234507 �� �-so°7 Couricil File No. 234507—BY Victor J. Tedesco— � Resolved, That upon the petition of Altiert J. IiaYne, Jr., arid Joan M. Hayne, that section o4 public alley hereina4ter described be and the same hereby is vacated ahd discontinued as a pubhc alley: . The west 46 feet oY the alley lying between Lots 4.and 5 in Block 1, Albright Addition, located west of Kennard Street between Stillwater Avenue and York Avenue; sub�ect expressly to the following con- ditioils and reservations: " 1�the terms andt onditions of Section � 228 of the Legislative Code as amended, re�ulating the procedure and prescrib3ng conditions for the alleye and�h ighwaYs���he�City o St. Paul. Z'ea a{paprotectc the einte ests of�he � Northern States Power CompanY• , 3�he8sum of$i75 asrcompensat on for the vacation and provide the City with a bond in the amount o4 $1.600. Approved August 3 1g67ugust 3,1967. (August 5, 1967)