234505 � ' o�s�o.i t�cttr ci�r� • , 3 + � � ORDINANCE i � (J"�,!'{� � � IdC7���4� ' COUNCIL FILE NO � ' PRESENTED BY �� ORDINANCE NO- � 3 � 7 �— ' � 3 , , : • � . � � i An ordinance amending the Zoning Code� Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code� pertaining to Use : - Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning �of certain properties in the City of �aint � Paul, as amended. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � ' Section l. That the �oning Code� Chapters 60 to 64� inclusive� of the `Saint Paul Legislative Code� pertaining to IIse Districts, Height Districts� and Rezoning of eertain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same �; is hereby further amended so as to, rezone the following � deseribed property from "A" Residence to Commereial District property, to-wit: ; �. The north 163.10 feet of the east 94 feet of Lot 34� Cot�age Homes� subject to Wheelock Pa�kway and Danforth Street; ' , � situate on property located on the southwest corrier of Wheelock , Parkway and Danforth �Street in t�e City of Saint ;Paul. � Section 2. The property described above is subject to the followi�g express conditions: ; � l. That, subject to any further reclassification of the hereinabove described real estate by virtue of proceedings K therefor her�inafter instituted, conducted and completed accord- ing �o the applicable provisions of said Zoning Code� effective as of the date of said. petition for reclassification and the applicable provisions of the sta�utes of the �tate of Mi.nnesota� hereby, the employment of said real estate henceforth is re- stricted and limited to the following specified �uses� to-wit: , Commercial District for the operation of a one-operator beauty shop in the present single-family `` �esidence by the �etitioner and property owner, , subject to all applicable statutes, ordina'nces� rules , and regulations prescribed and promulgated by govern- � mental agencies having cognizance. ; --.. - . ; ' 2. That the owner of said real estate, with�n the period of 60 days next succeeding the publication of this ordinanee, shall file with the City Clerk� in two (2) fully executed counterparts, said owner' s written acceptance of this ordinance, incorporating, among other things, said owner' s grant unto said City of �sint Paul of a negative eas;ement affecting � r a Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ' Dalglish �� ; Holland Tn Favor � , � Meredith ' Against q Peterson , - Tedesco f t Mr. President (Byrne) A roved• � � , , Pp • �- Attest: � ..,. + City Clerk � M or �O •.,�. ,, "• Form approved Corporation Counsel B , { ,�,i �, � _ . ,� , ' . . 1 . , i . j Orialnal to Clty Clerk ' , 1 . •� ' • ' , � ' � ORDINANCE ; 23�u�� COUNCIL FILE NO. • i �(O PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO . � a � . � � i 2• } , . � said real estate, for the imposition� maintenance and enforce- ment of the aforesaid restrictions and 13mitations npon the employment and use of the property described herein, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and reeord- able in the office of the Register of Deeds and.� said negative easement and restrictive conveyance shall be drawn to exclude all uses permitted in Commercial District. � � �3. That, in addition to other requirements therefor� said ownerTs written acceptance and grant of negative easement shall incorporate a eertified copy of this ordinance, and immediately upon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause one of such counterparts thereof to�be filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County� , Minnesota. , ` ; Seetion 3. This ordinance �hall take; effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. ; f . . ; . � - , , ' r „�!' _ . r.., •_ ' , .. ; � .1 i � � l i 1 i f 1 t ♦ 3 d 3 � 3 : � � � � p►U(� 1 g ]��b�' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the�Council Carlson Dalglish ! � Tn Favor Holland. � ��- O ` d Against ....Ted�4 ... E �,��'z �. ����i r.r.c .. � �ace��i���'�, Q�Eu:::� Mr.Vice s en raon) Approved: � ttest: ' � �� ity Clerk ��rec Mayor � �O ' . Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' , puQUS�t�� �UG 2 6196T '4 Dnpllute ty PrInter' ' . . � � O �RDINANCE 2��u�� . COUNCIL FILE NO • PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �� ln � � An ordin�nce amending the Zoning Code� Chs�pters 60 to 64� ineluaive of the Saint Paul Legisla�ive Code pert��ning to IIse District�� Height Dis�riQt� and Rezoning of certain properties in �he City of Saint Paul, as am�nded. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAINs Section l. That the 'Zoning Cocie� CY�apters 60 to 64� inelusive� of the Sai�t Paul Lsgialative Code� pertaining to IIse Distric��, Height Distric�s3 �nd Rezoning of certain prop- erties in the City of Saint Pau1� as amended� be and the g�me is hereby f�.irther amended so as to rezone the t'ollowing described property from "A" Res�.dence to Commercial District property� to-s�it s The north 163.10 feet of the east 94 f�et o� Lot 34, Cottage Homes� sub�ect to Wh�elock P�rkway an�d Danforth Street; situate on prop�rty loca�ed on the southwest corner of Wheelook Parkway and Danforth Street in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. The property described above is sub�ect to the following express conditionas 1. That� sub�ect to any f"urther reclassiPication of the herein�above desaribed real esta�e by virtue of proceedings therefor hereinafter instituted� conductefl and completed accord- ing to the applicable provisions of said Zoning Code� effective a� of the date of said petition for reclassification and the applicable provisions of the �tatutes of the State of Minnesota� hereby� the employment of said real esta�e henceforth is re- strieted and limit�d to the following specified uses� to wits Commercigl District for the oper�tioa of a one-opera�or besuty shop in the present single-family residence by the petitioner �nd property owner, sub�ect to all �pplicable statutes� ordinances, rule� and regulations prescribed and promulgated by govern- mental agencies having cognizance. 2. That the owner of s�id re�l eata�e� within the period of 60 d�ys negt succeeding th� publication of this ordinance� sh�ll !'ile with the City Clerk� in two (2) �"u1.ly eaecuted counterparts said owner' s written acaeptance of this ordin�ance, ineorporat�ng smong other things� said owner' s grant unto aaid City of Saint �aul of a negative eas�ment �ffectin.g Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Holland Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By I �r ' "'•' �DnDltcate tA Printer ' . � � ORDINANCE 2����� COUNCIL FILE NO_ • PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO — 2. said real estate� for the imposition� maintenance and enforce- ment of the aforesaid restrictions and limitations upon the employment and use of the property described herein� approved as to form and execution by �he Corporation Counsel and record- able in the office of the Register of Deeds and said negative easement and restrictive conveyance shall be drawn to eaclude all uses permitted in Commercial District. 3. That� in addition to other requ3.rements therefor� said ownerrs written acceptance and grant of negative easement shall incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance� and immedia�ely upon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause one of sueh counterparts thereof to be filed vf reaord in the office of the Register of Desds in and for Ramsey County� Minnesota. Section 3. This ordinance �hall take effect and be in force upon its passage� approval and publication. ��� � 8196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah L� Tn Favor Holland � � Against P-e�tersea ...�ede.acn �;... a:::::�;: G�� 1 81�6� li�T.�:����t`�:.��:;:�::�� Mr. Vice President jPeterson) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . - ` ' and reclassified from "A" Residence District to Commercial . � District, sub�ect to especial exceptions and condiTtions in the t nature of especial restrictions upon the use of the same whereby � the use and employment of said hereinabove describ�ed real estate -�� � �ras restricted to the following uses and emplo�merits, sub�ect � ! � :�o further rezoning and reclassification of the s�e by virtue �_`� of proceedings therefor thereafter instituted, conducted, and � completed, according to applicable provisions of said Zoning ° Code, as amended, and of statutes of the State of�Nlinnesota, t to-wit: # , � � (a) Residential District uses permitted byTthe regulatory provisions of the said Zoning Code, as' a.mended, in "A" Residence District, "B" Residence District a,nd "C" Residence District thereby established, a.nd i ' (b) Commercial uses which shall include no� more tha.n the establishment, maintenance and conduct of a hair ds essing and beauty culture shop,� sub�ect to all applicable statutes, ordinances, r,ules and regulations prescribed and promulgated by govern- mental agencies having cognizance, and w3.thout the use or employment of any advertising sign or placard pertaining to the sa.me. � � � WHERE9.S, the first parties, for themselves, their heirs, Y � administrators, executors and assigns, intend hereby to accept � said Ordinance No. 13678, and to provide for theFimposition, maintenance, and enforcement of such especial restrict3.ons � upon the use of sa3.d hereinabove described real �state to run � with �he land and to gran.t unto the second part�; 3.n further compliance with the conditions of said ordinance�No. 13678, a R # � negative easement therefor: � NOW THEREFORE, the first party, as such owner of said 1 here3.nabove described real estate, for themselve�, their heirs, administrators, egecutors, and assigns do hereb�r� covenant and bind themselves, their heirs, administrators, e�cutors, and , assigns unto the second pas ty that, in accordan�e with sa3.d zon3.ng Code, as amended, particularly as the same has been amended by said Ordina.nce No. 13678, said real estate has been 4 effectively res-�ricted and limited in respect of its use and 3 employment and shall hencefor�h be restricted �d limited in such particulars as follows, to-wit: ' � - 2 - � 1 a r ` � . _ . . . � - . . . � � y That sub�ect to any f�zrther reclassification of hereinabove � descr3.bed real estate by virtue of proceedirigs therefor hereafter instituted, conducted and completed according to � applicable provisions of said Zon3.ng Code, as a.mended, and , applicable provisions of �he statutes of the State of - _ Minnesota, hereby, the employment of said real estate henceforth is restricted a.nd limited to the� following � specified uses, to-wit: (a) Residential District uses permitted by the regulatory provisions of the sa3.d Zoning `� Code, as a.mended, in "A" Residence District; "B" Residence � District and "C" Residence D3.strict �hereby� established, � and (b) Commercial uses wh3.ch shall include no more than � the establishment, maintenance and conduct of a hair � dressing and beauty culture shop, sub�ect to all applicable � statutes, ordinances, rules and regulationsfprescribec3 � an.d promulgated by governmental agencies h�aving cogniza.nce, � m and without the use or employment of any ad4ertising sign or placard pertaining �Go the sa.me. � an.d the said f3.rst pasty, for themselves, their heirs, adm3,nistrators � egecutors and assigns hereby grant, conve� and warrant unto the � second party, said City of Saint Paul, as such mu�icipal corporation, in trust for the benefit of the public, a perpetual negative easement � in and to said hereinabove described real estate and all therefor, for the imposition, maintenance an.d enforcement by the second party, as such municipal corporation, of the aforesaid r�strictions and 9 limitations upon the use an.d employment of said hereinabove � descr3.bed real estate, to run with the land, and �or good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffieien�� whereof by the first party hereby are acknowledged. � FIIRTHER, the first parties make reference to said Zoning Code, as amended, an.d by reference incorporate th� same herein: � as part hereof, with the same 3.ntent, purpose, and effect as if said Zoning Code, as a.mended, were full� set forth herein; and make f�x�ther reference to said a.mendatory Ordina.nce No. 13678 and to the duly certified c opy of the same heret� attached and hereby incorporated here3.n by reference as part hereof; and said � first party, for themselves, their heirs, administrators, : � executors a.nd assigns, hereby accept said am.endatory Ord3.nance No. 13678 and ever � , y provision, term, a.nd condition of the sa.me without reservation or egception. � � 3 � � � -3- � � � � � � � • � � � ♦ � ' � , , � _ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, said first party, Roger F. Kruzeski, has set his hand t\ th3.s instrument as of the day and � � year first above written. � � � - � � � � � In the Presence of � � � � � � � � � R ger F. eski � � ��- � � STATE OF MINNESOTg ) )ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) . � 1 � On this day o{ 1 g67, before me, a notary public within and for sa3.d County, personally appeared Roger F. Rruzeski, to me kno� to be � the person described in, and who egecuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he egecuted th� sa.me as his � � free act and deed. � � � .� �Q � ' Notary Public �.�. �oai� My Commi s si on e - �s� �-' n�.ry�u��c, Ramsey Count'y,Nlinh. '� � , ' fon Exp�res Dec.15,1967. � (S E9I,) , ,6 ° �, �b'� �� ���'� � �.��',�_ �,�"�� B�oO�oa to �or�M and �secws{on ' t»a�day Ql,. 19 ��` ,�"°`"�� -�� 61 � _ � j��3 —_� -�-,ti�� ��`�,,;,�Q,� �. a� �..�'s�'� ... .� - d-�-c-- L'a�Oratioe con.uer `"� . , - . � � ��.����.�_ y,• .F.� . � _lE_ . � CJ � ? . °r- � � r t �! . .� _ , z� �r . os �` - ' � DEED OF NEGgTIVE EASEMENT AND AQCEPTANCE . , OF ORDINANCE • ; � . � r THIS INDENTURE, made and executed th,�.s �� day of � �- , , 1967, by a,nd between Roger F� Kruzeski, of the County of Ramsey, State of Min.nesota, hereinafter deslgnated "the �first part " � y, and CI TY OF SAINT PA.UZ, � here3.nafter designated "the second party, " WITNESSETH: � •^ y � � WHEREAS, the first party, on and for a considerable ' � • c�.u� t � period of time negt preceding the eighteenth day of 9.ugust, � � 1967, were and ever since said date have been the owner, in � �, fee simple, of all of the followin� described �eal estate situate in the Ci�Gy of Saint Paul, County of Ra,msey, State of Minnesota, to-w3.t: . �� N TED �Y AUDITOFt�he north 163. 10 feet of the Ea,st g4 feet of I,ot 34, �,� 19 (� ottage Homes, sub�ect to Wheelock Parkway and �anforth Streets thereof on file and of �record 3.n the. THOMAS J. KEL Yoffice of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey Aud' , Ramse unty, Minnesot�ounty, Minnesota, being located on the �southwest By corner of Wheelock Parkway and Danforth EStreets-��in e City of Saint Paul: � WHEREgS, said real estate on said date and for a � considerable period of time negt preceding the }same, �ras � � zoned and classified in "g" Residence District under and by Q virtue of �h.apters 60 to 64 inc�usive, Zoning C�Ode, Saint ► ':� Paul Ze islative Code as amended and � g � , pursuant� to the � petition of the first party the Council of the 'second part Y� � � accordin to the g � g provisions of said Zonin Code as a.mended, and the Statutes of the State of Minneso ta, in such cases made an.d provided, with the written acquiescence of the , owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of said real estate, duly enacted City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 13678, �approved August 18, 1g67, and published in the Official Newspaper of the second party on the twenty-sixth day of gugust; 1967, amending said Zoning Code, as amended, so that said � hereinabove described real estate was thereby �d -Ehere- under rezoned 289G � O �. OQ rA°e R � � �; ' ' That sub�ect to any f�ZrthEr reclassification of hereinabove � described real estate by virtue of proceedings therefor ' hereafter instituted, conducted and complet`ed according to applicable provisions of said Zoning Code, as amended, a.nd applicable provisions of the sta�tutes of the State of , M3.nnesota, hereby, the employment of said rfeal estate henceforth is restricted and limited to the� following specified uses, to-wit: (a) Residential Di�strict uses . permitted by the regulatory provisions of the said Zoning Code, as a.mended, in "A" Residence Distr�.ct, "B" Residence District and "C" Residenee District thereby, established, and (b) Commercial uses which shall include no more tha.n the establishment, maintenance and conduct 'of a hair . dressing and beauty culture shop, sub�ect �to all applicable statutes, ordi.nances, rules and regulations prescribed and promulgated by governmental agencies having cognizance, and without the use or employment of any advertising sign . or placard pertaining to the sa.me. � and the said first party, for themselves, their heirs, administrators • executors and assi.gns hereby grant, convey and warrant unto the � second party, said City of Saint Paul, as such municipal corporation, � in trust� for the benefit of the public, a perpetual negative easement in a.nd to said hereinabove described real estate a.n.d all therefor, for the imposition, maintenance and enforcemen.t by the second party, as such municipal corporation, of the aforesaid r�strictions and 0 limitations upon the use and employment of said h�reinabove � described real estate, to run with the land, and l�or good an.d valuable consideration9 the receipt a.nd sufficiency whereof by the first party hereby are acknowledged. � FIIRTHER, the first part3.es make reference to said Zoning i Code, as amended, and by reference incorporate the same herein: 3 t as part hereof, with the same 3.ntent, purpose, an� effect as if . � said Zoning Code, as a.mended, were �zlly set forth herein; and , � make f�zrther reference to said amendatory Ordinance No. 13678 � i I • and to the duly certified c opy of the sa.me hereto attached and � • � I hereby incorporated herein by reference as part hereof; and said � : � first party, for themselves, their heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, hereby accept said a.mendat�ry Ord3.nance . i Noo 13678, and every provision, term, and condition of the same � without reservation or exception. f I � I � -3- � . � . � � f � , ..` .. . . , _. ._... _. . M_... ... ._..._ .. .. ._.. , .._ .. _ ... .: . __- - ._ .. � ._. _.._„ _ ,_ _ . .. • , i • , � � , . � � � . , + � � ' � " � ' . � � . . :� - . • - � . ' a.nd reclassified from "A" Residence District to Commercial . . District, sub�ect to especial exceptions a.nd conditions in the , { nature of especial restrict3.ons upon the use of the same whereby - � ' the use and employment of said hereinabove described real estate ': was restricted to the following uses a.nd employments, sub�ect t � � �o further rezoning and reclassifiaation of the same by virtue � of proceedings therefor thereafter instituted, conducted, and completed, according to applicable provisions of said Zoning Code, as amended, and of statutes of the State of �Nlinnesota, . to-wit: ' � . , (a) Residential District uses permitted by �the regulatory provisions of the said Zoning Code, asia.mended, in "g" Residence District, "B" Residence District and "C" Residence Distri.ct thereby established, and (b) Commercial uses which shall include no �ore than . the establishment, maintenance and cond�uct of a � hair dressing and beauty culture shop, �sub�ect to all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules a.nd regulations prescribe3 and promulgated �by govern- mental agencies having cognizance, and without the use or employment of a.ny advertising si.gn or placard per taining to the sa.meo � � WHEREgS, the first parties, for themselves; thei,r heirs, 1 administrators, executors and assigns, intend hereby to accept said Ordina.nce No. 13678, a.nd to provide for the imposition, i maintenance, and enforcement of such especial restrictions i , t upon the use of said hereinabove described real es�ate to run , � with the la.nd and to gra.nt unto the second par'ty, � in further complia.nce with the condition.s of said ordinance No. 13678, a � negative easement therefor: - • • � � NOW THEREFORE, the first party, as such owiler of said ; hereinabove described real estate, for themselves, their heirs, � administrators, executors, and ass3.gns do hereby �ovenant a.nd . � bind themselves, their heirs, admin3strators, executors, a.nd ! assigns unto the second par ty that, in accordance with said , , zoning Code, as amended, particularly as the same has been 0 a.mended by said Ordina.nce No. 13678, said real estate has been, � effectively restricted and limited in respect of its use and employment and shall henceforth be restr3.cted and limited in such particulars as follows, to-wit: . - 2 - , � _ : ..___- w_. _.. ,._ ....__ . , -__�..,._ ..._ , ,._. .,_.._. ._...... ..,..��._..,__.._�..�._.,: �....�.__.. �.. __...�...._ . .__...... .._...._.._....._,.,..._..w'..._�.__., .. _..:. . � � . ' • • � � � � � . � ' . ' � � � � ' �� � ' . • . �. , �i r - � - � .3 �,,5`�� j O If . � DEED OF NDGgTIVE EASEMENT 9ND A,CCFpTANCE . ' OF ORDINANCE � , � � , THIS INDENTURE, made a.nd executed tl�i.� � day of ' � ,_,_, . , 1967, by and between Roger F. Kruzeski, of ' i ' the County of Ramsey, State of M�.nnesota, hereinafter designated "the first party, " and CITY OF SgINT PgUI,, • hereinafter designated "the -second party, " WITNESSETH: � �- WHEREAS, the first party, on and for a aonsiderable � period of t3.me next preceding the eighteenth day of gugust, � 1967, were and ever �since said date have been the otimer, in f • fee simple, of a11 of the followin� described real estate - s3.tuate in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ra,msey, State , of N�i.nnesota, to-wit: , ,• � • The north 163. 10 feet of the East g4 feet of Lot 34, � �otta�e Homes, subject to Wheelock Parkway and Danforth Streets thereof on file and of �record in �he office of the Register of Deede in and for Ramsey . • County, Minnesota, being located on the �southwest � � . corner of Wheelock Parkway and Danfor�th Streets-•�in the City of Saint Paul: � _ � WHEREAS;�said real estate on said date and for a , r considerable period of time next preceding the �same, was • zoned and classified in "g" Residence District ;under and by � virtue of Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, Zoning C,ode, Saint � Paul Zegislative Code, as amended, and pursuant� to the ; petition o� the first party the Council of the second party, � according to the provisions of said Zon3.ng Code� as a.mended,. and the Statutes of the State of Minneso ta in �uch case , s i made and provided, with the written acquiescence of the . � : owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of said real estate, duly � . F enacted City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 13678, �approved � E August 18, 1g67, and published in the Official Newspaper of i the second party on the twenty-sixth day of August; 1g67, t amending said Zoning Code, as a.mended, so that said hereinabove described real estate was thereby a.rid there_ , , under rezoned � . � c f _...__ , _ .. _ . . . . ... „ . ._._ _, ,__ ..... _ . . ._ ._.. .. _._.. ._...�. _.__ .. .. ...._.._, ..._.._..._....._... _. . . . , . ! . ' - F � , � ` ' , i i , • .l 1 4 I { � ° �-���'..�Y� ��.. ' � , � / 0 . ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � . ti. ,.�, ��,, .. �� ,� '" PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE �;� r Note: The� signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi= "� ' fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � rez�ining of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. . ' � (Please type or print) Date: 3_�I-1967 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�D CITY COUNCIL - c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall � City of Saint. Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the unde�signed owners of two-thirds of the several ,descriptions of rea� estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- �,ng described property: (legal description and street address) � The North 163.I0 feet of the East 94 feet of Lat 34�. Cottage Homes� sub�ect to �Vheelock Parkavay and Danforth Street. � from A. Residential . �nistrict to Commercial Dlstrict, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the, following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) jljgggtip@ Easement. � Beauty Shop in basement. with entrance on �anforth s�reet. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; . ' � _ e , p Emm M Brad , /' . �. '/ T � � C otta e Home s. of�l/" JofT ' M ���z, T � COtta e' HOme s � 1 � �. � � Gv s� �L � �o t. P$uL oT3j i • yo I �a ham's to St. Paul ,. I � . H - � � � S . Paul ` _. L � �--� � L/� � � � . Paul _, , � �' �r�P�H H s��.v t Ma ham's t o St. PauC Hild Se Bd 1 �3 I Ma ham�s to S . Paul ' � � � h�.� � � C.�,� � State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss . Roger F. KI'LiZBS}� � being first duly sworn, deposes ,and states that he is the� person who circulated the within petita.on consYsting of f 2 pages; that the parties describea`above are'the owners respectively of the lots placed - immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said • . owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so describ�d. Subscribed and sworn to before me � ! • ` this •• �a�i � day of �h�,�, ��(� y ` �oo� � � � ' '- r A ress: �''�y ,�f/eeGocXo�f� " � Telephone-No M_?���,�/f'3 ,No ry Public, Rams y County, Minn. I ' __�;_ _ - My commission eYpires Approved as to form 1/4/65 � Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 JOYCE A�. MANSUR . Notary Publfc, Ramsey°County, M(nn. My Comm(sslon Expires April 26,J.969 � � ; . 1 , , . , � . j\ � . ` � r � , � �x ^� -���' V�� , ' • �' � ' � � � -+� �' � . • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � . �,-'1, ' ., , r.�,' ;� �� � PETI�ION TO AMEND CHAPTER,S 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE �j� r Note: The� signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new clas�si= `''� ' fi.cation before signing this petition. For further information about� the � rez�inin�g of•property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. . . � • (Please type or print) Date: 3_3.I-1967 TO THE HQNORABLE MAYOR, AND CITY COUNCIL - c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota • Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several ,descriptions of rea�. estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�a or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- �,ng described property: (legal description and street address) The North 163.IO feet of the East 94 feet of Lot 34� Cottage Home s� sub�ect to �Vheelock Parkway and Danforth Street. � from A. RBS�deIIt381 , •District to Commercial District, for the �purpose of installing, �constructing and/or operating the, follow�ng; (describe briefly the proposed facility) �@ggt�pg E8S@ffi9Ylt. Beauty Shop in basement. �1ith entrance on Danforth street. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLO�K ADDITION Subject Property; ' . I Emm � Brad '/ T � � � � C otta e Home s.. or�`II/� Jof`�T ' �d i B L��.e, � I Cotta e' Home s / � . 1 ._ � � �o ev � L � �o t. Pau� 'r3q � Ma ham's to St. Paul • d0 � I H - � ! � S . Paul � � � L � ��- � (/� � I t . Paul � ' � . �Nea FI N/Y.o k M8 11SID�3 t O St• P8L]� Hild Se M 1 �3 � Ma ham�s to S . Paul . � - y� [ . d. � I , � � � State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss - . Roger F. KrLlZ@S� � being first duly sworn, deposes ,and states that he is the� person who circulated the within petita.on consYsting of� 2 pages; that the parties describea �bove are'the owners respectively of the lots placed � immediately following each name; that this petition was signed: by each of said • . owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so desciibed. Subscribed and sworn to before me � ! • this •� '�_day of �h�,�, �p� y � ' _�oo� i / ' ' f A ress; 3'�7y ,'u/yeeLo��o�if'f w • Telephorie�No.��'�,�/r3 ,No ry Public, Rams y County, Minn. - ' - �_. - My commission eYpires Approved as to form 1/4/65 � � Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 JOYCE A'. MANSUR ' . Notary Public, Ramsey°County, Minn. My Eommfssion Expires April 26,J.969 � � , ,� � , . , 4 . , ' � � � ' ' �'� ' '. " 4 _ _ „ _�' y . ' y �- ,r _"y" F' ° ' - , . ' � J„�7�1.1 �.s, . , �4' �' � • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . ,�i s� �.. ., ! � _ G PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTER.S 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � Note: The�' signer should appraise•himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- ' fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. . (Please type or print) �ate: 4-19-19�? TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL - c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the unde�signed owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�0 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body t� rezone the follow- ing described' property; (legal description and street address) The Nortg 163.I0 feet of theEsst 94 feet of Lot 3Lt� Cottage Homes� sub3ect to �heelock Parkway and Danforth Street. from _ �_ Residenti.al District to COmmeTCi81 District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Negative Easdmento Beauty Shop in b�sement. �Pith entrance on Danforth atceet. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLO,CK ADDITION ' Subject Property; , ' I f c V✓y , d'/ f' ,� � bf �` � � Cotta e Homes. � zc,r ! uth Mick �'° � � 3y I Cotta e Homes. I �� . 1 wJot i se h G ?�ick .��J�-� of _;t � Cottage Homea. LO� R th Mick • 3 I Cotta Homes, � , _ � G W O-�T'� � ' ��/ �G / C tt8 8 H me8 v zoT' i ! Cotta e Homes. � � ���o 0 � � �' � E E.4� fT.�oP Co'tt• L e� L " � _ I I State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss . Ro�er F. Kruzeski being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he — is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of� � pages; that the parties=described above are'the owners respectively of the 21ots placed immediatel followin each name• that this M y g , petition was signed' by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signature�s above� are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so descr�ibed. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _�day of ___ j���L �9(D� � �� � /� � ' GYK Y •n• ��d/4��G�� Ad, e s s: �9�/�f/ Lo c� �- �� Telephorie No. y��/,S� No ry Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 FGI 1/5/65 JOYCEA. MANSUR Office of �the Corporation Counsel - Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires April26,L969 � - —� - -- ' - - , ... ... ------ • � ..-- ..__.. ------:.-�--.-- _.�.�- .- , , • IN TESTIMONY TrIHF1�E0F, said first party, Roger F. _ ,, � Kruzeski, has set his ha.nd to this instrument as of the day a.nd • � , year firs� above writteno In the Presence of � � ��a ' � � � R ger F. Kr �ski . �_ j � � � � � E , , STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )sso � o COUNTY OF RANlSEY ) � , ,' � On this day of 1967, before me, a notary public within a.n.d for said County, personally appeased Roger F. I�ruzeski, to me l�nown to be the person described in, and who egecuted the for�going 3.nstrument, and acknowledged that he egecuted the� sa.me as his free act and deed. 1 � /�� i \ . ` rQ � 1 �� Notary Public ( V� �i. �.�1w+i}'� . My Commi s si on exp ir es r�ot�;y�•.:;s-�, i3ar:;�y caunty,�,�n�� 1�1y '��rr,n;�;s�On F�cpires['1ti.C.�.5,1J67. (SEAZ) , _4_ � � • � � ;,.�• ; ' - • � � ' . , , � . , j r ' � , ' , � S - -..� �� . �' F J • ` � � BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����.�� � C p°•�` � , Room 1010 Cammerce Building July 1', 1967 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Court House Dear Sir: This is written in reponse to the petition of Roger F. Rruzeski to rezone from "A" residence to co�ercial district property located at the southwest corner?of Wheelock Parkway and Danforth Street which is described as the north 163.10 feet of the east� 94 feet of Lot 34, Cottage Homes, subject to Wheelock Parkway and �Danforth Street. r This matter was considered at the June 1, 1967 Board of Zoning meet- ing. The petitioner wishes to operate a beauty shop in his house, subject to a negative easement. The property has 64 feet of frontage on Wheelock Parkway and 110 feet on Danforth Street, wkith an area of 7,040 square feet. The property is entirely surrounded by single- family dwellings and "A" residence zoning. The Comprehensive Plan proposes one-family residential for the property and for the area. � It was the finding of the Board that it would be reas�nable to re- zone the property to commercial provided a negative easement is placed upon the property. Therefore, the Board recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property to comnercial �provided a nega- tive easement is placed upon the property restricting it the use as a beauty shop. � �_- PETITION TO REZONE � Very truly yours, A petition having been flled request- /J � ing that Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, // St. Paui Legisl tive Code, re Zoning, `' ! etc., be amend�d so as to rezone tfle � North 163.10 ft. of'the East 94 feet of Lot 34, �Cottage Homes, subject to '�;$, el en Wheelock Parkway and Danforth St., - at the southwest corner of Wheelock Sec�eta,ry Parkway and Danforth St., to Co 'IdRH•FGI mercial District,the Councll oP the Cit • of Saint Paul has fUced the 6th day _ Z.F.�k6256 0� July, �ss7, at ten o'c�ock in the • forenoon in the Council Chamber in � the City Hall of said City, and at said time and place, the CQuncil will hear all persons and all objections and rec- ommendations r e 1 a t i�e to s a i d � proposed amendment. � Dated June 22, 1987. IHARRY E. MARSHALL, �� � � � — _ , City Clerk. [� 6 (June 24, 1967) ,/ .i � � ��'ia'f�° . •�'�J�fi �� ' ` • • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House,b6102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner . LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 May 10, 1967 ' To the Council _ City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have rechecked the attached petition of Roger F. K�ruzeski, filed in the matter of rezoning, , The North 163.10 feet of the East 94 feet of Lot 34, Cottage flomes, subject to Wheelock Park- way and�Danforth, Street. The property is locatFed on the southwest corner of.Wheelock Parkway andr Danforth Street, __ _ � � from a Class '�A`s Residence District to a "Commercial�r Dis- trict, and find_that said petition is sufficient. urs very tr ly, . ` �� J es J. Dal ish Commissioner of Finance Re: %-297 - c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden � �� � . - , � e Y= r � ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � ' " CITY OF SAINT PAUL � . MINNESOTA � I t3 Court House,ssloz JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner _ LOUIS H.McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4b46 May 3, 1967 �.. � To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Roger F.� Rruzeski, filed in the matter of rezoning, _ . The North 163.10 feet of the East 94 feet of Lot 34, 6ottage flomes, subject to Wheelock Park- way and Danforth. Street. The property is locat�ed on the southwest corner of.Wheelock Parkway and Danforth Street, . � from a Class �`A`� Residence District to a "Commercial`� Dis- trict, and find.that said petition is insufficient. . ur very truly, ��G� ���C� mes J. Dal ish _�mmissioner of Finance � ,- � Re: X-297 c.c. Mr. Ames N. &. Heidan , � �� ,�' . 5 � '� ^ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' �� � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' MINNESOTA ' I 13 Court House,56102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner , LOUIS H. McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 April 28, 1967 . To th� Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Roger F. Rruzeski, filed in the matter of rezoning, _ . The North 163.10 feet of the East 94 feet of Lot 34, Cottage Aomes, se�bject to Wheelock Park- waq and Danforth. Street. The property is loca`ted on the southwest corner of.Wheelock Parkway and Danforth Street, -, _. from a Class "A`� Residence District to a "Co�ercia�l'� Dis- trict, and find.that said petition is sufficient, as.to propertq to be rezoned. r ' No check has been made at this time as to the conslnt signatures required. urs very tr y, ' � G�G/� mes J. Da lish /�� Commission of Finance Re: R-297 � c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. fleiden _ �O . -" �- a p . p - ' r �' - ---�_i L--�--``�-� - � -� -_-- : � " ' _ .°1- � -� - O ---- � � ' 'n � �---����_ � ,. � � � _ ..< <�� CO- ._ ..� . , --• ►--- �� - .- -- � � _ ._..--� -- - - � �, �� ._. ' - � �----�-� - U - ---�-�- .__ ----... ..� --� .` . _. �- �� ! �.. Z _. 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(� �, _ �-- � • �- _ .Q_ i, -- - --- -_ �-� __ � -- � �"_ � � � r j G O t3 =;_- :- J , �- c � __�. -� ,�.-- F-�-- ��-� O i �----� ��--- � : � � O ;;,� U U -Q--- -.�.._._._ O �7 �' � J__� _.-_--- O _ - -- _.___._- --__. �_. - � � ��� _.. !_�_ �_' C � �_��- � ----�----._.�� °_._^ o � -o��--� -;==o- �� _ o �s — v � � -��;- � CJ i :7 p — ^t =_�=._ r . p_. .� J C - --�-y-L----- � -�r-- r-1- _.._. � _ _ c� _.SJ--- --�--.. � - l� � � T� � � I � � �--�----`-�` --�J i� ---- �-O w � i �i r � � U — � i V � p ; �l O O � � � � � - +- Q - � O; i � � 10� ��' � C � i t , i i ; : RANGE ' � � o ���-' � � , � i I . . -� --�- - -O- � p . p � Q � --_ �p �_p_. _ O p ; o O O , � ; � � . _�.-�L� � -- �--�--- - O O -._- �---- ' - -- �------� � � --� _ � _ � � ---�- � - O �1_ . _O � j -�' � � O ' . ., _ i � � _ - � - -��-- � O � � Q �� 4 - V'!. HAI�JTHOR .-�Q� _._. - �- _-�1.�_..�� . � . ° -°-- ° � °-- -1 �_o �o � \ � _I ,:� � `'r^ -`� `i�`�� ��a� • Ro er F. Kruzeski' � � ` � ! � : �..•`� �,,�. :� f � LEGCi�D . ' (��;��,-�Q�c.: Rezone i'rom �''A" Res to' Com�l - LAI�D USE� . � . - �i=tESE�:T ZGNIi�'G � ��A�� Residence O -Otc F�1hiILY . � - � . _ . � 'C� �4V 0 FA�UI I LY � . ' � � . � T�l�;�� FA��ILY . : P:TlfiOf�I SIGi•;Ct=;S: 11 of 11 : -t�- FOU;�' FAP�:iILY . ' �IL�: t�o. ' " -- . _._- U7';;UL"i i�-FA�•TILY . ' . 6256 • � � n CO t����:�CC IAL . � � , � . � � 13VDUSTRIAL . � . � � . . . . . . r�o�tY�a -,. . , . . . . S'r. �:ui �':��ni;;� 2oat•d, Data rRaY 3, 196? �', /,• P"r20°ER?Y lU QU�STlO'� ' . � .__ . • • ! ' o r �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � 113 Court House 55102 dune 23, 1967 City F`.ile X297, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Ha�i an� eourt House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on July 6, 1967, on the petition� of Roger F. Kruzeski to rezone from "A" Residential. District to �"Coirunercial�� I}istrict for the purpose of operating a Beauty 3'hop in �the basement wzth entranae on Danforth Street on the following property: north 163.10 feet of east 9!� feet of Lot 31�, Cottage Homes, Subj ect to Wheelock Parkway and Danforth Street. The property isElocated on the southwest corner of Wheelock Parkway and Danforth �treet. For further informa.tion contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce . Building or phone 223-4151. JAMFS J. DALGLISH, Commissioner of Fi.nance �O , T _ . a . _ . ` • _ .�, 1 � - - . =•�,�Y` , � ' � _ - _ - , ' � • � ' 4 - _ c ' ' . � t._ `. r r;r .. J . 'w',� , ' 4-' e " ' - . � � � ., . ' - a 4. - - - � _ � - �.. r. , . a � _ • � < .. . I' = • a ` �+ . � _ •- - - " ' - • f � - � � i - a� ;- � '_ � • • _ �. • . � - , , '' - � - - ' -• r-. . - � ` .. .. � ' ,f �� •- . '� ' - - � . , ' - - . • _ '_ � - _ ' - _ � . ' _ _ • : , . -_ ' ` - _. , . ' . . �� _ _ -T _ _ -t 'T , - _ . �:� . � . . � � - " ` , � r � . w . ' , : - ` ,� . . . 1 ' _ . .. . _ . F • - _ - ' -_ ' _ .- ';'` ' - - ; - , ' . . - c :"` � � _ , - - � - • ' . - ' , - , • _ _ - . • - - ^ . - - �' ` . . . .� ` •, - - . � - - , _ ' - . - t•:� . . - � , ., ` t I• � • 'rk � . - • C� _ • _ L i♦'V�'`L�/� �/—�• - ` .. - _ !t - b�f � - ' - '- . . - ' , _ " s _` � , y. � _ = _ -. - ' s _ ' � _ � t � - � .. ' _ , _ . - : .-., - , . - ' . ,� . ` � -- ` -- � � .' � .' Mr.. Roge��F:= Kru'ze�k3., - , ', e - -� _ . _ . , � .,_��. ; , - _ z _ - . ,_. -- 594 W. Wheelock Paxkwa�� _ , � -'-- - s, � �, -� - • - . L rv � • . � . ►S'�'i. �U.�.�_ �.I7T1• . ' : ", � - � ' ' • . , � . :�C�T' ,5�2`S � -,_ " _ ' ' , � , �, _ - _ ' - • I �` �`- _ • :' `' ' L �, - - - Enolos�d"�s & cOpy Qf ari o ne. c rQZOnii�g your property , � - � ' � • ". - - sub�ect to c�rta�.n'con�ftions'set a�t e ord�,nance. .� • �_ ' - � _. � r _ ' `� We,call your � al att bn � � agraph -2 �hich _r�qui.res -'' - _" - • �_ th�t �r.ou fil� a_deed o�' , ga�iye' �se �n� i two partg in this -offic� -� ` __ _- ' _ - ` . ' within _�0 daya. ; RL - - . `�_ � , . . � - .� _ _ -; - , . .- :._ -' . _ : � �_ �.. . . • , � ��, �� The Corpora�io ounsel� fice �can give ynu` f.urth�er :inforw `" � - � ' - . ', ma.�idn t�s to t of t ent: . ' . _= . : . - - ; , - _- - _ -, -. � � � . ;" . � • ; � .,- "� �� � ? - - - � � .- - " - . - .- - _ , � � - '. _ - . - :Very•truly yotir$, - - . _ • � . - - � ?. , . - _ , �. ,- . , _ , - - • _ . _ � � - � � � ` � , . � - • - � _ °.�- _ = .� � � e �_ � -City�Cle�l�� � - • , ., = _ hp - . � ; - - . , : _ . I , � - ` , • -. _' . �_ _ "• - � - ,:_ � - " • _ •� R " , ' � " , ' —J _- ` ' 4i. ` � ` f _� _ _ ` . � 4 _-• •" _ .r ' _ . -' .. _ , • ' . � `"`.e � `_ . L �f ' , - ' _ � , , ,� ' _ • 'y � L _ , � - - _ J . � � .. _ • . j .` c - -' � -A _ � - _ , ' ` - . .~ _ . • , , f . - ' • ,S- , . ' . • ' •`` ' . -t . �• �. � � " '_ > - F_ _ - ' , `-•�. - . � ` . ' �' , � r � �, ° '`` � z � - ' : ' � ' `_� , • `- � � " A . . . " . ~ - - " ' ' � � c � r, .. • , _� . � . �. " � t . r ' ~� y � ' s.. - " . . a T- _ •' , � � _ - `�i ' . ~ _ - • - ' � r i - � _ ' ` � � - � ` � ` .- -. • . ` ; - _- . _' - *_ ' ' ' _ _ � ,_ ,. ' . , '_ " _ -, _ �-" . - a � y+L .. `_ ^` •_ ' .- .� *�_ - . ' . '' _ ry- ° ' � :� ',r T 1 ' ` � },� =. �,. - - _ r ' •• ' '. _ ' . - _ ' . - . , ' " ' _i .� .. - - � i' - . .._ ^ • __y •.,y . . ' - L _ , ' ^- � - � a .�, ' _ _" �.- _ F �' .. - � � - �. 3 y-�b� ., • 5$1 W. Wheelock Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota June 2$, 1�67 Clerk - Council of St. Paul S�. Paul, Minn. � Gentlemen: I s�rongly object to the proposal to rezone our area for the purpose of including a beauty shop at Wheelock and Danforth. I fail to see any justification for this action when the parkway is now zoned residential. It surely cannot be called in the public interest and this, it wou�ld seem, is the only reasonable justification.. Wheelock Parkway is now known as one of the most beautiful, graceful oldjstreets in our city, and any attempts to change this only opens the door for further encroachment of private business. Therefore as a citizen with property adjacelt to the proposed rezoning, T urge the council to reject the �equest. � Sincerely, John �rOVen Council F'ile No, 234505—Ordinance No. 13678—BY Victor J. Tedesco— An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 80 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to Use Districts, Height Dis- tricts and Rezoning of certain proper- ties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. � The Councll of the City of Saint Paul STATE OF MINNESOTA Does Ordain� SECTION 1 �'iOUIIl� of Ramsey 98. That the Zoning coae.Chapters 80 to CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL ' 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legis- ; , , lative Code,pertaining to Use Districts, Fieight Dlstricts, and Rezoning of cer- tain properties ir� the� City oP Saurt Paul, as amended, be and the same is �A� �,'• �,j'S}3&�l. " hereby further amended so as �to re- I�_________________'_."_'._�_�!_.._._..._...._.._____._....t.___. � ' City Clerk zone the followinB described property ------..�-------•---•--...-•-•-------- from "A" Residence to Commercial i District property, to-wit: The north 163.10 feet of the east 94 of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have � feet of Lot 34, Cottage Homes, sub- , ect to Wheelock Parkway and ��°�ch str�t; com ared the attached co of Council File No.._.._..�34505, being situate on property located on the P PY •-------•--------- �ia Danforth eStreetminithe cityW i Ordine,nce No. 13678� � s�t pg�. as adopted by the City CounciL_.___.9?�st.l8th�___________.___iq__67.._._ . , SECTION 2 The property described above is sub- ject to the following express conditions: ' • and approved by the Mayor................August_18th� _ _____ lq_67 _ ___ 1. That, subject to any further re- classification of the hereinabove de- � scribed real estate by virtue o� pro- with the original thereof on flle in my office. ceedings therefor heYeinafter insti- � tuted, conducted and'`completed ac- ' cording to the applicable provisions � of said Zoning Code, effective as of , thedate of said petition for reclassi- -------------------------------------°----------°------°-----------------�-----°--------------°----------°--°------------•------ fication and the applieable provisions of the statutes of the State of Minne- sota, hereby the employment of said ---------------------------°------°-------------------._....------------°�--------------------------°••°-----------°°------------ real estate henceforth is restricted and limited to the following specified uses, to-wit: � Commercial District for the opera- ----------°--°-----------------•-----°------•---°--------°--------------------------------- tion of a orie-operator beauty shop � � . .�~� � �in the present single-family residence by the petitioner and property own- er. subject to all appllcable statutes. -°-°----------°-°•-----°----...°--°-----°----°-°---°------------�-°.............••--...°-°--....-•--......-----------•--- ordinances,rules and regulations pre- scribed and promulgated by govern- mental agencies having cognizance. 2. That the owner o� said real es- ..---._.............°----^°-•--------------------------._......._....°r-----------------------------°--°-°----°--°--••------- tate,within the period of 80 days next E succeeding the publication of this or- , f - -— , .---°--°----------------°-•--°•----...----------------------°°-°-°t----------......------....-------._._...---°•------------•• dinance,shall file with the City Clerk, � in two (2)fully executed counterparts, � said owner's written acceptance of this ordinance, incorporating, among � __F °°°------....--�--------°---.._......__..-°--------------------_. �-.....-°----°----°----------°----•••---°-°--•--°---° other things, said owner's grant unto ' said City of Saint Paul of a negative easement affecting said real estate, forthe imposition. maintenance and __-^^°•-------•-------°----------°......................°----°°�-------------._...--•----°--------.......--°°------------• eniorcement of the aforesaid restrio- ` tions and limitations µpon the em- � ployment and use of the property de- scribedhereln,.aPProved as to Yorm � ..___..__•------°----°°-°---------°...................°-----..�-.......-°-••----------.._._...------°--°---------•°--°- and execution by the Corporation Counsel and recordable in the ofEice of the Register of Deeds and said neg- ativeeasement and restrictive con- °__..._...-°--°-----------°--------°-°°-----°°-•••--...---°------°------------°-•---°°-----•---------°----------•---.._. veyance shall be drawn to exclude all uses permitted in Commercial Dis- � tn°t. I further certify that said copy is a true and conect copy of 3. That,� in addition to other re- ' quirements therefor, said owner's written acceptance and grant o!nega- tive easement shall incorporate a cer- said original and the whole thereof. tified copy of this ordinance, and immediately upon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.. one oE such counterparts thereoP to be filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey � County, Minnesota. � �e.__.___lOt$ October� . ----------------day of.-------------...--�----•---•---•-••-----------•-----A. D. .. . ._. SECTION 3 � /'� This ordinance shall take effect and ` be in 4orce upon its passage�,aPProval �� - --- ----°-:- .....-.„.J..--°---- --._._.._--•°............ .... and publication. �City Clerk. Passed by the Council August 18, � 1867. Yeas—Councilmen Carlson, Dalglish, Holland, Tedesco, Mr. Vice President (Peterson)-5. � Nays-0. Approved August 18, 1967. ROBERT F. PETERSON, Acring Mayor. Attest: . FIARRY E. MARSI3ALL, City Clerk. (August 28, 1967) w,� ,-- � ��' � � Council File No. 23450S—Ordinance No. 13878—BY Victor J. Tedesco-- I An ordinance ameading the Zoning j Code, Chapters 60 to 84, inclusive, of � the Saint Paul Legislative.Code, per- � � taining to Use Districts, fieight Dis- tricts and Rezoning of certain proper- , ties in the City of Saint Paul, as ameneea. , STATE OF MINNESOTA � The Council of the�City of Sainb Paul i , Dces Ordain: COL111L� of Ramsey 98. ''� SECTION 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�.� That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to �1 64, inciusive, of the Saint Pau� I.egis- ��lative Code, ertaining to Use Districts, � Height Distr�'ot�, and Rezoning of cer- H&Z'P E. Marshall tain properties in the City o! Saint y . _ . ...� � Paul. as amended, be and.the same is I�.._...---•------------------°------------ --.......�.......-•----•---•-•-••-------....Ci� Clerk �� one the f llowinged scribedgproperrty C�fDistrict propertY,i�Wii� con'n`er°t� of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have '� The north 163.10 feet o4 the east 94 � � feet of Lot 34, Cottage Homes, Sub- � 234505, being o� i�ect to whee�ock Parkway and compared the attached copy of Council File No..._.._..__............................... � a�o�cn s��t; . 13678� � c�n situate on property located on the Ord.inanee No. southwest corner of Wheelock Parkway '7 �,a n�orct� Street in the cits• of as adopted by the City Council...___._August 18th� 19 --------- Saint Paul. _ -, � SECTION 2 ' August 18th, 67 The property descritied above is sub- �d appTOV� b� the MSqOl..................._...�.._................_._. 19_ �ect to the following express conditions: �. Tnat, sub9ect to any turtlier re- �� the original thereof on flle in my o$ice. classification of the hereinabove de- scribed real estate by virtue of pro- t ceedings therefor hereinafter insti- � tuted, conducted and completed ac- cording to the applicable Provisions ------------------°----°-----°---°-----------°-°=--------°°°----°---�----------°°•-----° � ----•----°---•--------------•-•-- ' of said Zoning Code, effective as o4 the date oP said petition for reclassi- fication and the applicable provisions of the statutes of the State of Minne- ----•----°-----------------°----------------------------°-...._.._.._...--�.---....--°------------°- ------------------------------ sota, hereby, the employment of said real estate henceforth is restricted and Limited to the followang specified uses, ----°•---°---°--...-------°-----------------------°----°-°--------------...-----........--°------------------°---•-°---°•---- to-wit: � ' � Commercial District tor the opera- , tion of a one-operator beauty shop . in the present single-famlly residence -----•----°-°---------------------°.....-------------•-------°----•-°---------------------------------.....--°----•--------------- by the petitioner and property own- � er, subject to all applicable statutes, ordinances,rules and regulations pre- scribedand promulgated by govern- -----------------------°-------------..._----......_._......---°°-----._�._...---....-------------------•--°•-••°--------------° meatal agencies having�cognizance. 2. That the owner' of,said real es- tate,within the period of BO.days next succeeding the publlcation oP or- -------------------°----^---......._..-----°------°----°°°°----°---�_......----°----°--...---°-.._.__...---.....--°----•-- dinance,shall flle with the City Clerk, in two (2) ful�y executed counterparts, ----------°---_.-°-------°---•-----------------------------^------°°--..._......-----°--•--------- � g I'P � ....__...-•-°---------°---- � sa d owner's written acce tance of � this ordlnance, inco orat ; among other thin s, said owner's ant unto said City of Saint Paul of a negative � easement affecting said real� estate _..-°----------°--°..............................°-----...------------------°--...__.,....----°-----------._.._.._..._..-- for the imposition, inaintenance an� ~.. . � enforcement of the aforesaid restric- � tions and limitations upon the. em- � ....----•----------------°°--...-----------------^-----....---...-•---�------------------...---°--------._.....-------._..._--°- p oyment and use of the property de- scribed herein, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation � • Counsel and recordable ia the office ----°-------------------°-----°----°°-_.__...---•---------...------° of the Register of Deeds.and said neg- � � � � ��� �� ��� � ��� � ative easement and restrictive con- �..r°��=,� `-' vbyance shall be drawn to,exclude all � �"�` ��`��� C �`�-_ uses permitted in Commercial Dis- � : �certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of tI'�Ct. \ � �5�V1��'A� 4Y.�� 3. That, in addition to other .re- �;�� .,� . ~ � ,���Q ,+ '-� qUirements ther e f o r,"s a i'd o�e r 6 - h e w h o l e t h e r e o f. written acceptance and grant of nega- } .� 6� yrr tive easement shall incorporate a cer- " � 'i j�'a� �� tified copy of this ordinance •and - �� = �, immediately upon the aforesaid'�u�g ,�} 'r ' �;-�- �'I��S��ri� ;io�h a�t�d and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn., o f t h e s a m e t h e C i t y C l e r k s h a ll c a u s e , ,,,r -'y; ` - - � ?�C,�� - i��3� one of such counterparts thereof to ' �=' �b be filed of record in the office of the ' ' � " :� October, 6 . Register of Deeds in and for Ramse e' � �� : ` �O _.._..._... _... � ......_._.. . D. ., , . County� Minnesota. • y � ".��°� ": - �, rt { ..L4' 8 .w d�'w����; . SECTION 3 : ��' ' � �`' � l This ordinance shall take effect and � �� . � -��r.i,` , P `�� ---- ---- ----/----- -•- --------- '�• - -- L _•------ .... . . . ..._ be ia force upon its pass8ge, approval � -°��" �; � City Clerk. � and publication. :s�+. -' ,,� .^�� -. -Passed by the Councii August 18, • -� - . .� �;_���L� 1967. � . c Yeas—Councilmen Carlson, Dalglish, ` ' ~ .,, '�'i; Holland, Tedesco, Mr. Vice President �#¢''a x="� (Peterson)�. . ����e.,,_ a,,�w` :� ,. Nays—p. ' ApprovEd August 18, 1987. ROBERT F. PETERSON, Acting Mayor. Attest: � I3ARRY E. MARSHA�, ..._. - " - - - City Clerk. (August 28, 1987) ' • � : �d � � ' .� s �a g� Q � �lbW� : a , � � . � F 2I 'C o�I �ttde p �BQ � i �j •• . I: /�� !/ � 'K4'igaH ��'C4nd 3o uoFsietQ 1 �K4 So oq� aF ejF3 ao p.te6'a.zreq�. 3o fdoo-o�.ov,d �ooszoo puv eaa�. , v s� eaoqv oq� �.roq� f.�;aoo �fqoao�{ s�.oseau� sFtodroeuuty� 30 �f�Fp ou�, , ` ao3 ao�4s?�tiqS i�4FA 3o zT�eF��i ivooT �ndeQ •uoa.xe�.ad •� 4sLg`I - �'�- •-_- -�- - - -- - - ---_ - - - = • �...- - ' ' � �,+.aY�r_. ,_ .�' r-� vscs��vi•. �naa�s8 h�'�o�'�3� - - �-- � �£96l 9 93� �� �. � ., yj�.»a�(� � � I m 553lQUV �j4��01�7�:�'IjrL�flf�^J;' fYSY.�IItON�3Cl�Tl�l�l5 9 �/ I � �l�'.• � ]antvN�is;ava�c���n•,a I A8�7�'1 ip� � : e3oeavaF;7 `i��.r "iS I-- �Csalama� �s�n461S � 496i'9L �a� �[� jaji;. �i i' ^ (a1n51 (�wnea�oaLr�i�.��u��NO1lVJOl ML A�OI�7X�tOAh71Nl��fOi�"rvN'�Cdl 31V(1 af7 NOIIVff�l�'ll��f� � o £9/9Z/ZZ , a�osauuFw 'sStodeauu� ��, i�� �1 �. •„7, � �': d � a ai.���3iva �aa 553r00V_9Ld ��� �?FP6W,�,a�Q� 'j �ZTS�� s�r..I Fs�.n uinn ay�we��a£p.�w,ouj���o u.qiyi e�p�.s..oq.pavi�inp ay�w �8= - r_- � �.pi.�n .�p i�y��.� .I 3 "'6: "'1'/'.�•"'P"yr.wwt.}�.rcu�' _ __ �C �_� a��• �ru.��,• ( -- "' _ ' �nCm tv � rG* �: a �aia •ep�q ampa na:u •�.euq •.�q •amoy � ?l.wx�!ON C!v 3U•t .t 31V15 Alnf107_.l'N''.t�T01 x0 37V111A'Al1J WE�Inoqr� 'G al AiIfYNI J�37V1d'Od 1 Clt8f1�70 AE71f\l p' ' � �. � I •w• � ALfYNI i�aA '"�0 �4rvWJ maH }03�'�"1'''�I: i i � � � (q�ua,��o��wd�e��rd�i��ni�i p a� a��3) a3aen»o�anrNi mor+3eiax3a•aoa ��An�3es� 341JIWOH 710 3�i��1$'IN7fU��V J' � I � li � v I I � -- NO11VL3d0 i0$7N'ON11 LOfYJl 9�l I 'Vy��K1 31OV'��•. 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