234558 ORIGINAL TO GITY GLERK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �� � L3C��S� C�„�',ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COU I ESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY },'�1111&7R �. Carlson DATF �U�UB'�, 7a 1967 COMMISSIONER �REAS; Richard Charles Rosenberger made Applicatian J 17494 for hotor Vehicle Driving School Inatruator c% Safe b�ay Driving School, 860 IIniversity .avenue, and F�EREASs 7-'he Corporation Counsel of the City of St. Paul ruled recently not to accept any new applicatians for Z+:otor Vehicle Drivin� Scho.ol �r �of�or Vehicle Driving $chool Instructor licenses, beaause the State of biinnesota s�rill licensa such businesses as of January 1, 1968, therefore ba it R�SOLVED: '1'hat gpplication J 17494, made by Riahard Charles Rosenberger for Blotor Vehicle Driving Scho�l Instructor :c% Safe S;ay Driving Sahool, 860 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby �-rithdrazan. and the refund of �15.00 to be granted him. ' Refun.d to be mailed tos Richard Charles Rosenberger 2557 High�y 61 St. Paul, 2;iinne sota 55109 �►UG � 1967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ].9_ Yeas Nays .;�rrsar�- ��UG 819� Dalglish � pproved 19_ Holland Favor Meredith � ��-, Mayor Tedesco ' ASainst Mr. President, Byrne � PUBLISHED AUG �� ���� �az