234455 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I�V'4��� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Wil.l.iam E. Carlson COM M I551 O N E DATF WI-IEREAS, The Council ot the City of Saint Paul is informed by the Commissione� of Public Safety that a nuis�nce exists 'on the proP- erty located at 279 Kent Street in the �ity of 5aint Pau1, whi.ch nuisance constitu�Ces a hazard to the pub�ic heal�Ch, welfare and sa,fety; an d ' WHEREAS, Such nuisance more pa�ticularl.y consists of an ove�growth of weeds, which hax�bors rodents, vermin, an,d other noxi._ous �nima]s �nd _ things ; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 374 of the Charter of the City of Saint Pau1, and Section 265.52 of the Saint Pau� Legislativ�e Code 24 " hours' notice has been given to �he owne�, occupan�, or agen�C of such propertq demanding that such nuisance be removed; now, there�o�e, be it RESOLVED� That upon the recommendation ot the Commissioner of Public Safety the Commissioner of Publ.ic Wo�ks is hez�eby directed to , summarily and forthwith remove the said nuisance, the cost of such removal 'to be charged against Fund I�o. o97g ; and be it FURTI�R RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public S�fety is di.- rected to ascertain the cost of such removal and to forward the same to the County Audito� on or before October 1. of the yea� in which ascert�ined, for collection in the same manner as taxes against said p�operty. APPROVED — /�l�����/ . . • . � Asst. Corporation Co� u— nsej— AUG . _.319�7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas " Nays � 3196, Carlson s Dalglish Approved 19— � (.�- Tn FavOr . Meredith � �'�� Mayor Tedesco A ga�gt Mr. President, Byrne pU���� ,a(JG � ��� �22