234410 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �����o CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — C N L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in and approves the Mayor' s appointments of the following individuals to the St. Paul Human and Civil Rights Commission: ' Charles H. Williams , Jr. , Chairman, to fill the ' unegpired term of Dr. Irwin A. Epstein, which term shall expire July 5, 1970; Kenneth P. Griswold, for a five-year term to egpire July 25, 1922; � Rev. Arthur L. Whitaker, for a five-year term to expire July 25 , 1972; Louis Commodore, to fill the unegpired term of Mrs . Richard Donovan, which term�shall expire� July 5, 1969; William Knott, to fill the unegpired term of John N. Cardozo , which term shall expire � November 18, 196g; Louis Block, to fill the unegpired term of David B. Clemans , which term shall egpire � November 18, ig6g; and . James Weber, to fill the unexpired term of Dr.�' W. A. Poehler, which term shall egpire July 5, 1g68. � F APPROVE Asst. Corporati ns I JUL 2 b 19�7 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Councii I9_ Yeas � Nays J U L 2 61�7 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19.._ Holland , Meredith —� Favor Peterson � ' Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �UQLI-SN�ED Ju�. 2 9 196� �aa