234587 ORJ(i1NAL TO CITY CLERK /,� 't���� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL N� '�� r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RE3iJT�VED That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Co�ittee therefor � ' . and"•herel�y awards contract for furnishing all labor, material, equipment and services ,, • �:,,.- a�° � '� necessary for or reasonably incidental�to the furnishing and installing a feeder for two window Air Conditioners and adding circnits to supply power for Dat� Processing equipment in the Southwest Corner of the Third Floor of the Main Library, 90 West Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, to MIIfE PAUL �LECTRIC COMPANY for the contract price of $1,530.00, in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Infor�nal=Bic� ;�0999 of said Mike Paul E'lectric Compar�p, such bid being the lower and said Mike Paul �ectric Comnany being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to-draft the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul,. Informal Bid �0999 - _�:: , _�:.;:� ` ,,,� . � M1 �.w%f .✓wi� .� .� -�..� AUG 41961 COUNCILMEN , � �:" Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � •'"`� �� AUG 91967 Dalglish ��- Approved � 19— Holland ! Meredith In Favor � D••nGCI3VII� /' [/ MayOr Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne pU6LQ$t�lE� AUG� 1� 1�6T I�ie m �PPRaV�CD - �?2 DUPLICATE TO rRINT6R �� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF - i RE$pLVED� That the Counaii hereby approve$ th� a�rard of. the Contraat Commi.ttes therefor �nd herehy a�rcla contrsiat for f�x�ni.ahing �.7.7. labor� metex�.�.7.� ec�u3.pment and ��rviaes nec�s�ary for or reasonably incid�nts�7. to th� flu�nieh3s�g s�ncl 3n�ta7l�.ng a foed�r for t�ro �r]nda�r Air Cond3.ti,oners and addi.ng ciroui'�e to aupp�y poWSr tor Data Procasaing equipenent in th� South��t Coraer of the Third F].00r o� the Ms�,n Library� 90 Weat Fourth Street� St. �wl,� Mi�r�esots� to MIgE PAIIL EL�CTR3C C0�'A�JY �'or tha QontrACt pr3.ce of $1,��30.00, �n aaoords�ics w.�.th City q�peoif3.�ationm therefor hereto attach�d and the In.forinal:.Bid �0999 of ��►id Hik� P�ul Eleotr3a Conpany, �uch b3.d l��.ng ths loker and $a9.d Mik� Pau]. F�7.ea�r3.c Compar�y being a rsaeonable �rsd r�1,3.able bidder� and th� Corpo�at3on Coun�l be ,and her�by is direo��d to draf`ti the proper form of aontxaa� ther�for� arxi th� proper C3,ty oFficials , her�by ar� author3.zed '�o e�teottts sai.d oontraat on beha7.f' of th� C�.ty of St. $au].� Ir�orm�l. Bid �0999 ' Au� 9196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays c�� AUC 91�6� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith �Tn Favor � �s�. v Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �z2