05-241t;ouncu rue � �5 -a�t Green Sheet # 3025531 RESOLUTION OF Presented Referred To PAUL, MINNESOTA Comurittee Date �1 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Golf Progrann Outreach Coordinator be established at the rate set forth in Grade 021 of Bazgaining Unit Ol, AFSCME Clerical #2508 Salary Schedule, andbeit 4 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first payperiod following its passage and approval. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav �/ Bostrom ✓ Haxris ✓ Helgen �/ LantrS' ✓ Montgomery ✓ Thune � � U � Adopted by Council: Date ,%�ji/Pfi �3, a�0� Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources By: �'� ✓ � Form Appro by C' By: 1 Approv d Mayor for By: � Adoption Ceitified by Council Secretary �� � DEPAR"A'MENT/OFFiCE/COUNCII.:' ' DATE INiTF4TED vJ ` Human Resources 3l15/OS GItEEN SHEET No.: 3025531 �-a� � � COPYCACT PFdtSON & PHONE: IN1T7a[/DATE INITIAL/DATE � Michelle LeBow 266-6514 � oeennnm�rr nac � a cirYCOVrrcn. LeeAnn Turchin 266-6517 a�iGx� 2c�nArco�v ���..1 . c�cc�� N(JM1ffiER FOR PvIi3ST BE ON COUNCII.. AGEPIDA BY (DATE) xOV[1NG ���, y��D� F�nwcw. sE2viACCrG ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSI.) ' TOT'AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) , ncriox �QuESx�n>Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for tbe new classification titled Golf Program Outreach Coordinator in Grade 021, of Bargaining iTnit Ol, P,FSCME Clerical #2508 Salary Schedule. RECOMMENDATSONS: Approve (A) or RejeU (R) YERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M110ST ANSwER THE FOLLOWING QOESTiONS: . 1. HastNisperso`✓frtmeverworkedunderacophactforthisdeparm�enq PLATRSA7G COMMSSSION Ya No . CB COMMtCCEE 2. Hu N�is pe(soNN�m ever been a city employee? CIVIl.SERVICECOMMISSION Ya No 3. DoesthispecwnlfumpossessaskillirotnortrmtlypossessedbyanycunentciryemployeeT "' Ycs No 4. Is Utis persoNfum a qrgeced vendor? �° Ys No Explain ali ye8 answers on separate sheet and attaCh to gYeen Sheet „� INTTIATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wtio� Whay When, Where� Why): The Division of Parks and Recreation requested that Human Resources study the composite duties of a group of positions to detercuine the appropriate classification. Our office detemuned that the positions should be allocated to the new classification titled Golf Program Outreach CoordinaCor. r: .. ADVANTAGE3IFAPPROVED: � ' - Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the new classification in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. . DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . Salary cost is $1072.47 biweekly and $27,991.47 yearly. MA� ��?��� , � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: , Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to the new classification. This may lunit the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire and retain qualified candidates who possess the kaowledge, skills and haining required. zoTni,anzoux�roa�sncrioN: COST(12EVENUE BUDGETED: Yes FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� G:\Shared\Org.Design\Consultant-LeBowVblichelle's Class Work\Gotf Ouheach Coordinator�Golf Program Ouireach Coordinator Green Sheetwpd , , , , , „ " ` " "„ � � � � � ROiFflI�3G ORDERc . , . . � � thes�xmost �,documenYs..' � }3elow�eeaiectrouhngs fr�N�t9P� ' ., „ „ � „ . � � � � �� siasts ' CQITDTCII. RESO �TION ameud b ) � � C01�TFRACTS�(assumes,atithonzed�budget ), �.. ( ndge!sle�Pt��s , �t,. �,Oublde' , ' � � 2 , ,Dep�nent �� � �� " � � � ��` . '����a; 2 QJ�Hice�'mancialS�vicesThtecEor .,' i . 3 , C �� 3 c �� � � � ',', ova 000' 4: As'astanf � "a forcontcac�, $7S � S: HumanRig�itis,(f�oont�dsover$50,000) � , S falyCo�c7- '. ' � _ 6: O�ceofFmencial;Secvices-AccounEiag �, 6 O�ceofEmanciatS�� , A�o�� . �- � � � �� �, � '"' � � , , � � �� , Bea�sion COUDiCIL itE50E:IITtON a11' oti�us aad ,I' Otd�¢oes �.nh�tszx.a�0itv�zs (Bua�a ) C ) iu �� Z A��vah'Mana$er�Depm�mentAcaounta°c � I7�. � � 2',�Depmtmentbuectoc° � � � �. h� � � � 3."OfficeofiFios�aLS�vicesDirecbar 3 �Maya�lAs�fanti ` � � � �C�C�' 4 Cily�Ca�l � -� - F' Serva 5 ' , af mancial , . Office A�6ng � � r, � � . � „ , . , S' � ORbERS (�othecs) � E�GUTi�fE ORDER " �� `�` .m�iln�y il Ilr , I:�„ i � 4 i i i i i, i , , i- y�i' i J,"' i 4 'i � ��IIt" Z � i � � � I. DttacOOr , �p������ � i �2.�'CL�tp� ��ey 2a e�.F t�: , �� ��� ' 3. Office'ofiFinancaaCSetvicesIDaecto� 3-, �faposFAx�t �� � �� e ' ��'� '' v �, � � �r �� �, '��� ��� ���� :����; ' , �,. ^i.-, � � � � � " r' � �: ' �C1a1c ' , � d. � �Gity� Cier�c � „ �9 � � ��� � ° �' � ' , � i TOTALN[�iffi�OESICs�1ATUREPACcES ,' �� ,i ; , � , , ' ,. � �� , � �# a�wttich�' are � �or ' wcho�rt4,eaG,P„aSe"s. � ,; Inilicste�, ofpages siBoa�aes reqmced ,$apes�P , 1�x� „� � �r „��, � � �� ,�. � �� � , �," � ' . �� �, �, " ,,,�� � :, � � � , , �� �:p� � �� � � , � �7� , �� AGT�ONR$QL7ESTFA :� � � ; �' I ! , "'� ,� I �� � � ,,. i D'e�'i{ewlrsttLepcol�s�kSWa�Isshmu9�ec,cLtono�cala��a�dera� ,��wtiichever�s ' " ��, � �� �� wnteca�mpl, 'E�aea���an�I�sC,w�thaeecb ' , "� � � Inost � � �, � �,� i , ; �xsatefa�tfie� Dondf , , � � ��� �i id,�;�� i� ��,; ' . 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Iawlcbmtaar ' I wliidi I , ANTAGES IF APP ' �F� b�Proce�ttereq�nt�bY „ „ ' whef�herthe�es��cwaysm the C`ety ot�Samtkaul and xts,cihzens �mllbenefitfrom tivspio,�ecY/ach�. � � 4, � � ,, - , i v, , „ ' ,�DLSAL�VAI3�`AGESI�APPI�OVED���' i �i � � � , '�,���� � � ' � �.��`� ' I'1 0 , x�e'� a� ta ��� ���dus 'ec��r�qae.sCProduce,if��+�s, �� � ypliet� effeds , ,ma1�d�8es �S Pas[P�ro�s�;,, P�J� �, �� ih,�. r,��p ,� � . 1 ' ,', (e g. tcaffic BeTeys, ao�se''te� mesea�s ar a�se.s�euts)? Tn wbo�z F�4 For �how,ton� ����, � � � , „ r i �� i i I a � i ii � �i ir '"9' i DLS�+.DV�AC�,S7F ,IZOTAPPROVED ' ' � I '�� � � I a, „ ' " . Wbst wr11 b�t�negahYe conseQoences fftbe pcomi.sed ac{ion is �not approv�? 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I i�,� � i��.i� , � � � F � � r � f � dnl� � Y �� fi �� � "� � O I �" M1 I �- .f �� C i 'f q� rl� ��al i°i R� i��i��[i� � i n � � i, li � i ,�. i i ; � � i4 r 9���� i i� V ur� � � �j� �� i � ��tji iil i U�� i tl'ii r i , il I., .�� ,�.. � Sril� l,i�nt, ',I ri i4�n,.I��pJ IIhIN�4����d��R�Jfv��ii� u�ti�(119;�f9i �I�rt ,.I�ia The City of Saint Paul Class Specification �_a�} Proposed Title of Class: GOLF PROGRAM OUTREACH COORDINATOR CODE: 2gAB BL3: Ol Effective: DESCRIPTION OB WORK General Statement of Duties: Under direcrion, develops, organizes, implements and markets golf to under-served populations; assists with operation of club house and concession sales. Assists with enforcement of rules, regularions and procedures of a municipal golf course, performs light maintenance and related duries as required. Suuervision Received: Works under the supervision of a golf pro/manager or Golf Course Superintendent. Sunervision Ezercised: Provides technical direction to volunteers, temporary workers, intems and other staff as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops, plans, coordinates, and markets outreach programs with underserved communiries including non - Bnglish speaking communities regazding the City's golf program. Assists in the set-up and operarion of special events. Creates gromotional material and activiries for the golf program. Assists with business development of golf programs including prepazation of financial reports and making necessary cash deposits. Acts as a liaison with community groups to include recruiting and marketing golf outreach programs. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an understanding of the game of golf including rules, conduct and etiquette. Demonstrates a basic understanding of maintenance activities involved in a municipal golf course including: urigating, fertilizing, repairing and mowing turf, pruning trees and bushes, and applying chemicals to turf. Demonstrates ability to operate small mowers, trimmers, small ufility vehicles and golf carts. Demonstrates the ability to assist in sales and in the rental of all available concessions, equipment and merchandise; assist with selling rickets and merchandise and assists with registration for lessons. Demonstrates ability to plan and organize own work and to adapt quickly to change. Demonstrates ability to plan projects involving organization of tasks and to identify appropriate materials and resources necessary for programs. Demonstrates an ability to effecrively listen, speak, write and interact with public and staff customers including community groups and other private and non-profit agencies. Demonstrates the ability to influence and advocate for business development of a municapal golf course. Demonstrates the ability to learn the operations of a municipal golf course including the policies and procedures and ability to impart the Imowledge to others. Demonsh�ates the ability to use a broad range of job-related software such as e-mail, word processing, spreadsheet, and database management applications. GOLF PROGRAM OUTREACH COORDINATOR Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: GOLF PROGRAM OUTREACH COORDTNATOR CODE: 284B BU: o� �_a�t� Effective: Demonstrates an ability to be an effective team member by accepting assigiments willingly and completing assignments wit2rin agreed upon timelines. Demonstrates leadership qualiries such as flexibility, dependability, pmmctuality, and accountability. Demonstrates an ability to idenrify and respond to the needs of customers and cirizens and acts as resources to other coworkers in order to resolve customer service issues. 1VfIl�IMZ3M Qi3ALIFICATIONS High School graduation or GID equivalency. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver`s license or equivalent out-of state driver's license with no suspensions or revocarions within the two-year period prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parldng- related offenses excluded). Experience worldng with non - English spealdng populations setting up rectearional, education or social programs. Certain posirions may require reading, writing, and spealdng fluently in a second language, Specific language fluency will be identified by particulaz vacancy. GOLF PROGRAM OUTREACH COORDINATOR Page 2 OFFTCE OF HIJMAN RFSOURCES Angela S. Nale�y, Dirumr SAtNi PAOL � AAAA CITX OF SAINT PAUL Randq C. ICeItY, N+aYo* 400 Ciry HallAnttez TO: FROM: DATE: RE• Bob Bierscheid, Director Parks and Recreation Michelle LeBow, Human Resources Consultant O�ce of Human Resources Pebivary 22, 2005 Twcnty Day Notice 25 West Fcun3e Sneet Se�ntPmd, Mua�esor¢ 55 3 02-7 63 1 Faaimiles: o5-a�►� Teiephone: 65I-266-6500 JoWuie 651-266-6502 4'� Floor: 65I-292-7656 657-266•8886 i`"Ftoor: b51-2bb-6495 Co �x � m N U7 c<; � _: � �.. ��, i ' �'' ',�;_ � G - • � N i- (- o c� c_. r" r � t.: Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C), this letter is to inform you that a new classi�fication of Go1f Program Outreach Coordinator will be placed in Grade 21 of the AFSCME Clerical bargaining unit # 2508 salary schedule. Please review the proposed classification specification and contact me ifyou have any questions or concerns no later than Mazch 11, 2005. The Twenty-Day Notice period ends on Mazch 14, 2005. I can be reached by e-mail at michelle.lebow(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us or by telephone at 651f266-6514. a-t, �n_ � I have received this memoranduxn and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day Public Notice. ���-�X � ' .� � '�3 S ignature � Date G:�Shazed\Org.Design\Consultant-LeBow�Nlichelle's Class Work�20 day.firedept.doc u_.. _.,_. __._.._. _ .�.,,.,..�,_�.� _- --- � ra e i Michefle LeBow_ RE� Goff Pr�ram Outreach Coordinator ____ _____ �._._ .__._ 9_-_=1 From: "Kurt Errickson" <Kurt.Errickson@afscmemn.org> To: "Michelle LeBow" <Michelle.LeBow@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Dafe: 3!9/2005 4:13:41 PM Su6ject: RE: Golf Program Outreach Coordinator Hi Michelle, Your email and reminder are very much appreciated. I discussed the proposed titie with �nce Gi{lespie and the 2508 Executive Board. AFSCME is unopposed to the new position. You can move forward with the Council Resolution as soon as you like. Thanks again - KuR Errickson Business Rep. AFSCME Council 5 —Original Message--- From; Michefle LeBow jmaiito:Micheile.LeBowQci.stpaul.mn.us} Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2D05 3:58 PM To: Kurt Errickson Subject: Fwd: Golf Program Outreach Coordinator Dear Kurt, I am contacting you to sign the Golf Progrem Outreach Coordinator. Piease see attached. The 20 day notice ends March 14, 2005. 1f i do not hear from you, 1 wiil move fonvard with the Councif Resofution. Thank you, Michelle Michelle LeBow City of Saint Paul Phone 651-266-6514 Fax 651-292-7656 micheile.febow@ci. stpaul.mn.us www.ci.stpaut. mn. usijobopenings