05-211Council File # � s �� Green Sheet # 3025G76 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 39 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to seroe on the Workforce Investment Board. A�nointments Name Brian Miller Tom HIas Bob de la Vega : I� I� C Representing Business Business Business Term Expires July 31, 2007 July 31, 2007 Jnty 31, 2007 Requested by Department o£ Adopted by Council: Date �j�J��rti� �ds Adoptio�,Certified by Council Secretary � Green Sheet Green Sheet os-a,t Green $heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartrneMlofficetcouncil: Date Initiated: nno -��S�ce o,-�-05 Green Sheet NO; 3025476 CoMact Person 8 Phone• �eoartment SeM To Person Initial/Date KurtSchullz � 0 a or' O ce A55ign 1 or•s ce De rhnent Dirtttor Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): Number Z a � For Routing 3 ur's Office a ur! 'sfaat Order 4 0 �� 5 i Clerk Ci e Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations fior SignaWre) Action Requested: Approval of the appomtme�s, made by the Mayor, of Brian Miller, Tom Klas and Bob de la Vega to serve on the Workforce Investment Board (VJIB). Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foilowing Questions: Planning Commission 1, Has this perso�rm ever worked untler a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any � arrent city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes amwers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advaritapes If Approved: ' - Disadvantapes If Approved: � Disadvantages ff Not Approved: Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: � V1 � 3°?m ,p ��ef Transaction: Funding5ource: - ActivitvNumber: � o y 20o�J N Financial Information: (F�cplain) DS- a►1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rarzdy C. Kel[y, Mayor 390 City Hall I S West KeZlogg Boulevard Saint Paut, MN SSIO2 To: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Kathy Lantry Councilmember Jay Benanau Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember Pat Harris Councilmember Lee Helgen Councilmember Debbie Montgomery Councilmember Dave Thune From: Kurt Schultz Date: March 2, 2005 RE: Workforce Investment Boazd Telephone: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8573 Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Brian Miller, Tom Klas, and Bob de la Vega to the Workforce Investment Board. Their terms shall all expire on July 31, 2007. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as their applications. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments cc. Kitty Gogins Kate Bates Tom Triplett � Sep 28 �4 1O:42a Hrian E Miller ( Minnesot 4D16521039 p,l os-a�t Membershig Application Private 7xxfozmation: (The data in this bor is private.) Lvfi c. V±I�VJ � � � - LI� •none WakFaz a�; . tz> wWm, � provided? Istandec Q Ofher. �'I� � N� �t ce w r �op� " F�qe 1 of 3 RT�W]fl�3 SeP 28 04 10:42a Hrian E Mi11er ( Minnesot 4�16521039 p.2 DS��� I Ramsey Gourtty Worl�orce investmer�t 8oard Memtrership App{icaiS9� C 0 Public Taformafioa (The data in this box is public and therefore, available to the publia) Ramsey Coumy is recnriting individuaLs io repzesem various categories. Applications will contiuue to be accepted � for fuaae varancies as weli. Please indir,ata below the r,ategory or rategories you can represent on ffie WIB. Please note: Busine.xv, Ednca6on or Labor gosiLions req�'e a nomiaalian letter as described below: I -----------------------------------------------------°----°----°---------------------------------- °--------- ---- � ❑ Basiness, defined as for-profit (Nominated by loca! business orgmRZatio�cs nnd/ar busdiess vade associa6ans- � t�tac)ayournanbi�iontelter.} • ----- ��t4RM4� I4•v01�� ---°-------------- - ------------ � ---•- - f �---•-^� PleaseindicatecompanYsizebymunbaofemploy� <� �5-�L� 20-<S� 50-GL50 �250+ - Busiaess owna, thiefe�cecative or aperatiag officet, O 3tepreti�ent bnsiness with employment oppo:tunities and other e�cecutive or eatploye¢ witle optimum tftat, reflect the tocal azea policymakiag or hin'_nn� auffiatity. • Represeni a c}�t�mber of commetce � Regresent the$eaith care 3udusrry "---"' -'-'-"---°' °"'-'-"-'°----"..-'----'----'-°--' -"-----'----"-°--°--'-------"-------'- •--'--"---"--' ❑ Community-Based Oiganization, deYmed as nonproiit organizations • Representative of co�unities or sig�ificant • Or�anization serving non-sesereation Indi� and segmenis of co•• P��B.lob R Tribat goveiument , • AB�Y �'�S Y� - Agen�y reQreseniing vetezans �. • �B�Y �8 �4lacedhamemakecs � AgencY representing individuaLs with disabilities i � Otha I ------' - • ----' -- ° ------- °-- --------- °---- --"-°----'-' ------' ----'---� -----'--'------------'--------'------' ! Q Economic Developmeut Agency �� • Private sectot . Public sector - - - -----'-----`---°°------'------•--°-"----°°--------•---------------------'-----'-----'------'-----'---- � Eduea{iOn (Vominaied by regioml orl�cal educution agencies, ittsiitufians, ar argmxizatrons represen�ing such locat educational entiiies - a#ack yuur nomixalina le!ler.) • Loca1 educatioval eatities (incindiag K 12} . Postsecondazy educatioaai instihrtions • Locat school twaxd . 4thes: • Enlitiesproviding aduIt education mmd lica-acy activiiies ' _"""""'"' _"_""'"""_""__""""' _'_"' _"_"'""'"_ _"_"_"'"_"_ _""""' _"'""'"' _"""'"' _ _"_"_' _"""' "'"' Labor (Nominated by recogr�ized atau and/or Iecallaharfedemtirnrs- ctt+uk yunr aomuralinn later.) ------°' ----°"--"'--°--.-"--"'------' --..."--'-"-"--_"'--'-----"-'-'- _' -"-----"-""--------"- Oue-Stop Worldorce Ceuter Partflers, defined as the pm�meisttiat caay out the following activities 7 progr:uns (Please check those fhst aFPiY)� ❑ Adult Dislocated Worker, Youth, Tob Ccups, Native !"� l ocal Vetasns' Employment R...�pxesentatives and Ame[ican and Vetec�'s Workfo=ce (W!A Tite � ° Disabled Veterans Ou4rach (litle 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Wag¢er-Peyser Act p Aduit Education and Litemcy (WIA TiUe II) � 7'rade Adjushne�nt AssiBtance (TAA) aad NAFTA p State Unemp2oymeat Compensation Laws (in TAA ('3'rade AcE of 1974 Tiflaln eccordaace with applicable Federel laws) ❑ Vocationat Rehabilitasion (RehabiliEarioa Act TitIe � Q Community 9ervices B1ock Grant ❑ Welfarrto.Work Ptog�is (Sa3a1 Security Act) ❑ Departmein ofAonsing and Urbaa Development � Senior Commun'sty Sen�ice Emgioyment (TiUeV of ffie O1derAmericans Actj -------- ° --------------' --•-•-'--°---�----'-----------------------' -------------------------'-----------' ----' ❑ Local EleMed Off'�ci'al/ Representative �Ciry ofSt Pavt, Ramsey Caunry) ApplcatlqWflBp,OCc Pa,ce 2 of 3 RI—iq�HA3 Sep 28 04 1D:43a Hrisn E Miller [ Minnesat 4016521039 p.3 �5 v�- � Ramsey Courity Workforce lnvestmsnt Board Membership Appiication Pnbhc 7gPormation: (The dara in this bax fs public m�d therefore> available to the public,) �K efi'FJ , 1v�76 OR-�Ji(Ie .4v� �e,7 {�E.viwNT C�''7N � S S oba What skiElls, traiiung and experience do yonF possess for WIB membecsLip? Please athch a f- Eo 2-page resuwe. Mail or fax your WIB Membership Application to: Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board Cbamber of Commeice Center 401 North Robert Sueet, Suite 150 Saint Paul, MN 55101 Fas:651-223-51I9 Phone:651-265-2760 Terms are uormally two years, commencing on tLe daie of appointment anfl ending July 31. The Worl�'orce Invesmient Boazd's regularly-scheduled meetings aze held the first Ttmrsday, every other saanth from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m Members are expeMed to also serve on at least one scanding commirtee. Statuling wmmittee meeang schedules vary. The 3nformation oatbis applicatioa wiD be nsed to evaivafe and seferS members of,the Workforce Investment Board (VVTS}. App3icaais may reSusc to sapply 4he reqaested iniorn�arion Hawever, eacept for ogEonat volantary information, the failure to compiete the applicatiuu may reszit in it b�ng di.ccarded, This data may be reviewed aud used by Ramsey Counfy and Sa'vaf Yau2 city stafT. Thank yau for your infe�e.s11 Commissioner Disrtrict _ For Office Use Only Plazming Dishict _ City Council Ward _ rycuo.uaameaea P2ge 3 ot 3 a�-�o.ism Sep 28 04 10:43a Srian E Miller [ Minnesot 4016521D39 Srian E Miller 15676 Danville Ave. West 12osemount, M1K, 55068 651-491-4892 BEMillerrCVS.com Accomplished CV5 Eaeeutive with 5 years Multi-Unit Egperience Slalled in Developing People, Processes, Products and Profits. Professionai I3igh��ghts �►d Accomplishx�euts p.4 t�-a � � CV5/Pharmacy District Sales Mana�er Twin Ciries, MN 7-04 —ptesent Relocated to Rosemount, MN as operations manager responsible for atl CVS new market activities in the Twin Cities. These include staffing, iraining and development, merchandising, profit and loss, loss prevention and communiry relations for all activities in Minnesota. CVS/Pharmacy District Sales Manaeer Pittsburgh, PA 7-94-7-04 Managed 17 units in the Pittsburgh market with sales of $90 million producing a bottom line profit of over $ million dollazs in 2003. Responsibilities include the total operation of the units to encompass unplemantation of company initiatives including Pharmacy Service Initiazive, Tncreasing Co-Operation to Tmprove Results CE prograrn, and Sales Tluough Service programs. Responsihilities also include Team Development, Sales Enhancements, Flawless Execution of Company Business Plan and Couimitrnent to Outstanding Customer Service. . Exceeded 2003 Sales budget by 15% • Exceeded 2Q03 DistricC ptofit by 30% • Developed and implem�nted lona term strategic management and pharmacist ssaffing plan to imprave disizict staffing capability • Achieved Top 10 ranking in company Execution Metrics • Aciueved # 1 district ranking in Phannaey Customez Service out of 240 disfricts • 2003 District Manager Reco@nition award in Area 5 • Developed P1an and implemented complete store and merchandising remodel of 7000 sq foot store over 40 hour iuneframe. • Assisted in opening of new and relocated sYores in Pittsburgh and Indianapolis � Develvped and Presented RY Business Levers to CVS Emergina Leaders candidates at corporate #raining center. Sep 28 D4 10:44a Brian E Miller [ Minnesat 4016523039 p.5 Srian E Miller Page 2 • Developed Pilat Frogram for America's Promise in Pittsburgh, Pa for job shadow and summer intemship to promote phannacy as a cazeez option to inner city schools in Pittsbur�. CVS/PLarmacy Pharmacv Mana2erlStore lYlanager Pittsburgh, Pa 1Q-88-7-99 Mauaged 7 CVS Pl�armacy localions over this Cime frame as Pharmacist in Charge and Stare Manager. As an operaiions specialist I helped develop a long-term strategy to improve sales, profit, s�;rvice, shrink and• �taffi�g. , , • 1997 District Store Manager Paragon Winner • 1998 District Pharmacist Paragon Winner Education University Of Pittsburgh, Pa 197'7-1983 Deg�ree $acfielor of Science Pharmacy Graduated High Honors Licensed Registered Pharmacist 1983 Greater Johnstown Area Vocational Technical School 1975-I977 Degree High School Diploma with Technical Degree in Metallurgical Technology National Honors 5ociety �-d�l � Private Information: (The data in this box is private.) - 5r i/ [Ya 1[ � 1 �JC Ci " X�/ I Y f[6'�. l C� ti(n � �i� T" s`; �2) c� � � c; - � � -, . What aze your zeasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? ; u�s � � a�`r a�-��::z- ��t c v , s ��-�� ��r c� a �.,� ��- a�'�-� c� s;— - 2<', .a � �J� a s 1 c nf i �^- c c;/3 r.1 i�,a 2 i ci r- ,� c�% c 2 K z-c; `2 c L 1 � f-,zooy 3n wLat ciries or communities do you provide services? What services are provided? r2p - vt,f S c5'�) L�+� "� ��� - - -^ - �"'�,lJa�Z.i�. S��<.�R`�7'°S �o�.l L"tt:�''_ i�i�JV.S�c iZ.1 t�'\��.�i— ��C i�ZtPS C- �-c�.� S c nl C i o_l C' os-�m.-�� ita �. ���2c�i»c � �l�?L�� L.v c �� � � ,.�� s�s,.�t �-�vr� en���-e�.��-s .a�.i� a��JiC�-�� �2c_s�WC?S. �= iz.`s cl��S Oj�YIOLaI: �n an attempt to ensure BoarQ representation rej[ects rne maKeup oJ our commun:ry, �mowrersge o� ollowin in ormation is he1 1. However, co letion o this irs ormafion is volun White {Caucasian) ❑ Black ❑ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ❑ Hispanic ❑ Asian or Pacific Islander ❑ Other: Male ❑ Female L3 Disabled if speaal accommodatirnis are needed, ❑ Veteran �� PagC 1 of 3 a r- io.+e.as o5a�i Ramsey County Workforce tnvestment Board Membership Application Public Information: (The data in thu box is pubtic and, therefore, available to the public.) Ramsey County is recruiting individuaLs to represent various categories. Applications will continue to be accepted for £uwre vacancies as well. Please iadicate below the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Please note: Business, Education or Labor positions require a nomination letter as described below: ------------------ ° ------- � ---------------------------- - ° -------------------------------------------------- C� Business, d¢fiaed 2s for-pio5t (Nominaied by bcal business organizarians and/or business dade associarions — atfach ynur nominalion leller.) —�--------------'---------------'---'-------"'----"'--------------'------'-'--°-°------------------ -- ^� Please indicate co�any size by numher of employees <5 _5-<20 _20-<50 _50-<250 �50+ • Business owner, chief execurive or operating officer, • Represent business with employment opporiuniries and other executive or employer with optimum that reflect the local area poticymatdng or hiring auThoriTy. • Represent a chamber of commerce • Represent the health care industry '-------'---------------------------------------'--------------------'--- °------'-----------°--- � ------------'— ❑ Community-Based Organization, defined as nonprofit organizations • Representative of communities or significant • Organization serving non-reservatlon Indian and segments of communiries providing job training tribal govemment • Agency serving youth • Agenoy representlng veterans • Agency serving displaced homemakers • Agency representing individuals with disabilities • Other: ------------------------- �-------------�------------------ •----------�------------------- °----�------- � ------�- C] Economic Development Agency • Privaze sector • Public sector --------------------'------------- •-------'-----°---------------------'-----------------'------------'----- ❑ Education (Nomirsated by regional or local education agencies, instinUions, or organizations representing such local educational entities — attach your nominatlon letter.) • Local educational enrities (including K-12) • Local school boazd • PostsecondaryeducaTionalinsritutions • Other. • Entities providing adult education and literacy acavities -------- • ----------'--------------------------------- ❑ Labor (Nominated by recognized state and/or local labor federations — aUach your xorainaknn ldter.) -----'-------' -----------------------------------°. _ ------•-------'--'--------------------°---------------- ❑ One-Stop Workforce Center Partners, defined as the parmers that cany ont the followrng activities / programs (please check those thal apply): ❑ Adult, DislocaTed Worker, Youth, 7ob CorQs, Nazive ❑ Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and American and Veteran's Workforce (WIA Title [) ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct ❑ Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (17ade Act of 1974 Title II) ❑ Vocational Rehabilita6on (Rehabilitation Ad Title I) ❑ Welfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) ---- •---------------------------------------------- Disabled Veterans Outreach (Titie 38, U.S.C.) p Adult Fducation and Literaoy (WTA Title II) ❑ Sta[e Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable Federal laws) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Departmen[ of Housing and Urban Development ❑ I.ocal Eleeted Officiall Representative (Ciry of St. Paul, Ramsey Counry) A�„���s�.� Page 2 of 3 RT-1016W vS a � 1 Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board Membership Application Public Information: (The data in this boz ir public and, therefore, available ta the public.) What sla7ls, training and experience do your possess for WIB membership? Please attach a 1- to 2-page resume. Mail oi fax your WIB Membezsbip Application to: ltamsey County A!orkforce 3nuestrnent Boazd Chamber of ComraeFCe Center 40i Not�€h Robert Street, Suite 150 s�r r�u�, hsr ssxai Fax:651-223-5119 Phone: 651-265-2760 Terms aze normally two yeais, commencing on the date of appoinSment and ending July 31. The W orkforce Inveshuent Boazd's regnlarly-scheduled meetings are held the first Thursday, every other month from 230 to 430 p.m Members aze expected to also serve on at least one standing committee. Standing committee mee6ng schedules vary. The informa6on on this applicariun will be used to evalnate and select members of the Workforce Iuvestment Board (WIB). Appli¢ants may reiuse to supply the requested information. However, except for optional voluntary information, the failure to compiete tf�e appticadon may result in it being discarded. This data may be reviewed and nsed by Ramsey County and Saint Paul city staff. Thapk you for your interesU Commissioner District _ For Office Use Only Planning District _ City Council Ward _ •cd�eomvresaoc Pege 3 of 3 rs�-�o.ie.ro 05 a � i Kiriy Goggins CEO Ramsey County WIB 4Q1 N. Robert Street Suite 1�0 Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear Kith', I very much enjoyed talking with you this week conceming the opening on the Board of Duectors for the Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board. As by your instmction, I am sending along to you a brief description of my employment, educational background, and present acid past memberships. I am a lifelong resident of Saint Paul, currently living in Highland Pazk. I am presently empioyed at the TapeMazk Company as Director Community Relations. In addition to my work at Tapemazk, I am also a member of Government Affairs Committee of the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce (SPACC), the Govemment Affairs Committee for the Notthem Dakota County Chambers of Commerce (NDCC), the NDCC's representative on the Metropolitan Coalition of Chambers, the Board of Directors of the Great American History Theatre (in Saint Paul), the Board of Directors of the TapeMark Charity Pro-Am (golf tournament and charitable gambling), the inaugural Alumni Board of Directors of Inver Hills College, and the ad hoc committee on bringing Gopher football back to campus for the University of Minnesota Athletic Department. I am also a former member of the Citizens League Committee on Higher Education (report to the Governor, issued this past November, 2004), the Saint Thomas Academy Alumni Boazd of Duectors (trvo terms), and a former member of the managing committee of Special Olympics Area 12 (Ramsey, Dakota, and Washington counties). I am a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a BA in Intemational Relations (with a focus in Political Economy) and a graduate of Inver Hills College with an AS in Business. I have also studied at L'Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec and L'Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec. My responsibilities at TapeMark invoSve community outreach and communications, as well as transportation, government, and employment issues. TapeMark's workforce reaches throughout the Twin Cities metro azea (including western Wisconsin) but is prunarily focused in Tta.msey and Dakota counties. I hope this helps give a useful description of my background. Please contact me if you need more information. Sincerely, �� ��� Thomas J. Klas Director Community Relations TapeMark Company West St. Paul, MN 55116 6� 1 450-840� klast(a��taQemark.com JAN-31-2005 MON 02:18 PM W F GOVT RELTNS FAX N0, 6126679403 P. 02 t�-a � � I�✓Iembership Application wa�p. Page i of5 �,-�o�oo� JAN MON 02�18 PM W F GOVT RELTNS FAX N0, 61266794�3 P, 03 45-a � i a�uo �� 65� 227-0239 What are your rcasons for wanting to servc on tbe WIB? I have lived in Ramsey County for all of my adult life and plan on living there for the foreseeabte future. { have an investment in the community and want to protect it, 8uilding effective business-training partnerships are a critical element in building the community's aconomy and helping famitiar, Wiih my background in business, ecanomic developrstent, and public policy, I believe I can offer something usefui to the board to make it more successful. In wl�at citics or communities do you pravide services? Wl�at services are pravided? My emp(oyer Wells Fargo does business throughout Ramsey County and the Twin Cities metro area. Wefls Fargo is a fuH services financial services company. (ts niain 8usinesses include mortgages, consumer banking, business banking, trust, brokerage, real estate {ending, and credit card lendi ln nn al�empr to ensure Bourd mpresauarion Optional: f,ri„w,.,�.;,,r,.»,�n,», /s helofrl. lfowcver. ac C7 Wl�i�c {Cau�usian) C] [lispanic ❑ Male Q Female G Slack C3 Asinn or Pacific tslandar accommaia4ons a�E needed, VCCCPiItt our cr�mmunity, [] Amcrican 1nd :v� orAlnskan Iiskimo ❑ Otl1er: --- — '— wiu-��v+�.,imw� a,c Page 2 of 5 a�- m m m JAN MON 02;19 PM W E GOVT RELTNS FRX N0, 6126679403 P, 04 �-a + ti Ramsey County Workforce investment 9oard Membership Application. PubGc Saformation: (The d�xta zre this box is pub/ic and, therefore. crvaf�able to rhe public.) Ramsey Covniy is recroiting indivisuals to represent various categories, npplications �vill continue to be accepted for firiun: vaeancies as well. Please indicate below the category or cau:gories you can represent on the WIB. Please nnte: Rusiness, F.ducarion or Labor positions require a nominatsoa tettcr as deseribed below: ----- • • •------• • • •- -� ------ ••-...----• •---------- •-•-----------• �-•---------- ° �-------. • •-�---�-----. • • •-- a Businesc, de6ned a9 �ot-profit (Nominated bylocal b�rsiness nrgonizofiasv antUor b�uineas trnde associnlion; - nitach yournnminntian tettee) '-'---"---"""--'--__"""'-�-----"""'-"----'_....---•--�--"'-•'-- - --•••"•------...._'----_""-'--•---•- ?>OF -3 plrase indicate cumpany size by number of cKnployees �5 _5•<LO 20'<50 �,>0.<2�0 ,Y, • 13asines5 owntr, ehief executivc �r operating U(ficer, • Represcnt business with cmploymenc opponuni�ics tmd oAier executive or employer with optimum tliat reilcet the tocal arca poliryuiaking or liiring authoriry. • Represent a chambet of comtncrca • Represcnt lhc healdi carc induzlry --' _""-'--'--'.,.'-------......' -' --""'--'---' ---°"""--• ----'....... -"----- -. _...,----' ----'-' --'- -' -- ---- ❑ Corriniuni[y-IIased Or�;anization, derned as no�prnLt organizxtions . Kcprcacntntivc oFcommuoidcs or Signiticant • Organirriion scrving non-scservadon Indi�m . ad sc�mcnts oFcommuniLies pruviding job training tribat goventmcnt . Agcncy scrving yuulh • Agcncy rcprasentin� vcLCruns � A�ency scrving Ji:piaccd homcmflke�'s • Agcncy represcnting indi��duals with dis�ibiEitie> . Utl�er. , _ ❑ EconomicDevelopmcntAgency • C'rivdlc ¢c:ctor . I'uh(ic seclUr ..."�-------....--'----'---"""--""_......,"'-'--'_'--......"-----'---'....""--'----'---.......-"-----' d I;dueatiGn (NominnieJ(�yregionalorinmleduca�ia:agenciei,lnstituiions,w�a•g�rai:�tlnnsrepresenliagsvcli/oca/ edeicalinr�nl rntuies — tdlaeh your nomina�inn fener.) • LocuS eJucational cnlilies (iiicluding K-12) • Pos�secoadnry cducati�mnl insdtutions • i.ocal schooi board • Ochcr: • 1.':n�¢ics pruviding nduit education amd litci:xy —...._ ._.._-- aUivitic.r ._.______.__""_____'_'____""'.-_'__.___""....._. . ❑ I.�bor (Nnnianaredhyi•c�engriiaedslatr,andlorloca!lnbo�fdc•rafionv --.,.... --------'....' -----'-' ........ .....--'-'--__ _.....""-----------"""------'-------'....."-- �'-- -' — ❑ Qnc-StOp Work[ocCe Center Pnttncrs, Jcfined ae thc partncrs lht�4 carry 0�1 the following activiti+;5 / programs (plcasc chcck thosc dia[ applyJ: ❑ /�dult, Dislvea[ed Worker_ Youth, Job Carps, Nativc Q l.oeal Vctcrsans' Emp}oymenl Represcntmivcs and Amcricnn and Vctera�� s Workforcc (WIA l'iUe ]) Dis�bied Veta•ans Outrctich (7'iUe 3R, U.SC) L7 Wagncr-Pcyscr Act ❑ Adult liducatinn a�nd Lilcracy (WtA l�i�ic 11) [J l'cade Adjustmcn6 As>ialancu S�f'AA) und NAF"CA ❑ Statu Unemployment Compcns.dion L�ws (in l'AA Cfrade Ac� of f974 Title il) accurdunce wiltt applicahle Ncdcral l;�wsj [] V ocational ficha�bitilnliun (RchaUilitalion Acl Title 1) [7 Cnmmunity 50svicc> �31ock Cirant [] Wcif:irato-Work PrUgrams (Sociat Suturity Act) ❑ DcpnAmunt nf llousing and Urbttn Dovulopmen[ [I Scnios Community Satvice Employmcnl (Titic V of qie (?fder Amcricans Ace) Q Loc.71 Elected 0115ciy11 Representative (('Hy njSt Pavl, Ramsey Counry) h u�,,,�m�c PaJB 3 Of 5 a�_ io ie a, JAN-31-2005 MON 02�19 PM W F GOVT RELTNS Ramsey County Workforce tnvestment 8oard Membership Appiication S'ublic lnformation: (7'he data in t&is hox is puhlic and ��ere�ore, available m/he public.) Robert de la Vega Ramsey i 11 Western Avenue Narth � St. Paul I MN � 55102 What skills, craining and expericnce do your possess for WB mem6ership7 Pleasc attach a 1- to 2-pagc resame. l�ielieve I have two areas of expertise that are relevant to the Wi6. First, as a iong-time Weils Fargo team member, 1 represen2 one of the county's ma�or ernployers. Second, as a former sta'Ce official, 1 am familiar with pubtic policy. My res�me is attached. P. 05 v5a►i M�if nr 1<<x yoiir W1B Meitzbership Applieaiion to: kanucy County W�rkforce Invcstment Board ChamUer of Commeree Ccnter 40 ( Nortlt tiobcrt Street, Suitc 150 Saifx Yaul. Iv1N 55101 Fax:651-223-5319 Phone:(51-265-27G0 Tecins �ru normally two years, commcncing o�i thc date of appointment aiad cnding July 31_ Ti�e Wo4"kfprce (nveslmca[ 13o:trd reguLarly-schcduted meeUngs are lield the frsi'l�hursday, every other momh f'rom 23o to h:30 p.m. Mesnbers �re expected to nlso seive on at least one scartding comn�ittee. Standmg commirtee mocting schedu(es vary. Tlzc iri(ormation on this application wi11 be used to evalaatc and select membcrs oP ILc Workforce Iny�csMient 13oard (Wt13). A��plicants muy r�fusc to supply fhe requested inl'ormation. Hnwever, cscept Pnr optional voluatary in(ormation, the failuro to eomplete trie Application may result in it bcing Ji�cardecl. This data m:+y be revirwec! and nsed 4y Ramsey County and Suint Paul eity staff. Thrmk ynx fn� yout inlerest! FAX N0, 6126679403 ,•,m�.,w.c,n���a�� Aage b of 5 -ar- �o,<a� JAN MON 02�19 PM W F GOVT RELTNS FAX N0, 6126679403 C�mmis;ione� Districl For Offia. Usc Onty Plannin� D�strict _,_ City Coancit W:vd F, OE D5-a ► � winn aoc. Page 5 of 5 at - w ico5 JRN MON 02�19 PM W F GOUT RELTNS EAX N0, 6126679403 P. D7 d5 -a �� 12obert Raul de la Vega 111 Western Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55102 (651) 292-9585 �xr�u�LrrcE I�cccmbcr 1990 to I'n:sent Wclls �'urgo/Norwesi Corp. 11Tinneapolis, MN REGIONAL I�IREC"tOR, GOVERNMENT RELATIONS DFPT. Manace govcrnment relalions program in nine-state region in cooperation with rcgional bank presidcnts and business cxecutives. Jam�ary 1937 to iVlinnesota Department of Tr�cle assd St. Paul, MN llecembcr 1990 F.eonomic Development DLpI1TY COMMISStONER/ASSI51'ANT TO "1'IIF. COMMFSSIONS�R. Managed and directed 45-person division of state agency responsible for business liaison, small business development, inciustrial recruitment, and community parcncrships. 1am�ary 19$( to Governor's Commission on the Economic St. i'nul, MN January 1937 Future of Minnesota �XF,CU'1'TVF. DIRI;CTOR. Chief staff person for gubernatorial study �roup with chargc to develop state econornic c�evclop�nent strntegic plan_ Pebniary 1980 Cilizens Lelgue 1VT►nnenpolis, MN 3amiary t986 4ZL'SEAP�CH ASSOCIA'I'�. Staffcd stud'+es about econoinic growth, ncighborhood service delivery, statc legislaturc, statc tiscal and tax policy, and otl�er lopics Deccmber ]�77 to Skyway I�ews lYTinnenpolis, MN Fcbniary 198Q ASSIS'fANT EDrI'(7R. Dirccted stafl' �nd freela�YCC writexs and photographers, edited all copy, and directed production staff f'or thricc-wcekly paper serving downtown Minncapolis. I:llITCAT'lON 1)eccm�icr 1977 Universiry of Minnesota M.A. 3c�umalism Mir,neapoli5, A7N t�1t�y 1975 Columhia Univcrsity Ncw York, New Ynrk $.A_ History JAN MON 02:19 PM W F GOVT RELTNS FAX N0, 6126679403 P. Ob o5=a►► C,IYCC ANll COMMUn`TT`Y 11VVOLVEMEIVT 3aint Paul Chamber Legislative Committee cunen� Saint Paul Chamber Transportation Committee, current Citizcns League Boazd ofDirectors, i994-96. Citizens I.cague Pro� am Committee,1990-199 University of Minnesota, �Iubert �Iumphrey lnstitute of Yublic Affairs Mondale Yolicy Forum Fcllow, 1991-1992. ITispanic Chamber of Commerce Boazd of Directors, 1985-1989. Northwestcm Bell Direct Dialogue consumcr panel, I93G-19�7. Minnesota Sqvash Association Board, Chair, Xouth Committee, 1992-94. YEI2SQIVAL 1'wenty year resident �i� St. Paul. Marricd, two chitdren, �1 Memorandum Date: February 1,2�05 To: Kurt Schultz, Deputy Chief of Staff; Mayor's O�ce From: Kitty Gogins, WIB CEO Subject: WIB Vacancies Current vacancies on the Workforce Investment Boazd now include: 5 Business (3 City, 2 County) and 1 La6or (County). The WIB is forwarding two applications received for two of the open City Business positions. This is in addition to the application already before the City for a business position (sent on October 13, 2004), The WIB, joint]y with the City and County, has set recruitment priorities to ensure the board represents the community. Current goals for business include adding retail representation; adding diversity, particularly Hispanic and Hmong representatio�; and recmiting only high qualiry candidates. The three candidates before the City aze high quality, with two meeYing additional recruitment goals. Brian Milter from CVS would add retail representation. Both Brian Miller from CVS and Tom Klas from TapeMark Company represent companies that have shown strong commitrnent to working with the public workforce system. Wells Fargo has previously had a representative on the WIB who had to step down after leaving the company. Bob de la Vega was identified by Wells Fargo leadership to represent their organization, and he also meets our goal of increasing Hispanic representation. Business Position Tom Klas, TapeMazk, Co., to replace Kwian Benjamin, for a terrn beginning on the date of appointment and ending on July 31, 2005. Due to the length of the replacement term, we aze requesting an extension of two years, for a term ending on July 31, 2007. Bob de la Vega, Wells Fazgo, to replace Teresa Tschida, for a term beginning on the date of appointment and ending on July 31, 2005. Due to the length of the replacement terrn, we are requesting an extension of two years, for a term ending on 7uly 31, 20Q7. A copy of the appiications and nomination ietter aze attached. If you need further assistance with the appointment process, please contact me at 6512652788 or kgogins@rcwib.org. Thank You. ����� Kitty Gogins CEO Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board WIB Vacan Name Organization Representing: Business Appointed by: City Senjamin, Kurian Benco Messenger Service Rose, Shelley Logln, Inc. Tschida, Teresa Wells Fargo i rt Term Service Ends Ended Reason 7131/OS 12f01l04 Resigned 7(31/OS 7/31/04 Resigned 7/31/OS 11/03/04 Changed companies Vacancy Status Vacant, need to recruit Vacant, need to recruit Vacant, need to recruit Representing: Business Appointed by: County Goldman, Brenda Deluxe Corporation 7l31l0� 12101l04 Resigned Vacant, need to recruit Zolin, AISan Herherger's Dept. Store 7l31105 6f03f04 Left position Vacant, need to recruit Representing:Labor Appointed by: County Knutson, Shar Saint Paul Trades and 7131I05 1126/OS Resigned Labor Vacant, need to recruit 2/1/OS Tom Klas Bob de la V ega Nomination Checklist Business I TapeMark Company Business � Wells Fargo Director of Commu�ity Relations Director, State Government Re(ations Yes I No I Yes Yes ! No I Yes � Director of Community Relations for TapeMark Company, focusing on community outteach and communication, as well as transportation, government and employment issues. Government relations for Wells Fazgq full service financial corporation with several locations in Ramsey County and Saint Paul. 2/t /05 Additionai Information of Interest CS � � 1 a'ALNT �AUL (JLREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CLamber of Commace Ce¢tu 401 Nort6 Aobat Street Suire 150 Saint Paul, Minncwra 55101 Suburban Buciness Centei 1935 Wesc Connty Road g2 s�;�e z4i xos�;u�, m;��ota ssi�s Phone: 651.223.5000 F�: 651.2235119 Febmary l, 2005 Mayor Randy Kelly Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall 15 WesY Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 Deaz Mayor Kelly: The Saint Pau1 Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to nominate the following individuals and urge their appointment to the Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board (WIB): Tom Klas, Director of Community Relations, TapeMark Company Bob de la Vega, Director, State Government Relations, Wells Fargo YOUR BUSINESS ADVOCATE We believe these individuals will do an exceilent job representing the diverse interests of the Saint Paul and Ramsey County business communities. They share our goal of utilizing the unique authority of the WIB to buiid economic vitality. Thank you for your assistance in helping the WIB as it assists East Metro employers and job seekers. Sincerely, f Ellen Watters Senior Vice President, Economic Development s a i n t p a u 1 c h a m b e r. c o m Date: October 12, 2004 To: Kurt Schultz, Deputy Chief of Staff, Mayor's O�ce From: Kitty Gogins, WIB CEO Subject: WIB Vacancies In addition to the candidates submitted for reappointment June 17, other vacancies on the Workforce Invesrinent Board now include: 2 Business (1 City, 1 County), 1 Loca1 Elected Official (City), 1 Economic Development (County} and 1 One-Stop Partner (County). The WIB is forwarding the one application received for the open City Business position. The WIB, jointly with the City and County, has set recruitment priorities to ensure the board represents the community. Current goals for business include adding retail representation. With the following candidate, we are accomplishing this goal. Brian Miller of CVS Phannacy represents a rapidly growing retail drug store in Ramsey County with three stores planned for the City of Saint Paul. The store located on Maryland and Arcade is the first one to open, commencing operation this month. CV S is a strong supporter and partner of the WorkForce spstem and would make an excellent addition to the WIB. They are a national partner of the Department of Labor tk�rough its "Partnerships for Jobs" program and have made extensive use of the local workforce system to staff their local operations, hiring roughly 40% of their staff for their first two stores in the Twin Cities through the WorkForce Centers. Businesa Position Brian Miller, CV S Phannacy, to replace Shelley Rose, LogIn, Inc., for a term beginning on the date of appointment and ending on July 31, 2005. A copy of the application and nomination letter is attached. If you need further assistance with the appointment process, please contact me at 6S 1.265.2788 or kgogins@rcwib.org. Thank You. � ��� Ki Go CEO ey County Workforce Investment Board BrianMiller I Business � CVS { DistrictSales I No I Yes � Phazmacy I Manager ionaioa Manager for CVS Pharmacy, new retail Y � business in Ramsey County with three locarions planned for the City of Saint Additional Information of Interest � — Q5—� a I WIB Vacancy Report Name Organization Representing: Business Appointed by: City Rose, Shelley I,ogIn, Inc. Representing: Business Appointed by: County Zotin, Allan Aerberger's Dept. Store Represe�tinb: ��e-�teg Par�aers Appointed by: County Schwichtenberg, Saint Pau1 College Donovan Term Service �on Vacancy Status Ends Ended 7/31/OS 7l31/04 Resigned Vacant, need to recnut 7131105 6l03/04 Left position 7f31f04 7f3U04 Term ended Vacant, need to recruit Vacant, need to recruit Representing: Economic Development Appointed by: County Locke, Kevin CiTy of New Brighton 7l31l04 4/3Q/04 Left Vacant, need to recruit position Representing: Local Elected Of�cial Appointed by: Ctty Orenstein, Howard City of Saint Paul- Mayor's 7/31/OS 6/I 8/04 Le8 Vacant, need to recnxit office position 10/12/04 65- a 1 � a �AUL (�J2EA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 401 NortL Bobert StreM Snite 150 Saint Panl, Minnesuta 55101 Phone: 653.223.5000 Fax: 651.223.5119 suburb,a services caner 3262 Rim Sveet Little Canada, Mivaesota 55126 Phone: 651.256.4770 Pac: 651.256.4771 October 12, 2004 Mayor Randy Kelly Office of the Mayor 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 55102 Dear Mayar Kelly: The Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to nominate the following individual and urge his appoinrinent to the Ramsey County Workforce Tnvestment Board (WIB): Brian Miller, District Sales Manager, CVS Phannacy YOUR BUSINESS We believe flus individual wi11 do an excellent job representing the diverse interests of the Saint Paul and Ramsey County business communities. He shares our goal of urilizing the unique authority of the WIB to build economic vitality. Thank you for your assistance in helping the WIB as it assists East Metro employers and job seekers. Sincerely, Ellen VJatters Senior Vice President, Economic Development ADVOCATE saintpaulcharnber. com