234459 OWIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' �_{���9 y CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � NO. COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY Wi1.l.iam E. Carl.son COMMISSIONE DATF iJHEREAS� The Council'of the Ci�ty ot Saint Paul is informed by the Commissioner of Public Sa�ety that a nuisance exi.sts on the prope�ty ].o- ' cated at 397 W. Central Avenue in the City of Saint Pau,L, which nuisance constitutes a hazard to �the pub].ic health, wel.fa�e and sa�'ety; and , WHEREAS� Such nuisance more p�rticul.ar�y consists o£ an accumula- tion of rubbish and an overgrow-�h of weeds, which haz�bors rodents, vermin, and other noxious animals and things; and ' WHEREAS� Pursuan-� to Seetion 374 of the Cha�ter of the City of Saint Pai�l� and Section 265.52 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code 24 hours' notice has been given to the owner, occupan-C, or agent o� such property demanding that such nuisance be removed; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED,� That upon the i^ecommendation ot -�he Commissione� of Pub- lic Safety the Commissioner ot Public Works is he�eby directed to sum- maril.y and forthwith remove the said nuisance, the cost of such removal. to be charged agains� Fund No. �`7 ; �nd be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the omrrussioner of Public Safety is direc�- ed to ascertain the cost of such remova7. and to �ox�ward the same -to the County Auditor on or be�ore October 1 of the year in which ascer�ained, �or collection i.n the same manner as taxes against said property. � . � � . AUG 3 � , COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas - Nays � 31��1 . Carlson • • Dalglish � Approved 19_ �� Tn Favor Meredith � : p� � Mayor Tedesco A gainst , Mr. President, Byrne ' PUBLISH.ED Q�G � 19�7 �22