234697 , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK !-����"ft� � CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL ND_ �d � 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE Victor J. Tedesco ���� F Auq�zst 17, T967� WHEREAS, The Counc.il of the City of Saint Pa�l is informed by the City Arcliitect that the vacant and open building located at 11T W. King Street in the City of Saint Paul is a proximate , hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and . WHEREAS,, The last record ow�er of said property, Charles W. and Edna G. Bun�ly, has failed to secure the same against entry by unauthoriz.ed persons in �ialation of Section 192..L8 of the Saint Paul Legi5lative Code; and WHEREAS, The $aid vacant arid open building is found and dete�cmined by the Council of the City of Saint Paul to ��ortstitute a menace to the public health, welfare artd saf.ety, and a pub].i� nuisance, which must be immediately abated to prevent loss of life or property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the City .�rchitect is �authorized and directed to immediately secure said building by the use of City forces or contract labo�r, pending the �initiation of proceedings under the hazardous buildings act; and be it FURTH-�,R RESOLVED, That the expense of securing such building be" paid out of Fund No. 0976, Wrecking Buildings, and that the Corporation Gounsel be direc-ted to take approp�iate actiort to reimburse said fund by action against the owner of said property, A�� 17 ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 1 � � Dalglish � Approved ' 19_ � Holland Tn Favor � Meredith ��.4�%�. g�- (� � Mayor Tedesco � . ASa�st ����.� �'�:::���i��,��P'��::_::� Mr. Vice President ( rson �����S��LI AUG �.'� �9�� �22 DUrLICATE TO rRINT6R •)"{���� r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. :v �' � _ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY ViCt�� J�. �ede.�co Aug�St 17! �.967 __ COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS., The C�unc�]. �o� t�e City of. Saint Pau1 is �.�formed ' by the City.A�chitect that the vacant and open buildie�g located at 111 W. K3ng Street i.n th.e �i.ty o€ Saint Pa�al is � prbxima�e ha�a.rd �o the ,p�ablic hea],t�,. we,lfare and safetyg �nd WHEI�EAS, The la,st, record owner of said p�opert.�y, Cha�le�� W. �nd Edna G, Bt�r�d�, ha� failed to sectare the same against entry by unaut,horized perso.�s �.n v�ol�tion of Se�tio� 192.16 of the Sa�.nt Pau1 �.eg��lative Code; a�d WH€REAS, The sa��l vacant and open bt��.�.dir�g is fvund and determined by the Cou.�cil of �he �3�y :of Saint Pa�l to constit�te a m�nace to the p�b1iG hea].th- w.el�are arid sa�ety� and a public nuisance, which mt�st be immed�.ate1� abated to prevent .lbs5 of �.3,fe or proper�y; r�o.w, the.refoae�, be 3� � . RESOLV�D, By the �ot�nC�.1 of the �i�y of Sa�.nt Pa�l, that the City Archi:tec� is�* autho��zed an,d di�ected to. �nmediately secure sa�.d bui.]:dir�g by ��e use of e�:ty fo�ces or corrt�act labor, pencling �t�e in�:t�.at3.on of proceedings �nder the haz�rdous 1au31dings act; ar�d be it . , FtIRTI��#� RESOLVED, That �the gxpen�e of secus3,ng such build�.ng . � be pa�.d �ut bf F�nd No. 0976,, �ireck3ng Build3.ngs, ��id that the �o�p.qratior� Cour�$e1 be directed to �ak:e appropri.ate actiorf to reiraburse said f�r�d by action ag��n$t the own�r cif said p�op�rty. , �u� i � 1��� . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays �� � � 1�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Meredith , Favor �o-� (� . Mayor Tedesco A gainst ................. ... .. ...•�::;�;:::�:_:: ��ie���:'- �E::::::e" Mr. Vice President jPeterson) �22