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234685 � r Odain�l to City Cletk� • � ��,_ � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 23����� - PRESENTED BY "�4����'� � ORDINANCE NO � P�/ . � ' An ordinance amending Ordinance No. ?607, entitled: � "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the manimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Clas si.fied Service of the City, " ' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same i�,�hereby further amended by strsking out the speci.fications for the title "Manager of Park Refectories", and by substituting in lieu thereof the following specifications: -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays � Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland � Meredith Against Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: • City Clerk •a r� �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B __ , Original to Clty Cletk�• � -� ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO ���"'� PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO �� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect 2.nd be in force on the first day of the first payroll period thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. . . -3- SEP 1 196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson 6 Dalglish Tn Favor /� Holland ' �j Meredith � � Against Peterson ��� �EP 1 196�' r. resident (B � e • , Ap o ed: A st• - , C' Cler Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' PUBLISH�fD SEP . 9 ���� � 2346�� . Title of class: • 1 � '1�� � MAn?AGER OF PARK REFECTORIES T�u�ie s and re sponsibilitie s: � Under supervision, �o have charge of tihe planning and . � administra•�ion of the revenue-producing programs and refectories xn the Departmenz of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings; aizd to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To supervise and direct the work of employees in the operation of th� revenue-prodL�cing programs 'and the refectori�s. To supervise �he o�aeraf:io'n of t-he ski and golf p�ograms. To supervise the lifp gu.ards and water safety inst-ructors at municipal beaches and paols. To recommen� �che developmenti of new programs. To protnote and publici;e existing and uew revenue-producing � programs. To inform the public of �he available programs and thei� details. To mainL-�in a saf�ty �rogram in �he operation of the programs and re�'�ctories. 7o colleci: azid check cash receipts. �'o reva.e-w requisitions for supplies and equipment. To check inventories. To recorr�mend purchases of supplies to the Purchasing Agent. To make recornmendation� on contract� for concessions and golf prof�ssionals. To prepare forms for use in the operation of the programs 'and refectories. To writ-e reports and mafie recommendations. To rnaintiain records. Minimum qualifications: College graduation and L-wo years' experience in busine�s man�gemenc �haf: tends $o qualif}r, or high school graduation and six years' experience in business managemen� that tends to qualifST. . -2- ✓ �ITY CLERK ,� - L ,' - ������ . � �� �� +�1��'��5� .��i's���Q� �'���� �M. ���`�� ���� , ����a�+�������,� �� ��� �.�����i����� . ' �� �������������� ��� � ����� ����� �� , ��+��as.��a�� �#��������c�► ��� ����« � . ��+�'�i��'�'f���� 9��, ���, ��� �.�� - ' �;�`�� e��+�� +p�3�` �� �� � �� �'��� ��� ��.�ts � , . ��f#� �� '�1� �a�_����lt�. ��it��� ��r�'�� ��t��� :���. . ��'��� �q� ��zd�, �� �u�,� ��� ��! 'i'��'��r �i��� ������t� ���� �u�� �+��'����� ��G'�� ���� �����i�t��������+€�'��+���; �c�� �a����:i����� ��i�u�������� ���t�°���+��1�t�.*. i ik�� . � � . . �,��"`�� Title of class: � ��D� MAI\TAGER OF PARK REFECTORLES Du�ie s and re sponsibilii:ie s: Under supervision, to have charge of the planning and administration of the re�renue-producing programs and refectories in the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings; and to perform relatecl work as assigned. Ex�.mpl�s of work performed: To supervi�e and direct f:he work of employees in the operation . of �he revenue-producing programe and t�he refectiories. To supervise the operation of t��e ski and golf programs. ' To supervise tlie life guards and water safety instructors at ' municipal beaches and pools. To recommend the clevelopment of new programs. To promote aiid publicize exis�ing and new revenue-producing programs. �To inform the public of the av.�ilable programs and thcii details. � To maint3in a safety program in i�he operation of the programs � and refectories. To collect and check cash receipts. To review requisitions fo� supplies and �quipment. To check inventories. To recommend purchases of supplies to the Purchasing Agent. ` - To rnake recommendations on contracts for concessions and golf professional.�. To prepare forms for use in S:he operatibn of the progxams and refectories. To write repor�s and make recommendations. - To rnaintiain records. • Minimum qualifications: College gradu3tion and two years� experience in business management that tiends $o qualify, or high school graduation and six years' experience in business management that tends to qualify. -2- � � � • . • <- � , . , - ,- - - . _ , - � r , , ��' . • - - '.. � - " _- . . - ' - : - - - ' = ' � , ' _ . ; • - . _ � - . . • - 4• .. � � ' . . . ' � 'L � " i � Y - � _ .. ' ' - � .. : . 2 _ _� -' �' , . � ' - ' � . " � . . � � • � � - _ ` - ' ' ' t � - . . - ' _ - _ � : � - '• ' - '- ._. � ` _ . _ . . = � � . r . . _ � _ . • ' . s ' - _ F . ^_ . . � .. . . _ - .' . ' ' ' s- " • � ' .: . .� ' ' � - - - .. , '_� , . '" � ' ` � - - .- � • �' ' �� . ' ' ti + � ' ' r ' w. • � �_ ' —� .. , t ' _ ' ' ' ' �; .. . ' '_' � , V - AUg. 17, 19h7• ' , " ' , . ' . . � _ � - - _ -. � - - �- - - � .� � .- - � ' - - � �.y � _ � . , � . _. , = - - - . � - . • � � � . •L ' " � � { _ �r Y _ ' ' � �` _ Mr.- Herbert�A� �yon,, - . � _- � • . - -.4 - - _ ; . . _ - , _ � , _ . ' . � ,Chief Examiner - Director of Personnel� : � ` . • - . : _ , . ' City'Civil Serviae Bureau: � ., , -� . - , " . _ . . _ ' . ' � _, �- , Dear Sir: . _ •_ - _ ' � , --" - + , - . - ' . ' The-City_ Council today �g irst.R in� to the folloFring _- , '. �- _ _ - ' ord�inances: - - _ �, � - - - _ _ . ` . _ -` � . _ - - . . _. � - .- .' - ' - ` '°= - ' . . � - � ' . C. F. 23�}684'_- Ameridin rQrd. , -3250�Raisir�g ��rade � • _ . , ' _ � = . �- . ' ' o =�of Itefectories". � .- - - - � � _ ,_ - _ - ' ,',- .' , : _ . - - _'` , -_..• _ - . ' . ` .` C� F. 23�+68� - ending Or . .No: 07 = New speC3- � _ ' - . ''� _ .' - � _� ' - ications fo "Mana�er of Park Refectori�s".: , . . � �_ , - - _ _ _ _ . .r ,- - _ : . ' , ,. ' �• � - - �'hird Reading a Approva f•Form will be on A�igust 25th•- = _ �- - �• _ , , ` •-_ -- � _ - ` • _ . _ - "` -- - . -- - - _ l � - --. °. - ` � - ' � + - : � , � - Very-truly� yaurs., .- � a � ._ .. : . - y _ , - , ... � . � � , ` . - _ ,-- " City Clerk� . " _ ` - - . . � - __ _hP _ . _ - - w -. ' - - �+ . Y - ' .w . � . �, _; : - ' -`� . - - ,-' . _ ; .. t • -. - _ . , . , - ; - _ ' -� , y i_� - -- - - • _ _' � • • , , r .R - - �- , � ' -- _ '' . , - ' •- _ ' _ ` - -, _. . . . _ t . .. . ^ k _ • . . . ' � � � . . . - •, ` '� � \ . . ' � � � - e ' _ :. . } ' ' � • � 4 . � t� - . - " ! _ " • �_ . r • - .•-. - . , - � � ` , : • � ,2 __� . _ �.. • � .- , - • � ' _' •. _' , . _ ' • ` . ' � . . ' .� . - �J � � . � � _ i. � ' ������ . ( ����^' ����� �� �� ���� �������� �'� ���������� ������p 4��� ����'�"��;�t��`������c��►� ����������.�.� �?��►�1�. �adt�t'�+!���� , ' ., � . , ' , �,�y�t� ���� , � VEP. 1 i95� - ��EP 1 1��� . , - . . s . . - . . , � . � � . � - , ,. , . . � `— � . . , , O ��� �s�' �� 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app � dopted 9 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �:atls n � "carison \Dalglish \Dalglish �Fiolland olland `Meredith 23����eredi+h � � . \ - Peterson b �Peterson \ � J °Tedesco T ' \ Mr. President Byrne . tylr. President Byrne �O