234495 / '_ _ ' Ori¢Inal to City�P,lerlc , ` ORDINANCE . ������� � COUNCIL FILE NO. , —PRESENTED BY / � � ORDINANCE NO- �� � 7,� - 1 / �f � � An ordinance rescinding Ordinance No. 13012� C.F. No. 223822 , approved June 23� 1965, entitled: "An ordinance granting permission to Battle Creek Development Company, 14 West Seventh Street� ; . Saint Paul, Minnesota, to rough grade North Park � Drive from McKnight Road west to Winthrop Street within the corporate �limits of the City of Saint . ' ' Paul. This is an emergency ordinanee rendered ' necessary for ' the preservation of the public .peace� health and safety" . - . y THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAIN: '' Section 1. That Ordinance No. 13012� C. F. No. 223822� • approved June 23� 1965 pertaining to the granting of permis- sion and authority to �attle Creek Development Company to rough grade North Park Drive from McKnight Road west to Winthrop Street - within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul� be and the ,same is hereby rescinded and cancelled. , Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be i�. . force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and pub- li.cation. � - � - •- - __ _ ._. . . - - .. - , . ; �-- , - . � � , � i , ; .+ } �, 181g67 • � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � „� Dalglish : �i � Hol�h v In Favor a ; - ��,� A gainst . , _. Tede'� ,xr�:•� ' �1�a 1 a za' '����.�-�r��:a4:::� ._ _ ._. : 196� , Vice Preai t te�son) Approved: + . A est: - , � C' Clerk �,���: yor �O . , Form approved Corporation Counsel By , . ' P� LISH�E� AUG 26 1967 Dayllcate to PriFter " ORDINANCE 2����,� COUNCIL FILE NO ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� � 7�— An ordinance rescinding Ordinance No. 13012� C.�'. No. 223822� approved June 23� 1965� entitled: "An ordinance granting permission to Battle Creek Development Company� 14 West Seventh Street� Saint Paul� Minnesota� to rough grade North Park Drive from McKnight Road west to Winthrop Street within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergeney ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of' the public peace� health and safety". TH� COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES Ot�DAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No, i3o12, C. F. 1Vo. 223$22� approved June 23� 1965 pertaining to the granting of permis- sion and au�thority to �attle Creek llevelopment Company to rough grade North Park �rive from P�cKnight Road west to Winthrop Strest within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Pau1� be and the same is hereby rescinded and cancelled. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and pub- lication. AUG 1 � �9�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish V� In Favor � Holland � � �� Against R�e�s� Tedesc��o �u� Attest: I►L�. Vice�Yrea�liden����nj� Approved: 1 � 1��� City Clerk Mayor �O � Form appro�ed Corporation Counsel Sy G , r � d I st 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app�—Adopted v' /v \�, Yeas Nays Yeas Nays � �Carison Dalglish �alglish �d-. � " \Holland Meredith ����-$��— D�er�dith' ' j � ' � RC#@F56FF- Tedesco \Tedesco ��. �...��?s��1�i�� • y • r.°:a a;?:eu;e....:e �oo:e eal::::t.::...� e�xi�u :�r°°�es��'en�•B��n�a':�:e's:6..�:",. � Mr.�Vice Preaident (Peterson� 1Vlr. Vice President ($o� �QQ