234477 , 1 � 234�'�'`� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF i RESOLVID, t he Council hereby concurs in the action of the Pur.chasing Co�nittee therefor and hereby awards contract to gAI�L EQUrPMENT, INC. for furnishing and delivering to the City of Saint Paul, D�epartment of Public Works, Bureau of Municipal Equipment, 891 North Dale Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, one Iiough Tractor Shovel with �+-in-one bucket and Iandfill Demolition wheel assemblies at a total cost of $30,211.00 in accordance with City specifications therefor and the Formal Bid #2369 of said Hall Equipmen.t, Inc., such bid being the lawest and said Ha,ll Equ�.pment, Inc. being a reasonable a,nd reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be a.nd hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City , officials are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Forma,� Bia. �236g. ` � � � - ,�� �� 19�7 COUNCILMEN , �'- ` Adopted by the Council 19— Nays Carlson `��G 3 ���� Dalglish Approved 19.— � Tn Favor Meredith � P,��.� `� Mayor �'1 desco ASa�st - . ent, Byrne PUBLISHfD ,AUG 5 ��� ` �22 r DUPLICAT6 TO rRINTER 23� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF R�SOL'VLD� Tha�t t�he Cp�mc�l b�x�by concu�s 3r� thg ac�ton of tb,e �h.irc�aeing Coo�3.tt.� �here�or and Y�reby� awa�rd� cont�a,et to Aer,r. �q,UIP�'�T, �NIC. �or �h.u�ni�h3.ng an,d de3.i.v+ering to th� CZty o� 8a1nt Pa,ul, D�pa,rt�uent o� Pub1'L.c�works; Hurn�u oP Mun3.cip�,.t Equi�en'�, 89l �orth De.�e Street, $afnt P�,ul, &L�.raneavta, one Ho.ugh Tr�,c�tor Shovel r�3t1a �+-in�� bucke� �nd Iendf3L1 Demolition s,rheel assemhii�s a� a tr�ta�� cost ai' �30,213�00. � e.ecardanes wi�th Ci-�y sgecifiFa,t3.one tlaerefor and �er �'orim.� Bid �2369 of said 8a,�]. Rq,t�ip�m��lt, �ri.c., guch. bid Toeing �t,he lcyweat end s�d $�31 $qvipmen�, Inc. �e3,n�� �, reasar�a,bl� .and re]�a'�Ie bidder and tTa�e Corpt�xa.tion Coun�el be ead her��by �� dixsc�d "t,q dra,w up the grvper farm,of cotitra�"� the�fa� a�cd tY�e pf�p�r City of`P�.c�a3.e a.re hereb,y e,uthor��ed to exeGUte s�..i.d con�ra�ct on t�ehe,73 0� the City of Sa,�.nt Paul. . ,. For�m�.1. Bj.B .�369• AUG � 1967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays !� 319�� Carlson ' Dalglish Approved 19� �- Meredith �n Favor ,L,._�_-- � Mayor �.-,�,-.z,,,,- Tedesco A 8��►st Mr. President, Byrne �2z