234582 � � ,-' " �.ity Cl�w'k \: , • � , ::f 7 t t ��, `� � 0 R D I N A N C E 2����� . �: . � 1 ,�• COUNCIL FILE NO_ � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � d. — � � An ordinance ereating a Department of • H�aman Rights; prohibiting diserimination in employment� hous3.ng� education� and public accommodations on grounds of race� color, ereed� national origin, or ancestry; providing pen,alties; repealing �Saint Paul Legislative Code� Chapter 7�. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAtTL -llOES ORDAIlV: � �ection 1. DECLAR.ATT4N OF POLICY. The Council finds that racial and religious discrimination in employment� edt�ca- tion� housing� public accommodations� and public serviceg adversely affects the health� welfare� peaee and safety of the community. Persons , st�b�ect to snch discrimination s�ffer ' depressed living conditions� povertp, and lack of hope� in�uring the public welfare� placing a burden upon the pn.blie treasury to , ameliorate the conditions thus produced, and creating conditions which endanger the publie peaee and order. The publi� policy of Sain� Paul is declared to be to foster equal opportunity for all � to obtain employment� education� �ousing� pnblic accommodations� an.d pnblie services �ithout rega�d to their race, creed� eolor� ,. national origin� or ancestry-arid �strietly in� accord with their individual merits as human beings. Section 2. DEFINITIONS. as used herein� the te�m-- "Discriminate" or "di�crimination" includes all uneq�al � treatment of any person by rea�on of race� creed� eolor� national origin� or ancestry; provided that the imposition of a religious test as a bona fide condition of employiaent by a religious organization sYaall _not constitute discrimination. �`� "Education"- includes all educational services and all other services offered by edncational institutions whether � organized for profit or otherwise� which are open �o or sol�.cit tMe patronage of the general publie; provided that an educational institn.tion operated t�nder the anspiees of a religious oPgan3za- tion may reqnire tha� all students admitted profess the particular religion involved. . "E�nplopee" ineludes every person who works for Wages� , salary� or commission� or an�y combination thereof� and in �on�ext _. the term also includes those who are geeking or applying for . employment. ` , . - Yeas Councilmep Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson _ . Dalglish In Favor Holland Meredith A gainst Peteraon Tedesco ' Mr. President (Byrne) . � .. A oved: Attest: " � t_, City Clerk a or �O . _ Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' . ,. ., , � _ • . � �' �� . ` ! . � ������� � ��� � � � 2. "Employer" includes all persons , firms , or corpora— tions , wherever situated, who employ one or more employees within the city, or who solicit individuals within the city to apply for employment within the city or elsewhere ; the � term includes the city itself, the board of education, and all other political subdivisions , public corporations , and .' governmental units conducting, any activity within the city. "Employment agency" includes all persons , firms , or corporations , including government agencies and charitable institutions , who with or without compensation undertake to refer ��ersons to potential :.employment. "Housing" includes a.ny improved or unimproved real estate which is used, cap�ble of being used, or intended to be used as a ,permanent or temporary residence or sleeping place �or one or more persons, whether by sale, lease, or otherwise . It specifically includes lots suitable for single or multifamily residential development. "Labor union" includes any formal or inform al organi— zation which includes among its purposes the representation of one or 'more emp2oyees of an employer or employers with respect to wages , hours , working conditions , or grievances . "Person" inc'ludes individuals , partnerships , associa— tions , organizations , corporations , legal representatives , trustees ; receivers , political subdivisions , boards , commissions , _ „_, and _their officers and agents . , "Public accommodations" includes every business , accommodation,, , refreshment, entertainment, recreation, or transportation facility, whether licensed or not , whose goods , services , facil'it�i�es�;� privileges , advantages , or accommodations are extended, offered, sold, or otherwise made available to the public•. By way of example, but not of limitation., � "public accom�odation" includes facilities of the following types : , (1) a facility providing service relating to travel or transportation; (2) a barber shop, beauty shop, bathhouse , swimming , pool , gymnasium, reducing salon, or other establishment con— ducted to serve the health, appearance , or physical condition of the individual ; �: (3) a comfort station, dispensary , clinic , hospital , convalescent or nursing home or ,other institution for the ill or infirm, or a mortuary; (4) a hotel, motel , resort, restaurant, or trailer park. Section 3. PROHIBITED ACTS IN EMPLOYMENT. It shall be unlawful-- (1) For a labor union because of race, creed, color, �� national origin or ancestry, . r � / j � . L - _ � . f • . �����'F� , . : 3 I� � � ;( (a) To deny full and equal membership rights to an applicant for membership or a member; .F„ . (b) To expel a �member from membership; � (c). To discriminate against a mem ber or applicant � with respect to hire , tenure, referral , apprenticeship, com— pensation, terms , upgrading, or other conditions or privileges of employment ; � (d) To do or to commit any other act with respect to a member or applicant which arises out of, or is activated by, consideration of race , creed, color , national origin or � ancestry. (2) For an employer, because of race , creed, color, national origin or ancestry, (a) To refuse to hire an applican.t for employment; (b) To discharge an employee ; (c ) To discriminate against an employee with respect � to hire, tenure , apprenticeship, compensation, terms; upgrading, or other conditions or privileges of employment; '; . (d) To do or to commit any other act with respect j to an employee or app-lica�.t which- arise-sw-�out--�o-f�,.�-o-r-.�-•-is�ac-tivat.ed--.- by,�considerations of-_,�`ace , creed, color, national origin or • anc�es.tr.y._;-� ;, . . , . , (3) For an employmerit agency, because of race , creed, color, national origin or ancestry, ' (a) To refuse or fail to accept , register, properly classify, or refer for employment any person.; (b) To comply with any request by any employer for , referral of applicants if the request indicates directly or indirectly that the employer desires any limitation of applicants ` , to persons of particular racial , religious , or national charac— teristics or in a.ny other way fails to comply with the require— ments of this chapter; „ (c) To do , or to commit any other act with respect to an applicant for referral or employment which arises out of, or is activated by, considerations of race, creed, color, national origin or ancestry. (4) For any labor union, employer, employment agency, or other person to require any applicant or employee to furnish information respecting his race , creed, color, national origin, � or ancestry, except where required by a govern.mental agency. (5 ) For any person to circulate or publish any notice or advertisement relating to employment or m�mbership in a labor • union which indicates directly or indirectly any preferenc,e, ' limitation, specification, or discrimination based up�n race , creed, color, national origin or ancestry. � �- - � ������ 4. '7 CS !� �� � The provisions of this�section shall apply to a joint labor-industry apprenticeship committee or board and to each individual member thereof notwithstanding the employer members of such committee or board are not in fact the employer , of an. apprentice against whom an act of discrimination has been ' committ�ed, to the egtent the members of such committee or board participate in the act of discrimination. It shall not be considered a violation of any pro- vision of this section �for a religious or sectarian organiza- tion to require as a bona fide occupational qualification . membership in a religious group. Section 4. PROHIBITED ACTS IN EDUCATION. No person - shall discriminate , on grounds of race , creed, color, national origin or ancestry, ,,with respect to access to , use of, or benefit ' from any institution of education or services and facilities rendered in con.nection therewith, egcept that a school operated by a religious denomination may require membership in such denomination as a condition of enrollment, provided such re- . quirement is placed upon all applicants . ,.; . •����-` , Section 5 . PROHIBITED ACTS IN HOUSING. It shall be • Y� unlawful-- (1.) For any person to discriminate on grounds of race,� creed, colo�r, national origin or ancestry, in the sale , lease , or rental of any housing un.it or units . . „ '�.���.��� - 4. ' (2) For any broker, agent, salesman or other person acting in beh alf of another to so discriminate in the sale, lease , or rental of any housing unit or units belonging to such other person. ; (3) For any person engaged in the business of financing the purchase , rehabilitation, remodeling, or repair of housing units or in the business of selling insurance with respect to . housing units to refuse to provide such financing or insurance � � or to discriminate with regard to the terms or conditions thereof by reason of the race , color, creed, national origin � or ancestry of the applicant or because of the location of the ' unit or units in areas of the city occupied by persons of a particular race , color, creed, national origin or ancestry. � , (4) For any person, having sold, leased, or rented , a housing unit or units to any person, to discriminate with respect to facilities , services , or;�p 'rivileges of occupancy by reason of race , color, creed, national origin or ancestry. . , ' (5 ) For any person to make or publish any statement evidencing an intent to discriminate , on grounds .of race, creed, color, national origin or ancestry, in the sale , lease , or rental , of a housing unit or units . (6) For any person to make any inquiry regarding � race , color, creed, national origin, or ancestry, or to� keep any record or use any form of application designed to elicit such information, in connection with the sale , lease , rental , or financing of a housing unit or units . � (7 ) For any person, for the purpose of inducing a real esta�e transaction from which he may benefit financially, , � , ..- . _ - -. � ,J������� �... � � � � � . I-� � a . ' 5. � � (a) To represent that a change has occurred or will or may occur in the composition of the block, neighborhood, or area in which the property is located, in respect of the race, � co�lor, creed, national origin or ancestry of those living there ; or (b) To repre sent that this change wi 11 or may re sult in the lowering of property values , an increase in. crime , or antisocial behavior, or a decline in the quality of schools in the block, neighborhood, or area concerned. `� . �, Section 6. PROHIBITED.++ACTS IN PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS. No person shall discriminate , on. grounds of race , color, creed, n.ational origin, or ancestry, with respect to the access to , use of, or benefit from any public accommodation, or to make or publish any statement evidencing his intent to do so . � Section• 7 . It is not a violation of this ordinance for any person subject thereto to carry out a� plan to reduce or eliminate imbalance with respect to race , color, creed, , national origin, or ancestry, even though such plan may mean selectivity with respect to employment , housing, or education, provided such plan is filed with the Department and is n.ot disapproved by the Director or Commission on grounds it is not a bona fide plan to reduce imbalance. Al1 persons executing •�. such approved plans shall at the request of the Director pro- • , y: �vide� relevant information concerning their execution. �; r��-�: . • '«, - :��: ! • .� , ' Section 8 . VIOLATION; PENALTY. Violation of an.y � r . ' provision of Sections 3 through 7 hereof is a misdemeanor, , and every person who knowingly participates in any prohibited act� whether as an officer, agent, manager, employee , or other- wise is liable as a principal , and it shall be no defense that the person ch arged was acting in accordance with the instruc- ` tions of his principal or employer. �r�� .,1. Section 9. DEPARTMII�TT OF HUNiAN RIGHTS; CREATED. , �'��i ' There is hereby created a Department of Human Rights;`"�� under the direction of a Director of Huma,n Rights appointed by the Mayor,with the consent of the Council, to serve at their - . pleasure , from a list of three nominees presented by the Com- - mission created in Section 10 hereof on the basis of inerit an.d professional qualifications . The Director shall be in the un- - r � classified service . The Director shall have general supervision _ ��:;--- , over all programs of the City with respe ct to human and civil ; � �''"�'��5" , .��•_�.�,.. rights , subject to policies established by the Mayor, , . � �'�"��' �, and shall, �without limitation by their enumeration, have the ." - - � following specific powers and duties : , _ (1) To foster, through education, conciliation and � persuasion; ' the preparation of legislation and policies for action by governmental and private units , and through such �� � other methods as he shall deem fit, the maximum possible degree of equal opportunities and equal rights �or all persons , re- gardless of race , color, creed, or national origin or ancestry. , � �. . , � . _ - . ^ � " ., '�����)f;7 ��y , • V � . I-� � 5 . . � (a) To represent that a change has occurred or will or may occur in the composition of the block, neighborhood, or area in which the property is located, in respect of the race , � co�lor, creed, national origin or ancestry of those living there ; or i (b) To represent that this change will or may result in the lowering of property values , an increase in crime , or antisocial behavior, or a decline in the quality of schools in the block, neighborhood, or area concerned. � ' Section 6. PROHIBT�ED,�ACTS IN PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS. _ No person shall discriminate , on grounds of race , color, creed, national origin, or ancestry, with respect to the access to , use of, or benefit from any public accommodation, or to make or publish any statement evidencing his inten.t to do so . Section 7 . It is not a violation of this ordinance for any person subject thereto to carry out a� plan to reduce or eliminate imbalance with respect to race , color, creed, . national origin, or ancestry, even though such plan may mean selectivity with respect to employment, housing, or education, � provided such plan is filed with the Department and is not disapproyed by the Director or Commission on grounds it is not a bona fide plan to reduce imbalance . All persons executing *-. such approved plans shall at the request of the Director pro- -, vide� relevant information concerning their execution. �r�•-- - . . �� ,. . "�' , . :,t�;y- ' � Section 8. VIOLATION; PENALTY. Violation of an.y . � �� provision of Sections 3 through 7 hereof is a misdemeanor, � � and every person who knowingly participates in any prohibited act, whether as an officer, agent, manager, employee , or other- wise is liable as a principal , and it shall be no defense that the person charged was acting in accordance with the instruc- � tions of his principal or employer. �w; .,y' Section 9. DEPARTMII�TT OF HUMAN RIGHTS; CREATED. „ j�4 '. There is hereby created a Department of Human Rights;`'�a under the direction of a Director of Human. Righ�s appointed by the Mayor,with the consent of the Council; to serve at their - pleasure , from a list of three nominees presented by the Com- - mission created in Section 10 hereof on the basis of inerit and professional qualifications . The Director shall be in the un- • classified service . The Director shall have general supervision �,;;=�- - .� , over all programs of the City with respect to human and civil =,.� �'�"��'>:s�"' rights , subject to policies established by the Mayor, , � � -� ����''��' . = and shall, �without limitation by their enumeration, have the ' - � - following specific powers and duties : ' , (1) To foster, through education, conciliation and persuasion; the preparation of legislation and policies for action by govern.mental and private units , and through such other methods as he shall deem fit, the maximum possible degree of equal opportunities and equal rights for all persons , re- gardless of race , color, creed, or national origin or ancestry. � � . _ . � • � . : . r� 74 - , 6. . (2) , To conduct studies regarding discrimination in employment , education, housing, public accommodations, public services , and related areas . (3) To execute programs of complian.ce review designed to determine whether persons who contract with the city are • . observing the terms of this ordinance ; a,nd to that end the Director shall have power to require such persons to submit to the Purchasing Agent or to the Director such periodic re- ports conce�ning hiring, compensation, promotion, and discharge . policies and` the racial , religious , and national composition of their work forces as he shall deem r�ecessary, and failure - to provide such information shall constitute grounds for the � Council to revoke any contract in effect between the city and the person so failing to comply. Al1 required reports shall be on forms prepared by the Director. • . (4) � To receive complaints of violations of the pro- visions of tYiis Chapter and investigate the merits thereof and, upon complaint or upon his own. motion, to commence enforcement action as provided herein, where , in his opinion, probable � cause exists to believe a violation has occurred. (5) To supervise the affairs of the Department and to appoint a deputy director in the unclassified service to serve at his pleasure , and, subject to the rules of Civil � Service, such other employees and agents as are necessary to , _ carry out the duties of the Department. _ -��^'`"` - .. . . ._ _. _ . .--_,.,r. - � - , (6) To provide suitable staff and secretarial assistance to the Commission created hereunder as its Chairman may request, to the extent of available resources . � (7) The Director shall prepare annually and submit a report to the Mayor and Council of the activit�i:es of the Department and its staff with a statistical summary of all complaints received, listing the disposition of each, all speaking engagements and other educational activities of the Commission and its staff, the number of Commission meetings held, together with the names of those Gommissioners and staff in attendance , and such other information as the �� Director shall deem appropriate . The report shall be sub- ..fi . mitted to the Mayor no later than July 1 of each year. "' , • The Director may be removed at any time without cause by the Mayor� with the concurrence of two-thirds of the �r����� �;� ' then members of the Commission. - ��- . � ' • ��: , , . � L .. Section �0. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. There is � � established, within the Department, a Human. Rights Commission. � • _ (1) The Commission consists of eleven members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. Members shall serve three-year terms , but of the initial eleven members �our shall serve one-year terms , four two- year terms , and three three-year terms , to provide for staggered appointments . No person shall be a member of the Commission for more than nine years cumulatively or otherwise . (2) Members must be registered voters of Saint Paul as of the date of thei r appointment . r • ',;' - _ , . ' . . yy � � � . �������y^ 4� . � � � °� � 7. . I (3) The Chairman of the Commission .shall be desig- nated by the Mayor, with the approval of the Council. He shall serve for a term ending on the first Tuesday in June in each even-numbered year. � (4) Members of the Commission may be removed at any time by the affirmative vote of five members of the Coun.cil without cause. � (5 ) The Commission shall meet upon a regular schedule adopted by it or at the call of the chair. Notice ' � of all meetings other�t,than regular meetings shall be in writing and shall state••.the purpose of the meeting,__.but attendance at a meeting is a waiver of notice . An.y member who fails to attend three meetings within a period of one year shall auto- matically cease to be a member of the Gommission. � . '. (6) All appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the remainder of. the unexpired term. The Commission shall have power�•to receive , hear and determine complaints as provided herein, to govern i�ts own affairs , and to adopt reasonable rules of practice and pro- � cedure , and to advise the Director on policies of the Department•� � , `c.-",Wa' -- _ - - � - � - The Commission shall have power to conduct such studies , hearings , and investigations , and to make such recommendations , , �`as in its judgment will effectuate the policy set forth in Section ,�:�,, ' 1 hereof. ,� ' �:_=� ' ` � Sect�ion 11. ENFORCEMENT; PROCEDURES. The Dire.ctor � shall promptly investigate , upon• complaint or upon his own. motion, . any violations of this ordinance . If, after investigation, he � shall have reason to believe a violation has occurred, he may i refer the matter to the Corporation Counsel for criminal prose- cution, initiate civil enforcement procedures as herein provided, or enter into a settlement agreement which, when approved by the � Commission, shall have the same force as a Commission order. No information or evidence obtained through a civil-���: � f:- enforcement procedure after a formal complaint has been filed � , _t �� by the Director shall be used or introduced in any criminal ' '�` Y_. proceeding arising out of the same violation. • ����',� , ,�;,�, Y ti' Section 12. CIVIL ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE. Civil enforcement procedures shall be prosecuted by the Director before the Commission in the following manner: (1) The Director shall serve upon the resporident by certified mail a complaint, signed by him, which shall set forth a clear and concise statement of the facts constituting i the violation, set a time and place for hearing, and advise ' ' the respondent of his right to file an answer, to appear in person or by an attorney, and to examine and cross-examine witnesses . (2) The hearing shall not be less than 20 days after service of the complaint. At any time prior to the hearing the respondent may file an answer. Facts not denied by answer shall ; be deemed admitted. If the answer sets out new matter, it shall ` be deemed denied by the Director. � ' � orfz��t�cicr ci�rk . • . • . r �� ' �°� '� " � � ORD � NANCE . . ,. . J COUNCIL FILE NO. 234582 PRESENTED �BY ORDINANCE NO 137� 8. (3) The complaint or answer may be amended at any time prior to the -hearing with the consent of the opposing party. (�4) Hearings shall be before a panel of th ree Commissioners designated by the Chairman, presided over by an attorney who is not • a member of the Commission as chairman. and law officer. All members of a panel shall be paid �5 per hour spent in performance of their duties . The law officer shall rule on all legal questions presented but shall not participate in the panel ' s deliberations . (5) The Director may obtain subpoenas from the District Court to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of ' documents at any hearing. (6) If, after hearing, the panel shall conclude that a 'y , violation has occurred, it shall prepare an order yvhich may contain any provision deemed desirable to do justice to.� the complainant o.r to prevent further violations . It may include� provisions which re- quire the respondent to rent, sell, or lease particular housing to � the complainant, place or reinstate him in a particular job with or without back pay, file periodic complia.nce reports , or to do any other thing as may be just. The panel ' s findings of fact and order shall be served on the respon.dent and each member of the Commission by mail and shall become the findings and order of the Commission unless, within ten. days after mailing o� the findings and order, the Commission shall revoke or amend the order, but any order of a panel may be modified by the Commission at any time. _� _ , (7) An.y indigent respondent subject to� a complaint .filed by the Director who appears at a hearing or hearings thereon bef.ore the Commission or a panel thereof shall be entitled to have his reasonable attorneys ' fees , not to exceed �350, arising out of ' preparation for or appearance at such Commission or panel hearing or hearings paid from the funds of the Department at the conclusion of proceedings in the case .� � : � � ' � .�� r� � Section 13. JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT . Upon application of the Director judicial enforcement of Commission orders may be had in the manner provided by Laws ig65, Chapter 866. Section 14. REPEALER. Ordinance 10456, as amended by Ordinances 10683, 10759, 12608, 1276g, and other orc�inances , coded as Chapter 74, St. Paul Legislative Code, is repealed. The Human � and Civil Rights Commission created thereunder is abolished. The positions of Executive Secretary and Assistant Egecutive Secretary � of the Human and Civil Rights Commission are abolished. Proceedings now pending in behalf of the former Commission may be continued by the Commission and Director created hereunder. Section 15. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its passage , approval, and publication, and it shall be � a part of the St. Paul Legislative Code . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii �EP 6 ,��s� " Carlson Dalglish n Favor � Holland Meredith v � Against Peterson Tedesco 6 196�' r. President By _ Appr d: �E� , A est: � - � C' y Cl Mayor ' �� ` Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISH�fB ��P 91967 vnrinn� ...�..i��a..�.n a , I• • � � • • � 'L`J lM rI� Wl 4I�� Ra,� 4�f `� � �IlwLl • . . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESEI�lTED E�Y � ORUINANCG NO. — CHA't�1C-sE S SOU�C.� An oxdinance crea�;ino a Department of Hu�2an Ri�h�i:s ; prohibiting discrimina�l;ion � _ in erspJ_oym°1:�t� housing� educati.ony and . pub�.ZC accacnmodations on grounds of race� color, creecl� na�:�onal origin, or . ancestry; pro�Tiding penalties ; repealing ' Sain� Paul Legislative Code9 Chaptex 7�t-. THE COJi�TCIL OF' TH� Cz2'1� Or SAIIdT PAUL DO�;S ORDAIId: Seetion lo DECLARATION OF POLICXo The Council. finds that rac:ial and religious discrimination in emp�loyments educa-- tion� housing, public accommoda.tions9 and public services P• �• adversely affects the health� welfare� peace a1.ld safety of the cor2muni�y. P�rsons subjec�L to such discrinina.tion suffer. depressed living conditionsf poverty9 �nd taclt of hope, in.juring the publ�.c t��elfZr�s placing a burden upon the public tr�asury �o �melioxate the cond�_�;ions thus procluced, and crea�;in.g condi�:ion.s Z�hich endanger the public peace ai�.d ordere The public policy of Saint Paul is declared to be �;o foster equal oppor�;unity for all to obtain e�iployruen�9 education� hous3.ng� public accoulrnodationsy and public services z�rithout regara to their races creec�g color� � � national origin9 or ancestry and strictly in accoxd Vrith ��ieix individua.l merii;s as human beings e Section 2 o Di,£TIdITIONS o As used herei.n9 t�lc ��z�m•�•-- "Discr�min�te" ar. "ctiscrimin�ti.on" ir�clud�s a7.1 un�qual txeu��en� oi any pez�son by reason oi race9 ct�eed9 colo.r9 Y?a��,G�"].al P. L � or:���.ng oi° ancest��y; pro�Ti,ded th�.t �he impos°�tion o�' a r. �:lig:i.ous test as a bona fid� con�ition of eniploZ�erat by a rel�.gious _ org�r�.zation shatl no�; constitut�c discxim�.na.tion.o "Educa�ion" i.nclucles all educatxoz�.al se�vices and aJ 1 � o�Che?� ser�ice� of�'ered by educa�ion�l ins�;i�u�ion.ss .��nE�r�e.r � � organized 1'or pro�'i�: or o�hezt��ise9 S•rhich a.re open �o oi sclici� f • �-. the pai.rorage of the gen�ral public; provided �;hat an educat:�ox��.l ir.s�i�u�ion ape�a�ed under �he auspices o� a religl.ous organ.iz�- tion ��:y 'requirE �;ha� n17_ stud�nts ud��it�;ed profess the part�.cular reli�xon involvedo , _ �R���' �W "Employee" includes ev�ry person �rho �?oz�fs for 1�raocs 9 E�C�M�fiS salarys or comnissions or any combinati_on thereo�s and in context �• !-. ��ES-�1e �h� term �lso includes those S�rho are seeking or applya.no f'or ��J��.S em�loyment. � Yeas CO1121C1I111E11 Nays • ' Passed by {;he C011l]C1I- Car;son DaJ�lisli ' . Holland ' Ir. Favor Meredii:h A�A1715t Peterson . Tedesco . 117r. President (Byrn�) Approved: � — Attest: , City Clerl: /1�Iayor a�0 / . Fo�•m a�,pi•pved Cur��or�ition Counscl Yy�_ ��'!�--?�/��-!� �!'=:.�„�'-✓���i�?�f'��._..-� � l , � _ ; � C�pt�'l��s _ Sou�E . 2. PR�E� L�W "�ml�loycr" ].71CI.11C�.CS a7.7, persoiis , ��.r.nis , or corpoza- C�VC(ZS ONI.� 1;ioiis , 1ti�herever sii;u�.�;ecl, 1JI10 employ o�.ic or morc cnil�].oyces ErnALa�Ec�s tti�i�i•ha.i� �;lie ci�l;y, or i+�llo sol.icit 1I1C1J.V7.(ILl'cl.].S ti��i�LYiin 1;lic ci�t;y �• �- � 1;o a��p].y for emi�l.oymcn�; �,ri-�hin i;he ci.i;y or e].se�vhcr. c ; i;hc OF T�fl �� i;ern► inc].udes i;lle ci�l:y i.tscl�, i,he boarcl of education, �ncl �2� all o�;hcr.• polii;ica]. suUdiva.sioiZS , puUlic corl�ora-Lions , aiid � govern�nental unii;s CO11C111C�:1ll� any aci;ivi�ty �ai�;hi.n i;he ci�.y. "�niploynien�L 'agciicy" incllxt es all persons , �irms , or corpo��.�;ions , inclucli.nb govcrnmeni; agc�lcies �.nd cllaritable (�. L . ins�;il;u�Lioils , who 1ti�ith or SJl'tl1011'� COIIIj)ellSc.`lt].OIl uncicrl;ake to re�er I�crsons i;o poten�;i.al .emi�loyment. PRE5�1T I,.Ru1 "IIousing" inelucles aiiy improvecl or unimproved real E��M�S es�;a�;e iti�hieh �is usecl, eapal�lc o� being usecl, or ini;en�.ecl �;o be �.L, �����_��p��secl as a pernianent or temi�orary resideiice or sleeping place �or i1e or more persoiis, �,�hether by sale, lease, or oi;lier�vise , It DUPLE�[ES speci�ically ii�.clucles lo�;s suii;ai�le �or sin.gle or mul�;i�amily ��D resideiz�,ia7. development . ' ��'S �� ��E "Labor uizion" inclucles aily �orinal or in�o n�al or�ani- zation zehich iilcludes among i�;s purposes i;he represen�;a�;ioi1 0� (? L.. oiie oi niore employees of an employei or employers iaii;h respect . to �vages , hours , �vorking conditions , or grievances . "P�rson" iiicludes iilclividuals , par�;nersliips , associa- tions , organiza�;ioiis , corporai;ioizs , legal repieseni;atives , (� �-• trustees , recei�Ters , �polil;ical subclivisions , boards , comnzissioizs , and. their o��icers a.nct .ageiits . "PuUlic acconuuodatioils" includes every busiiless , pt�.ES�N`� ���ccom�noclation, re�reshmen�; , eiitertait�anent, recre�,tio�i, or MOU�L. ��� �pT transl�ortation �acility, s�*hether licenseci or not , whose goods , 5,��,�_� -- services , facili�;i:es , privileges , advaiz�;ages , or acconunodatioils C�yvE(�. are exi;ended, oi'�erecl, sold, or oi;hei��Tise m�.cle availab].e -L-o the �C� J�IcA(�S IN� f��MfSPubl i c.. CvE����'+�'► (�Np maKTCAAltics By way o� e�aiiil�le , bu�; not of limitatioii, "pub]_ic ���C�T accommodatioiz" inclucles facil�i�;ies of the �olloj�Ting types : '�lA � �+�) (1) a �acility providing service r�latiizg to travel �D��� . or i;raiispori;ation; Fmti , • (2� a barber sllop , beauty shop, bathliouse , S���lIllilllllg C�,(,�(��',j'� pool , gymnasitim, reclucinb salon, or other es-L-aUlishmen� con- � duci;ed to scrve the health, appearance , or pliysical conditiou ' , o� the individu�.l ; . ' (3) a com�ort s�;ation, dispeiisary , clinic , hospii;al , convalescen� or nursiiib honte or other instii;ii�;ion �or the ill or in�ir�ii, or a �iior�LuarY; � (4) a }iotel , triotel , re�ort, ies�Lattrai�.i;, or �railer pa rl:. -- Sect�.o�i 3. P1�OIIIBIT�D ACTS IN ErIP7�0I.'�I�NT. I1; slial]. � �NJ� U e uill az��:I�ll 1.-- h�� a� (i) Por �. laboi 11111021 because o� race , cx•eecl, co].or, � �� nai;ional or�.gin. or ai�.cestr.y, (V EP��A i I Ni� Ck�ANCvE �� . SoU6Z�f"�c ,,. CO��C�AC�E (�� Z�o �el�y �Lil.l �ii�cl cqual nie�iibersliip rigii�Ls �;o I�ENTiGp►I. aii applicc�n.� foi nic�ul�ersliil� or a n►euiber; rVIt�N. Ta ' (b) To eLl�el. a mcmbci �roni meiuUersliip ; P�ESEr�� Sr�r`r E L�W (c) To Qiscri�ni�7�tc 1g�zinsl; a nicmbcr or apl�li.cant . . 1ti�ii,li respec�; 1;o hire , i;entir. e , re�crral , appreii�l;icesliil,, coi�i— Lp�1,tJ ��,1.�EPT' pensa�;ion, terris , u1�graclinb, or o�;lier eoi�.cli�Lions or privileges �� ��.�_ o� ernploymeri�L ; , SIoN 'T� ^ (�E�.BA-nM� (d) To clo or �Lo co�n�nit any other ac�L wi1;h respec�i; to a meuiber or apPlicant titirliich arises ou�L of, or is activai;�cl �4LL by, considezai;i.on oi' race , creecl, color , na�;ioilal origi_u or �rnP�v�£(�S ancesi;ry. (2) For aii employer, because o� race, creecl, color, natioiia]. oi igin or aiicestry, (a) To x•eluse to hire an applicant �or eniploy�iienl;; (b) To clischarge an e�►iployee ; ' (c) To discri�uiiiate againsi; aii employee wi-Lh respcc�i; i;o hire , teiiuie , apprenticeship , corripens�,tion, i;erins , upgrading, or oi;her condit ions or privileges of eniploymen-L; (cl) To do or �;o commii; any othei ac�; wii;h respect to ail eml�loyee or applicant z,�hich arises ou�t; o�, or is actival;ecl by, coizsideza-Lions o� race , creed, color, nai;ional origin or an.ces�Lry. • " . � (3) For. an ei�iploy�uen� ageizcy, because of race,� creect, color, na�;ional origin oz ancestry, - (a) To re�use or �ail �;o accept , regis�Ler, properly classify, or re�er �or. employrueni; a.n.y person; . � (b) To co�n�ly Saith any requesi; by aiiy ernPloyer �or re�eiral o� app]_ican-Ls i� the reque,s�; indicates direc�;ly or indireci;ly i;hat the eniployer clesires aily limii;a�;ion _of al�plicaiits to persoils o� par-L-icular racial, religious , or na�;ional charac— teris�;ics or in any otlier lvay fails i;o comply witli �;he r�quire— � ments of this cllap-�er; � (c) To do , or i;o covuiiit any other act svith resl?ec�; to aii applican� i'or re�erral or emplo3�uent �,*hich arises out of, or is ac�;iva�Led by, coilsiclerations of race, creed, color, natioilal origiii or ancestry, (1f) For any labor unioii, employer, emplo3�uent ag�ucy, or other person to require an3T applicaii-f; or employee to �urilish in�orma�;ion respec�i;iiig his race , creed, color, na�Lioii�.l origin, � or ances�ry, except Z��here rec�uired Uy a gove�nniental a;e�icy. (5 ) Por an3T person to circula�;e or puUli.sli an.y iiotice or ad�-er�;ise�,ieii-L- rela�Liiig to einp].oy»ieilt or n�cn!Uersliip iii a l�.bo�� uni.oi�. i,Tlli.ch indi.c��es clircctly or indii�ectly any pi°e�ereizce , linii�;�.�;ion, s�eci�ica�l;i.on, or discr.•�.iuinai;�.oi�. based iipon race, . creect, color, iiai;ion�l origin or ances�;ry. � CµANC�E S . c� , soc.d��� P►e�SENT (.A�� Z�llc provisi.o�.ls or �i;}iis ` secl,:ion slia7.l app].y i,o a P����Q�-� joizi�i, 1.a1�or-i.nclus�Lry ap��ren�Lieeship eonuuit�i;ee or bo�lrcl and CpVE(� ; to cacli �.ncliviclual nicuil�er -Llicreol' iio�L�,�i�l,lis�,uiicl�.�i�; i;he eii�ployer C.G. Ti-{��S MRkES mcml�c�.�s o� stic;lz coiiuii�.i;�i,ec oi• boarcl aze rzot i11 iac�; i;lie en�plo��er o� an a1�prcn�Licc �igti�.�is�L �<<h.oin an ac�L o� cliscri.miiia�Lioii lias bcen fT Cl.EA2 COIIItIIl�,�I,CCl� �;o i;lic et�i;eni; i;he menil�ers o� Sl1CI1 columit�;ce or boarcl . parl,icipa�;e in �;iic ac�L ot discriniina��ion. l�; slzall no�; be coi�.s�.dcred a viola�;ioii o� aiiy pro- visioiz oi' tlii.s sectioii �or a reli.gious or sectarian orbaiiiza- a, L , tioii i;o require as a bona fi.de occupa�Lioiial quali:fication memUership in a religious grouP . Section li . PP�OI�II}3ITFD ACTS IN �DUC�ITIO�T. No person Np S1G. shall discrimi:iza�;e , on grouncls o� race , creecl, eolor, national origi.�i or aizcesi�ry, �ai�;li r. espect to access to , use �f, or beilefi�; ��. GNArJC�E �roiii aiiy insti�Lu�Lion of ecluca�;ioi1 or services azicl faci].i�;ies r�r,q rendered in coiu.�cction thereiaii;h, excepi; 1;ha�L a school operatecl by a religious clenortiina�;ioii may rec�uii•e mc�iibersh�_p iii sucli P(LES�NT deilomiila-t;ion as a eoncli�Lion o� eiiroll�iieni;, pro�riclecl stieh re- (,.{�tl� quiremeii�; is placecl upoi� all applic ai1�;s , � Sec�;ioiz 5 . PI�OHIBIT�D ACTS I�T HOUSI�TG. I�. shall be � un�a<<rliil-- �E� b�����- (1) For any persoil �;o discrilui�ia�Le on grouncls o� '� � u tAs ra.ce , c�eed, color, nati.oiial origin or ancesl;r3J, in the sale , � ' F�F t� lease , or ren�Lal o� any housinb uili�; or units . ______-- �i,N f 2) For any Urol�er, agen�, salesl�iaiz or oi�hei person aci;ing in behal� o:f ailo-Ll�.er i;o so cliscri�iiinate iiz i;he sale , �. L , lease , or renl;al o� aiiy hotising uilit or units belongiiib �o sucli other peison. p�-. ��� (3) For any pei son engaged in tlie Uusine::s of �iilanciil� aN�� the purchase , rehabilitatioii, rer;iodeliilg, or repair of housiiid �����C1��, ur.i�;s oz• in �;he business o:f selliiib insu�°aiice ��ri�Lh respect to � YlOL1S111� Liizits to re�use i;o proj ide such �inaiiciiib or instii ance C'. �C• ItJSt,t(Z.AN� oi to discrimina�Le with regarct �;o tlie 1;erms or conditions IS A�AVED ��lereo�' b�= reason o� the race , color, c'reed, na�;ioiial origin or ancesi;ry of tlie applicani; or because o� �Lhe locatioii of the ui1i�; or Liilits in areas of the city occitpied by pei sons or a par�ticular race , color, creecl, natio�.zal oribin or aiicestry. � � (4) For aiiy person, havinb solcl, leaseci, or ren�;ed ��1�V a housi.nb t1211.�I; or units to aiiy person, �o discrir,iinate Z��itli C • e. � respect to Tacilii;ies , seryices , or pi i�Tileges o� occiipancS- 1�ST reason o� race , color, creed, nation�.l origin or ances�;r}�. __------ . (5) I'or any person to rualce or puUlish ai1S- stai;emeiit evidencizig an inten�; to cliscrimin�i;e , on grouiids of race , creect, t?L, color, nationzl orig�.n or ancesl;rST, 3.21 i;he sal.e , lezse , or rental o� a housinb uni�; or ll]71-I:S . (6) �'or aiiy persoil to mal�e a�iy iizqiiirST re�arcliil� race , color, ci•�ecl, n.at�ioiial oz�i�i.n, or �.ncesl..ry, oz• �;o ?:ee�� any reeo�:�cl or use �,uy foi•ni or appliea�i;ioii clesi��iecl �;o elic��; � � • sucli infoi�u��;a.on, in COIl]1CCt,7.011 i�Ti.tli �;he s�l.e ; lease , reli�i;a1 , ' or �inanciii� o� a hous inb 11111.�; or ui�.it s . �� (7 ) Por aily p�rson, �or the� �nrposc` oi' 172CI11C].Il� a Mo.��.l... re�.]. cst�.�;e t��a.nsacl;iozl i'roni Z�hicli he inz3T beile�i.�i; fin�.iicia.].l}T, STATE � ' (�CT ! + - i . � . • ' � . � . i� a � . � , . • � i C�ArI GES 5• ` Sac� RC� (�� To reZ7resczi�t, tlia�; a cli�.».�e li�s occtt�°rccl or 1J1J.). NE�/, ox� may occur i�i i�lic � con�posii;ion o�' tl�e Ulocic, neibliborhoocl, or • (Y14p�.Lr �lga�-ca in ti��liicli tlie proi�cr.�y �.s ].oca�;ecl, i.n res��ect of' -Llic race , 'fs color, crced, na-Li.oii�l7. ori.bin or. a�.icesi;ry o� i,liosc liviiig i;lici•c , STATE P� ox a�T. 6�oc.K g�s.r��(cr (b) To r. epresent 1;ha�; i;liis chailgc will or may result in 1,Iie ].oz�rc�°ing or prol�eri;y valucs , an increase in cri�i�c , or. antisocial beliavi.or, or �. decliiic in i;hc qua)_ii;y o� sclioo].s iii the Ulocl�, neighborhood , or are�. conccri�.ecl. ' _ Sec�Lion 6. PR.OIITl3IT�D �ICTS IN PUBLIC ACCOTTi�10D�iTIONS . NO No person slia7.1 cliscriminate , on grou�.ids o� rac� , color, crecd, E na�Lioi��.l oi•igin, or ances�;ry, wii;h resPecl; i;o i;lie �.ccess to , e•C . Ck�A�� use of, or bene�ii; from any puUlic acconnnoda�;io�i, or to rualie �����D or publish aily sta-t;emen�; e��idenciiig his in�;ent to clo so . �S �EF��/tt��s Sec�;ioii 7 . It is not a violai;ion of 1;his ordinailee lN �or an.y l�erson siibject i;here�;o �;o carry Olij; a plaii i;o rediice N/� or elimi�.ia�t;e i.mbalance j�ri�Lh respec�; �o race , color, creecl, C ���-t-S na�i;ional oi igiii, or nncestry, etTen though such plaii may me�,il P� sclec-l;i�ra.�:y ivith respec�; to employmeizi; , housin�, or educa�Lion, C, e.; 'f(�UoTA pro��idecl sucll plaii is filed «ii:ll 1;he Departnieiit and is not � 57�cM" ��isai,p�oved by �;he Director or CO1111117.SSlOI1 on grounds i�; is not `� a boiza �i.de plaii �;o reduce inibalance . All persons e�eeuti.l.ig�� - Wt-fE�E stxch al�p�°oved plans shall at tlie reques�i; o� thc Director pro— �Ey�N���victe relevant in�ornia�;i.on� conceiili.iig �;heir ea.ecution. • �� aTE n o � Violation of any �N �62�T1 Section 8. VIOL�iTION; P�Nf1LTY. � provisioii o� Seci�iozzs 3 i;hrough 7 hereof is a misdeineanor, p L� P��S� �Wancl every person iaho knosJi�zgly par�;icipates iil any prohibitea P(ZAJ�DES ac�� i�:liei;her as ail o��icer, agent, manager, employee , oi other— C.C . S��E wise is li�ble as a princip�.l , ancl it shal7. be uo de�ense �;hat PE�At,-r��S i;he persoiz ch�,zged ����s acting in �,ccordan.ce �Ji-Lh tlle instruc— tioils of liis p.rincipal or employer. Seci;io». 9. D�PAItTrIII�TT OI�' IiUI�iAN RIGHTS; CRE�ITED. Tllere is hereby cr.e�,ted a Departn�ent of I-Iuman Rights , undei° i;lie cli.reci;ion of a Direci;or of Hlu�ian RigYits al�poin-Led Uy ��N) tlie �1�,yor 1��ii;h 1;lie coiisent o� 1;he Council , to serve at tlieir / ple�.sure , from a list of 1;hree nominees pi eseiited by the Com— C•C• missioiz crea�Lecl iii Seci;ioii 10 hereof on i;he basis of ineri�; and ��E�� prof.essional quali�ie�.l;i.o�ls . The Dir.ector sliall be in 1;Ize Ltn— �� classified scrvice . The Direc�;or sliall have geueral supervision L�-�� over a7.1 progranis of tlie Cii�y wi�;li respe ct to human a�.ld civil �r6ENe`� riahts , siiUject to policies establishecl Uy the r�Iayor, ancl sh�l]. , �+�i.�;hout limita�. ion by their. enuniera-Lioi�., liave the INSTE�O °� �o].loti�*inb sl�eci.�ic po��ers ancl du�;ies : P(LE5 EtJ+ � �1S�b� (1) �o fos�;er, i,hi°ou;h eclitcatioil, conci_lia�Lio�n ancl �M persi�as�.on, �ile prel�ar�i;i.o�1 0� le;�.s1.a�Li.on. �iicl polic�.es �or - �R��b�- ac�Li.on b�r bOlrC'•1"iiiucnt•�.]. a�icl pri.va-L-e llll].j;S � and ��11011UI1 sucli ��Nr othcr. me�l;llods �� lie sli�.11 cicem fit, i;he ma?_�.iuun► possiU].e: deg�°ee o� �qua7. opZ�ortuni�;i.es ancl E(]Ll�ll ri.ghts for a17. persons , re— ga��cl].ess of. i•ace , color, cr�ec8, or nati.o».al or. i.gi.�i or a�lces�Lr.y. � � , • . ' �i. . � � (2) To concliici; s�Luclics �°eg<<rclin� di.scra.m:i.ria�Lion i�i emplo��me�i�t; , educa�l;i.oi�, hou;;�.i1�;, �ublic accomniocl�i,i_o�is, ptil�li.c servi.ces , �ti�cl rclz�l;ed are�,s . _� (3) To e�.ecu�l;c prog7°�.nis ot compl.i�ulce review desigilcd . �to c1e�Lerr�i.iie 1��lle�l;licr persoiis Z��llo coit�,raci; ti��i�:li i;lie city arc ol�ser�ring �Lfic �;eru�s oL th.is ordinance ; aiici 1;0 �;}�ia�; ei�d. the �+.e. • �G� Direci;or sli�.].l li�ve poti��er i;o require SL1CI1 pe�soils �;o sub�iiii; � 1,o tlie Purchasinb Ageii�l; or �;o �;he Direc�tor SL1Cl2 periodi.c re- / ports conceriiiii� hi.rinb, compensai;ion, promotion, and cliscliarge � � pola.cies and 1;hc r�tci��]. , religious , ancl na�Liona]. compos.it ion (�MP�� R�� o� i;liexr ti��oxl: �orces as �ie. sllall aceiu necessaiy, a».a failiire ����� �;o pio�ide such in�or�nai;i.oii slia].l eo�is�;ii;ute grouncls ior i;he � Couuci]. i�o revolie any coiz�l;rac�L in e��ec�L be�L�ti�een i;he ci�;y, aild 1;he peisoii so 'i'ai.ling i;o conil�ly. All requiied rePor-Ls sha].]_ be on �o��ins p��eparecl by 1;he llirec�;or. . --�- (Il ) To receive comp].ain�t;s o� viola�;ions o� the pro- visions o� �;his Chapi;er ancl ii�.ves�Liga�t;e i;lie merii;s thereof� and, �5�; upoil coinp.lai�1�; or lll)OI1 his o�vai mo�;ioiz, �Lo comnien.ce enforce�i�en-L -�'f� ac�Lion as pro�ricled heiein, stiTizerc , iil liis opinion, probal�le PowER� cause elists i;o believe a viola�;ion lias occurrecl. �o� �N��QE (5) To supervise �;he a��airs o� �;he Depaii;rien�; ancl �� 1;o appoin�L a deplil;y direc�;or ii�. �;he Luiclassii'ied service to � seive at his pleasu�°e , and, subjeci; t.o �;he rules oi' Civil �M���'�� Service , sucli oi;hcr eniployees and ageil�Ls �.s are necessary i;o �,�����(Z cariy out the clu�;ies o� the Depar�;men�t , � � ���E�� � (6) To pio�cTicle suitable s�;a�� and secrei;aiiai � assistailce to �;he Cou��ui.ssion crea�i;ecl hereuiider as its Chairman � may request, to the exten�; of �,��ai.lable resouices . _ � (7) The Direc�i;or sh�.11 prepare annually and submii; a r�l�ort �;o i;he Tiayor aild Council o� �;he aci;ivi.ti.es of i;h� Depar.l;meizl; ancl i�Ls staf� s��i�;h a statisi;ical SL1111I]1�1.Iy o� all complaiilts receivecl, ].is�Ling the clisposii; ion o� each, all speakii7g enbage.�ients anct ol;hei ecluea�;ioizal aei�ivii;ies o� �;he CoLnnissi.on ancl i�;s si;aff, i;he ni,imber o� Conmiission lnee-�ings helci, tobei;he�� ti��ith 1;he names o� 1;hose Comi�iissioi�ers ancl staT� i�i atten.clance , anQ sucli oi;�ier in�or�iiatioil as 1;he . Di.rector sli�.11 deem appropria�(;e . The report shall be sLtb- mitl;ed �;� �;lie �layoi no later i;haii July 1 0� each yeai. • The llirector ma3T b� re�uoved a�t; aiiy �;ime ��rithou�; cause b3T tlie TIaS7or 1�Ti�;h i;lie coiicurrence o� ����o-thi_rcls o� tlie then members o� tlie COIl1ll11SS].011. �— Seci;i.oii 10. IIUTI�iN ItIGI-ITS CO�P�IISSION. Thei e is dIR.TuA��`� estaUlisliecl, 1�li�;lii�i i;he Depar�;rtien�;, a �Iuruati Rights Com��tissioii. sA�E � (i) Tl�e Conu!ii.ssi.on consists of e7.eveii niembers rp MA.�Et�IP �l�point:ecl by i�l� e A1as=oi• ��ri.�;li thc consen.i; o� �:he Couiici]. , j- � • Aleribe�s shall. sci•�re tlzr�;e-y�ar i;erms , but of the iili�,i�.l �s eleven �neir�l�ers �oui' SIl�i7.1. SCZVC onc-year �;erms , �oitr i.�tiro- P(�,�SEIJr -1 ye1r. t:erit;s , arid �:hrcc 1;hree-�Tcar i;ernis , to pro�Ti.cle �or isS��N stabeci•ed �.I,poin�;ments , No persa�z slzall be �, rteribcr a� -Lhe �p Ya�`'d Con�mi.ss7.o�i ror ntoi e �;l�.an n�.�ie ye�.r.s cuutul.ai:�vely or o�;her�,ris� . . (2.) ricribcr. s miis�i; Uc rebis�;e�°ecl vo�:ers o�' 51in�L P�l.11�. clS o:C 1.1�c cl�.�;e oi' �;hci r appoini;men�; . r _ • /] � � (3) 7']ic Ch�.i�°iu��.i o� �;hc Conuu].ssion slial.7. be Qesi�- � n�ttecl Uy �l;lic Ai�.tyor, �,�ii;l�. �Llle il.�)1)1'Olr£LZ or �;hc Cow�cil . IIe P�LES�� ' sh�.l.l servc for a i;e�°in encli�i�; on 1;tie firs�L Ttiescl<<y in Juiie ' ��� iii eacl�i evcii-�iuuiberecl ycar. ' .�,� � 2C4>v`tR� (!t) rleml�ers of: 1;lie Co�►�uiiss.ioil n►ay Uc removecl ai; any �i;i.me Uy i;he a.��ir►na�Livc vote o� five �ne�nl�crs o� �LYie Council �µFqfSSt�N <<�i�Lhou�L cause. - � �� � o�D• (5) The CO1111111SSion shall mee�; tipozi a regular � �(LS• scliecltiile adop�Lecl Uy ii; oi ai; 1;he call o� i;he cliair. rTotice � , 3 of al.l meei;inbs oi,her �;lia�i regular meetings shall be iii ���ri�;ing ancl shal7. st�.i;e i;he purposc o� �;hc mee-Lii�.g, bu�; ai;teizdance a�; a mee�;ino is �a i�Tai��er o� no�;ice . Auy me�►ibei ti�Tllo fails �;o a-L-L-encl three t�iee�Linbs ti�*itli�.n a� period o� one year sliall auto- maticall.y ce�,se i;o be a meviber o� i;he Commission. . (6) �11 appointmen�i;s to fil7. vacancies sliall be �or the remaincler o� �;he unelpi_red i;er�ii, The Coi�i»iission slzall have poi��er �;o recei�Te , hear and dei;en�iine co�iipl.ain�s as pr.ovided hereiiz, -�o ' goverii its o�,zi � a��airs , aiid �;o adopt reasonable rules of praci;ice and pro- ceclui e, .and to advise 1;he Direcl;oi ou policies o� the Del��.r�;men�i; . ' The COIiIt]11SS].011 sllall have po��rer to coiiduct sucii studies , . he�,rii�.gs , aizd .inves-L-igations , a�.lcl -L-o make sucl�. r. eco�iune�lclations , - as ii�. i.ts judgme�z�. ti�iill e�fec�Lua�t;e �he policy se�; fori;h iii Section i hereo�. ____�� NC�� Section 11. EI�TFORCE�7CVT; PR.00EDURES. The Director !' ��R. shall prom1�l;l�T injTesti�ate , Lil)OI1 coniplaini; or upoii his oz,*�l motion, �-�,is P° � aiiy violatioi�.s of i;tiis orcliizai�.ce . If, a��;er inSTesi;iga�;ioil, he ��4E&�5 sliall li�,ve re�.soi1 to believe a viola�;io�.z has occuri ecl, he �ma3T �'.C'. �I��� E ie�er �;lie m�,�;ter to the Cor�oration Couilsel �or criminal prose- : �N cul;ioil, iili�;ia�Le civil eilforcenient pioceclures as hereiil provided, r,, M��SIb� or enter in�;o a seti;le�iient agree»ient zti�hich, z�rlleil appro�Tecl by t;he W� Commission, shall have the same �orce as a Conrnti.ssion order. � �"'� ATo information or eviclence obtained tlirough a civil � 1�� en�orcenieiii; procedure a��;er a �ormal complaint llas beeil fil.ed �'•C- � �7���� by tlie Direc�;or shall b� used or in�roclucecl in any ci i�uinal P �ESQ�N��roceedinb arising out o� tlie sa�iie viol�.tioii. : Fp� - _._...--.---. '• Section 12. CI�TIL EI�TFORCE�IENT I'ROCEDUl��. Civil � enforcemeilt procedures shall be prosecuted by the Di.reci�or � �"tfESE Sbefore -Lhe C011llil1551011 in tlie folloz�Tiiib manner: �E � ���E o� (1) The Di.rec�;or slia7. 7. serve upon i�he responciciit . �eE N by certifiect mail a. co»iplainl; , sibned UST liim, <<Ilicli sl�iall set �ori;h a clear ai�cl concise s��.te�nent a� tlic �acts coris titu�Ling P�1,pV��E p �;he Z'10�.c1�1011� sei; a �Lime aiicl pl�ee for he�,�°iii�, �.ilcl aclvise C • e � �p�� l� �;he respoiiclen�; o� }iis right i:o �ile an ai�s�;�er, i;o appeai in S�t6�T�, r persoii or L�- �.n a�;�i.ori�.cy, ancl �;o clamiile and cross-e�aniiile '� 1��i-�iicsses , � �I������ ( � (2� �r�ze ]�.earing shall no�t; be 7.ess �.han 20 cla3Ts af�;er �Q�N ser��a.ce o� �Lhe co�:�1�1.ai11�; . �lt; a�7y i;iinc prio� to �;lie liearing i;lzc P ��S��t respoiiden�; m<zy i'il.c aii ans�`7cr. Pacts� not deniecl by ailsltiTer. sha.l]. be deemecl acl.iuit�;ecl. I1' �t;he �uZS<<<er sets oitt nc�tir mat`�t;ez, i�; slz�].l L�� be dccuiect deniecl Uy �;lic Direci�o�°. . � " V , � '�OriCinsl to City Clerk ' ' .�� - � � � ORDINANCE �. � COUNCIL FILE NO. �������'� PRESENTED BY I ORDINANCE NO. h- � . 8. \\ -- . (3) The complaint or answer may be amended at any time ,, prior to the hearing with the consent of the opposing party. \ (4) Hearings shall be beforea panel of three Commissioners designated by the Chairman, presided over by an attorney who is not a member of the Commission as chairman and law officer. Al1 members of a�panel shall be paid �5 per hour spent in performance of their duties . The law o�fficer shall rule on all legal questions presented but shall not participate in the pa,n.el 's deliberations . \(5) The Director may obtain subpoenas from the District ' Court to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents a\a.ny hearing. (6)'� If, after hearing, tlie panel shall conclude that a violation has occurred, it shall pr.,e,pare an order which may contain any pro�ision deemed desirab'�le to do justice to the com- plainant or to psevent further violation.s . It may include pro- visions which rec��ire the respondent to rent, sell, or lease particular housing� to the complainant, place or reinstate him in a particular job w�th or without back pay, file periodic compliance reports , or �o'"do ai'�. other thing as may be just. The panel ' s findings of fact and�order shall be served on the respondent and each member of the Commission by mail and shall become the find- ings and order �of the Commission unless , within ten days after mailing of the findings and order, the Commission shall revoke or amend the order, but ny order of a panel may be modified by the Commission at any tim . Section 13. JUDI� IAL ENFORCEMENT . Upon application of the Director judicial enf • rcement of Commission. orders may be had in the mann.er provided by Laws �.965, Chapter 866. Section 14. REPEALER. Ordinance 10456, as amended by Ordinances 10683, 10759, 12608, 2769, and other ordinances , coded as Chapter 74, St. Paul Leg 'slative Code, is repealed. The Human and Civil Rights Commiss ' on created thereunder is abolished. The positions of Execut 've Secretary and Assistant ' Executive Secretary of the Human and Civil Rights Commission are abolished. Proceedings now pendi • g in behalf of the former Commission may be continued by the Co ission and Director ' created hereunder. 1 Section 15 . This ordinance sha�ll take effect thirty (30) days after its passage , approval , an publication, and it shall be a part of the St. Paul Legislativ Code. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc'� Dalglish Holland Loss Favor Meredith ' Peterso� gainst Rosen • Mr. President (Vavaulis) Approv Atteet: City Clerk Mayor inz �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By • ' r;w, r�+v, r r\r`-i r� r�rv �.�� � .. � . . � �,;; �1,� �� ��,� �a.�, .��� C� ��.� � . . . COUNCIL r"ILE N�. F'I�LSEN'fED C3Y OfiD1NAl�lCE t�10. C�AN� ES s. � �0�� • � (3) Tlie eoiup].aa.�i�L or a�is�ti�er ii�ay be auienclecl a�l; ariy �;i�iie - p�°ior. �Lo i;lie hcariilg wi�i;h i;lie coiise�i�l; o� 'Lhe oi�pos�.n� par�Ly. (li) IIeari.ilbs sliaJ.l be bel:oz�c a l��,nel o� i�tirce Conuiiissiozicrs desi.�n�.tect by i;lie Cha�.r.nian, presi.decl over l�y clI]. £3��I;O111C�� <<�ho is n.o�t � a me�nUer. 01' thc C011lllilS51.011 as cliai.i�uan ai�cl la��� oi'ticer. A7_1 membel�s o� a pa�zel. sliz7.l be pa�.cl �5 pe�° liou�° spent ii� pe�°�ox•�ua�.ice or i;l�.e�.i duta_es . Tlie l�.za o:f�ic.cr shall rule on all lega]_ ques�i;7.ons p�esen�;ecl Uu�t sliall noi; paz�;ici��ai;e iii i;he panel. 's cic].ibcrai;ions . (5) �'he llirec•�Lor iva.y ol��;ain sub��oeizas �rom i;he Dis�l;rici; Court 1;o co�iipel �;he a�L�Leizclance o� �vitncsses and 1;he production o� clocume».i;s a�i; axzy lieai iiig. . (6) � I�, a�-Ler. lieariiib, �ili e pailel shall coilclude i;lla-� C, C. �5�/r l,A'�a viola-Lioil h�.s occurr.ecl, ii; shall prepar.e an orcler jtiThich TiiaST � coiz�;ain ariy provision deemed desirab].e �;o do jus�l;ice �Lo i;hc com— P(LO'�tpE��, plaiiiaiz�; or �:o preven�; �ui�;hei viola�;ioils . I�i; may i�ielucle pi o— -r(}f� visioils ��thich require -Lhe responcleni; �;o reni;�, sell , or lease Mp� /SS+�� pari;icular l�ousinb to i;he conipl.ainant, pl�.ce or. reins�;ate him iiz "SuCN o�E� a pari;icu].ar. job z�ri�Lh oi ztiri�Lhoui;- bacl� l��,y, �il.e perioclic corii��l�.ance repor-(;s , or i;o" do any o�;her i;hing as may be �LlS'L' , The panel ' s q� -�}c findings o:r �ae�L and order shal]_ be servecl on i:he respoildc�zl; aizcl F�Wp�� �5 each me�nber o� �;lle Conunissiori by mail and sl�.all become tlie �ind.— " W�-Q,(t. NT" ings and orde� o� i;he Conrniissi_oi�. un1_ess , �ai�t;hiil i;en days ar�Ler A nzailin� or. 1;he �indings and. oict�r, 1;he Comruission sliall revoke or a�ucnd i;he order, bui; aiiy order o� a panel may Ue �uodified by �Lhe Coniniis s ion a�t a.ily i;ime . . � " � Section 13. JUDICIAL EI�TPOItC��LE�'T . Ul�on a�i�licati_oi�. of the Dir.eci;or judicial en�o�cemeilt o� Coinmi.ssioii orclers �uay be hacl in �;he maziner provided by La�vs 19G5, Cllap�:ei 866. Sec�l;�_oil 11f. REPEALER. Oidi�iance 10-'F56, as amei�.d.ed by Orcli�.iaiiees soG83, 9.0759 , 12608., 12769, ancl oi;llei • ordiilaiiees , eoded as Cliap�t;er 7��, 51;. Paul Legisla-Live Cocte , is repeal.ecl. The �Iuivan �.nd Ci.vil R�.gli�i;s Conunissioil cre�,i;ed theretincler i,s abolisheci. The posi�;ioils o� �Zecu�;ive Secretary and Assis�Lan-L- � ��ecutive Seciel;ary o� i;lze FItuuail ai1c1 CitTil Rights Go;iuiiissioil are abo].ishe.d. Proceediilbs 21051� pcilcling iii bellalf o� i;he foimEr CO1lllll1S51011 i�iay be coiztintited by �Lhe C011i1111SS1OI1 ancl Director erea�Led lici eLincler. . ' Section 15 . Tliis ord�.n�.iice shall i;alce ef�ec�t; i;hir.ty (30) days a��;er its passabe, app��ova7. , and publicatioi�., ailct i�; shall be �. p�,r� ,o� �;lie St. Paul Legisla�t;ive Code . Ye�,s Councilmen N�ys Passed by the COL1T1C7I __ nzi���si� � xo�l�na Loss Tn Fwvor Mereditli ' � Petei•soii A�'air.st Rosen ' � 11'Ir. President (Vavoulis) , Approved: . Attest: � • Cii:y Clerlc � I17ayor i nc �;;�,,,�z , � �, � — ,✓✓. � 1�'orni appro��cd Cor��oration Counscl 13)'- —����'] -`�--�- --- °�'� ,..r=-- � . , : - . . . . � 3 s�� � . EVALUATIOPl OF TIiE PROPOSED ST. PAUL CIVZL RIQ3TS ORDIJANC� 9/5/67 The propase@ ordn�ce reatin� a Dept. of Ktutan Ri�hts has included �xcellent coverage except that public services, �ahich are covered by the State Act Arainst Discriminatioa, are omitted fror.� coverane. There are some critical quesiions raised, however, by the structu;e, potaers and procedures cahich are enbodied in the proposed ordaance which may seriously criPple the e£fectiveness o£ the ordnance to �ive full an,d adequate protection to complainants of discrir�ination. Soyne of these ga�s a=e as followss 1. The rule of three in the selectiun of the Director a11aQS nolitical control and patrotta�e. 1'he;proceduze should be that the co�fssion refEr the best qualified candidate to the mayor for anpointment. 2. Commissioners can be dismissed without cause and after r�issfn� three meetings are automatically dismissed without opportunity to �ustify �s�ice s. . . . 3. The Director's decisions are absolute. These is no nxovision for the complainant to appeal decisions and/or seCtlem�nts by th� Director. The ordnance does not rrovide for the ca�ission to review the Director's findings of prebable cause or the seCtlements nenotiated bq the Di�ector. 4. T'he "Trial De Novo" p=ocedin�; is still in effect in the proposed ordnance which prohibits th� admission of evidence obtained bq the carmnission during its hearin� into courts o€ law. S. The Corp6ration Coumsel has no time lirnit f.ar takins; action or requirement for repartin� action on cases the Director submits Lo him far criminal p�os- ecution. 6. Public services are not covered by this orduance. 7. There is no er time Iiu�it pZaced on the n�ur,bpr of days which may pass hetiaeen the time the respondent is seroed the complaix�t and date set fvr pnblic hearing. 8. There is no specifie responsibility to continne eases naw pending wfth the Civil and H�nan Ri�hts Commissian. 9. Neither the birector nor the co�ission have in,junctive poc,�ers, Most of these questions or pans have been raised bp individuals in the ��nity before. It is hopefull that these and other d¢£icianciee cvct be corrected by future amaadmetats if this ordn.anec is.•paseed tnday. If the ordnane�:� is • passed in the present form, the Mayor aud city ���il mUSt take full rsepo�aaibil;ty £ar thQ rosulre �+� ct,...,.� �¢p� � .�,.p�c�.£ic provisions. - SIGNED: _ � � CLERGY STATEMENT ON SAINT PAUL HUMAN RIGHTS ORDINANCE DELIVIItID BEFORE THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL, AUGUST 23, 1967 As concerned clergymen in the City of Saint Paul and representing only ourselvea, we would like to respectfully urge the Saint Paul City Council to quickly pass the new Ordinance on Htmian Rights. We feel that this matter is long overdue and, at the same time, we sincerely applaud the fact that the City of Saint Paul has assumed a stance of advanced thinking in these matters when compared to other cities. While we recognize that there are legitimate diEferences on preciaely how the law should be technically interpretted and administered, yet we feel that the over-all concern to prohibit diacrimination in every aspect of living and to encourage equality in all human endeavors should be clearly and emphatically atated. This Human Rights Ordinance should not only be carefully enforced but also uaed as a teach- ing measure to encourage our whole communitq to be full hearted in practicing equal righCS. We hope that the City of Saint Paul will immediately continue to go beyond the letter of this law. It is the sight of derelict buildings, derelict neighborhoods and derelict men that demand that we as religious leaders expzess our concern and assume our responsibility, to work for the well being of our community. We respectful3.y and atronglq urge that our city � make available to all of our citizens equal opportunity for employment, decent houaing, sound education and good recreational facilities. We deplore the apathy and indifference to fihe plight of minority groups, the underpriviledged and the impoverished. We wish to make it clear that the remedy and responsibility for these situations is the joint responsibility of governmenC, businesa, labor, re�.igious inatitutions, civic groups and private citizene. We call upon the entire community to unite and use its total resources toward helping to create a more.beautiful Saint Paul. We look foYward to the near future when Saint Paul can become the model city not only in beauty but also be a leader in urban renewal and equal ppportunity. To this end we pledge our toCal efforts. Rev. Harold C. $radshaw, Exec. Secty. Rabbi Frederick C. Schwartz St. Paul Council of Churches Mount Zion Temple Rabbi Eli J. Rahn Rev. Raymond Wey, Director Sons of Jacob Congregation Catholic Social Service Rabbi Bernard S. Raskas Temple of Aaron Congregation CLERGY STATEMENT ON SAINT PAUL HUMAN RIGHTS ORDINANCE � DELIVERID BEFORE THE SAINT PAtiL CITY COUNCIL, AUGUST 23, ].967 As concerned clergymen in the City of Saint Paul and representing only ourselves, we would like to respectfully urge the Saint Paul Cfty Council to quickly pass the new Ordinance on Human Rights. We feel that this matter is long overdue and, at the same time, we sincerely applaud the fact that the City of Saint Paul has asaumed a stance of advanced t�inking in these matters when compared to other cities. While we recogaize that there are legitimate differences on precisely how the law should be technically interpretted and administered, yet we feel that the over-all concern to prohibit discrimination in every aspect of living and to encourage equality in �all human endeavors should be clearly and emphatically stated. This Human Rights Ordinance ehould not only be carefully enforced but also used as a teach- ing measure to encourage our whole community Co be full. hearted in practicing equal rights. We hope that the City of Saint Paul will isnmediately continue to go beyond the letter of this law, It is the sight of derelict buildings, derelict neighborhoods and derelict men that demand that we as religiaus leaders express our concern and assume our responsibiliCy to work for the well being of our cammuniCy. We respectfully and strongly urge that our city make available to all of our citizens equal opportunity for employment, decent housing, sound education and good recreational fac3lities. We deplore the apathy and indifference to the plight of minority groups, the underpriviledged and the impoverished. We wish to make it clear that the remedy and responaibility for these situations is the joint responsibi].ity of government, business, labor, religious institutions, civic groups and private citizens. We call upon the entire coc�anunity to wnite and use its total resources toward helping to create a more beautiful Saint Paul. We look fonaard to the near future when Saint Paul can become the model city not only in beauty but also be a ].eader in urban renewal and equal opportunity. To this end we pledge our total efforts. Rev. Aarold C. Bradshaw, Exec. Secty. Rabbi Frederick C. Schwartz : St. Paul Council o£ Churches Mount Zion Temple Rabbi Eli J. Kahn Rev. Raymond Wey, Director Sons of Jacob Congregation Catholic Social Service Rabbi Bernard S: Raskas Temple of Aaron Congregation - � - r � �. ' `•��� " . ,r' . ' `" '~""`�__ - - _ 'r:;�._ -. -'r�^ "y`_w%. . ,-{�.�r-'°:?`� -a.; , . ''-'i; '' - - • - � � y± ' '� ,' ` V' '.' 'tx» � l.__ '•" , ` �.s��� -+ Yt,��` y `�� . . , . ; � ' �'lt���_ � .y �-..�i�f" �;'- 'r . ' " ,F'' y - �'•'��e�,- � ." 4 n•.�.`'''_ �, ,' ;� i� .' ` , ' ^ , � ` : :N',,, ' -�°'4 ..?�'"�� . .��-. _ _ , r .r: �.: . r .. , ` � .. . - �>`' _cF_'_..r,�,.. : ��` r` ... ' .. . .:i-�. .. .; . -�-. _ % ` 7. � ,� � : . , .. - . n �' .` .. - . _ ^ a ., - ; _ a � _ - ," T ` � - 4 � � _ "_' . _ ' - - ' _- - - _ _ � _ " __ ' ' ' • " _ _ ' _ a' - - �" - � - . _ ` ' � . .. _ - " ` . ' T ` _. - ' 1 _ _ ,. . - „ . V1 ` Y � ` _ ' . ' .� ` • . l �` � • • a , � �_"' ' . . - _ �- _y _ . . s - - , , ' , ?. - -_ � ' - � ` � __ - , , _ . _ • ' - . , ` • ° - _ � , ` � _ ` , " ' " ' � .. •� - sept. 6, 196'7. . . : . : . • ; ; s � .. � � " - . ;� ' � - : -' • � - - ' ~_ � � - � - - _ _ • .�- _ � _ _ � � . _ - , - � - . - ; . , - •., - _-- - . - _ . , - � _ _ _ , � . � , _ - . . _ _ . � � - . _ . - , . • • - - + � . : _ . - _ � ; . _ - -Mr. Lawrence Borwn, ` . - , - . ,= b - - - ' ° T ,- . _ • � . _ ,� ,� _ . i ' - . ��+00 Maxshall Ave�, -� . -.. -- . � , � , - ; _ - � . t ' � � _ , . 3t. Pau]., Minn. _ _ � - . _ - • -_ � - , '�� } - Dear 3ir•-. � , -:. ., '� - _ � , ' SL _ ' r� - • � � - � . - • > . • � - . � - - A co�nunication entitled " ion o� the Proposed St.- � - _- • '.'� . , _� � � ° � - Paul Civil Righta Qrdina tte you and signed by ni:ne � _ - : , � � ' pe�caons,.wa.s presented t e Cit unci his morning and msde _ . � ',� ' {. - �' ' `_ � ,an officia]:.paxt•of th roceedi �, �f the City Council. . = _ � =- _ °�. . : . . . . :� . - - - • � - ' _ - - . . . � ' - - � _ _ _ . _ � - _ ' ' : ` - � -- : � � . � ' _ ` . . � Very truly,your�, � � � ' . , - Y - ." . _ . ' • _ �� , + _i . _ ' * _ ._ -- . " _ . � ;City Cle"rk - - ��_. � - � � _ , �"AOlhp - = � .� . . - _ - - .� , � - � -- - '- • � . , . '. - + . ' - - �;� _ � .' z .�.. , � . . . - � -- , ' - ` - . . - .- ' 'r - - , - , � LLa� . " ' . - . ' �_' t . _ .- - T •' `f , , y ^ . �. � .-' .' _v r . . .. _ . ' 4 �y._, t ' • _ ' ` ' •y ', ' ' ` ^` ,• 1 -" ' r�� . ` . � ♦ - .'.'" ' _ `_' , q 4 - . � � � " , ' - ' ' ' ,. _ r - . , ' - .. - ., • • _ � ~ . y - �' ' r?ry 't .. ,` `" � _ '� " . . .: �_ _" __ � ` . �� ' . ;� .. . � • A . + ` . � , _ l° r - � ` � ' ' _� ` - ' ' ' -'� _ ' � - � \, - " cr " F ♦ "' � ` �°- . '_". . � � �i �L J f /7 moves to smend C. F. 2 3'T S$2. ,,, an ordinance creating a Department of Human Rights, e1;c. , as follows: � Amend� Section 12, Page 8, to add a new subsection to read: (7) Any incligent responden� subject to a complaint filed by r the Director FlYlO appeaxs at a hearing or hearings thereon before the Commission or a panel thereof shall be entitled to have his reasonable attorneys' fe2s, not to exceed �350, arising out of preparation for or appearance at such Commission or panel hearing or hearings paid from the funds of the Department at the conclusion of proceedings in the case. � _f� ; � • . � I i ; • i � i _ . ! _ � CENTRAL MANOR � � 26 EAST EXCHANGE STREET LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ss,o, 222-3178 August 23, �967 T0: Ttie Sonorable Thome�s R. Byrae, Mayor oP 8t. Pata3. Members o� the City Coune!]. FROM: Mrs. Arthur Bayden, President . Mrs. J�e� Ve7.�enga, Chairmau of Equal Opportunity Ccmmittee RE: The proposed �ivil Rights Ordina:ice � The St. Pau�. I,e$gue of Wamer� Votexs he,s folloWed �►ith 3�nterest the . progress by Commiseioner DalgZ3gh e,nd the Hum� Rights Task I�orce in drewing up at; ord,inance to foster equa3. opportunity for at]. in St. Pav1. • Ia e.eeord�,nce with aur position on eq,u�,lity of apportuaity in housing, employment, aud educat�,on, we erQ support3�tig t�e propo�ed HwaRn R3ghts Ordinance. As Meyor Byrne stated at 't1a� fira"t re�,diag August 9th, St. Paul must have the bes� i�s�s. We b�lieve the progosed ardinance s,rou].d be an improvement af the 8ti. P�,ul Legi�Iative Code. We are�contl,deat the C3ty C�ut�c31 wfll adapt this ordinence and thus �ncreese equa].ity under the law Por a13 Sb. Pa'ul citizens rege,rdless ot race, cree8, color, uatioas3. origia or e,ncestry. ; . , � , , i �Z The St. Paul Council oF Human Relations 65 East Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul 1 , Minnesota CApital 4-2421 � � �� � � E � . _.IPiT PAUL. MtR1N. �� t�AY+DR'S C�1��l�� A� ��UG 2 � 1967 '� � ���i�ii��i�Pi li�i�r�i�i� � August 22, 1967 The Honorable Thomas F. Byrne, Mayor and I�embers of the St. Paul City Council Gentlemen: The Board of the St. Paul Council of Human Relations meeting in special session on August 21, 1967, voted to • positively endorse the proposed ordinance creating a Department of Human Rights as presented by Joseph P. Summers, ., Corporation Counsel, on August 16, 1967. Sincerely, ��� 'Q.�wl�k�./'�'� � �, . �:Y��� Mrs. Don La.mpland, Secretary j1�EL �,. - } � - � . C� , �.v�� 67 ..� c , � 9 �...� � ; -- � . � � !� Sa� � � � ' —�.o--Ywe. Lv--ehe � u� o—�c..e � � `'� —� ^ L"�" � � ' Q - � , _'��� � r � � � � � � , � , . �,� � .e�'=� �� � . , t �� � � ��� �-� . , ^ � - ..�,�� Q 9 .�J.�Q — t �� � �.�(/Wi c� �� � �� � � � . . . �?}-� { ��'� � � � �� �� ��� ��� � . , � �- .-�-e " � `�, .�. �,� .���- - ' � �° , ��:e - � � �-v� � �� , � t ,--��-�' (� !� ' ' �; r � ` —�� � n ^ S R_`� •t l� , � (,� C��.�!�:1"""'"� `/��� / � � � l i• _ —' � � h� ���/1/(� . � � � ✓ i c1���-9 . - (�"',�� 1. , �, �.S' . . 4 , . � . .,, . . 75$ E. Jenke Ave . , St. �aul, Minn. 55106 . � Aug: 10, 1967 ' St. Pa�l City Council, St. Pa�l, Minn. � A�tention Mayor Byrne. . � G�ntlemen : ' - I wieh,.to register my oppoaitl,on to the propoaed , civil & Human r3,ghta ord.inance. Under the Constitufot�i�' the US. I ��n guaranteed certain rights. I belf,eve the proposed ordinance takes aw�y f`ro� me ce�ta.in of thoae 'righta and givee them to other persone. I further believe - thafs if a person had th,e money and �ranted' to take thia ordinance, if pa�eed, to the �U.S. Supreme Court, he wou�.d win. �Lr. Tedesco stated `that a pergon could aell or rent to anyone he wantecl to, if ho uged the 9ame Bules . You know as tiaell ae I do that if you refused to sell or rent to a white pereon, that would aettle it. However, 3,f you refueed to sell or rent to a RTegro• under theae same rules , he would claim discrimi,nation because he was a Negro. That dould entail court coste w�y out of proportf,on to defend your �ust atand. Let �ne state t5at I have no ob�ection to a Negro as a nan, but I ehould have the right to determine whotn T s�rant as a purchaeer, ren ter or roomer w9,thout running the ri�� o�' incurrring; un�u9t � court coate . • � S�Iould you like to be placed in that position?2 I am opposed, to the paesa�e of thls ord3,nant�e aa i,t etand�s.. The �tate lata i,s sufficient. �incerely, � � , � �` ' E �;rif���Hae e. � 3 - i . � Aroa COfI�GIZ • • • t,��TY °�• GERALD A. ALFVEBY ' 223•5121 �' ; PAUL J. KELLY ' '� �:;. ��'+ THOMAS J.STEARNS 0 . .- �:-'•'�.;" ;r JON R. DUCY,STAD � '�.r = ^� � ARTHUR M. NELSON JEf:OME J. SEGAL � ROBEP.T E.O'COtdNELL _ THOMAS M. MOONEY First As:lstant ��m� �� � r` ��� ���� JAMES W. KENNEY �_ .�-� KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK � DANIEL n.KLAS GERALD H.SWANSON ` SpocialA:slstant L'EGAL DEPdR7h4@N7 �_� 316 City Hall, St. Pau1, Mfnneso'Fa �'S102 JOSEPH P. SUbtMERS � Corporation Co►u�sel � August 16, 1967 � To tlie Honorable Tlayor, Compl;roller, and Members of the Ci�i;y Council Gentlemen: • At your request I have prepared an annotated copy of the proposed hun�an rights ordinance , �ahicli is attached. The notations in the left-hand margin indicai;e all changes �rom present law, You may assume th�,i; if there is no notation to the lefi; of any paragraph, it is substantially identical wii;h what z�Te not,r have . The notations in the right-hand margin indic�.te the source of each paragraph. Since the language of our present ordinance has been modi�ied slightly in almosi; every part of the new proposal , the notation "P.L. " may be taken to mean "Presen.t Lazv ��rithout major changes . " The not�,tion "C. C. " indicates that a major change in wording introduced by the office of the Corporation Counsel either to achieve greater clarity or broaden coverage . The notation "Model State Act" � refers to the o:£�icial model laiv prepared by the Conference " of Commissioners on Uniform State Laz,rs , and the notation � "Miruzesota State Law" refers of course to our o�,�n State Act Against Discrimination. The Mayor statement appended to the ordin.ance when it was originally presented to Council details specifically every change in cove�age and effect from the present ordinance , and. should be used as a supplement to these annotations . .I. have used this ' sysi;em o.f mar�inal notes in pre�erence to more exte�.sive comments because it keeps the bulk of mai;erial dozvn to a minimum. - Sincerely, � J se P. Su ers orp ration Counsel JPS:bl Attachment �O � . , � :� �����[�T �D v 1' F�AUL. �. I,Ji.. . �n ` �� Y�)4'S OFf't'.,t' C�/� „� ';UC `? 4 1967 . � �f �a �I,i �I , , ►1��1�B���4�8�6 S �����5 �J�.��. �'-� - . 1 � > oLF�z.,`c��. � ,�—t�-� a-�� ����,-v�.�.�.��--- �C- �� �- �� '� � � ���.��� `1 �L�a�v(�- ��°'�' I d F � �"' r"� �� V� � ��J�� v�h�'1 an� . � . ` ��� �—a-�-.��.} �kl�vl e�� q 1 �'��2 �C4�u-�e�l.c.��l �rc��-� � � �j i2t-^--✓l�L� q-�'�-��—b-��_. 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Cotmcil Members: I shall expect you to vote against l�ayor Byrne�s proposal for further aancessions to Negros in private and semi-px�.vate housing.,. Thf.s proposal violatea the Constitution of the U.S..,, and I �rant thia type of boo - ckin city gonernment stopped rig t� � E � � � � ^�q�Nr YAu►.. , �..n. In MAY(��7'S OFFI� ed �J. B�ohl � I�U G 2 3 1967 158o No. Griggs st. �,q �► .•t. Paul, �dinn. 55108 �i�i�i���!ii���l�'!�� �� �. . . , . .;, � , e�'"_'���-�,.`� � �"�`,- -_ .. ' y�` PM �'� � ALWAYS � ��: . ? �E �_' • ��6� `�� � Z�P C�� - 5_ _ _ . ; - `--,= - --��. � �a�� . � �. � �r � " � � v� �Q � . �°� / , , au� ,1 � y N a ��� ��-�:/�-C �-�i v l,�l��� �N h 9 � �� � �� l � � / � Y � 'y __ � ' � J 1 . , j� ., . X � I st'� ,' � .° ; �. 2nd �� � : .. . �� • � 1L-�d'over to � - I � 3rd and app`-�f��.—Adopted , Yeas , Nays Yeas Nays � �carlson '\Carlson �9alglish � � 1Dalglish `Holland '���� " �� �Fiolland � a � �AAeredith Meredith � � � �Peterson Peterson `�edesco �Tedesco � �r. President Byrne \Mr. President Byrne �O