234687 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FoENCi� NO. �� _ I,ICENSE COI�TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUIy,CIL RES LU ION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE �. '�� .A�l.gl7.3'Fi 1.7� �.767 DATE RESOLVED= That licenses for permi.t to conduct Bingo Games, applied for by the following orgazizations� at the addresses sta.ted, for thedays, dates� and hours indicated on each application� be and the same are hereby granted. ,Juan D�.e�o �lub 167 kF. 7th St� 52 Pds �pp. 17lt27 Renewal Catholic Athletic Assn. 156 W. 9th st. 20 �� " T7t�28 �� , Auxi.liary Eischen-Ackerman Post No. i7�.5, V. F. W. 3l�� Uni.versity Ave. - �� ' 52 Pas. 171�1�.8 �� Each appn for series of games Informally approved by �ouncxl A�s dated on appn. - � ��G 17 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � 7 �� Dalglish � Approved 19� Holland Tn Favor r�� Meredith T� p-�r���l � Mayor Tedesco - Against �1��� ��:'�.���i�f`?��i�r'::.... Mr. rVice Pres;dent (Peterson� - PUBLISHED AU� �.91961 . �22