05-217Council File # 0� � al7 Green Sheet # 204275 Presented by 1 2 3 RESOLUTION CITY�OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a0 VJF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Ciry of Maplewood desire to enter into an agreement whereby Saint Paul will provide Maplewood with tr�c and lighting infrastructure maintenance services and Maplewood will pay Saint Paul for the same; Now therefore be it; 4 RESOLVED, that we hereby authorize the proper ciry o�cials to sign the agreement. iflJo .�Ir��y��s 4 ����� Public Works Pau1 St. Martin MUST BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BV (DAT� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �A��NmA�o I GRE 2/14/2005 oEPUnMEHr waECroa ass�cr+ �3 CITY ATTORNEY NUMBEAFOR �� � FtNANCIALSEAVICESDIFt OftUEFi ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSISTAf� ❑ DS-dl7 No. 204275� •� - �-'uancouria� U`�. � 6 ��� ❑ FlNANCIALSERVlACCTG ❑ Paul Sc Martin �P / ❑ � Z (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED Approve Council Resolution authorizing proper city officials to enter into agreemem with the City of Maplewood whezeby Saint Paul will provide Maplewood with traffic and lighting infrastructure maintenance services. RECOMMENDATIONS:ApOrrne (A) or qeyect (R) �� PLANNINGCOMMISSION � qBCOMMITTEE � CIVILSERVICECqMMISSION A StaH 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl under a coritract for this department� YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. �oes this personffirm possess a skill noi normafty possessed by arry currerrt dty employee? YES NO 4 Is this persoNfirtn a targetetl vendoR VES NO INITIATiNG PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY) Maplewood desires that the City maintain street lights in Legacy Village Development in Maplewood. In order to provide services, an agreement betwaen Maplewood and Sain[ Paul needs to be executed. The agreement is written to allow for Saint PaW to provide additional services in the future if requested by Maplewood. \DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. The City of Saint Paul wall be authorized to enter into an agreement with the City of Maplewood and provide the identified services hased on pre-established ratesffees. , �.,n, .� � til ) c @ .vaa. RkVN�a'�^" � � �~ � �y J . �� JlSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None identified to date. .. -.. :� �' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The City of Saint Paul will not have sufficient authorization to collecGvely provide its services for use by the Ciry of Maplewood. "OTAL AMOUfdT OF TRANSAC710N 5 N!A =UNDING SOURCE N/A �INANGAL INF042MATlON (E%PLAIN) i a� GEfED (qNCLE ONE) VES NO ��V �� �saR a � 2on� . OS- d /7 TRAFFIC AND LIGHTING INFRASTRUCTLJRE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF SAINT PAUL AND MAPLEWOOD An Agreement dated this day of , 2005 by and between the City of Saint Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporation hereinafter "St. Paul" and the City of Maplewood, a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereinafter "Maplewood." WITNESSETH: Whereas, St. Paul possesses the skill and expertise via its Department of Public Works, to service, repair and maintain street lights, traffic signals, signs, and pauement markings and have serviced its own traffic and lighting infrastructure for several decades (the "Services"); and Whereas, Maplewood has need of the Services at various locations within its borders; and Whereas, both St. Paul and Maplewood are willing to enter into an agreement whereby St. Paul will provide Maplewood with Services and Maplewood will pay St. Paul for the same; and LVhereas, Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, provides that two or more governmental units, by agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, may jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties or any similar powers, including those which are the same except for the territorial limits within which they are exercised. Now therefore, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN ST. PAUL AND MAPLEWOOD AS FOLLOWS: 1. That St. Paul will provide general maintenance and repair Services (including bulb replacement) in a timely manner for those street lights listed on Addendum A which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. That Addendum A may be amended by Maplewood at any time providing such amendment is in writing and specifically describes the nahue and type of such matter, its location and effective date of the change. Such amendment shall be sent to Traffic Operations Engineer, 899 N. Dale Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103. Amendments to Addendum A can also include ongoing or short term requests for services for traffic signal maintenance, pauement mazking installation, sign manufacturing, repair or installation or other traffic infrashucture installarion, maintenance or repair. 3. That said services shall include repair of malfunctions and lrnockdowns as they occur. Painting of poles may be arranged through the City of Saint Paul, or its contractor, which p5-��� will be paid directly by Maplewood. Services contemplated herein do not include energy costs. 4. That all electrical work performed by St. Paul will be in conformance with the national electrical code and in a neat and worlananlike manner. Further, traffic control during any maintenance performed by St. Paul shall be structured according to Appendix B of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 5. That any construction work, excavation work and concrete work needed for the effective installation, repair or maintenance of the street lights serviced by St. Paul shall be done by Maplewood or covered under a separate agreement. 6. That any damaged materials removed by St. Paul from the street lights pursuant to this agreement shall be turned over to Maplewood for inspection and disposal. 7. That Maplewood shall furnish to St. Paul a copy of any and all repair and maintenance manuals and revisions of the sasne for any and all equipment. 8. That Maplewood shall, from time to time, provide a written list of persons authorized by Maplewood to call for service hereunder. Any call for service by any other persons shall be verified by St. Paul before work commences. 9. That authorized Maplewood representatives sha11 direct telephone calls for Services when needed between the hours of 730 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday excluding legal holidays to St. Paul's traffic operations center at 487-7200. At all other times, calls for service shall be directed to St. Paul's 24-hour dispatcher at 292-6600. 10. That St. Paul shall immediately dispatch qualified personnel to repair and conect emergency or dangerous situations on a priority basis considering all streetlights maintained by St. Paul, taking care of the most dangerous situations first. 11. That St. Paul shall, for non-emergency or non-dangerous situations, respond to calls for service within twenty-four (24) hours if such calls are received between 7:00 AM and 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. A call for service at any other time shall be responded to within seventy-two (72) hours. 12. That to the extent possible, depending on St. Paul's complement of available staff and available parts, any streetlight covered hereunder shall be restored to normal operation within seventy-two (72) hours from the tune the call for service is received. 13. That St. Paul will bill Maplewood for Services rendered hereunder on a monthly basis detailing a description of the work involved; the labor and equipment used in the performance thereof, and the parts and materials furnished. 14. That labor charges will be billed by St. Paul at the wage it has established as adjusted, via collecrive bargaining with the various occupational groups who actually perform the �,-at1 work. Such wage rates will also be adjusted to reflect the cost of fringe benefits paid by St. Paul to those occupational groups who actually perform the work. Further, the wage rates andfor &inge benefits will be adjusted if the occupational groups are working holidays, aze on overtime status or haue been subj ect to callback as the case may be and as detennined by the time when work is performed hereunder. The labor charges referenced shall commence at the time travel begins and ternrinate when travel ends far any task performed for Maplewood hereunder. St. Paul shall provide to Maplewood the most current billing rates for labor for each occupational group performing the wark. St. Paul shall also provide to Maplewood the most current equipment billing rates. 15. That Maplewood shall be billed for parts and materials at St. Paul's actual cost plus a markup of twenty percent (20%) to cover the costs of restocking, handling and operating expenses. 16. That Maplewood will remit the sums payable to St. Paul within thirty (30) days after its receipt of same. 17. That all written notices and other communications required hereunder shali be sent to: FOR ST. PAUL: JOHN McNAMARA General Lead Electrician 899 N. Dale Street St. Paul, MN 55103 Phone: (651) 487-7209 FOR MAPLEWOOD: R. CI�ARLES AHL Director of Public Works/City Engineer 1902 County Road B East Maplewood, MN 55109 Phone:(651)249-2402 18. This Agreement shall be effective for three years from the date of signature. It may be extended for additional terms of three years by mutual agreement of the parties. 19. Either St. Paul ar Maplewood may terminate this agreement without cause upon sixty (60) days written norice from one to the other and any charges for Services rendered prior to the termination date shall survive until paid. 20. There shall be no assignment of this Agreement except upon the written consent of the nonassigning party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 3 �',-al1 21. Except as provided in Paragraph 2, this Agreement may be amended or any of its terms modified only by written amendment authorized and executed by St. Paul and Maplewood. 22. St. Paul and Maplewood shall each be responsible for their own acts and omissions and the results thereof to the axtent authorized by law. St. Paul and Maplewood's liabilities are subject to statutory liabifity limitations. 23. St. Paul shall assist Maplewood with respect to any requests for documentafion or reports or any other general assistance required pursuant to this Agreement. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Maplewood City Attorney Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: �� SRR, !/ � O� St. u1 ity Attorney's ata O c ��/��� B. � Director Date Departmen ofPublic Works By: Director Date Office ofFinancial Services CITY OF MAPLEWOOD By: Its: Mayor By: Its: City Manager CI'T�F SAINT P�ci7I,� � � Date Date >r Date � Z � ps- a�� ADDENDUM A LIGHTING MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF SAINT PAUL AND PvIAPLEWOOD The street lights included as a part of this Agreement are located within the Legacy Village development area along the following roadway segments: • Kennard Street between Beam Avenue and County Road D(19 street lights) • Legacy Parkway between Hazelwood Street and Southlawn Drive (17 street lights) • Hazelwood Street between Beam Avenue and County Road D(14 street lights) The street light locations are illustrated on attached Exhibit 1. Other infrastruchxre items may be added in the future under Addendum A if desired by the City of Maplewood. �� .p p � � �� �� � � � a� � �a W 4 U F" q � a � 7W r� �F �N � � N O a F F U a O H� c< �� �i H ` � € o� $ � --�^R� � e � r, � �� Y+ Z? _� �`_ �' Q� � � � " y i ❑ �� :� �,—at� F p X w wa�z e- saoz 'co T.�n�x s,a �eiHxYxmiwn-ur�3�\siieixx3\wv,va�ue�3�\wo.uiaorv �o ��u\ n OS- at� TRAFFIC AND LIGHTING INFRA.STRUCTURE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF SAINT PAUL AND MAPLEWOOD An Agreement dated this day of 2Q05 by and between the City of Saint Paul, a Nlinnesota municipal corporation hereinafter "St. Paul" and the City of Maplewood, a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereinafter "Maplewood." WITNESSETH: Whereas, St. Paul possesses the skill and expertise via its Department of Public Works, to service, repair and maintain street lights, traffic signals, signs, and pavement markings and have serviced its own traffic and lighting infrastructure for several decades (the "Services"); and Whereas, Maplewood has need of the Services at various locations within its barders; and Whereas, both St. Paul and Maplewood are willing to enter into an agreement whereby St. Paul will provide Maplewood with Services and Maplewood will pay St. Paul for the same; and Whereas, Minnesota Statutes, Secrion 471.59, provides that two or mare govemmental units, by agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, may jointly or cooperarively exercise any power common to the contracting parties or any similar powers, including those which are the same except for the territorial limits within which they are exercised. Now therefore, IT IS MUTUALLY AGItEED BY AND BETWEEN ST. PAUL AND MAPLEWOOD AS FOLLOWS: 1. That St. Paul will provide general maintenance and repair Services (including bulb replace�ent) in a timely manner for those street lights listed on Addendum A which is incorporated herein by reference. • 2. That Addendum A may be amended by Maplewood at any time providing such amendment is in writing and specifically describes the nature and type of such matter, its location and effective date of the change. Such amendment shall be sent to Traf�ic Operations Engineer, 899 N. Dale Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103. Amendments to Addendum A can also include ongoing or short term requests for services far traffic signal maintenance, pavement marking installation, sign manufacturing, repair or installation or other traffic infrastructure installation, maintenance or iepair. 3. That said services shall include repair of malfunctions and knockdowns as they occur. Painting of poles may be arranged through the City of Saint Paul, or its contractor, which p5- a��1 will be paid directly by Maplewood. Services contemplated herein do not include energy costs. 4. That all electrical work performed by St. Paul will be in conformance with the national electrical code and in a neat and workmaulike manner. Further, traffic control during any maintenance perf'ormed by St. Paul shall be shuctured according to Appendix B of the Manua1 of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 5. That any construction work, �cavation work and cancrete work needed for the effective installation, repair or maintenance of the street lights serviced by St. Paul shall be done by Maplewood or covered under a separate agreement. 6. That any damaged materials removed by St. Paul from the street lights pursuant to this agreement shall be turned over to Maplewood for inspecrion and disposal. 7. That Maplewood shall fiunish to St. Paul a copy of any and all repair and maintenance manuals and revisions of the same for any and all equipment. 8. That Maplewood shall, from time to time, provide a written list of persons authorized by Maplewood to ca11 far service hereunder. Any call for service by any other persons shall be verified by St. Paul before woxk commences. 9. That authorized Maplewood representatives shall direct telephone calls for Services when needed between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM Monday tlu�ough Friday excluding legal holidays to St. Paul's traffic operations center at 487-7200. At all other times, calls for service shall be directed to St. Paul's 24-hour dispatcher at 292-6600. 10. That St. Paul shall immediately dispatch qualified personnel to repair and conect emergency or dangerous situations on a priority basis considering all streetlights maintained by St. Paul, taking care of the most dangerous situations first. 11. That St. Paul shall, for non-emergency or non-dangerous situations, respond to calls far service within twenty-four (24) hours if such calls are received between 7:00 AM and 530 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. A call for service at any other time shall be responded to within seventy-two (72) hours. 12. That to the extent possible, depending on St. Paul's complement of available staff and available parts, any streetlight covered hereunder shall be restored to normal operarion within seventy-two (�2) hours from the time the call for service is received. 13. That St. Paul will bill Maplewood for Services rendered hereunder on a monthly basis detailing a description of the work involved; the labor and equipment used in the performance thereof, and the parts and materials furnished. 14. That labor charges will be billed by St. Paul at the wage it has established as adjusted, via collective bazgaining with the various occupational groups who actually perform the 2 �7,-a�� work. Such wage rates will also be adjusted to reflect the cost of fringe benefits paid by St. Paul to those occupational groups who actualiy perform the work. Further, the wage rates and/or fringe benefits will be ad}usted if the occupational groups are working holidays, are on overtime status or have been subject to callback as the case may be and as detemiiued by the tirue when wark is performed hereunder. The Iabor charges referenced shall commence at the time travel begins and tenninate when travel ends for any task performed for Maplewood hereunder. St. Paul shall provide to Maplewood the most current billing rates for labor for each occupational group perfornung the work. St. Paul sha11 also provide to Maplewood the most current equipment billing rates. 15. That Maplewood shall be billed for parts and materials at St. Paul's actual cost plus a mazkup of hventy percent (20%) to cover the costs of restocking, handling and operafing expenses. 16. That Maplewood will remit the sums payable to St. Paul within thirty (3Q) days after its receipt of same. 17. That all written notices and other communications required hereunder shall be sent to: FOR ST. PAUL: JOHN McNAMARA General Lead Electrician 849 N. Dale Street St. Paul, MN 55103 Phone: (651) 487-7209 FOR MAPLEWOOD: R. CHARLES AHL Director of Public Works/City Engineer 1902 County Road B East Maplewood, MN 55109 Phone: (651) 249-2402 18. This Agreement shall be effecrive For three years from the date of signature. It may be extended for additional terms of three years by mutual agreement of the parties. 19. Either St. Paul or Maplewood may terminate this a�eement without cause upon sixty (60) days written nofice from one to the other and any charges for Services rendered prior to the terminafion date shall survive unril paid. 20. There shall be no assignment of this A�eement except upon the written consent of the nonassigning pariy, which consent sha11 not be unreasonably withheld. 05- 7:t`l 21. Except as provided in Paragraph 2, this Agreement may be amended or any of its terms modified only by written amendment authorized and executed by St. Paul and Maplewood. 22. St. Paul and Maplewood shall each be responsible for their own acts and omissions and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law. St. Paul and Maplewood's liabilities are subject to statutory liability limitations. 23. St. Paul shall assist Maplewood with respect to any requests for documentarion or reports or any other general assistance required pursuant to this Agreement. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Maplewood City Attorney Date CI'Y� �F MAPLE�OD $�Y;. -- Its: Mayor By: Its: City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: �PtS�t �4 • U,1,f�i St. P City Attorney's ate Of e �� By: Director Date DepartxnentofPublic Warks By: Director Date Office of Financial Services 1'7ate Date Kelly,�yo$- Date �� L� �, -a� ADDENDUM A LIGHTING MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF SAINT PAUL AND MAPLEWOOD The street lights included as a part of this Agreement are located within the Legacy Village development area along the following roadway segments: • Kennard Street between Beam Avenue and County Road D(19 street lights) • Legacy Parkway between Hazelwood Street and Southlawn Drive (17 street lights) • Hazelwood Street between Beam Avenue and County Road D(14 street laghts) The street light locations are illustrated on attached Exhibit 1. Other infrastructure items may be added in the future under Addendum A if desired by the City of Maplewood. ��� ��pQ R � ��� � �� �� � �a w °' C:J � �a >� �� ¢ E ' � » a N O U � a � 0 < n s ,s" u � ` z � �, �� c 1L' 0 7}C � � '3s'��� $ � s � e a =� �� �` � a? �� � � @€ �, y� � �# � (Y�- a-��1 F m x w �a n- sooz �m R,o��o� e,.p ieiwrnxuxon-.uv�3i�iieixx�r.m�ma aavea2�wo.�.=imrv a o Rah��