05-239Council File # .
Resolution #
Green Sheet # �V� (DU� '�"
Presented By
Referred to
� L�
Committee: Date
1 WI�REAS, the City and Allied Management Company
2 entered into an agreement, dated January 18, 2001, allowing Allied
3 Management Company to provide management and operation of Wategate
4 Marina, and
5 WFIEREAS, the City and Allied Management Company wish to
6 amend the agreement to permit Allied Management Company to provide
7 dockage and/or storage within Watergate Marina to vessels licensed by the
s City to provide cruise and/or charter service, now, therefore, be it
9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes City
l0 officials and staff to amend the January 18, 2001, agreement with Allied
11 Management Company to permit Allied Management Company to provide
12 dockage and/or storage within Watergate Marina to vessels licensed by the
13 City to provide cruise and/or charter service.
Green Sheet Green St�eet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
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PR — Pazks and Recreatiqn
Date lnitiated:
10-MAR-05 , Green Sheet NO: 3025664
' I �/
� ContaG Person & Phone:
- Vince Gillespie
266-6408 ! pssign
� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): � Number
� Routing
i Order
Total # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Lowtions for Signature)
MAR 11 2005
Authorize the Division of Pazks and Recrearion to aznend a 7anuary 18, 2001, agreement with Allied Management Company to pemrit
Allied Management Company to provide dockage and/oz stoiage within Watetgate Marina to vessels licensed Uy the City tn p[ovide
cruise and/or charter service.
or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
I Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
! Saint Paul Pazks and Reciearion wishes to amend a 7anuary 1&, 2001, agreement with Allied Management Company to pemut Allied
� Managemern Company to provide dockage and/or storage within Watergate Marina to vessels licensed by the Ciry to provide cruise
i and/or charter service. The City believes that a cmise and/or charter service would be a beneficial amenity to Watergate Mazina.
AdvanWges IfApproved:
Saint Paul residents and visitors would have a new cruise and/or cl�arter service and recreation amenity avaffable in Watergate Marina.
The Ciry believes that a cruise andloT charter service would be a beneficial amenity to Watergate Macina.
DisadvanWAes !f Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
A new, Watergate Marina crnise andlox charter service would not be available to Saint Paul xesidents and yisitors.
otal Amount of � �
Fundinn source: License Fee
Deoa�t[neM Ser�tTOPerson �mnavua[e ^
0 ks a d Recreation I� 3' ) C'Jj ,
I im Attoruev I ��
2 � avo�_O�ce i !
3 Council
4 ar an R rearion
Personal Service Contracts Must
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curzent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answe�s on separnte sheet and attach to green sheet
CosURevenue Budgeted: N
Activitv Number. 330-23160
Financial Information: $S,OOO license fee paid to the City of Saint Paul.
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THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT (the "Amendment"), dated as of the
_ day of Mazch, 2005, by and between the CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, a Minnesota
municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (the "City") and Allied
Management, a corporation registered in the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called "ALLIED",
Wf�REAS, the City and the ALLIED have entered into an Agreement, dated as ofJanuary
18, 2001(the "Agreement") in connection with the Management and Operation of Wategate Marina
by ALLIED; and
HEREAS, the City and the ALLIED wish to amend the agreement to permit ALLIED to
provide dockage and/or storage within the Marina to vessels licensed by the City to provide cruise
and/or charter service;
NOW, THEREFORE, Parties, in consideration of the promises and covenants herein, agree
as follows.
1. Subsection 6.2.7 of the Agreement is amended as follows:
6.2.7 To not rent dockage or storage to any individual or entity whose primary
purpose is to conduct business at that location, or knowingly allow any of its
customers to temporarily or permanently conduct retail or commercial transactions
within WATERGATE mazina except as provided in This does not preclude
slip holders from entertaining guests, nor does it prohibit slip holders from
conducting personal business or wark related to their employcnent while on their
boat. To allow ALLIED to enter into an agreement to rent dockage and{or
storage within WATERGATE mazina to a cruise vessel operation having a
license with the City of Saint Paul to operate as a cruise and/or charter
service using the Watergate Marina location. Any such dockage/storage
agreement must contain a provision which allows for termination of the
dockagefstorage in the event of termination of the license by the City to
operate the service from that location.
2. Except as herein amended, a11 terms and provisions of the Management Agreement
as originally executed as of January 13, 2001 shall remain in full force and effect.
IN WI"I'NESS VJ�IEItEOF, the parties hereto have caused this document to he executed
on the date fust written above.
Assistant City Attorney
Allied Management Company
Director of Parks and Recreation
Director of Financial Services