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ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ����� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �I�ENSE CQN.�ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COU CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 2�., 1967 COMMI551 ONE DATF RESULVED: That Application J-17762 for the transfer of OnSale Liquor License No. 7039� expiring Januaxy 31� 196$'} issued to Klaxen G. Dahl at 620 West Seventh Street� , � be a�d the same is hereb;� transferred to Dahlts 620 Club� Inc. at the same address. � i ON SALE LIQUO� ESTABLISHP�NT ' ' TRFR. (INDIVIDUAL TO CORPORATION) Informally �proved by Counc 3.1 � ` �ugust 22, 1967 , pu� z � 1��1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson AU�i � 4 ���� Dalglish ' pproved 19_ Holland Favor Meredith ' Peterson o Mayor • Tedesco A gainst IMr. President, Byrne PU�LIS#�S AUG 2 61967 �22 ` ���go ' CITY OF`'SAINT PAITL ��� Capital oP Minneaota �e a�ti�e�t o c�blic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FixE rxoTECT[ox ' WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commiasioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commlasioner , DANiEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inepeetor . August 22, 1967 , Honorable Piayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota � Gentlemen: Currently Klaren G. Dahl hol�s � Sale �iquor License No. 7039, and Restaurant, On and Off Sale T4alt Beverage� �igarette ' and Tavern License No. 521�1, all expiring January 31, 1968, at 620 VTest Seventh Street. He has been licensed at this address as an individual since September 196l�, and prior to this as a partner from riarch 1962. Application is made through\his attorney for the transfer of these licenses from him as an �andividual to the name of Dahl�s 620 Club, Inc. (a riinnesota Corporation) , The officers of the corporation are Klaren G. Dahl� President; Elaine R. Dahl� Secretary and Treasurer; and Oren J. �ahl, Vice-president,( . The three officers are also stockholders in the corporation. • Klaxen has been associated with the business as stated above� Elaine Dahl, his taife, is a housewife; and Oren Dahl has been associated with the �ilwerscheid-Feters Funeral �irectors, for the past twenty years. Very truly yours� �4...,:�.C,� �.//'l,`. � � � License Inspector � b S � w . � 5''• f . . . , • . ' • •, • �I , tF • ., ' , . , /� ' � NEWCOME, WALLACE & NEWCOME ' , ' � �. �',� ATTORNEYS AT LAW � � , ' , ' '�,�a4;1'; , ;�, ��;,.. ., ��'�, � ' . W1637 FIFBT NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. -` . � , �� 1� � �S � ' ,! '. 8AINT PAUL. MINNE�OTA S$1O1 _ . ., y. ' � .'i , , r ���t,:'��.� ,. , . . - • '' - � �� � �.' �; •.� ' �''i. TMOMA! W. NEWCOMC �. ' ' : , 'r. � ?I ^.r PHON6 227•D2E1 ' ' er�u'I; `+'�;:�f�`�� ' JACK C. WALLI.Cfi ti .7 • - - '� _ J-_•� � * , -� ( I�.�i,�.JI'd �'1� ' FiICMARD N. N6wCOM6 ^ ' � �S � '^' -- � ` ' �� WAI�R[N N6WCOMR • �'� ,�'�� 5 � Vf F�.r�. • ,r ," ' 3 ,. - : - ' Auoctwrs . ',`';��r"�F���.',��� ��� r+. - . ' . . , � 4•�'', ' ,;1.,��i�����•,�!' � l���, . 1 �1. - f . , :., . _ . ' , . � , , '4.'.'.I / �� .1 !�I 1 , ' Auguat 1s,. iss7; . , . _ ,- . � - � . . _, . ; ,,:;;,':. . ;,.,;: ;��..:� ,�,{i : . ;. .,;'�� � ;'� ;':,�,:;;.,,,,, : . . . �• � f°�'1' ,Y �•,l,�! � • • . �� ir � N � , '��;.:}', p�..���,,{F+� ' '+�'�� • , , , ' ' .�1; � . _ . �i��, '.7�..,:;�,�N�' �* ''�•, . , , ' � ' .. ' , . ' ' '�r r,t�`r�� ��i�; 'i�1111.. ,,'^�,,� f� .. , , � . .� • r , ' 4• j'�.� ily,.`'4 ( �, • _ . ,�R, • . , ., . , ',i,�� ',;�}''.�'I�,;�;�: ;�', �'•i,� .)>:f• . � . ' . . ' ii,'�11.• '.1� 3"r•,Y � . . � . �\ •' ' • 1`, � � • � �?�'II�`,� �'.��I�11Y�1r4� •11 �4 . . . ' ' , . ��1,i,�7' rl��'.1.. ��� ��'] � ' ,1 ' � . 1 �L�{')�,���I.' . �! e� :'i � ' , j•1'�.�' li.. 1 YI�. ',14 , License Coxnmittee of t�e City Council • � ' ; ' ' ��'�;�:_}'';�"�� . '' . y ,,, . ,,. , ' � of Saint Pa�tl - •' , • ��,9"-:',�.4,�� .' .';?•, ', ' Saint Paul, Minnesota � . s . ° ,�(�'�,�;�„ ', . '.�. ;� A I���I��It'r ' ��� • j t. •z(';1,,�,' :'ti� "`'�'� , ' ' . • �' . r �'�•r' 'S,, �a`.�;, '��y'� ' i �.� '�i��, �t; 4•J �,,}�''�';}:..�.' ' Gentlemen: �� • � � ki.s'��;; ,,�.�� � � ,��•::': . . .�, ,�`;ti;a � . i, �,�'� :,i,.�.,; .�r.:, ,2.,;; 1 %, rf"��� ��1 f �1,. ,�; ._� �;. ,i . � As attorney for Klaren G. Dahl, we respectfully requeat . " , . �',;;';;;�?'�;,a`�'': .,,�•� :�•;�•, � ' the Council to change the ownership of Dahl's 620 Club . , .�.+�',l;,;ii,1``� ��,��,�•� I � ;.��,'i'��'�'"yrfi,�+�,1•:i'(•';R� . . from Klaren G. Dahl, an individual proprietor,, to Dahl s • . , a ,,;� •�;�+�;,Y, ,;,. -• 620 Club, Inc. , a Minnesota corp'oration. . . . ' . ��'�'�k �'�`,����. ���'� i��'",' ., ' l •. �t,'at•;`r;,•,,�',�;�.,��;:.: . . .y,,��.�+�ti�, ,rs�,:�.'��'',',.`". ' �.,v,�.,f�;� ��'' , ,;, .�t, , . . ti �• _ � ;r,;•]��', �;c, �,;' • .. . , �� ; ;,f�i't;F;t%,��''����,,''�,:1,,� :4 i f,l.•� yl', r,. � qS �` ` Yours very truly t � '_ . , t- �. , ' �'• ' •!r,r�•i;i+lixitr;:;'�'��" '�'�r��,�r C�,��fl ,�I;''` ��.;���� ,i� , �1 . . � ' . .� ,'�'`'�'' ��i�a��;��.'` ��'�r+'fr�'�; , -' - , - - . �1�,iil({�r��;�'., �'1`'�'��"�f�;:��4111 i' COME,�WALLAC NEWCOME ; ' � . • � , � ' . ' ' '' �` , �y,,I��`ri.;�'td ';:;.,�,,,;;����'��,7�:f;�� . . , � �+,ili'�)'i'�{ 4jt��1 lr'�� �'��> ' � . !•'• j -, -. . . . �•I�t,,�;rPlj� � '; �� �• !;r�,�r} , E- ' . ���f' ��f�},�1 hr,�l� . � •� rt r.!�f;��;. :i�. �E�;': . .�,4% . � . . r � �,�;;�'i,t }�t�Pr •I � • ', :1 .� . �. ^ ,. . _ '; ��i:�.i�'i�i�;';�'f:�,t,�,.;}rft'JI;�`; , _ �'// .. , ., . , '.' - . • ,�������,h�����;;i'�f�„I��'�;;��f'�j'�7(, �.� ,� } a { �;�� v � y: �r'� � a�;ra�i�i'����f�i'.•�G�I!{;�'%ij��;a1;;�� � Jack C. 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'1 J� 'I , � � .. . . . a �F •.. 1 i�� • - . , • .._.." ___'... �s" "'_. _. _._ •¢�.. - _ �� .�., a. iF.-.�......... __" 1. .... 4.,n_i _._. i.i" � """ ,'�.. ��l' .. .� _� - I ' . ,. � � �•; � • " CITY OF SAINT PAIIL . ' � � ` � � , DEPART�TT OF PUBLIC SAF73TY . • . � . i� � LICII�TSE DIVISI�T . Date � � 19� . _ l� Application. f or _���p��„���� Lioenae , ' - '�� ,- 2o Name of applicant - � - , ' 3. Business address�. � Residenoe�J-�=�-� ' ,,,/ � 4. Trade name� if any � � , � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta�np will .be used, 6. On what flqor loaated���, Number of rooms used � f 7. Bet�reen what csrosa� strsets ��„y VPhioh aide of atreet . . . . 8� Are premisea n�a ocoupied��„� Wl�t busines - Hovr long � �}�_ • �y_.�.., i 9. Are premiaes now unoccupied�Ha�o�r long vacant Previous use �:0. dre you�a new owner�_Have you been in a similar busine�s bef ore � � � �'here � - VPhen . - - � . . _ _ . 11. dre you goin.g to operate this bueiness�persona].ly `� If ndt,� who will operate it �, 12, �1re. y.ou�in any other business at the present tima � � _ _ . � - - - -- � - - - - .. _ ... _ _ . , 13�� • E�v� there been�_any co�plaints against your opera�ion of th3.s �ype' of plaoe� - ; � . _ � . �k _ -When Where - . • 14. �veyouu_ever had any lioense revokgd��yPhat reason and date <a- f - ' - . �.� `. ' _ ,� �._- � . .� 15o Are you a oitizen af tha IInited 3tatea Native `L�-f Na�uralized=` . ,. . . _.._.,_-....-_---. , , � 16. Vrliere sv�ere ou b orn ` Date of birth , � � y 9-'�-.�--s _ , 17. I am �''�married� 1,By (wife�s) (husband�a) name and addre s s is � �- � -� `� � � 18, (If marslYed femaTe) �y znaiden name is ..� , • • " 19� Hamr lon.g have you lived in St� Paul � /t..p � 20. Have you ever been a�re ated�%�Violatio of what arimin.al lativ or ordinanoe � �`�� • �.�. , 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St� Pau]: Ye No� (Aas�er full,V and aompletel,y�� These�a� �lications ara �horou hl aY�eakad and an falaifioation �till be cause for den.ia�... - --- , � .� t . _ Y • rr,.••� p'. _ � _ +} � AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT '�� , ' . � ' FOR ' , � RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE , � . .. _ . . ` , Re s �_Sa1e �.� Lioense Name of applicant � r� G^ch.c.a�..0., Business address� 02 � a,������� � . - - - - � - - - Are you the sole own.er of this busin.ess?�. If not, is it a partnership? c orporat ion? , other� � Others interest in business, i.nclude those by loari of money, property or otherurises � rrame �����—� Aaare s �J a ,�How /L�i . - � .J y.� ��/�d �`d ��� O/�� . , � If a corporation, give its name C�o� � r Are you interested in any rovay i.n any other Retail Baer or Liquor business? �7� As sole owner? Partner? S�ockholder? Otherwise� (Through loan of money, etc. En�plain� Address of auch businesa�and nature of in.terest in same JC/'�d�lir�c..Pi�� • �i� Si�nature of applicant State of �innesota� . �ss County of Ramsey ' � - � � � being first--duly sworn.�, deposea and says upon oath that he has �read the f oregoin.g affidavit bear�ng his signature and l�,ows the contents thereof; that the' sams is true of his own l�aarledge, exoept as to those matters therein stated-upon informatioa and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. , . � ��. i'�� ` �` Signature of applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me � this �� da3r`of ,��,� 19� a�—�4u v ��,•�lC:e�ic,� � .. Notary Pul� / , Ramsey County, �� " esota • �Y �°�� �1�3R��TZ /o -a� 19 7a - Notary Public, Ramsey Cour.ty, Minn. My.Commisslon Explres Qct,25,,�9ZQ STATE OF �INNESOTA ) ) SS _ COUNTY OF RA�SEY ) - � r+'� _ �'�l��a-� being first duly sworn, doth depose and say thatshe makes this affidavit i.n. oonnection zvith applioation for " �/✓Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of " � � � � + �� � Stat e of Minnesota Sain.t Paul, MS.nnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the ���� and has resided therein for _ �� ' �years, mo�.ths, and is , ' State nclw and ha s been for the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of sa id � - - - - . and that� he naw reaides at N0. � G 3 �o . �� B�inne s ota. , � � ` n Subsoribe.d and sworn to before me , _ _ , _ thia �� day�of �- 19� . = - �IZ����,j . � Notary Publ'c, " msey County, Minne 'ota �Iy oommisaion �expirea /o �a,�-( o I�OROTHY J. MUP�I:ELWITZ Notory Publlc, Ramsey County, Minn. My Comm(ssion Expires Oct,25t�9)Q • i �-� � y .. _^� �Yl�'�i j� y ;- . . .; . . ,- ; a*`,`� _ . • � .� a� : -° . . � ;,w� _ . t�� � 'C ITY OF SAINT PAUL =--='� . � � ' , DEPlLRTrdER+TT� OF P[TBLIC SQFETY � � - . • � ,. ' . . LICFNSE DIVISI� . r � . . ` . � , , , � . Date --r � 19 � l,� Application for �jyl,i ��.-� �ti.r���� - ' Liaenae , � 2. Nam�a of applican�� ���e.�.-r� � - ,- a /� = � ' 3o Business $ddreas C� d � �% Residenae ' � � ��.��,�, . , ���=�,�--�.�--, ._...._.1 , 4. Trade name� if any- ��..�..�� ��� �Cc.c.�c�-� ' �� . - . __ . _ . . .. _ . . - 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retr�il Liquor Federal Tax Stamp will be used. ` - -�-^�.r.' � 6. On what f14ox� loaated.����-�Z� Number of rooms u�ed• � !'`"`�:` (;�a�� .. _ � _ 7. Bet�reen.what oroas streets�����e-o-�e�v - VPhioh side of .atreot . „ � � - _ 8� Are premi.ses n�r ocaupied�,�o �t business� , � Hrnrt long / ����` � , - , � . , . . ., - , •� , , , " . 9, - Are premiaea now unoacupied�d How Ion.g vacant - � Frevious use� � � ` � f\ _ � • `Y 1 ♦ ' . r��� ' _ t�` _1,' � � '• ♦ � ' � � ~• '" �1:0� Are you�a �ne�r�aeane Have you been in a similar busine sa bef ore � , , . �, •�,�� � ��. . . . . ' �' ., ,. s .i i. • Where _ T - - �;� �9Yhen � ;; - - .. . ; .. . . _ 11. Are you going to operate this buainesa�personally - P � If not� who wi11 operate it ,J��/ ' '� 12. Are you�in• any other buainess at the pre"sent tims_��) , . - . _ . v . . . . _ __ . � r -•. 15,� • gav� there been any co�nplai.nts againat your operation of th3.s �ype of plaa�� - ' � � - .,� � - 9fhen Where � . .,,,,,,;.. � • 14. �ve qou ever had any lioense revoked,_�o qYriat reason and date _ . --_ �, 15o Are you a oitizen of tk�a TTnited States .eo Native� Naturalisad � � �� � - } 16. Whsre were you•born���,��G�:�.u` � Date of.birth � - 02 j �- p2 / � , ___.__,...� 17. . I am�� marriedp Liy (grife f s) (husband�e) name and addross is " ��- � � • . (���[�ti� . . , . _ - 18, . (If marx��ed femaTe) �y maiden name is _ - � • � 19, Hvo�r long have you. lived in �St� Paul � il /vo . 20. Have you ever been'arre sted!��'--Violation of wha ari.m.inal latiP or ordinance • � . ' •;.. � -' 21. dre you a registered voter in the City of St� Pau'1 Ye ^ No� (Ansaver fu11V and completel.Ys These�a' �licationa are thorou Iil ohecl9sd and any ' falaifioation will be cause f�r denia�� . , - "�;. -:_ {..�� � �� ' � �'� �'1 .�,�?`� .�_,.: � , �, ' ...-�.,Y:;��'�;;�=v...:�--::� �- .�; .- � � �- ._.,, d-, ' ' � �s # � AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT � ' `� � '-.� �' .,�OR „ , . . : . + � ; RETAIL BEER OR I,IQII�JR LICENSE ,,.-ti.r . . ,y , � Re s �tl Sa le ,.. ,.�_„� License Name of applicant � �Q���_ �, Business address C_/ c� � ��� � ��/ �� Are you the sole ar�aner of this busin.ess? . If not,� is it a partnership? � c orporat ion? �.�/,� , other� � - Others interested business, include those by loan of money, property or otheru�rises Name �!/L.Q•y 1 " �x.� �aare S a / U' , - . �o'uP �/f�� . . � � -��F� ,�.,� • ,� - . � � �_�_(�+-�-+.o . . ' � If a corporation, give ita name ���_.��� �,� �� � -` �a� C�,� ,, , . . . : , . �Are you in.terested in any way in;any other Retail Beer or_Ligizor business?__1'�1� As ,sole oro�m r? - Partner? Stoekholder? � ' �... _ _ -- � . - � - - Otherwise� (Through loan of mon.ey, eta. E�plain) � � ' '•�---� y ' � - . '� , - _,. Address of such business and nature of interest in same � � . Signature of � . � � State of �innesota� . � �ss ` . . CoLmty of Ramsey - _ .` . r� �` .....'_ � � _. _� �t\ . l ' . �� - � �being f irst� cluly aworn.; deposea and says.upon •„ oath that he s�read the. f�regoirig affidavit bearang his signatuii and l�ows the . contents thereof; that the sams is� true of his- o�in lrnawledge; excep as to those matters therein stated=upon informgtion and belief and as to those ' tters he be- � lieves them to be true. x �� � ' � � f -- � w-r Signa ure of a nt ' Subscribey��and_ sworn �to before me / ' thi �`d� ;day of �L�,•�- 19� � ' . ��.��� °- Notary Pub].i ey County, �inne ta ., , • ,,, _ , , � . n.�,..,,,,,., .�,, t ' • . My commission expi'res `/� -oZ�S 19� DOROTHY J. MUfJKELVVITZ � � � " ° Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mlnn. �� �` : � - My Commissfon Expires Qc�,25 197Q ' ' � : { - �� ' • - . • f 0 • . � r STATE OF MINNESOTA � $S C(7IJNTY OF RANISEY ) �CJ�.' being first duly sworn, doth depose and say tY�at he makes this affidavit in. aonnection �rith applioation for _ " �f✓Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage licenae) in the City of � ' � � � � State of Minnesota Saint Paul, rdinnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the a nd ha s re side d there in f or �- 3 years, months, and ia -� - - - - �---- - - - State naw and ha s been for the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of ea id Q� . _ _ �� � �-O , and that he now resides at N0. j��� BBi_nne s ota. � . / Subsorib'ed and sworn to before me � . - - this ��''`Q day of 19 � � _ • �--� '- � �_Notar� Publ' , �msey County, Minn ota B�y commisaion expirea �d ��S—� 7a �DOROTHY J. MUNKELWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn: My Comm(ssion Expires Oct,25t�.9ZQ � c.Fz3 ��go � �� � � CI'TY OF ST. PAUL � . v�-� 4 APPLICATIC�N FOR "C�N SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � Application No • � .. .._._ Name of Applican�.._ . ....� .�._._...._..!� �.�.. ............ ..�.°-����..._..._ Age.. �...._......—__.._ �R,esidence Address..___._...____._._.___..._.._..__.._....__..._..._._..................._...._.__................. Telephone No.....a�_.�.._-.—Z.��� Are you a citizen of the United States?_ � �` M . _.._..._.___._..._..._.....--.---_._...__.__...._.._._._..._...._.._.. ...____....._..._._.... � Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? _.�..._...._........_..._......_..._..,................. .�._...___....�__. L���-�...__.._�_..._... ___...___...._.._...__-__�.._.__.�....�_. ..._. _........ When and where..........�.�-�.r.:�...�..i__ .._ :.... .._.._.....�-�` .�_.'.�°_._J��_. If corporation, gi e na and general os of orporation....._._......v...�____._...._.._.._.._. �.���'...��..�..�'��...� __ _-�..,:��.__ .��; Whenincorporated?.._._._......_....1—.--L=--��..._�..._._._...._..._._._.._...._........_....._.__._...__.._._..__.�__ '-•--- If club, how long has corporation owned or lea,sed quarters for club members7...___. _...�.__.._....... _.__.___.._ Ho«� many members?...._.,._._._ ..._ ..._..._.._...._..._..._..._ . es and ad es es of all officera�f cor oration, d name and address general manager. . . . . . . . . . . . :. _ / . �,r.�e...�r—. . ._ . _ __.�`_.�,_ _...._. __.�___�.�_. Q__ .. _ _ ... _. _. .�T_�._ _.._ � ..._.........._..._...._.............::�- - ._ .. __ ...�5��-___.....,�..�..�.......�_.. : ._..�...�;� . .�._..�___..._..__ .___.___ _......��.�._��.. .... _ . -- -M....._...�...�____.W_...____ ...................�........................... .. .. Names and address�f Stockl�olders: � • � . ..............._............_..._... ....�.� -r'�--aJ _.__ ........................___/...____...._..-----�-----.._.........._.._.._....__..__._....._.._....._.� t .__....._.........._._._._...�---._._._...._.__._..� + ...................__..._..... . . . .. .. • • • - • �Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known...�.. _.......M_..�. �A+ � .u-..�.^_.__�0_....:._.�_ Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward �. � 0 . � ��: �, :�. C;�� , � `-� � . How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?....._....�...__.__._............._........_...._...__. How many feet from �. church (measured along streeta) ?....�......_.-.._...__�..�._°._... .__ ._ ._.._�._.. _.. How many feet from closest p blic o parochial ade or high school (measur alorig streets) ?_.._��.�._.,� Name of closest school....._...�_. _ l ,.� ... ._ _ .. ...___. . ...... .._...._....___........_....._...._.........._..__._...._..._..._...____ _._.._..._ How are premises classifi under Zoning ' ance?._.._........... ....... _ .. ... . .. ..._ .�... ._.._.__..._..._..__._....�__�_....._......� Onwhdt Hoor located?....�..............- -. , .-..---- _._._ ....... __....�._.. .. _ . ... .. . ...._.._..___..___..:_.._........_........_.....__ Are premises owned by you or leased7.__._.......... .._If leased give name of owner.._.._........._...�__..._..._.............._....._._.._.... If a resta.urant give aeating capacity?.............[...7.J~..._-..........._..............._...._.._..._......._._---..._.........._...._......._._._...._...._.........---.._..._.....__.._.._.. If hotel. seating capacity of main dining room 7.....___...__.....................___..........._...._..._.__..__._..._...._...................._.._.........._.----.__._._ Givetrade name..------�-- -- ---- -- --•------------�--- --------•--------------•----------------'--------�----•----------.._....---------------------------------�----�------------ Give below the name, or number, or other descri tion of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: . ........<.�!.,/..�r.cl._.�...-�S,-i'ti =,��.�y 5� �,e�.n2_> -�-�,-� ��._.._...__....._..._..._.........._..___...._....__._-- ------ (The infortnstioa above mnst be given for hotels and restauranta which use raore than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?..___._.___._....�...._...._.__................._...._.____...._..._..__._....._.._._.....__.__.........__._..._.._...�.. . Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)....____ .._..__.....__._..._.�... ___..._........____....� Give names and addres es of three business referencea:_.._....._._......._...�.._._.._.. _...._ .__..__.�.__._.._.._.__..,..__ i..__ .. _.._.. .... .. .._. �s�--,__......_..___.......�....._..._....__.__.__..____.._.__...___.____.......___.__...._._...___.___.___ 2._. . .. ._ . .._ . .... . ._..._...__._..._........___......--.-.---•---..�...__._.__....__...__.._.....___._.._� 3. ..._.._ . . _. �_.. ..._� .___ ._._._._ __...._ ._..._._.._._....__.._...._._._.._..._...._.__ • THIS APPLICATION ST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPOftATION BE ATTACHED: ' SEE OTHER SIDE a - " . y - , ,. - � . ' • • _ `. " " ' . ' " �• . - , r _ " ' • ' - '" , ' , a Y � _ . , -, " - ` � .. � � _� ` _ � _ , - ' • � f � t . '� . _ . , � ' - - z. -• , . _ .R� ' � • _ � ' } _ •� _� _ - ' , _ - � - , ,- _ � � ',. • ' • • , " � . a ' • ,• '- , x,l _ S • ' ' ' , j . .. , _ S . T ' ,♦- ' � ' - ' . � r - , i _ _. °' . , • ' ' - ' , , a - _ � ` .. ' ' . "- .. _ , ' ` - - ' - ". � ; ' _ - � �111g• 22�� 1'967• " - -i � � ' ' . ' - ' — , _ .E. : -, 1 1 • • - �_ • �'. ' - ^ T , � � _ .. • i' - - � . '� - . � � . � _ - -- .. - - _ . . . _ _ ' _, _ ' .. ' ' __ - :r �• ., ' , ` - ° ' �Ion. Wi113am E. _Carlson, '. ' R " -- ' _ _ .. � : : •- - , Comsr. of Public, Safety, - , _� • � - _ - _ -_- _ � - . � . , - , -�= Tenth'and Minnesota 3ts:, - ' , � - _ . - : - , - _ _� _; _ . '' � '� St: Paul, Minn." � _ ,� ' - -"' ' , -� � . _, � , t., � _ � - , Attn: •�Ir: Daniel P._ ughlin .. . _: - _ - - �_ Dea.r Sir: .� - . _ - _ � - . _ - __ , _ , ' . � , � � --_ : TYfe�City Council_today in o ally a ov�d the following -, = ,� " , � � ; ; applications for l�.censes: � , _ . � , - - ' � _ - ; Kl.aren�G. Dahl, holder of .0 Lj,quor Licens� No. 7039, - , - - � " - �� , and Restaurant, 0 f Sa a1t_Beverage, Cigarette ' _� ,` � w 1 � � � • . - - � �.nd Tavern Lice ' i No�.,- , al. - piri.ng�Jan. 31, ,1968,. - � ' _ r` I � - � • � at 620 W. Seve St.., fo he tr �fer of these licenses _ ' I - from, him as,,a ndividual the name of bahl's 620 Club� � . _ - `: ir� � ` , . Inc. (a Minnes a Corporat . ), the officers- being �Klaren ` - • - � � , ._ ' . G. .Dahl, Pr.esi e t; Elain . Dahl, Secretary and Treasurer; , - ` - i - - and����S�Da�, ident; the three officers are �,1so� � : 9 . sto de s in th � oration. - � - . ' • . _ � . �