234624 � ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK �_{.���(,J�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � r� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ , ; , , � COUNCI RE O T N- NERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY � �� , � COMMISSIONE DATF — r' • � RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and . ' he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary alley crossing to be reconstructed at the location listed below by the ; A. A. Arrigoni Co., Inc. under their annual sidewalk contract for • District No. 3, known as Comptrolleres Contract No. L-6924 at a ' cost not to exceed $100.00 based on the unit price bid for six ` inch monolithic concrete driveway, which cost is to be charged � , against the P. I. R. FUND-TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES. � � On the South side of East King Street between Robert Street and State Street - alley crossing. t F � � I f i�Vl� 1 � ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �� 1 � ���� Dalglish Approved 19— �Iolia,n�- r Meredith In Favor _ �'�' D � �j►tg MaYor Tedesco A gainst _- ��Il�� ....�.�.��'...-.,,-,��:::':...�� ' �, v��,�prmeidenx (Holland) PUBLISkiED �1UC 191967 �22 � , DUrLICATE TO ►RINTHR /.p���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �`�' � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert •�. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF � RFSOLVSD, Th�t ths Com�iesiaqsr�of �tilic Worlce bk esnd hs is herebq �utharize� and direc�ed to ceue� the necessary all�y croseing to b� xQaoi�aCtucted at tbe locatfo�' �i�ted bs1�a by'th� . A. At Arrigbnil Co., T�c. uinder the�r ennual s�dto�slk cdatract for I�istrict Na. 3. known ea Cc�mptroil�r�!�s Contrnct I�d. I.-692� a� � coat not �a ucceed ;�104.00 liased ori the unft pric� b�d for six ' iach monalithic concre�� drivataay. whtch �oct ig to `ba cha�'ged ' . e�ainat tbe P. I. R�. "�IJND•T�' � PROPF�TI�.: , On thn Sou�h �side of E�st .King' �.treet b���r�en 8o1»rt , , Street &nd Stat� �CreeC - alley arosa3ug, , - � 1 , � r � ' + � � � • I 1 ��� � 1 i�', COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Ca���sen g 1 i 1��� Dal lish Approved � 19_ �d Meredith In Favor P�e�sen � Mayor Tedesco v A gainst 7:.."�r���Cf:.= t t 97 'f.'•;•�•�•••���� ... . .............:•.:......:. Mr. Vice Preeident (Hollund) �z2