234625 OWIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL r`������ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ U IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF BE IT S L , Th � accordance with Ordinance No. 10725, Council File 176072, approv January 20, 1956, as amended by Ordinan.ce No. 11709, Council File �9633�+, approv d April 12, 1960, the a.nnual sewer maintena.nce chaxges to be mad.e in 1g67 against the -following cammercial, industrial, and residential properties other than single a.nd two-family dwellings, which are located in the Village of Arden Aills and which axe connected to the Saint Paul Sewer System, be and hereby are determined to be the amounts set opposite the location of the connections as foZlows: ADDRESS USE AMOUNT 1306 W. County Road E Service Station � 2�+.00 1160 Gray Fox Road Warehouse 1+22.40 3801 Hamline Ave. Apartment 38�+.00 r . AUG 1 � 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �� � � ��� Dalglish � Approved 19� ��– Favor Meredith p,� May r Tedesco A S��t ����� �'��et�� r::� s:..:.�r::�:a�. ::::�.:::����i�� ivtr. Yice Preeident (Holland) pUBL1SHED qUG Z 9 ]967 ,� �zz