05-21Council File # �5 -a '�
Green Sheet # ��a`� �� j�
i BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized to enter into a two year
z extension of the Agreement between the City and the State of Mannesota previously approved in
3 Council File No. 03-31 concerning the intra-governmental transfer of Bazbara J. Zusan to
4 perform the duties of Scheduler for the Governor.
Adopted by Council: Date �[.
Adoption Certi�f5,ed by Council
Requested by Department of:
C 1�' 1'� O M
Form Appr ve y City Attorney
By: �
Appr� y Mayor for �m�cr,
� , ✓
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
�- �-\
DepartmenNOffice/wuncii: Date Initiated:
ca �;TyA�,,,�. 08-DEC-04 Green Sheet NO: 3024584
CoMad Person 8 Phone: ���ent Sent To Person �Initial/Dat�e
Manuel Cervantes � 0 �[v A2toro --R�"` �_
Z6Cra��� P�ssign 1 " Attoro Ci Attome ���
Must Be on Council qgenda by (Date}: Number 2 a or• ffic Mav r
RoUting 3 ouncil Council
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature)
Attion Requested:
Apptoval of a two yeaz extension to the intra governmental ageement with the State of Minnesota to allow Bazb Zusan to continue
her duties as the Govemor's Scheduler.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Plan�ing Commission 1. Has this person/�irm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
. 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally passessed by any
curcent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): "
On 1-15-03, in Council File No. 03-31, the City of St. Paul entered into an inha governmental mobility agreement with the State of
Minnesota regazding The services of Bazb Zusan. The State of Minnesota has asked the, City to extend the inha govemmental
agreemern an addirional two yeazs to a11ow Bazb Zusan to perform the duries of scheduler for the Governor. The State of Minnesota
will reixnburse the City for all salary, benefits and any related costs associated u+ith the agreement.
The City will demonshate a spirit of cooperarion with the State of Minnesota Governor's Office. The City will be fully reunbutsed for all
salary, benefits and related costs associated with the agreement.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Total Amount of
Transaction• CastlRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activib Number: �� ���� ����
Financial Information: � x ,<
(Explain) w��� � ��
i >�� ;��
►:[a1'7.�Ii���� J
Cfj- 2 \
This agreement is entered into the day of 7anuary, 2005, by and beriveen the State
of Minnesota and the Governor (hereinafter "State") and the City of Saint Paul, City Attomey's
Office (hereinafter "City").
Wf�REAS, Barbara Zusan is a regular employee of the City, in the position of Office
Manager, with certain rights and benefits as a City employee; and
WHEREAS, since January 16, 2003, Barbaza Zusan has been the subject of the attached
intra govemmental mobility agreement from the City to the State to assuxne the duties of
Governor's Scheduler; and
WHEREAS, the January 16, 2003 agreement was approved by the Saint Paul City
Council in Council File No. 03-31; and
WHEREAS, the January 16, 2003 agreement was amended in 2004 to incorporate
changes to the total cost of fringe benefits; and
WHEREAS, intra governmental agreements are authorized by and subject to Minnesota
Statutes 15.51-15.59 and 471.59;
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
Effective upon approval by the Saint Paul City Council, the intra governmental mobility
agreement from the City to the State for the services of Bazbara Zusan will be extended
an additional two years commencing January 16, 2005.
This extension will be under the same terms and conditions as set forth in the priar
agreement dated January 16, 2003 as amended. A copy of the January 16, 2003
agreement and amendment is attached.
3. If the City subsequently approves an agreement or agreements that change the salary
and/or related fringe benefit costs Barbara Zusan is entitled to receive as a City employee,
the State will reimburse the City at the new rate for salary and/or fringe benefit costs
effective upon receipt of written notice from the City.
Govemor's Office Mayor's Office
G5 -�--\
Commissioner of Adminisirarion City Attomey
Director of Financial Services
Duector of Human Resources
Approved as to Form:
John B. McCormick
: - ;; �3=3/ �
This agreemant is entered into the6�? �ay of 3aunary, 2403, by and between the State
of Miaaesota and the Governor (hereinafter "State") aad the City of Saint Paul, City Attorney's
O�ce (hereinafter "City"}.
WHEREAS, $arbara Zusan is a regulaz employee of the City, in the position af Office
Manager, witfi certain Lights and benefits as a City eniployee; and
WI�REAS, the parties an ee that Barbaza Zusan be the subject of an intra govemmentaI
mobility agreement from the City to tl�e State to assume the duties described herein; and
WHBREAS, this agreement is authorized by and suhject to Minnesota Statutes 15.51-
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
Effective upoa approval by the Saint Paul City Council, Barbaza Zusan cvilI be tIie subject
of this intra governmental mobility agreement from the City to ihe State for up to #�venty-
four (24) months, commencing January 16, 2003.
2. T'his intra governmental mobility agreement may be extended an additionai rivo years
upon agreement by the City and the State.
3. Under the direction of Tin� Pawlenty, Governor of the State of Minnesata, Barbara Zusan
will perform the duties of Assistant to the Govemor, and will serve at the will and
pleasure of the CTOVernor.
4. This intra governmental mobility agreement may be terminated at any iime, «ith a
minimiun of 30 calendar day notice by either of the parties.
5. The StaYe shalE reimburse Barbara Zusan for all expenses incurred which relate to her
duties as Assistant to the Govemor pursuant to applicable State expense reimburse�neni
policy and procedure provisions.
6. For the duration of thzs intra goverrunental mobiliry agreemenY, �azbara Zusan remains
an employee of the City and continues ta accrue and retain any benefits, seniority,
coinpensation witI� and only from the City in accordance with any current and
. subsequently approved agreenients, including any increases in compensation that may
� -�-�
occur during the twenfy-four {24) month period of the mobility agreement for whicti
Bazbara Zusan would be eligible_
"Fhe State shall reimburse fhe City for ane hundred (I00} percent of Bazbara Zusan's
salary and Teiafed fringe benefrt costs, an a moafhly basis {Il12 of the annual salary), or
by some other arrangemenT as mutuaIly agreed by the State and the City, far the Ien�th of
the mobiiity a�reement or until such time as one garty informs the other of any salary
increases as stated in paragraph six. ActuaI fgures aze contained in ttie attached letter
which is incorporated by reference into this agreement.
8. Each party is responsib2e for its o�vn acts and behavior and the results thereaf. The
State's liability is governed by the Minnesota'Tort Claims Act, Ivlinnesota Statu#es 3.736.
The City's responsibiiity is governed by the Municipal Tort Ciaims Act, Minnesota
Statutes 46b.02. Although the supervision of Bazbara Zusan's du6es �ti�ill rest exclusive3y
with the State, she is noY a SYate employee and isn't entitied to any State benefits
including but not limited to, unemgloyment benefits, pension, sick and vacation leave,
death and medical benefits.
Nothing in this intra governmentai mobility agreement, explicitly or implicitiy, shall be
construed to be an offer or promise of permanent employinent to Barbaza Zusan +��itl� the
I0. Bazbara Zusan retains the right to retum to her previous employment with the City upon
expiration of the mobility agreemenf or 8ue to temvnation of the agreement at any time
during the twenfy-foi�r {24) month period, said rehun to The City is subject to Ute terms of
any relevant collective bargaining agreement and the Civil Service Rules.
I 1. The City will submit invoices to the State as agreed between the two parties. Finai
invoices at the end of each fiscaI year (the month of December) �rill be subrrcitted no later
ihan January 31 of each catendar year.
�� �
Govemor's Office
�Comnussioner Administr ' n �,Jt��vj
or's Office /
City Attorney
Encumbered by:
Director of FinancFal Services
� '� � ,
Director of Human Resources
Appr � d as fo Form and Execution:
Attorney eneral
Date: � � ���
Approved as to Form:
��� �
City Attomey
Date:_ .�c.r� � S� �[��
12/27/2004 11:22 FAX 6572962089 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR
m o02/002
�-a� �
��cNt�,�r �ro ncr.r:�.�r:N•r
� _�
, � . ,;,�;
Sf"il"I'C:OI� , viiNNF:S01'A, <)i'PiCL^: OF'['HG GC�VCPN��12� -; ,
�NU - �. !i ;
7�1'ils is sn aittctidment ip tlm agrecmenh entered into tttc 16"� day of
Janurrry, 20b3. by aitd betwcen Ule St<ue oi IvSinnesota and the Govcmc>r
(heminafter "State") an�i the Cit,y of Saint 1'au3, Cify Attorney's Officc
(hereinaCter "Cily')
1'hi, �iurj>ase ot ihis a�rcement is to p�rmlt B�zbara "I..usa�n to b�t the subjecf o( an
inlra gvverntnrnlal ntobility agreCrztenl from the Cily (o thc State.
`I7ie ori}�inr�t ugrc�c>ment ylated thai fhe reimburrement tu the City fmm Ulc Slale
wuula hc� in accurdancc wilh an attachcd (cttcr (clated T:�nuary l:i, 20C13)
inc�,r}>ur�ited itiic� lhc uris;inal at;rr�inent.
i'itc� fisc,il Iigures refemnced iri !hc ori�ina! lettcr no lon��er reprr.seat ihe t�ital
cost of i3 t1PIJ�71 ZL1SJ(1 5 Illltt beztetfit cc�sls. Updated cc�sts are ceflected in a nc�w
letier dateci Mamh 70-7.U09, which is attached lo tlus am�*ndtnent, and whiclt is
inc<»•E�oraied f>y reiercnce irtln this amcndmenf.
� 5'PA'1'1; t)I� M1I�3Ni.'s5O't'A
C.�.��� __��__��� _�_-_
lof Covrriwc"s C�tiir��
�\�`^~--`/� I— _
frr(-c�n1mtssi � (:�1t3.c} irtistra 'o i
. '�'(��4
/ '� _' �
,�r�f����.�1�,: .. ,��. _..
I:itCl101�)Uf�?i{ L?Y 7
(`utltracl J; /��t54� 1
T)irectnr ut ! iZesourccs
DEC-27-20a4 11�28 6512962089 97i P.02
�=-'��=�'��� ---
nN J7irz:clor c�k l�ina�tcial Servzcc.s
Council File # �5 -a '�
Green Sheet # ��a`� �� j�
i BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized to enter into a two year
z extension of the Agreement between the City and the State of Mannesota previously approved in
3 Council File No. 03-31 concerning the intra-governmental transfer of Bazbara J. Zusan to
4 perform the duties of Scheduler for the Governor.
Adopted by Council: Date �[.
Adoption Certi�f5,ed by Council
Requested by Department of:
C 1�' 1'� O M
Form Appr ve y City Attorney
By: �
Appr� y Mayor for �m�cr,
� , ✓
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
�- �-\
DepartmenNOffice/wuncii: Date Initiated:
ca �;TyA�,,,�. 08-DEC-04 Green Sheet NO: 3024584
CoMad Person 8 Phone: ���ent Sent To Person �Initial/Dat�e
Manuel Cervantes � 0 �[v A2toro --R�"` �_
Z6Cra��� P�ssign 1 " Attoro Ci Attome ���
Must Be on Council qgenda by (Date}: Number 2 a or• ffic Mav r
RoUting 3 ouncil Council
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature)
Attion Requested:
Apptoval of a two yeaz extension to the intra governmental ageement with the State of Minnesota to allow Bazb Zusan to continue
her duties as the Govemor's Scheduler.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Plan�ing Commission 1. Has this person/�irm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
. 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally passessed by any
curcent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): "
On 1-15-03, in Council File No. 03-31, the City of St. Paul entered into an inha governmental mobility agreement with the State of
Minnesota regazding The services of Bazb Zusan. The State of Minnesota has asked the, City to extend the inha govemmental
agreemern an addirional two yeazs to a11ow Bazb Zusan to perform the duries of scheduler for the Governor. The State of Minnesota
will reixnburse the City for all salary, benefits and any related costs associated u+ith the agreement.
The City will demonshate a spirit of cooperarion with the State of Minnesota Governor's Office. The City will be fully reunbutsed for all
salary, benefits and related costs associated with the agreement.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Total Amount of
Transaction• CastlRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activib Number: �� ���� ����
Financial Information: � x ,<
(Explain) w��� � ��
i >�� ;��
►:[a1'7.�Ii���� J
Cfj- 2 \
This agreement is entered into the day of 7anuary, 2005, by and beriveen the State
of Minnesota and the Governor (hereinafter "State") and the City of Saint Paul, City Attomey's
Office (hereinafter "City").
Wf�REAS, Barbara Zusan is a regular employee of the City, in the position of Office
Manager, with certain rights and benefits as a City employee; and
WHEREAS, since January 16, 2003, Barbaza Zusan has been the subject of the attached
intra govemmental mobility agreement from the City to the State to assuxne the duties of
Governor's Scheduler; and
WHEREAS, the January 16, 2003 agreement was approved by the Saint Paul City
Council in Council File No. 03-31; and
WHEREAS, the January 16, 2003 agreement was amended in 2004 to incorporate
changes to the total cost of fringe benefits; and
WHEREAS, intra governmental agreements are authorized by and subject to Minnesota
Statutes 15.51-15.59 and 471.59;
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
Effective upon approval by the Saint Paul City Council, the intra governmental mobility
agreement from the City to the State for the services of Bazbara Zusan will be extended
an additional two years commencing January 16, 2005.
This extension will be under the same terms and conditions as set forth in the priar
agreement dated January 16, 2003 as amended. A copy of the January 16, 2003
agreement and amendment is attached.
3. If the City subsequently approves an agreement or agreements that change the salary
and/or related fringe benefit costs Barbara Zusan is entitled to receive as a City employee,
the State will reimburse the City at the new rate for salary and/or fringe benefit costs
effective upon receipt of written notice from the City.
Govemor's Office Mayor's Office
G5 -�--\
Commissioner of Adminisirarion City Attomey
Director of Financial Services
Duector of Human Resources
Approved as to Form:
John B. McCormick
: - ;; �3=3/ �
This agreemant is entered into the6�? �ay of 3aunary, 2403, by and between the State
of Miaaesota and the Governor (hereinafter "State") aad the City of Saint Paul, City Attorney's
O�ce (hereinafter "City"}.
WHEREAS, $arbara Zusan is a regulaz employee of the City, in the position af Office
Manager, witfi certain Lights and benefits as a City eniployee; and
WI�REAS, the parties an ee that Barbaza Zusan be the subject of an intra govemmentaI
mobility agreement from the City to tl�e State to assume the duties described herein; and
WHBREAS, this agreement is authorized by and suhject to Minnesota Statutes 15.51-
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
Effective upoa approval by the Saint Paul City Council, Barbaza Zusan cvilI be tIie subject
of this intra governmental mobility agreement from the City to ihe State for up to #�venty-
four (24) months, commencing January 16, 2003.
2. T'his intra governmental mobility agreement may be extended an additionai rivo years
upon agreement by the City and the State.
3. Under the direction of Tin� Pawlenty, Governor of the State of Minnesata, Barbara Zusan
will perform the duties of Assistant to the Govemor, and will serve at the will and
pleasure of the CTOVernor.
4. This intra governmental mobility agreement may be terminated at any iime, «ith a
minimiun of 30 calendar day notice by either of the parties.
5. The StaYe shalE reimburse Barbara Zusan for all expenses incurred which relate to her
duties as Assistant to the Govemor pursuant to applicable State expense reimburse�neni
policy and procedure provisions.
6. For the duration of thzs intra goverrunental mobiliry agreemenY, �azbara Zusan remains
an employee of the City and continues ta accrue and retain any benefits, seniority,
coinpensation witI� and only from the City in accordance with any current and
. subsequently approved agreenients, including any increases in compensation that may
� -�-�
occur during the twenfy-four {24) month period of the mobility agreement for whicti
Bazbara Zusan would be eligible_
"Fhe State shall reimburse fhe City for ane hundred (I00} percent of Bazbara Zusan's
salary and Teiafed fringe benefrt costs, an a moafhly basis {Il12 of the annual salary), or
by some other arrangemenT as mutuaIly agreed by the State and the City, far the Ien�th of
the mobiiity a�reement or until such time as one garty informs the other of any salary
increases as stated in paragraph six. ActuaI fgures aze contained in ttie attached letter
which is incorporated by reference into this agreement.
8. Each party is responsib2e for its o�vn acts and behavior and the results thereaf. The
State's liability is governed by the Minnesota'Tort Claims Act, Ivlinnesota Statu#es 3.736.
The City's responsibiiity is governed by the Municipal Tort Ciaims Act, Minnesota
Statutes 46b.02. Although the supervision of Bazbara Zusan's du6es �ti�ill rest exclusive3y
with the State, she is noY a SYate employee and isn't entitied to any State benefits
including but not limited to, unemgloyment benefits, pension, sick and vacation leave,
death and medical benefits.
Nothing in this intra governmentai mobility agreement, explicitly or implicitiy, shall be
construed to be an offer or promise of permanent employinent to Barbaza Zusan +��itl� the
I0. Bazbara Zusan retains the right to retum to her previous employment with the City upon
expiration of the mobility agreemenf or 8ue to temvnation of the agreement at any time
during the twenfy-foi�r {24) month period, said rehun to The City is subject to Ute terms of
any relevant collective bargaining agreement and the Civil Service Rules.
I 1. The City will submit invoices to the State as agreed between the two parties. Finai
invoices at the end of each fiscaI year (the month of December) �rill be subrrcitted no later
ihan January 31 of each catendar year.
�� �
Govemor's Office
�Comnussioner Administr ' n �,Jt��vj
or's Office /
City Attorney
Encumbered by:
Director of FinancFal Services
� '� � ,
Director of Human Resources
Appr � d as fo Form and Execution:
Attorney eneral
Date: � � ���
Approved as to Form:
��� �
City Attomey
Date:_ .�c.r� � S� �[��
12/27/2004 11:22 FAX 6572962089 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR
m o02/002
�-a� �
��cNt�,�r �ro ncr.r:�.�r:N•r
� _�
, � . ,;,�;
Sf"il"I'C:OI� , viiNNF:S01'A, <)i'PiCL^: OF'['HG GC�VCPN��12� -; ,
�NU - �. !i ;
7�1'ils is sn aittctidment ip tlm agrecmenh entered into tttc 16"� day of
Janurrry, 20b3. by aitd betwcen Ule St<ue oi IvSinnesota and the Govcmc>r
(heminafter "State") an�i the Cit,y of Saint 1'au3, Cify Attorney's Officc
(hereinaCter "Cily')
1'hi, �iurj>ase ot ihis a�rcement is to p�rmlt B�zbara "I..usa�n to b�t the subjecf o( an
inlra gvverntnrnlal ntobility agreCrztenl from the Cily (o thc State.
`I7ie ori}�inr�t ugrc�c>ment ylated thai fhe reimburrement tu the City fmm Ulc Slale
wuula hc� in accurdancc wilh an attachcd (cttcr (clated T:�nuary l:i, 20C13)
inc�,r}>ur�ited itiic� lhc uris;inal at;rr�inent.
i'itc� fisc,il Iigures refemnced iri !hc ori�ina! lettcr no lon��er reprr.seat ihe t�ital
cost of i3 t1PIJ�71 ZL1SJ(1 5 Illltt beztetfit cc�sls. Updated cc�sts are ceflected in a nc�w
letier dateci Mamh 70-7.U09, which is attached lo tlus am�*ndtnent, and whiclt is
inc<»•E�oraied f>y reiercnce irtln this amcndmenf.
� 5'PA'1'1; t)I� M1I�3Ni.'s5O't'A
C.�.��� __��__��� _�_-_
lof Covrriwc"s C�tiir��
�\�`^~--`/� I— _
frr(-c�n1mtssi � (:�1t3.c} irtistra 'o i
. '�'(��4
/ '� _' �
,�r�f����.�1�,: .. ,��. _..
I:itCl101�)Uf�?i{ L?Y 7
(`utltracl J; /��t54� 1
T)irectnr ut ! iZesourccs
DEC-27-20a4 11�28 6512962089 97i P.02
�=-'��=�'��� ---
nN J7irz:clor c�k l�ina�tcial Servzcc.s