05-210caun��� ��e # o S - a �a RESOLUTfON Green Sheet # 302549a OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA /3 Presented Refened To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classifications of Lead Landscaper and Landscape Worker be established at the rate set forth in Grade 06U and Grade 10U, respectively, of Bargaining Unit 72, Groundsworker Local #132 Salary Schedule; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following the passage, approval and pub&cation of this resolurion. ., � 0$-�l b ��Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gresn Sheet � HU �iuman Resources COntad Person 8 Phone: I�sa McKeown 2666479 Must Be on Councii Aaen Total # of SignaWre Pages 02-�-05 � { Green Sheet NO: 3025490 � Assign Number For Routing Order � �� uman ur r[meotDirec[o i e l a �'s ffc r! i nt ounci Irk Ir 0 1 2 3 4 5 (qip All locations fw Signature) Lead Landscaper and Landscape Worker were recendy created and approved by both the deparhuent and the bargaining unit. Our xequest is for approval to establish the rate of pay associated with these two tities as indicated in the attached resolurion. da5ons: Approve {A) or R Pfanning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contraets Must Answer the Following QuesBons: 1. Has this perso�/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Ye5 No 2. Has this personlFirm ever been a ary empioyee? Yes No 3. Ooes this personffRn Aossess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? - Yes No Ezpiain aIl yc�s answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (iNho, What, When, Where, Why): Current classificafions did not effectively describe the woxk that evolved due to "Blooming Saint Paul." ��CEIVE� Advantaqes ifApproved: The rate of pay will appropriately be established for these two new classificarions. � f;� Q� 2�Q�3 � � � . 7 : OisadvarrtageslfApproved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The work may be delayed and/or performed by individuals in inappropriate classifications. T2nsaction: FundinA Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: ActivitY Number: � �'t8�€�'i ��+�g Financial informatian: s (Explain) e � ° r �pjflL! LoUi� The City of Saint Paul Class Specification Proposed Title of Class: LEAD LANDSCAPER DESCRIPTION OF WORK b5- ��o CODE: 27$$ BU: 72 Effecrive: General5tatement of Duties: Provides lead and slQlled landscape work as a specialist in landscape maintenance of downtown parks, recreation centers and regional pazks; coordination of landscape resources; design of planting plans; supervision and training of landscaping teams; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under ffie general technical and administrative supervision of the unit supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: Exercises technical supervision directly over landscaping crews primarily comprised of temporary workers from a youth summer job program such as Youth Job Corp. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and designs landscaping for downtown parks, recreation centers and regional parks. Assigns, xeviews and monitors the wozk of several seasonal landscaping crews and crew leaders. Trains landscaping crews. Coordinates landscape resources. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an expert understanding of the common terms, procedures and principles associated with landscaping and landscape maintenance. Demonstrates an ability to identify and solve the normal problems associated with the work. Demonstrates an ability to anticipate issues and create solutions. Demonstrates a good understanding of techniques far trimming hedges, planting flowers and shrubs, growing plants in a greenhouse, maintaining a plant nursery, mulching and spraying weeds. Demonstrates working knowledge of fertilizer use. Demonstrates expert knowledge of ciry gardens and specialty landscaping, and maintenance and environmental needs of a wide variety of plants. Demonstrates an ability to make minor repairs on landscaping equipment and other maintenance equipment. Demonstrates an ability to do light repair of and program in-ground and greenhouse irrigation systems. Maintains an inventory of tools, equipment and materials used by the assigned crew. Demonstrates an ability to use and maintain simple greenhouse systems, a plant nursery and plant staging areas. Demonstrates an ability to drive vans, pickups (with and without trailers), loaders and an ability to operate water scooTers for watering assignments. Demonstrates an ability to follow established safety practices; demonstrates an understanding of the safe use of hand and power tools and materials used in the maintenance of municipal property. Trains others in safety procedures and creates a safe work environment. LBAD LANDSCAPBR Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: LEAD LANDSCAPER os-a�o CODE: 278B BU: 72 Effecrive: Demonsnates basic skills in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, and peripheral devises such as printers. Demonstrates an ability to leam and use computers and software such as Access databases, Arcview, Excel spreadsheets and basic word processing. Demonstrates an ability to plan and prioririze work, and set and meet deadlines for own work and the work of others. Demonstrates an ability to create schedules, work reports and injury reports. Demonstrates an ability to develop training materia] and provides training sessions for landscaping crews to understand their work responsibilities. Tzaimng may include landscaping procedwes and Techniques, safety, customer service and respectful treatment in the workplace. Demonstrates an ability to design planhng plans and plant lists based on budget numbers. Demonstrates an ability to effectively listen, speak, write and interact within a work group and demonstrate effective communication with other staff and customers. Demonstrates an ability to make presentations to the public regarding program elements. Demonstrates basic skills in operating a computer keyboazd, mouse, and peripheral devises such as printers to utilize basic word-processing and e-mail. Demonstrates an ability to oversee and coordinate the work activities of several landscaping crews including assigning, scheduling, monitoring and reviewing the work for efficiency and safety. Demonstrates ability to guide, advise and assist the temporary crew supervisors with crew performance management and ensuring tasks are completed. Demonstrates an ability to work under adverse weather conditions and occasionally may work vaned schedules and on weekends. Demonstrates an ability to positively work with a variety of community groups involved m gardens throughout the city. Demonstrate an ability to promote effective customer service through example and coardinate customer service efforts. Demonstrates an ability to respond to citizen complaints and requests for information. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A cerfificate in floriculture, horticulture, greenhouse management or botany and two years experience in commercial or sesidential landscaping ot two years esperience in commercial floricultwe. Must have one year of experience overseeing a horticultural, gardening or landscaping work crew. Must posses a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocarions within two years prior to the date of appoinhnent (suspensions for parking-related offenses excluded). Must obtain a Non-Commercial Pesticide Appiiaator's License, including categories: A& E and presented to hiring authority within three months of appointment. LEAD LANDSCAl'ER Page 2 a5-�to The City of Saint Paul Class Specification Proposed Title of Class: LANDSCAPE WORKER CODE: 277B BU: 72 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Provides sldlled landscape work as a specialist in landscape maintenance of downtown parks, recreation centers and regional parks; leads and trains landscaping teasns; maintains landscape equipment and performs related duries as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of the unit supervisor and program supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: May provides technical direcrion to landscape crews primarily comprised of temporary workers from a youth summer job program such as Youth Job Corp. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed Uy all positions in this class. Provides landscape maintenance of downtown parks, recreation centers and regional parks. Maintains equipment and plants acaording to planting designs. Acts as a landscaping crew leader. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an understanding of the common terms, pxocedures and principles associated with landscaping and landscape maintenance; demonsYrates an ability to identify and solve the normal problems associated with the work. Demonstrates an understanding of techniques for trimming hedges, planting flowers and shrubs, growing plants in a greenhouse, maintaining a plant nursery, mulching and spraying weeds. Demonstrates a working lmowledge of fertilizer use. Demonsttates an ability to make minor xepaus on landscaping equipment and other mamtenance equipment. Demanstrates an ability to use and maintain simple greenhouse systems. Demonstrates an ability to do light repair of and pmgram in-ground and greenhouse inigation systems. Maintalns an inventory of tools, equipment and matexials used by the assigned crew. Demonstrates an abiliry ta drive vans, pickups (with and without trailers), loaders and aMlity to operate water scooters for watering assignments. Demonstrates an abiliry to follow established safety practices; demonsirates an understanding of the safe use of hand and power tools and materials used in the routine maintenance of municipal property. Demonstrates an ability to plan and prioritize work, set and meet deadlines for own wark and the work of others. Creates schedules, work reports and injury reports. Demonstrates an ability to effectively listen, speak, write and interact within a wark group. Demonstrates an ability to oversee the work activities of an assigned crew mcluding scheduling, monitoring and reviewing the work for efficiency and safety. Demonstrates an ability to advise and guide others towards the compietion Qf tasks_ LAIVDSCAPE WORKER Page 1 Proposed'�itle of Class: LANDSCAPE WORKER OS' a !b CODE: 277B BU: 72 Effecrive: Demonstrates an ability to work under adverse weather conditions and occasionally may work varied schedules and on weekends. Demonstrates an ability to posirively work with a variety of community groups involved in gardens throughout the city. Demonstrates an abiliry to respond to citizen complaints and requests for informarion. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A certificate in floriculture, horticulture, or botany and two years experience in commercial or residentia] landscaping or two yeazs experience in commercial horticulture. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent aut-qf-state license, with na suspensions or revocations within two years prior to the date of appointment (suspensions for parldng-related offenses excluded). Must obtain a Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator's License, including categories: A& E and presented to hiring authority within three months of appointmant. LANDSCAPE WORKER Page 2 �� � � City of Saint Paul 12127l03 (1) 21.02 BARGAINING L3NIT 72 GROUNDSWORKER LOCAL 132 Effecfive 2004 GRADE 06U ----------------- 552A LEAD GARllENER OS-�lo Issued 4/30/04 GRADE 0'N ---------------- 913 GROUNDS CREW LEADER 913IvI MODIFIED DUTY WORKER-GROUNDS CREW LEADER 12/27103 (1) 20.44 1-499 Hrs. 12/27103 8.42 SQO-1499 Hrs. 9.07 GRAI)E 08U ----------------- 222B PARKS WORKER I-OPERATIONSlCOMO CAMPUS (NO BENEFITS) 1500+ Hrs. 9.74 GRAl?E 09U ----------------- 227B ASSTSTAN'I' GOLF COUfZSE SUPERINTENDENT 12127/03 (1} 21.24 GRADE IOU 130B ASSTSTANT GARUENER 12t27103 (1) 13.76 ��) 14.29 72-02 os-aro OEFICE OF FiUMAN RESOURCES Mge(a S. Nalemy, Olraclor bAINT t.vL � � CtTI' OF SAiNT PAUL RsndyC. Kelly, Ma}�r Facsimr7es: 29&765fi Februazy 22, 2005 400 City Hall Mnez Tetepfione: 651-266-6500 25WestFovrtt+S(reat JoDline 65f-2666502 Salnf Paul, Mrnnesote 55l02-1 E37 J� Ffoor. fi51- 5" F/oor. 651-266-6a95 Tom Besaw, Business Ageat for Groundsworker I.ocal #132 ('BU#72) 346 Lazpenteur Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55113 RE: 'IWenty-DayNorice Deaz Tom: 657-266-88B6 �uzsuant to City of Saint Paui, C`ivil Service Rule 3.C, this is to inforra you that �Lead Landscaper" and "Landscape Worker" job classifications have been created and will be placed in C'rxoundswoxker Local #132, Bargaining Unit #72 in the £ollowing erades: Lead Landscaper, Crrade Obt3 Landscaper Worker, Qrade lOiJ Please see attachcd job descxiptions. Tf you have any questions or concems, please cali me az (651)26fi-6474. To expedite this process, please o-mail or call me even if you do not have any concems with these class specificauons. This will allow me to quickly znove forward on requesting the City Council's approval for the compensa#ion. Lisa McKeown, Human Resourees Specialist, Of£ice of Human Resour�ces I have reeeived this notice and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenry-Day Public Notice. - '�%G��--'� - '� -- � � � _� Signature Date NoYe: Tnstead of signi�q above, you may send an email notification to lisa.mckeown@ci.sipaul.mn-us to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day notice. n:uo aar.eu„¢�,�,.ya TOTRL P.H2 05- a�v OFFSCE OF Hi1MAN RESOURCES AngeZa S. NaZ¢ny, Dirutor CTTY OF SAINf PAUL aoo c�xanA,�� Randy C. Kelty, Mayor 25 Wut Fourth Street Saini Paul, Mvuvsotu 55102-1631 TO: Bob Bierscheid, Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: DATE: �7� Lisa McKeown, Human Resources Specialist Office of Human Resources February 25, 2005 Twenty-Day Public Notice Te(ephone: 651-266-650D lobZine 651-266-6502 Facsimiles: 4'" Floor: 651-292-7656 651-266-888b i'" FZaar: 651-166-6495 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, this is to inform you that "Lead Landscaper" and "I.andscape Worker" job classificazions have been created and will be placed in Groundsworker Local #132, Bazgaining Unit #72 in the following grades: Lead Landscaper, Grade ObU Landscaper Worker, Grade l0U Piease see attached job descrip6ons. If you have any questions or concems, please call me at (651) 266-6479. cc: Rich Laliier Mazk Granlund To expedite this process, please e-mail or call me even if you do not have any concerns with these class specifications. This wi11 a11ow me to quickly move forward on requesting the City Council's approval for the compensation. I have received this notice and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day Public Notice. ���-��'�� �'���� `�Signature '� Date Note: Instead of sigvng above, you may send an email norificarion to lisa.mckeown@ci.stpaul.�nn.us to waive the time remaining on this Twenty-Day notice. C'�DxumenR andSettmg�bia5che�IncflSemngs\ieaq»UA daY� u�e�'+a.wpd