234676 OWIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���6..' J� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. �'' � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �¢'F August I6, I967 _ - WHEREAS, The Counci]. of the City of Saint Paul is informed by the Gity Architect that� the vacant and operi building located , at 277 Kent Street in the City of Saint Paul is a proxi.mate hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and WHEREAS, The last record owner of sai�l property, Flora D. Neil has failed to sec�tre the same against entry by unauthorized persons in violation of Section 192.I8 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, The said vacant arid operr buil�ling is fouhd and determined by tl�e Eouncil of the, City of Saint. Paul to constitute a menace ta the public health, welfare and safety, and a public nuisance, which must be immediately abated to p�event loss o� life or property; now, thereforej be it ' RESOLVED,. By the Courrcil of the City of Saint Paul, that the City Architect is authorized and directed to immediately secure said bui].ding by the use- of City forces or contract labor, pending the initiation of proceedings under the hazardous bui].dings act; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the expense of securing such building be paid out of Furid No� 09�76, Wrecking Buildir�gs, and that the Corporation Gounsel be directed to �ake appropriate action to reimburse sai.d fund by action against the owner of said property. A��, 1619��. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �� . � -�� l b l�fil D�gl-i�r Approved 19_ Holland � � � Tn Favor Meredith g�� U' Mayor Tedesco Against e'��►��' �:::��e � �� ��::::::::� ...o ,.. . ... .. � .w.. ..���:...��:....:.:::::: p� C� Mr. �/ice President (P�hitson}� ����� ��� �3 »�Q , - . �22 . � . DUrLICATE TO rRINTER 234�'�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , } - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER V�f!' T f� ��,�t 6' C�7 _ tQ3' . r Tedes .� DATF �1 (741_ . � � WHEREAS, Th,'e CounCi� of the, Ci�.y`of Saint P�aul 3s 3:n�o�rned 'by �he �it.y A�ch�tect �hat the vacant,and t�pen bu�:ld�ng l�icated � at 277 .Kent �treet i�n the �ity o� Saint Pa�]. is, a. proximate ��hazard to t�e p�b,lic he�l�h3 �we�.fare ar�d �afety; and �1HEREAS, The last recoFCl owne� of �aid p�op�erty, �lc,sa Dr Ne�.]. has failed to se�u�e the �same aga�.n.5� ex�tr}� by, unauthorized persons in vio�.at�oh o� Se�tion 192.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative �ode; and WHEREAS, The saici vaca�t and open bt�3.lding i� found� and � dete�mined by t�e �ounc3:1 �of the �ity o�' Saint PaWl to con�tit�ate a menace �c� �he p�blic 'hea�.th; we�fare and sa�ety; a�d � public r�uisar�c�, whicY� must be immediately abated to prevent 105� of ��.f e or p.ropertp; now, the�efore, be �.t RES��.�/EDd B�r tY�e �ouncil of the C3ty of S�ir�t Paul, �that the ��ty Archi�ect i� au�horizeci and cli�e�ted �o #,mmed:�ate]:y sect�r� � said.build3,ng by the use o� , ��.ty fo�CCes ox contrac� �.abr�i�, � pending the• ,�.n3�ia�,�on of p.roceedings wnd,er -�he h�azardous bu3�ld3.ngs act; anc� be it . FtJRTH�R RESOLVEDi That the expense o�' �e�ur�.ng such builc�ir�g . be pai,d ou�t of Fund No. 0976; Wreck3�ng Buildings, �nd tn�t th�e � �orpQration eounsel be d��e�ted to take app�opri��e ��etior� to ' reimb�rse s�id �'und �y act�.on agait�st the o�vner of said ptoperty. �t�G 1 6196� COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council I9._ Yeas � Nays �_ � i b ]9'�7 .�a�gk�k Approved 19_ Holland . Tn Favor Meredith �� � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Ii�i:��a�i:���::�,����...:�� ' Mr. �ice President jPeterson) �22