234485 � ORIGINAL TO GITY CLER ' ������ � " CITY OF ST. PAUL • F,OENCIL NO. _ i � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY RO rt �''� Peterson ' � COMMISSIONE DATF In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material "B" Street frorn "C" Street to "A" Street and '�C" Street from "B" Street to White Bear Avenue. Also construct a sewer for storm water purposes in "C" Street from 220 feet East of "B" Street to "B" Street. Also construct water services in "B" STREET AND ��C" STREET, under Preliminary Order 233205, approved April 26, 1967, and Final Order 234040, approved June 27, 196?. Also in the matter of constructing public sanitary sewer in "B" Street from "A" Street to "C" Street; also construct sewer service connections to abutting pronerty, under Preliminary Order 232753, approved March 31, 1967, and Final Order 234042, approved June 27, 1967. _ RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improvements be and the same are hereby approved, and be it . kURTHER RESOLVID, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to obtain bids for the improvement, the bids to show separately the amount for the grading and b�ftuminous surfacing work and the amount for the sewer work As per plans and specifications and the total thereof to be considered the bid for the entire imgrovement and be it , �JRTHER RESOLVID, Th�,t the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise ior bids on this improvement, � . �� � AI�C 3196� COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � � ��'�� Dalglish Approved 19— I�oHaiTti—' ' , Meredith In Favor P-���- Mayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, Byrne �!l��.k��� A��i 5 ��� ' � �za � ;. . 234��� i D r IC�E TO rRINTER � �, + � ,,� CITY OF ST. PAUL , FOENCIL NO. ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM�� PRESENTED BY �bert F. Petierson COMMISSIONER DATF - � _r� . � Tn the oa.tter of grading and surfacing With bitusinoeis �naterial �E'� Street fro� ''G�! $tremt to�~AN Street and "C" Stre�t fri�e "B" �trast to Nhit� Be�r Avenue, � Aleo constn,ict a �eaer gor ator� Wa�er purposee in "4'� Stra�C fro� 220 feet �ast of "B�' �treee to �'B" Street. A3so construct water s�rvices in ^B" STR�ST AHD pC!' STIt��, undex Preli.n3.n�rq Order 233205, � approved April 26, I967, and Final Ore�er 234040, approved Juna 27, i987. �.leo in the matter of consCructing public eanitary et�wer in "B" 8treaC �'ro� y�" Street co �C" Street; elso conatruct sewer a�rvica conn�ctions to abutCing proparty. under:Frelfminary Order 232753. appr�ved March 31, 1967, and �`Lnal Order 234042, approved� .Tnne 27, 1967. � RESOLVED, That the plans and epeci£ieations se submit��d for th� abova improvemente be and the s�me ars hereby approved, and' be it F{1RTf38R RESOL���, That the �'urchas�,ng Agent be and he is heraby directed to obtain bids for the iu�prov�snent� tha bids to Bhow separately �ha eQOUnt �or the grading snd bituminaus �urfacing work and the araaun� fot th� sew�r work aa per plans a.zd s�ciEications a�d the to�el tt�ereo£ to be con�iderect �hs bid for the �ntire 3.�grov�me.�� and be �t , FiJRTHER RESOT,VID� Tha� �the Purchamiag A�ent be aad he is hereby dirsct�d to advertia� for bids on thia imprmveaent. • • ' � � , . _ µ7 ' �, '� J� '� •� / , . g /3(�� ��, �� COUNCILMEN ��� � ��� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � 31��� Dalglish � � Approved 19— I�alla,�- � , Meredith �In Favor P�r � Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � '� ' � ��a