234484 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. 234��� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY V1C'�O� J. Tedesco �'�f � August 2,. 1967 COMMISSIONE DATE WHEREA5, The Coun.cil of the City of Sai.n.t Paul is in£oxrned by �.e City A.rchitcct th.at the vacant and open buil.ding l.ocated at 727 West Central5txeet i_n. �he City of Saint Paul is a pxoxi.mate hazaxd to th.e � public he al�h, welf ar e and s af ety; and ' WHEREAS, the Xast recoxd owner of said property, Mrs. Hazel M. Kuhn, has fail.ed to secure t1�.e same agai.nst entxy by un�.uthoxiz�d p�rsons i.n. v7.olaia.on of Section 192. ].8 of the Sai.nt Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREA5,. the s aid vacant and open builcling is founcl and det�rrni�ed by the Council of the City of Saint Pau]. to constitute a menace to the ' public he altli, welf ar e and s af ety, and a public nuis anc e, which mus t b• immediately abated to prevent loss of life or property; now, f�.erefox�, be it . RESOLVED, By t�.e� Counsil of t�.e City of Saant �Paul, that the City Arcliitect is authoxi.zed and directed to isnsnediately s�cure said bui�.ding by t�.e use of City foxces or contract labor, pending the in:it+,iation of proceeclings un.dex flze hazardous builcli.n.gs act; and be it FURTHER RFS OLVED, t1�.at fase expens e of s ecuxing such build.i.ng b• � paid out of Fund No. 0976, Wreclang Buil:di.n.gs,, and that the Corporation Couns eI be dixected to take appxopriate acta.on to reimburs e s aid fund by action agaanst f,1�.e own�r of s ai.d propexty. ti - : Nu� 3 � , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � . -----� �""�" Carlson � � lg�� Dalgliah A proved 19.^ �� Tn Fsvor �� Meredith Pe#�ee� , ' " Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne �� � � ��. �2z . /