue living here into their senior years. TIle house has no bedrooms or bathroom on the first floor. This makes it di£ficult when the elderly or disabled visit and eventua7ly will inake it impossible for the applicants to contimie living here. The proposed addition will provide a bedroom and bathroom on the first fIoar as well as expand the livingroom. This is a reasonable request that would make the house more livable and accessible. However, the locarion of the house on the site and the room arrangement within the house prevent accomplishing this goal under #he strict provisions of the eode. �. The plight of the lanc� awner is due to circumstances unique Zo this properry, und these eircitmstances were noi created by the Zand owner. The room arrangement makes it impractical to build the addition on the back of the house and the location of the house on the lot makes it impossible to conshuct a fixnctional addition withouT a varianee. These are circumstances that were nat created by the applicants. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with th2 spirit and intent of the code, and is conszstent wzPh the health, safety, comfort,, rnorals and we�are of the enhabitants af the City ofSi. Paul. 1 4a�e 7 of 3 �� ��-a�� ���� #04-� �2�70 Resolution � This house was built in 1923 and was not desi�ed to be compafible wzth persans of limited mobility. The praposed modifrcations wili update tke house, Renovation and impmvement of existing honsing stock are consistenY with The goais of the Camprehensive Plan and in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. The requestad variance will not affec� fhe nealth or safety of area residents. The proposed varimace will not impair an acle2uate supply of tight and air to adjaeent property, r:or will it alter the essential character of the surr-ounding ¢rea or u�areasonably dimrnish estabZished proper.ry values within the surroundang c�rea. The proposed single story addifion wzth a three-foot side yard seYback will not s��nifrcantly affect the suppiy of li�ht or air to adjacant properties. Although tlie current code requires a six-foot side yazd setback in this district, where the homes in this area wera built a four-foot setback was required. IYIany of the homes have nonconforming side yard setbacks and maay of tlze homes have similar additions on the side of the house. Pmvided that the addition is finished to match the finish on the rest of the house, the reqaested variance wi11 not change the character of the neighborhood or have an . adverse impact on surrounding property values. 5. The variance, ifgranterl, would nof permit any zase that is notpernsitted zsnder the provisions of the code for the property in the district tivherz the affecied land is Zocatea nor would zt alter or change the zoning distriat class�cation of'the pt•operty. The proposed variance, zf it is granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of Yhe property. 6. The requesr for varia�sce is not based prinaaYily on a desire to increase !he val2ie or income potential of the parcel of Iand. NOW, THEREFOIZE, BE IT RES�LVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the provisions of Sec&on 66.231 are hereby waived to alloiv a setback of 3 feet for a house addition, in order Yo build on property located at 1899 Sargent Avenue; The variance is si�bject to fhe coradition that the addition is,f `inished to mafch the finish on the rest of tlze hause. The properiy zs legally described as Berryhilt Place E 3o Ft Of Lot 23 And W 2n Ft Of Lot 24 Blk 1; in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan on fiie with the Zoning Administrator. Pa�e 2 of 3 � rl /��� 'f a5-a�� Fiie #64-1 1 2 1 70 • Resolution MOVED B�: Bo SECQNDED BY: w�son IN FAVOR: s AGAINST: i N7AILED: September 15, 20004 TIME LIMIT: No decision of the zoning or planning administrator, planning commission, board of zoning appeais or city council approving a site plan, permit, variance, or other zonina approval shall be valid for a period longer than two (2} years, uniess a building permit is obtained within such period and the erection or alteration of a building is proceeding under the terms of the decision, or the use is established within such period by actual operation pursuant to the applicable conditions and requirements of the approval, unless the zoning or planning administrator grants an extension not to exceed • one (1) year. APYEAL: Decisions of ihe Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the City Councii within 10 days by anyotte affected by the decision. Building permits shall not be issued after an appeal has been filed. If permits have been issned before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended and construction shall cease until the City Council has made a final determivafion of the appeal. CERTIFICAT'IONc I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the or5ginal record in my office; and find the same to be a true and corrett copy oF said original and o£ the whole thereof, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on Segtember 13, 2004 and on record in the Of�ce of License Inspection and Enviranmental Protection, 3S0 St. Peter Street, Sa9nt Paul, Minnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS , Debbie Crippen Secretary to the Board ,�, 3 � Page 3 of 3