234703 . OriQinal to CIty�Clerk ''' •' � ! � , � � ORDINANCE 23��Q°� COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� �� ' An ordinance authorizing and providing for the _ _ issuance and sale by the City of Saint Paul of Sewage Disposal System Bonds , Series 1g67E, of said City of Saint Paul , in the aggregate par value amount of . �1, 150, 000, authorized by Chapter 341, Minneaota Session Laws for 1933, as amended; Chapter 445, Minnesota Statutes 1965, as amended, for the pur- pose of the procuremen� of funds in said amount for application in par`t'ial payment of the duly apportioned obligation of said City of Saint Paul for the payment , ' of the cost of that portion of the expansion of the sewage system and- treatment plan.t of Minneapolis- Saint Paul Sanitary °District proposed to be constructed ` in the years i967 and 1968, and to constitute 'part of the expansion thereof proposed to be constructed in its entirety during the years 1g63, 1964, 1g65, 1g66, 1g67 � and 1968, such sewage system and treatm-ex�t plant having been and to continue to be established and maintained for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage , an.d waste materials, used by said City of Saint Paul jointly with the City of Minneapolis, and comprising and to continue to comprise a part of the complete plan ' of sewage and waste material collection, treatment, and disposal system of said Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, as authorized by said Chapter 341, Minnesota Session Laws for 1933, as amended (Chapter 445, Minnesota Statutes �g65, as amended) . � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the City of Saint Pa�.l shall issue and , sell the Sewage Disposal System Bon.ds of the City of Saint Paul in the par value amount of One Million One Flundred Fifty Thousand Dollars (�1, 150, 000) authorized by Chapter 341, Minnesota Session Laws for 1933, as amended; Chapter 445, Minnesota Statutes ig65, as amended, for the pu�pose of the procurement of the necessary funds in said amount for the partial payment of the portion of the cost of the construction to be carried out during 1:g67 and 1g6s of such uncompleted part of said proposed expansion of the Sewage Disposal System of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, due from said City of Saint Paul , and apportioned to�' said City for payment, on su`ch account, p.ursuant to�the provi- sions of said Chapter 341, 1Kinnesota Session Laws for i933, as amended; Chapter 445, Min.nesota St•atutes 1g65, as amended, the presently estimated cost of egpansion of the sewage system . and treatment plant of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary�- District being in the estimated and probable amount of �27 , 150,000, the City of Saint Paul ' s assigned and apportioned share thereof being in the presently estimated and probable f total amount of �11,777,6�0, said City having heretofore issued and sold its general obligation bonds in the amount of �10,615,000 � � Yeas Councilmen ' Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ' _ Dalglish - .� Holland In Favor ' Meredith Against � w .. � Pete�,son � Ted'esco . . Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: `y . City Clerk Mayor � �O � Form approved Corporation Counsel By . � 2�;�'f�� ' Page 2, i�� p . for the purpose of providing fun.ds to pay a part of its duly , assigned and apportioned obligation of said total amount of , �11,'777,670. That said sewage disposal system bonds of the - City of Saint Paul hereby authorized to be issued and sold. ,.-:���' . shall be designated "Sewage Disposal System Bonds , Series . ` 1967E!'; and the proceeds of the issuance and sale of the same shall be applied only to the said balance of partial payment of said apportioned obligation of the City of Saint Paul in the aforesaid estimated and probable amount of �11,777 ,6'70 for the payment of : cost of construction of such part of such pro- posed expansion of the sewage disposal plant, said expansion to be carried forward during the years sg67 and �:968. Section 2. That said bonds shall be authorized by reso- lution of the Council of the said City of �Saint Paul , and shall be in the form of serial bonds and the same shall bear such date ' , and �mature at such times as such resolution sh all prescribe ; � provided that the first installment of said bon.ds shall mature , not later than three (3) years from and after the date of the , �.ame and the las t installment of said bonds shall mature not - ,,;,�� ' later than thirty (30) years from and after the date of the same ; that no amount of principal of said bonds payable �in an.y,� - calendar year shall exceed two and one-half (22) times the amount of the smallest amount of principal maturing in an.y calendar year ending three (3), years or more af ter the date of issue of the �� same ; and that said bonds shall be issued and sold by said City � of Saint Paul in the manner provided by law. That said bonds � shall be in such denominations as the Council shall prescribe by such resolution and shall bear interest not in excess of five percent (5�0) per annum payable semiannually according to interest coupons to be attached to the same ; that said bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Council of said City and approved by its Corporation Counsel ; and that said bonds shall bear such interest as said City Council shall prescribe and ' _ shall be sold by said City Council for not less tYian par value . plus accrued interest, to the highest bidder therefor, after ten days ' publis'hed notice 'of the time and place for receiving bids thereon. That the proceeds from the issuance an d sale of said bonds , � as received by said City , shall be deposited by it in the Sinking Fun.d of said City or in a Special Fund of said City and allocated thereto and subject to disbursement onTy for the purposes aforesaid. That the full faith and credit o� said City of Saint Paul hereby are irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds and the proceeds of the issuance and sale of said bonds hereby are appropriated and shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Section �.. That said bonds of said City of Saint Paul shall be payable in lawful money of the - United States of America. , . - �; Section -3. That each of said bonds shall be sealed_ by ��` ' the facsimile of the Official Seal of said City lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested by the lithographed _facsimile signature of its City Clerk and countersigned manually by�the City Comptroller, and each interest coupon thereto attached shall be signed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of its said Officers . � i Orlginai to City Clnrk • " . , � ORDINANCE 2������ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ✓ D — Page 3. Sec�ion 4. That said City' s proper officers hereby are authorized, directed and required to set aside annually from the revenues of said City an amount sufficient for the payment of the intere�st on said hereby authorized bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in such year and hereby are authorized, directed and required to make a sufficient tax levy for the pay- . ment of the same under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes sg65 , as amen.ded. The provisions of this Section are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and credit of said City for the payment of said bonds and are not in lieu of such pledge. � Section 5 . That the principal and interes.t coming due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of the said tages shall be paid promptly when due out o� the general fun.ds of said ' City of Saint Paul, and reimbursement therefor shall be made when said taxes shall have been received. Before the said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser, the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall obtain from the County Auditor and deliver to the purchaser a certificat�e of the County Aaditor that the issue has been entered on his re�ister and that a tag has been levied as required by laz}�, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 475 , Minnesota Statutes ig65, as amended. Such taxes shall be collected and payment thereof enforced at the same time and with and in like manner as other tages of the City of Saint Paul, and when collected shall be used solely for pay9i;ng�the interest and principal of said bonds when. and as the same shall ma ture. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage , approval a.n.d publication. "�'�, - - - SEP 1 1���' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor / Holland (_ Meredith � � Against '�� Peterson ��' SEP 1 1��� Mr. President rne App ed: est: , , `. . Clerk Mayor � �O ' Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISH�ED sEP 91967 Dnpllcate to Printer ' � ^ �� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO �~ e � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- � �� �� An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and eale by the City of Saint Paul of Sewage Disposal 5ystem Donds, Seriea ig67E, of said City of Saint Paul, in the aggregate par value amoun.t o� �1, 150,000, authorized by Chapter 341, Minnesota Session La��s �or 1933, as amended; Ch�pter 445, Minne�ota Statutes ig65, aa amended, for the pur- pose of the procurement of funds in said amount for application in partial payment of the duly apportioned obligation of said City o� Saint Paul for the payment o� the cost o� that portion of t�e egpansion of t�ie eewage system and treatment plant of Minneapolis- Saint Paul Sanitary District propoeed to be constructed in the years ig67 and 1968, an.d to constitute part o� the expansion thereof proposed to be constructed in its entirety during the years 1963, 1g64, 1g65, 1g66, 196'7 and �.g68, such sewage system and treatment plant having been and to continue to be eatabli�hed an.d maintained �or the collection, treatment and diepoaal of sewage and �,�t�ste matori�,ls, used by said City o� Saint Paul �ointly with the City o� Minneapolis, and comprising and to Qontinue to comprise a part o� the eomple te plan � o� sewage and waste material colleetion� treatment� and disposal system o� said Minneapolia-Saint Paul Sanitary District, as authorized by said C�apter 341, ���.�n.esuta �ession L�,ws for 1933, as amended (Chapter 4�5, Mi�n.esota Statutes �.g65, as amended) . TI� COUATCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN': Section 1. Th�t the City of Saint Paul shall issue and sell the Sewage Disposal System Bonds of the City o� S�.int Paul in the par value amount of One Million One IIundred Fifty Thousand Dollars (�1, 150,000) authorized by Chapter 341, Min.nesota Session Laws �or i933, as amended; Chapter 445, DSinnesota Statutes 1965, as amended, �or the pt��r.pose o� the procuremont o� tho neceasary funds in said amount for the partial payment o� the portion of the cost o� the constructio� to be carried out during ig67 and , �.968 of such unaompleted part oY said proposed expansion of the Sewaga Disposal System of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, due �rom said City o� Saint Paul, and apportioned to said City �or payment, on sueh account� �rursuant £oi-the provi- aions o� said Chapter 341, riinnesota Session Laws for �.933, ae amended; Char,ter 445, Minnesota Statutes 1965, as amended, the presently estimated cost o� egpansion of the sewage system and traatment plant of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul a��Qita�y�: District being in the estimated and probable amoun.t of �27 , 150,000, the City of Saint Pau]. ' s assigned and apportioned share thereo� being in the presontly estimated and probable total amount of �11,77�,6�0, said City having hereto�ore isaued and aold ita general obligation bonds in the a.mount o� �10,615,000 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Ca,rlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By ��`���C� '>� Page 2. ¢� . - _ f�-loJ for the purpose of providiizg funcls to pay a part of its cluly assignecl and apportionecl obli�ation of said total amount of �11,777, 670. That said sezvage clisposal system l�onds of the Ci:ty o� Saint Paul hereby authorized to be issued and sold shall be designat�d "Sewage Disposal System Bonds , Series� � 1g67���; aizd i;he proceeds of the iss�.iance and sale of the same shall be applied only to the said balance of partial paynient of said apportionecl obligation of the City of Saint Paul in the aforesaid estimated and probable amount of �11,?77, 670 for the payment o� cost of construction or such part of such pro- posed expansioil of the seivage disposal plant , said expansion ' to be carried forward during the years sg67 and 1968. Section 2 . That said bonds shall be authorized by reso- lution of the Council of the said City of Saint Paul , and shall be in the form of serial bonds and the same shall bear such date ' , and mature at such times as such resolution sh all prescribe , provided that the first installment of said bonds shall mature not later than three (3) years from and after the date of the �a�iie and the last installr,:ent of saicl bonds shall mature not later thari thirty (30) years from and after the date of the same ; that no amount of principal of said bonds payable in any � calendar year shall exceed two and one-half (22) times the amount of the smallest amount of p'rincipal maturing in any calendar year ending th ree (3) years or more aSter the date of issue of the same ; and that said bonds shall be issued and sold by said City of Saint Paul in the manner provided by law. That said bonds shall be in such denominations as the Council shall prescribe by such resolution and .shall bear interest not in excess of � five percent (5�/0) per annum payable semiannually accordin.g to interest coupons to be attached to the same ; that said bonds shall be in the forrn prescribed by the Council of said City and approved by its Corporation Counsel ; and that said bonds shall bear such interest as said City Council shall prescribe and " shall be sold by said City Council for not less than par value plus accrued in�;erest, to the highest bidder therefor, after ten days ' published notice of the time and place for receiving bids thereon. That the proceeds from the issuance ancl sale of said bonds , as received by said City , shall be deposited by it in the Sinking Fund of said City or in a Special Fund of said . City and allocated thereto and subject to disbursement only for the purposes aforesaid . That i;he full faith and credit of said City of Saint Paul hereby are irrevocably pledged for the • prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds and the proceeds of the issuance and sale of said bonds hereby are appropriated and shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Section 1 . That said bonds of said City of Saint Paul shall be payable in lawful money of the United S�;ates of America. ' Section 3. That each of said bonds shall be sealed by the facsimile of the Of�icial Seal of said City lithograplied thereon and signed by the lithographecl facsimile sign.ai;ure of i�;s Mayor, attested by the 3ithographed facsimil:e S1bI11tllx'P of its Ci�;y Clerl� and couni;ersigned manually by' the City Comptroller, and �each interest coupon � therei;o attachecl shall be sigiled by the lithographed facsim�ile signatures of its . said Officers . " - , . Dupllcate to Prtnter " � ' � � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO t ��� � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � l! PB�;e 'j. See�ion 4. That said City� s proper o�f3.oers hereby are authorized, direated and required to set agide annually �rom �'` the revenues o� said City an amount au��iQient for the payment -�. of the int��tes� on said hereby authorized bonds and the prinQipal of any such bonds maturing in suQh year and hereby �re authorizeda direoted �nd require d to make a su��icient tag Ievy for the pay— ment o� the s�.me under and pursuant to the provisiona o� Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutea �.965, as amended. The provisions of this Seetion are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and credit o� said City for the p�yment af said bonda and are not in lieu of such pledge. Secstion 5, That the prinQipal and intere6t ooming due prior to the reeeipt of the proceede of the said tagee shall be paid promptly when due out o� the general fun.ds of eaid City of Saint Paul, t�,nd reimbursement there�or shall be made 4�. when said ta.ges shall have been reQeived.. ;Be�ore th,e said � -w bonds shall be delitiered to the purchaser, ths� CounQil o� the , City of Saint Paul ahall obtain �rom the Count�y Auditor and deliver to the purcha�er a certifioate o� the County A�ditor that the is�ue hae been entered on his re�iater and that a tax has been levied as required by lay�, in aocorda.nce with the � provisions of Chapter 47y, M3nnesota Statutes 1965, a� amended. Such taxes shall be colleoted and payment thereof en�oraed at the same time and with and in l�.ke manner�tas othor ta:�es of the City o� Saint Paul, and when collected ahall be utted solely �or pay�n��!�the intereat and prinaipal of said bonde when and se the eame ahall ma ture. Section 6. Thia ordinan.ve ehall take e�feot and be in Yoroe thirty days a�ter its passage, approval and publiQation. �Ep 1 1967 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C ncil Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith l� Against Peterson �G��-- SEP 1 1g6Y Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form appro�ed Corporation Counsel By � � ' . � - r� i � I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and epp.��,�—Adopted � Yeas Neys Yeas Nays @arlset� �arlson \ � Dalglish Dalglish �' -��.,., �3�`�� olland Holland � �vleredith ` Meredith �Peterson � \ Peterson \Tedesco tT,�vesc�— \ Mr. President Byrne � Mr. President Byrne �O