234502 � s'v 2-
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Councll Flle No. 234502—By Victor J.
Resolved, That upon the petition of
Harold B. Shapira and Carl Watrud,
that aection of publlc ,street herein-
after described be and the same hereby
s vacated and discontinued as a publlc
Beginning at the southwest corner
of Lot 18, Block 8, Hiawatha Park
Addition No. 2, St. Paul, Ramsey
Co., Minn.; thence in a southeast-
erly direction to a point on the
north line of Block 1, Lane-Norton
Addition, 170.92 teet west of the• i
northeast coraer of said Block 1,
Lane-Norton Additiori, a distance
oi 77.0 feet to a point; thence
northerly on a straight line parallel
to and 247.92 feet wester�y oE the
west line of Cleveland Avenue for
a distance of 105.8 feet to a point;
thence northwesterly on a stra�ght
I line to the point o4 beginnin
being part of Government o� t 4 in
the Southeast ?�of the Southeast I'
of Section 17, Township 28 Nortfi�
Range 23 West;
aubject exp ress�y to the following con-
ditions and reservation�:
1.That the 'description of that land
proposed to be vacated be described
as iollows: Beginning at the south-
west corner of Lot 18, Block 8,
Hiawatha Park Addition No. 2, St.
Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn.; thence in
a southeasterly direction to a point
on tHe north line of Block 1, Lane-
Norton Addition, 170.92 feet�west of
the northeast corner of said Block
1, Lane-Norton Addition, a distance
of 77.0 feet to a point; thence north-
erly on a straight line parallel to
and 247.92 feet westerly of the west
line o4 Cleveland Avenue tor a �
` distance of 105.8 feet to a point;
thence northwester�y on � atraight
line to the point of beginning,being
part of Government Lot 4 in the
Southeast 34 oP the Southeast 34 oE
Section 17, Township 28 North,
�Range 23 VGest; '
2.That the vacation be subiect to all
the terms and conditions of Sectlon
228 of the Leglslative Code, as"
amended, regu lating the •procedure
and prescribing conditions for the �
vacation of publlc grounds, streets,
alleys and highways in the City oE
Saint Paul; �
3.That speciflc easements be retained
to �rotect the interests of the
Northem States Power Company;
4.That the petitioner pay to the City
the sum of $4,150 as compensation
for the vacation and that the peti-
tioner post a bond in the amount of
5.That the petitioner flle acceptance of
the terms of the vacation in accord- �
ance with the provisions o4 Or-
dinance No. 13309, said acceptance �
to include a provision that the tran-
saction wlll be completed within the
time limitation set forth in said
Ordinance No. 13309,adopted August
10, 1988;
8.That the Committee on Lands be
directed to proceed with the sale of
said lands-under the terms of Or- ,
dinance No. 13309 and grant a quit-
claim deed for the pazcel of land as
described in Condition No. 1 above.
Adopted by the Council August 3, �
Approved August 3, 1967. �
.(August S, �1987)
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