234614 r ������ � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �ir OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� UN ES UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF — r:' � Whereas, Comptroller's Contract L-6886, F. Morettini Construction Company, Contractor for the construction of the Mendota-Wells Storm Water Contract "A", Has been substantially completed, and Whereas, Said Contractor requests that a portion of the 15�i retained under the contract fram estimates for work done, be paid in ad.vance of the final completion of the contract� and ' Whereas, The Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of � Public Works approve the payment at this t3.me ot' $35,000.00 �f'o�hhe $�+0,3�+1.60 retained; therefore be it Resolved, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized to pay an. estimate in the amount of $35,000.00 from the retained percentage of $�+0,3�-1.60 to said contractor; and be it F�zrther Resolved, That this resolution sha11 have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contr�ctor's Bond consent thereto in w�iting and file such consent with the City Comptroller. � � . ' �R " _ ��� COUNCILMEN - UG 1 0 �96� Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas , Nays �a�sen . ' • '�1� 10 ��6� Dalglish Approved � 19— �� Meredith In Favor P�on (� ACti6� Yor Tedesco A gainst '��'�'�'�,'�:�;���;�xz�:��o�: � �:..'.�.':�:. .... PUBLISHED AUG �`� ���� I1ir. Vice�President (Holland) � • �z2 r DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ,v������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONER RO�F?@I"f F. PetersOn DATF Whereas, Camptroller's Contract I,-6886� F. Morettini Construction Compar�y, Contractor for the construction of the Mendota-Wells Storm Water Contract "A", Has been substantially completed� and Whereas, Said Contractor requeats that a portion of the 15�i retained under the contract Pram estimates Por work done� be gsid in advance of the Yinal campletian oY the contract� and Whereas� The Commissioner and Chie� Engineer of the Department oi' Public Works approve the paymen,t at this time o� $35,�•� $�'Q'�e $�+0�3�+1.60 retained; therePore be it - Resolved, That the proper city ofYicials be and they are hereby authorized to pay an estimate in the amount oP $35�000.00 fram the retained percentage of $�+0�3�1.60 to said contractor; Rn$ 'be it F�Zrther Resolv�ed� That this resolution shall have no �orce or e�f'ect unless the sureties oa the Contractor'e BoncL consent thereto in wxiting e,nd �ile such consent w3th the City Camptroller. r AUG l 0 l� COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays 8a�n N��i Y � ��� Dalglish Approved 19— �Tol nd Meredith ' In Favor �'�' � � Mayor Tedesco A gainst M�'��>> I�'�;��;�.:::::: i. I�ir.Vice President (Hollau�) �2z