234603 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Wil]iam E. Carlson -I COMMISSIONE DATE , WHEREAS, THE Council of the Gity of Saint Paul is informed by the Commissioner of Public Safety that a nuisance exists on the property located at 382 N. St. Albans Street in the City of Saint Paul, which nuisance constitutes a hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and ' WHEREAS, Such nuisance •more particularly cansists of an accumulation of rubbish, an overgrowth of weeds and a junk pickup truck, which harbors rodents, vermin, and other noxi.ous anima]s and things; and l WHEREAS, Pu�uant to Section 374 of the Charter of the City of Saint ; Paul, and Section 265.52 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 24 hours' � notice has been gi.ven to the awner, occup�t, or agent of such property demanding that such nuisance be removed; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public ! Safety the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to summarily ' and forthwith remove the said�nuisance, the cost of such removal to be charged agai.nst Fimd No. • ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Co�issioner of Public Safety is directed to ascertain the cost of such removal and to forward the same to the County Auditor on or before October 1 of the year in which ascertained, for collection in the same manner as tax�s against said property. ' FORM PROVED , ; . Corporation ounsel � � ���, 91967 i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Garlsvin . �►� 91��� Dalglish " Approved 19— Holland � � Tn Favor Meredith � p�n. � Mayor Tedesco Against � Mr. President, Byrne �� , PU�LISHED ��G �.� 19�� ; �22 � . �SS+� ;