234441 J .�_� • . - 'r
Orie�+�l to CttY Clerk
An Ordinance to Provide for adapti� and amendrr�nt
of a capital budget for the City of Sa3nt Pa�ul
� pur�suant to Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Regular
Sessics�, Ghapter 460.
� Sectic� 1. There shall be an azmual capital budget for the
� City of Saint Paul hereinafter usual�y referr�ed to as the armua.l.
. capital irnprove�nt budget wh�.ch sha11 be separate and distinct
from the City's operatin� budg�t prescribed by ,Chapter XLII of the
Charter of the City of Saint Paul.
Secti�. 2. Said axa�ual capital improvement budg�t for the City
-of Saint Paul shall be adopted by resolutian of the Cotmcil of the City
of Saint Paul after a public hearing thereon held.`Sby the Council at a
regular or special rr�eting of said bocjy after published notice of said
hearing in the official newspaper of tfie City, which notice of hearing
sha11 be published once not less than ten days prior to s:ai.d hearing on
_ said budg�t. , 'IY�e Co�cil may by resolution and in the same m�rmer
heretofore prescribed for arlopticn of its said armual capital irrQrovement
budget, adopt an amended capital i.mproverr�nt budget.
Secticn 3. The axx�ual capital improvement budget shall include
propased appropriations for all pro�jects having an estimated usef�l
life in excess of th�ee years other than the acquisitica� of office or
� mechanical equipment, or minor remodeling or repairs of existing
structur�es, and including all pro�ects which it is proposed to fUnd
by use of the proceeds of general.obligation or x�evenue bonds authorized
by Iaws of Minnesota for 1967, l�gular Sessi� Chapter 460. �
Section 4. There is hereby established a capita]. improvements
camnittee c�sistin� of the Mayor, CarrQtroller and Comm3.ssicner of
F3nance as ex officio rr�mbers and twelve members who would be citizens
• of the State, and not more than three of whom sha11 be non-residents
` of the City of Sa3nt Paul, which c�anittee shall be desigizated the
"Long Ran� Capital Irr�rovement Budget Coirmii.ttee of Sa3nt Paul" and
for ccnvenience of reference shall be hereinafter referred to as the
� budget carani.ttee. 'Ilze members of such corrtni.ttee shall be a�pointed
by resolution or resolutions of the Council of the City of Saint Paul
�~ . upon the re�o�ranendation of the Mayor. The tern�s of office for such
citizen members whp..shall be in9.tiall,y appointed by the CoLmcil shall
� be as follows: three m�mbers sha11 be appointed for a cne-year term;
three sha11 be appointed for a two-year term; thr�e sha11 be appointed
for a three-year term; and thr�e shall be appointed for a four�year
term. Their snccessors sha11 be appointed to four-year terms of office.
Vacancies amcng the citizen rrerrbers of the carm�.ttee shall be filled �.
in the sairie manner as tY� initial appointment. f
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc�l
Holland Tn Favor
_ Peterson Against
Mr. President (Vavaulis)
. Attest:
� City Clerk �Ma or
inz �2z •
Form approved Corporation Counsel By� ��
. �, �s /�M FN D�.� f�� �, , �r
�-� �- ���- �s�°�" �9 6
pririnsl to City Clerk 1
• • �
. COUNCIL FILE NO. ��3 � �!
Section 5. The fl�nction and duties of said c�rurdttee sha71 be
to x�ceive fram City departrr�nt or bureau heads descriptions of pro,jects
v�hich such departm�nt or bureau heads desire to have included in the
City's armual capital ir�rovement budg�t and to consider the same, and
ftu°ther to study an�l consider, among other things, lang range capital
needs of the City, rr�thods ot' f3nancing such needs, and related ma.tters,
�o assi�n priority ratings to the capital improvement pro�ects consider�d
and r�viewed by said corranittee, and to make reccxrarendations to the City
Coiulcil, which recarsrfendations shall include a proposed or suggested axazual
ca�ital �roverr�nt budget for consideration by the City Council.
Section 6. Fxcept as hereinafter provided with r�spect to the
years 1967 ar�d 1968, a11 capital i.mprov�ment budget requests which
' City departments or bureaus desire to have included in the px�oposed
annual capital budget to be adopted by the budget comndttee shall be
subrrdtted to the secretary or executive secretary of the budget
co�r�nittee by the first Monday in January, 1968 and by the first Monday
in January annually thereafter, such requests to cover capital
improvemerYt pro�ects for the ensu3ng five-gear period. Al1 requests
for ca�iital iTr�rovement projects and reports with respect thereto
shall be on forms prepared and pravided by the City Corrq�troller. Upon
receipt� of such capital budget requests frcan City Departments or
burieaus, the secr�tary or execut3.ve secretary of the budget corr�n3.ttee
shall transmit copies of such requests to the Planning Board of the City
of Saint Paul, who shall consider such requests and make r�corrarer�
� dations with respect thereto and transmit such recorranendations to the
secretary of the budget carranittee not later than March 1 of each
calendar year after the effective date of this ordinance.
Section 7. All expenditur�es on pro�ects authorized hereunder
shall be reviewed at least armually by the budget coiranittee to insure
p��jects being carried out in conformity to the intent of the Cotmcil.
Section 8. The budget corraru.ttee may hold such hearrings with
, respect to capital budg�t pro�ect requests at such tiires and in such
manner as said comnittee sha11 determine, and upon such notice as said
budget caranittee ma�y prescribe. It shall, howe`rer, submit a proposed
ar�ual capital �.mg�rovement budget for crnsideration by the CoLmcil not ,
• later than September 1 of 1968, and Septerrber 1 of each year thereaf'ter. ..
�e Counci.l may by resolution change the aforesaid report3ng dates and
may by rlesolution prescribe additional procedures and reports to be
obtained fram City Departments and bureaus and the budget corrnrd.ttee as
the Co�cil in its discre�ion dstermines.
� Section g. Fbr the capital improverr�nt budg�t of the C3.ty of
Saint Pa�a.l to be adopted by the CoLmcil for �he year 1967, not later
than November 1, 1967 the Council may consider the proposed capital
�� improvement budget for 1967 subrrd.tted by the St. Paul Long Range Capital
� IrnQroverr�nt Budget Corrrm.ttee� which corrmi.ttee Was al�Pojnted pursuant to
�, Resolution of the Council, CoLmcil File No. 224995, approved
. +
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
y Dalgliah
� Holland Tn Favor
�� Meredith
. Peterson A gainst
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
• Approved:
City Clerk � yor
. �nz �zz
Form approved Corporation Counsel B
✓ �
Orlatn�l to Clty Clerk �
� COUNCIL FILE NO. � � �' � I I
�iugust 25� 1965� and which proposed budget is included in the
�' document designated "St. Paul Long Range Capital Improvement
� Budget Committee Report No. 2� July 1967". Such Capital Budget
Improvement may be adopted by the Council by resolution without
� . any public hearing thereon.
Section 10. With reference to the annual capital budget for
� 1968 to be adopted by the Council prior to November 1, 1967 , the
� Council may consider the recommended budget for 1968 submitted by
�` the St. Paul Long Range Capital Improvement Bu.dget Committee in
its Report No. 2 dated July 1967� hereinbefore^referred to.
Section 11. If any capital improvement project will require
more than one year to complete� or if the total amount of funds
required for any such project cannot be made available under one
annual capital improvement budget� the Council may� by resolution,
indicate that funds from siucceeding years ' capital improvement
' b udgets shall be used for the completion of such project.
` ' Section� 12. A pro�ec� included in an arinual capital improve-
ment budget adopted by the Council shall stand as an approved
project until completed or until abandoned pursuant to resolution
of the Council. Any amounts remaining in a previous year' s budget
because of abandoned projects� or over-estimates of costs or
similar item, or otherwise not required for a project shall be
credited to a separate contingent reserve account which may be
used to finance other capital improvements reeommended by the
committee and authorized by the City Council pursuant to the
provisions of this ordinance.
Section 13. Recommendations received from the committee�
including any proposed annual budget� shall be consider�d advisory
only and shall not be binding on the Council� and the Council may
alter� amend�_ or revise the same in such manner as the Council
'` considers appropriate.
Section 14. It is the intention of the City Council that this
ordinance, and every provision thereof, shall be considered separable;
and the invalidity of any section, �clause, provision� or part or
portion of any section, clause or provision of this ordinance shall
not affect the validity of any other portion of this ordinance.
Section 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty days after its passage, approval and publication.
AUG 2 2196�
Yeas Councilmen Nays � Passed by the Counci� '
Dalglish �-'�Tn Favor
�� .
Meredith � Q Against
Tedesco �U� 2 2 ���j�
�i„�E�'���,.��,��� . .��'":"y�e Approved:
est: �� Vicc � t liand)
, ` ,
A , ty Clerk - ��g�� Mayor
�� •
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
�Od�inal4o City Clerk ' . _
� t � �� y ORDINANCE 234���
/.3 � �
An rdinanc,e to provide for adoption and
amen ent of a capital budget for the City
of Sa'nt Paul pursuant to Laws of Minnesota
for 19 7, Regular Session, Chapter 460.
Section 1. There shall be an an.nual capital budget
of the City of Sai t Paul separate from the budget prescribed
by Chapter XIII of e Charter of the City of Saint Paul.
Section 2. Sa annual capital budget of the City of
5aint Paul shall be ad ted by resolution of the Council of
the City of Saint Paul ter a public hearing thereon held
by the Council at a regu r or special meeting of said body
after published notice of aid hearing in the official news-
paper of the City, which notice of hearing shall be published
only once not less than ten ays prior to said hearing on
said capital budget. The Cou� cil may by resolution and in
the same manner heretofore pre cribed for adoption of its
said annual capital budget, ado t an amended capital budget.
Section 3. The ann.ual cap ' tal budget shall include
' proposed capital appropriations f all projects having an es-
timated useful life in egcess of t ee years other than th,e
acquisition of office or mechanical equipment or for minor
remodeling or repairs of egisting st uctures , and includin.g
all projects which it is proposed to und by use of the pro-
ceeds of general obligation or revenue bonds authorized by
Laws of Minnesota for �.967, Regular Ses ion Chapter 460.
Section 3. There is hereby establ shed a capital
improvements committee consisting of at le st seven members ,
of whom a majority shall not hold any paid �Office or position
under the City of Saint Paul, which committe�e shall be desig-
nated the "Long Range Capital Improvement Bud et Committee of
Saint Paul" and for convenience of reference s all be herein-
after referred to as the budget committee . The members of
such committee shall be appointed by resolution r resolutions
of the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon th recommenda-
tion of the Mayor. for such terms of office as sai • resolutions
shall provide .
Section 4. The function and duties of said ommittee
shall be to receive from City department or bureau h�ads
descriptions of projects which such department or bur�eau
heads desire to have included in the City' s annual cap�ital
� budget and to consider the same , and further to study a�n.d
consider, among other things , long ra.nge capital needs ��f the
City, methods of financing such needs , and related matter�s ,
and to make recommendations to the City Council, which recom-
mendations shall include a proposed or suggested annual capital
improvement budget for consideration by the City Council. �
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii
Dalglish Tn Favor
Meredith Against
Tedesco �
Mr. President (Byrne)
City Clerk ayor �� (
�O ,
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
r n . „
� � � �
Page 2.
Section 5. Except as hereinafter provided with respect
to the ears 1g67 and �g68, all capital budget requests which
City dep tments� or bureaus desire to have included in the
proposed � nual capital budget to be adopted by the budget
committee all be s.ubmitted to the secretary or executive
secretary o the budget committee by the first Monday in
January, 1g68 and by the first Monday in January an.nually
thereafter, su requests to cover capital projects for the
ensuing five-ye period. All requests for capital improvement
projects an d repo ts with respect thereto shall be on forms
prepared and provi ed by the City Comptroller. Upon receipt
of such capital bud et requests from City departments or
bureaus , the secreta or executive secretary of the budget
committee shall trans it copies of such requests to the Plan.ning
Board of the City of S 'nt Paul , who shall consider such requests
and make recommendation with respect thereto and tran.smit such
recommendations to the s retary of the budget committee not
later than March 1 of each cal.endar year after the effective
date of this ordinance.
Section 6. The budget committee may hold such hearings
with respect to capital budget roject requests at such times
and in such manner as said comm' ttee shall determine , and upon
such notice as said budget commi tee may prescribe . It shall ,
however, submit a proposed annual capital budget for considera-
tion by the Council not later than September 1 of 1968, and
September 1 of each year thereafter. The Council may by
resolution change the aforesaid repo ting dates and may by
resolution prescribe additional proce ,ures and reports to be
obtained from City departments and bur aus and the budget
committee as the Council in its discret ' on determines .
Section 7 . For the capital improv ment budget of the
City of Saint Paul to be adopted by the Co ncil for the year
1967 , n.ot later than November 1, i967 the C uncil may consider
the proposed capital improvement budget for 967 submitted by
the St. Paul Long Range Capital Improvement B dget Committee ,
which committee was appointed pursuant to Reso ution of the
Council , Council File No . 224995 , approved Augu t 25 , 1g65 ,
and which proposed budget is included in the doc ment desig-
nated "St. Paul Lon.g Range Capital Improvement Bu get Committee
Report No. 2, July 1g67. /�
Section 8. With reference to the annual capital budget
for 1g68 to be adopted by the Council prior to Novem er 1,
1g67, the Council may consider the recommended budget for
1g6s submitted by the St . ' Paul Long Range _ Capital Impr vement
Budget Committee in its Report No. 2 dated July 1967 , h rein-
before referred to.
Section g. If any capital improvement or project ' l1
require more than one year to complete , or if the total am unt
of funds required for an.y such project cannot be made av�,il�
able under one annual capital budget, the Council may by �
resolution commitfunds from succeeding years ' capital
improvements budgets for the completion of these projects . �
Drl¢Innal to City Clerk , , _
, ►
� �
� �+: •i�y
Page 3.
Section 1:Q. An. appropriation for a capital outlay or
or a capital budget project adopted under an annual capital
b get for the City by resolution of its Council shall con-
ti e in force until the purpose for which it was made has
been accomplished or abandoned as d�.termined by resolution ,
adop d by the Council. Such appropriation when abandoned
. s�.all e credited to a separate contingent reserve account
wMich m y be used to finance other capital improvements
recommen ed by the budget committee and authorized by the
City Coun il pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance.
Sect' on 11. Recommendations received from the committee ,
including an proposed annual budget, shall be considered
advisory only and shall not be binding on the Council , and
the Council ma alter, amend,, or revise the same in such
manner as the Co ncil considers appropriate .
Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be
in force thirty da after its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council
Dalgliah 7n`Favor
Meredith A gainat
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
, �
Qt[Ct�7161 �O Ci�t9 Ci�OS�( ' � •
August 2 , 1965, and which proposed budg�t is included in the document
desig�a.te• "St. Paul Long Rang� Capital Im�rover►�nt Budget Committee
Report No. July 1967".
Section 10. With refer�nce to the annual capi�al budget for
1968 to be ad� ed by the Co�cil prior to November l, 1967, the
Council may co�ns`�ider the -recomnended budget for 1968 subrrdtted by the
• St. Paul Lang Ran�e Capita1 Improve�r� Budg�t Comnittee in 3ts
Report No. 2 dated��7u1,y 1967, hereinbefore referred to.
Section 11. I�f any ca�ital improvement pro�ect will require
morje than one year to�carg�lete, or if the total amount of funds
nquj.r�ed for any such p oject. cannot be made available under one
armual capital improveme�t budget, the Coimcil may by resoluticn co�ranit
fLmds fY�om succeeding ye ' capital improvement budgets_for the '
corr�pleti� of these proj ec,s.
Section 12. A pro�ec included in an a�ulual capital irr�rovement
budg�t adopted by the Co�cil hall stand as an approved pro�ject Lm.til
co�npleted or until abandoned p uant to resolution of the Council.
Ar�y amounts re�i ni n� in a prtvi us year's budg�t because of aband.oned
pro�ects� or over-estimates of co ts or sirrd.lar item, or otherwise
not r�quired for a project sha11 b credited to a separate corrting�errt
reserve accaunt which may be used t�finance other capital 3.rrgrovements
recomnended by the cc�nani.ttee and aut orj.zed by the City Co�cil pursuant
to the provisic�s of this ordinance.
Section 13. Recorrgr�nda.tions riece ved from the comr�tttee, including
ar�y proposed armual budg�t, sha11 be cc�s�I.dered adv3.sory on�q and sha11
not be bind3ng on the Council, and the Co �cil may alter, arr�nd� or revise
the same in such manner as the Co;.uzcil cons ders appropriate.
Section 14. It is the intention of the�C9.ty Coi.uzcil that this
ordinance, and every provis3.on thereof, sha11 b consider+ed separable;
and the 3nvalidity of ar�y section, claxzse, provi ion, or part or portion
of ar�q section, clause or provision of this ord.�n ce shall not affect
the validity of any other portion of thi.s or{dinanc�e. �
Section 15. 73�is ordi_nance shall take effect be in force thir�y ��
days after its pas�age, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Naqs Passed by the Council
Holland '
Loss Tn Favor
Petersorx A gainat
Mr. President (Vavaulis)
City Clerk Ma r
lhz �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� -w e� r
, .. � � I
• �� �
. , � 3b �
Councilman moves for reconsideration
of Council File No. 234441 entitled "An Ord9.nance to Provide for
' adoption and amendment of a capital budget for the City of Saint
Pau1 pursuant to Laws of Minnesota for 1967 , Regular Session,
Chapter 460. " as to third reading and approval as to form.
Councilman mot�es that Council Fi].e
No. 234441 �be amended in the following particulars:
By adding to Section 9 .a sentence reading as follows :
"Such Capital Budget Improvemen�. may b�
adopi;ed by the Council by resolution
without any public hearing thereon. "
(Roll Call)
By amending Section 11 by striking therefrom the follotia-
i_ng language : � -
"the Council may by r�solution commit
f unds. from succeeding years ' capital
improveme'nt budgets for the completion
of these projects. " �
and inserting in lieu thereof the fo].lowing language:
. "the Council may, by resalutians indicate
that funds from succeedir�g years '
capital improvement� budgets shall be used
for the completi�on of such project. "
' (Roll Call) .
i,, Q� ��� `
Councilman `�'��i� - �•: , moves that Council File
No. 23?��441, as amended, be approved as to form,
. r . � ' v
� � - � � l
�3 �
� � �° �
Councilman ' "lE�EA/TN moves for reconsideration
of Council File No. 23 441 entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for
adoption and amendment of a capital budget for the City of Saint
Paul pursuant to Laws of Minnesota for 1967� Regular Session,
' Chapter 460. " as to third reading and approval as to form. 61�.2Q ��
Councilman N° ��� N� moves that Council File
No. 234441 be amended in the following particulars:
By adding to Section 9 a sentence reading as follows :
"Such Capital Budget Improvement may be
adopted by the Council by resolution
without any public hearing thereon."
(�,o-1-i--�a-�l-) ,: • z
By amending Section 11 by striking therefrom the follow-
ing language: -
"the Council may by resoltztion commit
funds from succeeding years ' capital
improvement budgets for the completion
of these projects. "
and inserting in lieu thereof the following language:
"the Council may, by resolution� indicate
that funds from succeeding years '
capital improvement budgets shall be used
for the completion of such pro�ect. "
(Roll Call) �F��
Councilman T�D�S �o moves that Council File
No. 234441, as amended, be approved as to form.
_ � lu
� � 1(� ��' � +�. � ' �..� ��� �"�: � a �.�..�
--� � � * -
� � � 's..,__ •}; �, �
�, ,
I st 2nd
' Laid over to
� �
3rd and app � —A/dopted � � �
Yeas Nays Ye` Nays
-�Garls6tr— \ Carlson
�fg� Dalglish
Holland �� �lvifarrd' .
Meredith ����eredith
P�an � Pe+ersen V
Tedesco Tedesco
Mr�Pr dent ��� �'0`�@1�F�EI�i���:; ":a:�:::`�u� �
�� AZx.ViC� President (Holland), ^
/ `
. �