234466 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /�7�(���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL "'�' .a��° � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y Wi1.liam E. Carlscal � COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The Counci.l ot the City of 5aint Paul is intoa�med by �the Commissioner of Public Safety tha� a nuisance exists on the prop- ez�ty loca�ed at 273-275 N. Kent Street in the City of Saint Paul, which nuisance constitutes a hazard to the public hea].th, welf�e and safety; .and _ WHEREAS, Such nuisance more particularly consists of an accumula- tion of rubbish and an overgro�rth of weeds, which harbo�s rodents, vermin, and other noxious �nima].s and things; and WHEREAS, Pursuan-C to Section 374 0� the Charte�+ of the City of Sain�C Pau1� and Section 265.52 of 'the Sain� Paul Le�is�ative Code, 24 hours' notice has been given to the owne�, occupant, or agent of such property demanding that such nuisance be removed; noW, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tliat upon the recommend�tion of the Commissioner of Pub- 1ic Safety the Commissioner of Pub�ic Works is hereby directed to sum- marily and forthwith remove the said nuisance, the co�t of such remova]. to be charged ag�inst �nd No. o97g ; and be it FURTI-IER RESOLVEDs That the Commissioner of Public Safe-�y is di- rected to ascertain the cost o� such remova]. and to forward the same . to the County Auditor on or befo�e October 1 of the year in whiclz as- certained, £or �ollection in the same manner as taxes against said property. . APPROV D Assta Corporation Counse& � 31961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� 3 ���� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— � Tn Favor Meredith � R�n Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� ���`'jh � 1��� �22