234613 �" ' ORIGINAL� CITY CLERK y CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. 2����� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /� OU I RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF c RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards the following contract: T0: AIGALAND ELECTRIC, INC. - For furnishing all labor, materials, equipma�t and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the installing of Electrical Equipment in the Remodeling of Room 531, City Hall and Court Aouse, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the Department of Public Works, for the contract price of $2,9fi4.00, in accordance with Formal Bid ��2407-E, such bid being the only bid received; and also ' T0: GLADSTONE INNIPROVEMENT COMPANY - For furnishing all labor and materials necessary for or reasonably incidental to the Remodeling of Rooms 531 and 234, City Hall and Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the Department of Public Works, for - the contract price of $2,,997.00, in accordance with Formal Bid ��2407-G, such bid being the lowest; . all in accordance with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached, and such bidders (Highland Electric, Inc. and Gladstone Improvement Company) being reasonable and reliable'bidders, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contracts therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. + Foroaal Bid:� ��2407-E and ��2407-G + A�� 1�01967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays _ � �uc � o i��� Dalglish Approved 19_ � � Meredith n Favor � � a�r�i.-iavir 1l �$d��' Mayor Tedesco v Against � r. '''yd ��i°���1��,�i�ei�,�,rr�'`��ii���� Mr. Vice President (Hollund) pUBLISHED A�G �� 1�67 � 8/10/67/nl /rafter �'22 � � � � OUrLICATE� rRINTER ���6..�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. «� e. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATF _ BBSObVED, That �he Gauncil hereby approve� �he award of the ConCxaak Coam�ttee �her�fo� and herebq awards the folla,�ing contracte T0� HTGffi..AND EI�B�TRE�3, ZNC. 4 Por furnishing a�.I labor, ma�er�als, equipm�tit and services nece�ssry £or ox reasonabZy inc�denta� to the ins�a.],1ing of Blectr3eal Squipment in the Remodeling of Room S3I, City Aal� and Court House, St. Paa1, � � �Minneso�a, Eor tl�e Depa=tment of Pub11c WQrks, for the conCract ��ice of �2,964.40, 3n accordance with �'ormal �9id �24Q7-$, such bid being Che only bid received; and also , TOt ' GLADSxONE 7.�PR�1ElRENT �C{�PAI�Y � For fuxn�ahing a1,2 Yabor and materials neceaeary � for ar reasanab�,y inc3dentgZ to the Remodeling of Rooms 591 and 234, City $a9,1 ' � and Caur� �ouse, St. Pau1, Minaesota, for the �3epartmen� of Public Works, for � ' the contract prics of $2,997':00, in accordance with Formal Bid ;�2407�G, su�h . ' bid being the loweat; � - a1.1 in accordance with City plans and �peGi�i�ations �herefor hereto attached, snd auch bidders (flighlaad $lectric� Inc. and G7.adstone Improvement Companqa be3ng reasonable and reliable 6idders, and tha Corporation Goun$e1 be and Itereby ie directed to draft the proper form of conrrac�8 therefor, and the proper Ci�y officisl8 hereby are suthorized to execute eaid contracts on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formsl S3d�: �2407-$ and i�2407•G , COUNCILMEN l�� 1 d 1��� Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Ga�ssrr �� 1 0 Dalglish 19�p Approved 19_ �d Meredith In Favor P�e�ser� v Mayor Tedesco A gainst ��i�.���];��?}'�i::��;t�a„iC7i� Mr.�Vice President �iiolland) 8/10/67/n1 /rafter �'22 i � �-�---=-' � . . � � . . �iTY p i.,� p'�i J y ' � 0 t ��, S� dg ,�C DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES . 253 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE ROBERT E.LARKIN aur�ee� ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 rURCHAYIN6 AOGNT BTEPHEN F. PRANKE THERESA F. BEYER PURCHA8IN6 FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMBEY DONALD E. STANTON DEPUTY rURCHMINO AOHNT . , HAROLD F. RAFTER �'O RICHARD L.MONN August 7, 1967 AWARD OF CONTR.ACT F. B. �k2407-G . The Contract Committee hereby awards contract to GLADSTONE IMPROVEMENT COMPANY for furnishing all labor, and materials necessary for or reasonably incidental to the remodeling of Rooms 531 and 234 for the Department of Public Works, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota - for fhe contract price of .. .... . . . . ... . . ... .. $2,997.00 in accordance with plans and specifications therefor and their Formal Bid ��2407-G. _ The Contractor shall commence the work within five (5) calen- da'r days after�notification in writing by the City Architect to proceed therewith. e�oe ozo,-6ofs �qu AP D: TH CONTRACT TTEE � COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Josepn J. Mntchel ���"� C' Comptroller COMPT LL�R� _�- iJe c omp oll • , , � � ' HASING AGENT ms Rafter