234555 � 2����� � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � ' LICENSE CO�dITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ , .,r UNCIL RESOLUTI N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY AU Uu�i 8 19GrI r COMMISSIONE DATF � � . ! t RES(3LVk;Ds That �lgpliaation J 17367 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor Licenae No. 7085, expiring January 31, 1968, iasued to Phalen Center Lounge, Znc. at 1373 E. � ; P�agnolia Avenue, be and the same ia hereby transferred to Petit, Incorporated, ; at the same address. � + � � • , On Sale Liquor Establishment t i TRAIdSFER (Licensee� Informally approved by Council � July 27, 1967 � � i ; � ` F ' �►UG � 1961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ . Yeas Nays � � �— . �►UG a 1967 _ Dalglish � pproved � 19_ + Holland • `- Tn Favor , Meredith � � � Mayor � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � � �PU�LISHE� �IUG 1� 19�7 �22 i + ,. . ' (� � - • CITY OF SAINT PAUI. ` �� � Capital of Minnesota n/��/ 7 S . C% �1''�-� e a�t�e�� a c��`ic �a et � � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTII FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CABLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROCEH M. CONWAY, Deputy Commlaaioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepeetor - July 27, 1967 Honor�zble �ayor and City Council � Sa int Paul, �tinne s ota � Gentlemen� � Petit, Tn.corporated is joined by Phalen Center LoLmge, Inc. in ma,king application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor � License 3�0. 7085, expiring January 31, 1968, issued to Phalen Center Lounge, Ino. at 1373�E. I��gnolia ,Avenue to Petit, zncor- � porated at the same address. Petit, Incorpora�ed also makes application for Res�:anrant, On and Off 5ale balt Beverage, Tavern and Cigare�L�e licensos for the same location. � This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1963,. Present licensee, Phalen Ce�ter Loun.ge, Inc., has held such licenses aince November, 1965. , There are no 3.2 establiahments within t�ro blocks. The . closest On S�le i,iquor place is about tgro blocl:s a�ray' �nd th.e closest Off uale Liquor p1�ce is just a fe�r doors away. T�ze near- est church is t-u•ro blocks araay and the nearost scho�l is about ono mile atiJay. ' Officers of Petit, I�corporated are Earl L. �Iontpetit, President�and Treasurer, and Beverly �.Iontpotit, Vice Presiderit and Secretary. 2,4r. Earl L. r�ontpetit is the ordner and manager �f Billy- Bojr Juices, 500 Buah Avenue, S�. 1�u1, and Beverly I:fontpotit is a � � housez�:ife. Very truly yours, � ' �G����r��� . . Liaense Inspector � � �, � � � � � ' _ . . . • • CITY OF SA1NT PdUI, " � , � DEPARTMENT OF PIIBLIC SAF&TY '� . � LICENSE DNISION � . ' - Date Ju].y 20, 19 67 lo dpplica�ion for On-Sale �Re�ai1 Liquor Liaense � 2o Nams of applioant Pe-Ei:t� Incorporated - Ear�l Montpetit, �'resident and Treasurer ' 3, Bus3ne�s �ddress 13'7.�f_�: I�Iagnolia 4ve.Residenoe .109� E. Hyac3.t�th��Acc:eri�iie:,,�t:Paul:Minn., , � St. Paul� �Linr�esota. , '�`-�"". "� 4. Trade name, if'any� �P�T�T �NCORPOR�ITF'.JT `' , �7. Q - . - .- - - - . � ; 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta�np will be used, � . _ __ . . , f6. On what flQor loaated �'3rst • Number of rooms used �-ve � � • Phal.en �hop�iri� � � Phalen Shopping 7. Bet�►een what 'orosa streets eenter Whi.oh side of street Ce�tQr � ,. . � On-Sgle � .� . 8� Are premisea nnar ocaupiedYes Wi�t business Liquo� Hovr long 3 yoars � . .. . . , _ i9, Are premiaea noRrr un.occupiec�T° Havr long vaoant +" Prev3.ous usa "°' � . � - , . - - � - - - , � �:'0. , dre you a zlew awner�es ti . Have you been in a similar businass before Ye° rF.�� . , � �� _ � � �1'herei 615r University�'�tienue,� : y�.len �-9.�0 to 1961 � ; �+.._..a.v'�, �Ri*�ne�v-Fa.__.� . " � _ _ � 11. Are you going to operate this buainesa�personally Y83 , - - . , . ! � If ndt,� who will operate it -- � + - - - - � � i 12; Are you�in any other buainess at the preaent time Yes - Bi11y �o� duices CoMpan_� � . . . _ .. .� . . . __ .. _ � 15,� • Bav� the e beer� any co�nplaints 'against your oparation of thia type of _plaoe Yes f . 195�s � � � � - . _--- i . . .. _ , Rhen �960 • . YPhere �?5 Univorsity� llwonue, St. Pau1.� ISinnasota ' �, t • �� . _. . _ . _- � - ° 14. �ve �you ever liad any lioense revoked Yes �IThat reason and date i955 - Sale af '� - . . - - i ' Liquor on ,Sunday; 1950� Gambling tickets withaut i3.5. License t�vh�ch w�s in � -� a . - _ -. - , ; • . � 15o Are you a oitizen of tk�a IInited Statea Yes Idative Yes Naturalised. -- � . . . . -�---•---r�-- . . , � 16. Rhsre were you bornS�me�set� Z�Tisconsin � Da�e` o� birth 1927� � { . " �- . _ � . r � 17. I am marriedp Idy (wife��s� (-htrsba�d�e)�name and addre sa is � " '; � Beve"rly Z�:on-tpe�it - 109�. F. Hy-aoir�th AvenuQ, St. Paul; �Li.nnesota � � - - - . ..; _, � - ± 18, (If mar�ed femaTe) my �naiden name is - �.. � � . 1 • ; . . . . � _ `� 19� Haar long have you liced in S�, Paul 17 years � � � ; � 20. Have you ever been arrested Yea Violation of what oriminal la�r or.ordinance • ! . _ t Sa],e of L3quor on Sunciay; Gambling tickots �aithout [�.5. License-• Whi.ch,is in �, � . . . --- . � � � { 21. dre you a regiatered voter in the Citg of St� Paul x Yes s,p�, 1Qo� . ..�r _-, . -, . ; (Answer fully and aampletel.Ys These �a���licationa are` thorouglil.y oheolflsd and any �+ � . . . � falaifioation �till be cauae for denia�.._ ' i -- . , AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT � FOR RETA,IL BEER OR LIQII�JR LICEN$E . � � , . _ . _ Res � Sale Retail Li.quo� Liaense Name of applicant P�tit� Zncorporated (�arl L. MontLaet��s 1,'resident and Treasu�er Business addresa ��72 �� ;�T�gnol3.a Aoenue f St. P��a1� I�):nne�ofi�a Are pou the sole awmer of this business?Yes . If not, is it a partnership? " c orporat ion? Yas ' , other� -� - � Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwisea Name �'halon Cer,ter Lounge, In�ddress 137�_�._ Ma�nolia Ave, -How� Note and Pled�e oE corpo- 5��"7.'3 � nes �'a e s o a � Ino« . for unpaid bal.anae of e ' Bever],y MQntp�ti't 109J� E. H.vac3.nth Ave. St. Pat11., �6j.nnesata As corporatv of�icQr - o� - . If a corporation, give its name PETIT, INCORFORAZ'ED � Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor business? No , As sole owner? +- Partner? �. Stockholder? �.�• � i a -- - -- -- . - - - � Otherwise� (Through loan of money, etc. E�plain� 1 � �. t • � � Address of such business and nature of in.terest in same � � �� � '� , Signature of applicant ! Ear1 L. ��ont�etit � • State of Adinnesota� � �ss County of Ramaey . { ----- - - . - . � EARL L, MGN7'PE'rIT •• - �' � " being first--duly sworn, deposes and says upon. . oath that he has-read the f oregoirig affidavit bearzng his signature and l�ows the contents thereof; that the �same is true of his- own l�a.awledge, except as to those I matters therein stated�upon informgtion and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. t � fi r:. ��, � . .? '� + - � {'., �' Signature of a pplicant � �, -� � - Earl L. I�ontpetit . 1 Subscribecl �an�.'sworn. to before me � = this�cfay` of July lg 67 � , � � : � 4- - , Notary.Pub3.ic; Ramsey _ ty, �dinnesota , Ma�t3n��J� �,ydera � ' . My commission expires Dea. 28y. lg 73 . : . i . ; t i � � t � � j • . t . � 1 � STATE OF �INNESOTA � � � SS t COUNTY OF RA,RqSEY ) � � � � : t • ► . � EA1�L �. AqUUPi`!'�'ETIT being first duly sworn, doth depose � � and say that he makea this affidavit in. aonnection srith appli.cation for i " On Sale" liquor license (" On Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of ; " � � - ' -� -� " � � � � � � �- State oP Minnesota � Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the r � -- --� --- . � }k arxl has resided therein for 17 years, months, and ia I - - � - - - - - � - Stat e - } now and has been for the time abave mentioned a bona fide resident of said� � ; and that he naw resides at N0. 109I� E. Hyacinth �venuea St. Pau1� ; ' �}� I�dinne s�ta. . t � � � f } � � I ; � � . , , � Eax1 I,. Mon�tpet3.t � � � � , _ . . ._.. �.. . � Subsoribed and sworn to before me ; � ' . j this-���day of J��-� 1 �7 i " - �'" �,-� ; ` i Notary Public, Ra�se�f Co y, ' esota � Martin J. Lyden 1 �y aommission expires 1?ecerabar 28, 1973 t � � - f . � ` _ � - � � � • } ' � i I t c � � r CITY OF SAINT PAUI, , � " - ; � � , DEPABT?ffi�TT OF PIIBLIC S�AFETY � . - 1 � . - LICENSE DIPISI(�T _ . ' - - '. . � . . , r. . - -, Date July 20, 1s 67 ' +'• . r � - - .. '� l�� dpplicatian. for � � �On-SaZe �ZetaiZ Liqvor �� - �� Lioenae � • . ' 2. DTams of�appl3can� �'etit, Incorpora�ed --Boverly��P4ontpet�.t, g3.oe �'resident�and Searetary F ' ' 3o Busine$s addreas 137,'� �. �a i�olia Ave,Residenae �-�� E' I�3ra��.nt�Yt Ave.,� �t.Paul� _�inn. i k " � ; 4, Trade name� if any� P ,F�TTT� ZNCORPOI�A�D � t - . . __ . . . - - - - r �• 5. Retail Beer •Federal Tax Stsmp�,� Re�ts�il Liquor Federal Tax Stamp 7l5�� will be used. � 6. Qn what floo"r loaated. �rst • ��er oP rooms used F�-Ve � . Pl�a En S opping � � Phalen �hopp9ng 7. Between what arosa ,strsets �-�e��r VPhiah aide of streat .CEn�er � � . . ' - n-Sa1e ' _ , ; 8� llre premisea n�r ocoup3.ed YeS What business �iquor g� lo�g 3 years � - - - . . � . . . � 9, Are premises naw unoccupiedj'�� Haor�lang vacant '�' Previous use "- . ,� � � � . ' .,. _ . . . +� � - y. f �'0� dre you a ne�r owner � _ Yes Eave you ,been i.n. a similar busine as �bef ore �,*o ! � � Where � �--�". ,s . � - _ , 9Yhan t y . �" . � _ � . _ � 11. Are� you going to operate this buainess�personally N° t . - � , t - ' • � If nbt, who will operate it �3�`1 �:. Z�Ion��eti� = t � _ _. . _ . , . . . . . � 12, Are you��in. any other buainess at the- preaent tima ,o - �- ; - , , - '• �: • ` , . , , - _ * . ' �_.... ' 1S� • Eav� there beea any co�np].aints "against your operation �of thia,type of plao@ No , , i : - � • . _ , � Rhen `"" Where . r-- - ; . i 14. Have �you�ever had 'any_�lioense revoked P10 • �11hat reason and date . i, . f, . 3 • ' - � - _ . � _ . �. ; � � . —_ { 150 �re you a oitisen �f tk�a United States Yes Native Ye3 Naturalized ' • _ - . �...,.:�_..... , • � . � � ,� . J � 16. Rhsre were you born �t�.11��at�r� �'3,n:�. � Date of birth P2a�. �,_,�.93Q • t _ _. , . . _ .. .. ; �,. .3 . ._ . _ , a 'I �'� } . s 17. I am . married� L�y (vrfP�'a} (husband�a) �name an� addresa is � � � � � Earl'L. 1'?ontpetiti I091� �. Hyaci�nth Avenue� �t.Pau1� Minneso�ta ' , � 18, (If marr.��ed feinaTe) u�p maiden name is Beverl.y �t�ieste� . 1 , ' Y9, Ha� long have you. lived in St� Paul 17 years - � - - . _. _ . � 20. Have you ever been arrested rto Violation of what oriminal ,la�v or ordinance • 1 � ' '�.•, �, � 210 Are you a registered voter in the City of St� Paul���_�Yes �a- No� � (/lnswer ful1V and completelYw These �a� �lications'are thorou Iil. ahec)�d and an , , falsification will be cauae for denia�... , , . . � . _ ,� . ! . . , - . . _ • � AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT , „ FOR RETA,IL BEER �R LIQUOR LICENSE Re s �1 Sale Re'tail Liquor Lioense Name of applicant Petit,.� Incorporated (Beverly Montpetit,�9ice President and 5ecretA�r Buainess address i3� �•�Magnolia. Avenue, 5't. Pau1�. MinneBOta Are you the sole o�mer of this buain.ess? N� . If not, is it a partnership? No , a orporat ion? Yeg , other� �� Others interested in busin�, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises � �ar1 L. Mont etit Z �. �,� � Name p Address � � .gyacinth Ave, g� Owner of aapital stock � - . � ' , tecl � Phalen Cenier L�iungQ� Tnc. 137� �. �Ya�o],ia .Ave, Ido�te and Pledge of , u .'� � � � Pet t, Inc. for un- � ' 1e , � � . - , ' If a corporation, give its name P'��IT� S�ICORPORA`1TyD , - _ -. - - . t . i . Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? �No � As sole owner� N� "' Partner? �� ° StockholderB �- '�^ ; Otherprise? (Through loan of man.ey, etc. En�plain) •�- � ; . ' Address of such business and nature of interest in same � None , r � � ; - - - --- ` Signature applicant � Beverly Mo t�eti-� i State of �dinnesota) 3 ' �Sa , ; County of Ramsey _ � �everly Montpatit � �- � �� ' - being first�'duly sworn, deposes and says upon '. oath that he has �read the foregoing affidavit�bea"riisg his signature and l�ows the 1 contents thereof; that th.e' sama is true of his own knowledge, except as to those ; matters therein stated�upon information and bolief and as to those matters he be- � lieves them to be true. r ; t ' Signature o a pplicant t ` � ' 'f �ev erly 2��on p etit � Subscribed and sworn to before me - ; this� �. day of '�i �- 19�� , �` .- � , � PTo ary Pu lic, Ra y C unty, �innesota t Martin J. Lyden � � F My commission expiresDecember 28,19 73 ' s , ? � � o , . � � � , . j M ' f � ST�TE OF MINNESOTA ) ' t ) SS � C(�UNTY OF R,AD�SEY ) . , , � . - i � � i BE`J�,T�LY 1�10:JTF'EtIT ..'_ . - _ . . being first duly sworn, doth depose ; � _ __ _ _- - ---- -- --- - - -- � � and say that� he makes this affidavit in aonnection �rith a�plication for � ! '� �- Sale�� liquor license (" �n'Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of _ ._ ._ . . _ _. ._. _ . _.. _ ._ - -- - _ - . - - State of Minnesota ' Sain.t'Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the �i -�'r��IC j - -- -- -�-- _ , � } and has resided therein for � �-7 years, months, and is t - _. . . .- - - State ' � naw and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said O��X , � - - - , � and that 8 he naw reaides at N0. �-�91� �• Hyacinth Avemae� St. Pau7.� + -- - . ? ��Q� H�inne s ota. � i , 1 i ° r � , • i � � ; Beverly t ntpetit ; , t + i � Subsoribed and sworn to before me � this�_day of Ju1y lg 67 t � , : � Notary Public, Ra Coun y, Mi.nnesota � Martin J. T{yden - - � { �y oommission expireapevember 28, 1973 t � - ; I � 1 � \ i y ` f - � t i -' i � ` - � _ 1 � . t t 1 i I � � . . : ' �LL'LtCl2 �. 1t��1't ATTORNEY AT LAW 641 UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHONE� 226•0144 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 Ju1y 24� 1967 To the Honor ala 1� l�ayor arid C�.ty �ou�oi3. of the Ci-�y af S�t:Pa.u1 Ramsey Connt� Gvurt �Iouse ��.�aui, l�.nri�sota. (3en-tlem en� � Please be adv�a.bed that �eta.t, Ina.� a l�xuiesota cor,poration is� purehasi.ng th� t�n�Sale R��a.�.1 bua�.nes9 and I;s.quor Ir�.cense now in the narne o� �'ha�en C�a�er �ounge, Inc., a I�inn�sota , corporat3.an, located a� 137$ �. �agriol�ta Avenue� St. Paul;� �3.nneso�Ga� and xespectfully request that the (;ity Gour�il of the City_of St.Pau1, �,i.nneso ta, �tra,risger s a�.d On�,Sale �eta3;]: L:i.qnor L�.cer�e fran Pl�alen� Genter I�ounge� Inc. to PET�Ty T�1C0&�'ORAT�D: " � . . � ��I'IT� INGOR�O�1Z`�D B•f �Q.�.� ,�• ras�.den Phalen Center I,ourige, Inc., a �":�,nnesafia cor��ration� the o�+rier of �l�e aforesa3.d bus�.nqs an.d L3.quos• I,ic�nse reepect� f"ul],y �oin in thf.a 1�equas� that �the L�cer�e in the nam.e o� Pha].en Center I,oungo, Inc. be transferred to PETIT, It�3�Q��tA�`ED. �'��EN GRi� Z4�E� 1NG. � . Free de - . . • � - - - - • � � . - - . , - ; _ . :�' � : , , � l _ ; 4 ' .- - � : . _ , •- ;� � _ . • . _ - . . _ � r; '.�;,�v • - .. . . - - '-� . .. - , h _ � . , . _ ' _ z � �i . 4 i , � � , ' : ' � ` � . � . _ - . • . - . - . ' . _ . _ � - . _ ,l ' � - . ` - - r _ ' , _ • ;, - • _' : . ,• , Ju1.y. ?7� 19�7 : .. ._ - ti _ t : � _ . _ _ .. _ • _ , . - - • . .e � - ' - " _ . . S � � - - . � - • � ( _ � . � _ - � . � • '- . - . ' • _ _- _ _ . - - • . . _ - e = y ` - -. . ' y . • ._ � - _ � _ v . ,- _ , _ _ - . _ ;i , - . _ - • -. ,- � .. . _ . - • _ ' ' _ ` . - , - � - _ _ � - y :.'3 -. - - HOT2. �'llfl. E. L'�.2'ZSOYl - , . - Y . - • - ' _ ` Comsr. ���P�zb�ic_�a�ety • - . , _ � - - . . _ � - � ' � . _public �afety Bu�,].ding - - . ' - , �- • , _ . _ _ - _ _ {� = Deax Six: � � . ' ' - - , - ; - - , _ - . {�"_ ` ' ' - ntiori: - . Da�ieT McLa,ughli� .. ', ` � - ' � �he' Cit� C�uncil tAd�.y info�mally roved fol].owing applicat�ons.� -- - - - - � .T . _ .. - , - . - � _ ' � - - �etit, Inc. .and -Phalen Cex�t.�r ounge, n . �car~transfer�af On�S�le . �'_ • - � ;,- - �,iquor �ic: No. 70$5y e� 1 � . 31a- ' t .at� 1�7� �E: Magnoli�. Ave. ���, " : _ _ fron P�alen C��tex I,ourr� �, c� •tp tit� orporate�.; A�,SO ap�li c�-� �� - �ion of Pet3,t; 'Tncorpr�r cl far Reat rant-y=Qr� axic3 •Off_Sa2e PQal� �ev- ����`>.��! - � , � erage, Taverri and� _Cigar , te 13cerises ox the sa'ine lo�at3.on. - - ' - - . � � �, . -, ' "- - — � _ _ . .. � . � , . - - ' � � . � � �3�ss.� � ciYV oF sT. PAUL � APPLICATIVN FOR "UN SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � • � Application No. .. -� '' Name of Applicant__.__PETIT�TNCORPORATID ..._.........._._._...._....._,._..... . .. Age._._��.__.... . ..._..__. ...._.__._. _ _ ' R,esidence Address........137��E. Magnolia Avenue, St. Paul,µMinn. Telephone No.._.._...._...._...._.__........_....:._._._._. i Are you a citizen of .the United States?__�_�..._.... -......_...--.-...--..-....-...--..-.-......._...._..._.._..___..._.__. .._..._...._....._..._._ � ; Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similax nature? i ..._...._...._._._._.._._........._...._..._...........___._..._.._....._..._._____ _ ._..._...._._...._._...._....__._..�_._.__...._._..._ ....._. � When and where?...__......_._.. , .._.__..._......._..____._ .__..__._..� � If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.._._...._.P�IT� INCORPORATED _��_�� ( � __._____..._._ ___.__.__._.__.__ .._...._.____._.._.._....__._...__._�._ • --.._.__..____._._._.__..�--•— � kWhen incorporated?....._.._...._...�T111,y_ . 196Z_.... ..._...._...__...__.___._._....._..__..._.........�_. _.... .__._... _� � If club, how long has corporation owned or lea,sed quarters for club members?.._._........___...._..__ ._..__.._. � 'Ho«� many members?__._...._...._�_ . _...._._.. .__._..� . . � Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . . . . . . . .. . . . ' Earl L. Montpetit; �resident and Treasurer 1094 E. Hyac3.nth �venue, St. Pau1, Mis�n. i ..._......._._...._....__._............_._._........�..._..._.._._..__...._._.._...._...._....�..._..____...._...:._..._._..._._._... - .__._.......__.....__._....�..�..._. • ! . .�....._..._...._...._._ � _.Beverly Montpetit� Vice.President and Secretary 1094�E. Hyacinth Ave�ue,�S�.Paul, Mirm. ; Earl L. Mon etit, General Manager� '_ __�___ 10�E. Hyacir�th Avenue� St.:�Pau. 1,�Mi.nn. . �?........._ .___.. � . + �-�---......._....__.._............_.._..._.__.........._._....___.._ M___.. _�. . __..._...�.....�...�._..�.�.�.... .....W--�--�_... ......._................_ • � aNames and addresses of Stockholders: I ................ . .. _ ..... .��.... � y ..............._.... ---__...�__...__._..._._._....�.._....._______...__._.......__---_-- . ' �ar�.���. A�on e�°i£������09���. H acinth l�venue St. Pau1 Minnesota i --__._...._....._.._-------_..._..._..�_....�y.__._..._.____ M................._...m�__..=._._..._..._.__ _..__....--___._....._._�_�...�_...__._� � Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known___...��...._�����:_.5�:, 1 Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward � � . . . ' , - � Phalen S�opp3ng Center, - 'St.��.ul, Minnesota : ' ` 1373 . E, Magnolfa St. . . ... .a i . ,. . . � How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?�.............._...._...._...�.._..._._._:..._..._....._.. How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?....�..........._...:_....2.�Bls��ks_._.:_.__ ._......_.�........__..._..._..._____ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?_..1__�-e.._.._..... Nameof closest schooL.__---_._.._.:.._..._......-.------_._.__.-----.y..............._........._...__...._.........._.._......_.___...__._..._...._...__.._.._...._._ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_.._.Co�er.cial - _-, Onwhat ftoor located?...._..............._.F�St---�--._.__........._..._.._.........._..._...._.._.........._..._...._.._...............__........._...�.�.----.._...._.........._......_____. Are premises owned by you or leased?.....Leased___� leased give name of owner..__..Pha1e??_Center_Compan�r If a restaurant give seating capacity 7..........:._..............._..._---...............----............__....._...._...._......._._...._......._..._..._._._..:............_...._..,.....__.._._ If hotel. seating capacity of main dining room?--•-.--..._...__.........__.._...._......._......_........._..._..._...._..___..._.............._......__._.__....._....._..__ Give trade nan�e--••-•----•�--------- ------•-----------•---•---•----- �--•----•-----•-------...--•---•---•-----------•�----•--------------.....------•-- ---------•------------�----------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ........ ...............:.._...._.......__.._......_-___.._.._.... __._ ...._.___._._.._..._.......__._.._..__._.._......_...__.....__. _.�.. (The iatormstioa above mnst be givea for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sules). How manq guest rooms in hotel7..___..__.__.__.._._....._._...._...._.........._._...._.._....._.._...�_......_...._.__.__.._.__...... _.__.__ Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)___._..____.__...__.._....___......_.�.___.._..._._._...._. ._.� Give names and addresses of three business references:....__ ___.._.�..._..__..._........_..._...__.... ___.__.__.._..___ .1. _��Surimiit National Bank _ _���_�_...._�S�:P'au1, Minnesota __�_._�___.�__�__. __ . .. 2 � Griggs Coo�er�Compan��__ + _ _ _.St. PaUl�Minnesota .._.�.._____...____.�__.__.__. Martin'J. L en : 6I�1 Universi Avenue 'St. Pau1 Minnesota 3..� ........_...._..._......__._...�_ __._ _...._....___....�...__ ._� __._...:.....�..__�.__ .y THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF COR,PORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPOFtATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THLS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: _ � SEE OTHER SIDE .