234696 / � � `ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � s CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. L�6�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ����� „�,i��� AUC�USt 17, 1967 COMMISSIONER Victor J. Tedesco WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul is informed by the City Architect that the vacant and open building located at 569 Iglehart Ave� in the�;'��ity of Saint Paul is a praximate hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and _ WHER�AS, The la.st record owner of said property, Marie E. �ahr has failed to secur�e the same aga�inst ent�ry by unauthorized - persons in violation of Section 192.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, The said vacant and`�open building is found and determined by the Council of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to the public health, welfare and safety, a nd a public nuisance; which must be immediately abated to prevent loss of life or property; nowr therefore, be it , RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the Gity Archi-tect is authorized and directed to immediately secure said building by the use of City forces or contract labor, . pending the initiation of proceedings under the hazardous buildir�gs act; a�d be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the expense of sec�zring such building be paid out of Fund No. 0976, Wrecking Buildings, and that the , Corporation Counsel be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse said fund by action against the owner of said property. � � 7196� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays � � ] �9�a Carlson , Dalglish � Approved 19_ Holland Tn Favor � Meredith 1 �e�ersarr - lJ �t;$16d,�- Mayor Tedesco � •� A$ainst ' �f"��'F��"'��""€ PUBLISHE6 AUG 191967 iVLr�Vicg�President (Eeterson) �22 �. ,.... 2��6�� DU►LICAT6 TO rRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ' r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER V�(stOf` J� TE?CIeSCO DATF Auqust 17�� �967 _ lA�-tEREAS; Tt�e .�ou.,�ci1 of the Cit�y of Sa3.n� Pau�. #.s �.nformed by the ��.ty A�ch3tect that the vaca�nt and open b��.lding located at 56� �glehar� Ave: �;n the �ity� of S�int Pat�� is a prox�mate ha�ard t4 the publ�.c Y��a�.�h, welfare a�d safet�r; and WHEI�€A�� The last �e�o�d owner o� said p�operty, i Ma��.e E. Pahr �as failed �o.,secure, �he sam,e,-.�ga�.n&� etntFy by ana�thQrized person$ 9.r� violat3:oM of �ec�lon 192.18 of the �a�nt Paul' � Legi�la�ive Eod�; and ' . - � WH�REASy The sa3d v�a�ant and�..op.en. b�ildir�g �:,� found and determ3.n�d by the Cotancil di the C�.ty q� Sa�nt �Fau1 to cor�.�t�.t�te a menace �o the p�bli� k�ea�.th, welf�re and $afe�y, a nd a publ�c �uisar��e� Which mus� be. 9.mmed�.a�tely �b��ed to p�r�eWent �.oss of l�:fe or ��ope���; noW� t�e�efo�e�, be �.'t RESOLVED; By the C.ou���.l o� the C3.ty of Sa�.nt Paul� that the �ity ArcY�i�eGt �.5 a��ho�3zed ar�d d�.reC't,ed �o immed�.ately seEu�e sa�d build�n b�r the usp of Gity £orce� o� eont�ac� labor, pend3.�ng the ini�ia��on o.f p�oceed�ngs u�der the haz�rdbus bu�ld3.ngs ��t� ���d .be �it � , F�?RTHER F,E�OLVED,� TY�a�t �he expense o� seeu�3ng st�c� bui�.d�:ng be paid o�t of Fund No. 097b, Wreckir�g B��ld3ngs, and �ha� tlie �orporation �o�r��e1 be d3rec:ted to -�ake� approp��.ate act�o�: to reimburse said �cand b�r actior� against the owner of sa�.d propet�y. , , . . AUG 17 1�6� _ COUNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya ' Carlson ' �� � 7 ���� Dalglish , Approved- 19_ Holland Favor Meredith / p rS n . � �8y0I' Tedesco A Sau►st ` ��:�:��g���°�°:`•.;�:: Mr. Vice President (PeEerson) ' �22