234392 OR�AL TO GITY GLERK � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. 23���� - �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE � RESOLVED� That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to enter into Agreement No. 5548o with the State of Minnesota� Department of Highways� concerning the installation and modification of traffic signals on state trunk highways within the City, as more particularly set forth in said agreement. FOR PPROVED sst. Corporatiory'Cou se Y�/ , ;! , �UL 2 5196'l � COUNCILMEN Adopted by t�e Council ig_ Yeas Nays Carlson . J U L 2 51�� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland , Favor Meredith Peterson J Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne . PU�LISHED J�1L 2 9 1967 � �22 � 23439� DUr�ATE TO rRINTlR J r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. .- ' `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ RESOLVED� That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to enter into Agreement No. 55480 with the State of Minnesota� Department of Highways� aoncerning the installation and modification of traffic signals on state trunk highways within the City� as more particularly set forth in said agreement. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council °���- �5196119— Yeas Nays Carlson • ���. 2 5 196� Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson . • ' Mayor Tedeaco Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �•2z ' � ' � � • / � . . . . r • AGREEMENT� NO.�J� � EST. AMT. RECEIVAQ�E �� i �'90. o0 ���e iE! f . e �> > e . " 1 . AGREII�IEIQT N0. 55481 • , THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the State of , • Minnesota, Department of Highwqys, hereinaf`ter referred to as the "State", � . and the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, hereinaf`ter referred to as the "City", WITNESS�ETH: � � • WI�REAS, it is considered mutually desirable to install traffic � control signal.s and street lights and modif� by added betterment aertain , ' existing traffic control signals, all at certain interseotions in whol.e or in part on the State Trunk Highway S�rstem within the corporate limits of the . City and hereinafter specifically set forth; and � WHEREAS, it is mutual.ly agreeable that said work shall be performed by the State with the City paying a portidn of the aosts thereof; ' i NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FULLOWS: t�� ' ,�� � 1. The State shall prepaxe the necessary plans, specifications and f r• proposals and shall perform the engineering and inspeation required to comp].ete :' �` " � �: the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described i.mmediately , . . 1' above shall constitute "Engineeri.ng and Inspec�ion" and shall be so referred �� . ` to hereinafter. -'' 2 T tr t o t o t e r .or t e rk s not contr cted � . he con ac c s f h wo k , if h wo i a , �� the �cost of a1L labor, ma.teriaLs, and equipment rental required to complete the work, except the cost of providing the power supply to the controllers, shall. • constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. . "' � - 3. The City's share of the Construction Cost 1 � six percent� (6�) , • of such share as f1z11 payment for the City'a shaxe of the cost of Engineering � and Inspection shall hereinafter be referred to as "City's Shaxe". /�. The State with its own forces and equipment or by contract ahall _ install traffic signals and interaonnection or shall modif�r by indicated added betterment and related work the existing traffio control signals at the � . followi.ng intersections: . ' " - . , , . , • . � � , . • . . . , , � . ... i � � . . - -- I �` ' �, r• ' � . � b2g3-51 (a) I-94 Eastbound Off-ramp at Rosabel Street and East Seventh � Street. Install traffic control signal w3.th street light • extensions at no cost to the City. , � 6228-27 (b) East Seventh Street (Trunk Highway No. 21.2) and Wacauta Street. � Install mast-arm signals and interoonneatiott to Rosabel signal. � Estima.ted Cost �3000.00 City's Shaxe fifty peraent (50,�). . 5. Upon completion of the work provided for in paragraph 4 hereof .the City shall p�y the State the City's Share of the actual Construotion _ Cost. The State sha7.1 pay any remaining costs. . _ � 6. U'pon completion of the work contemplated herein and City approval ' • of the operation of the traffic signals, the City sha11. ma.intain and keep in �..j , , J repair said installations and shall provide the necessary electrical power for . • theix operation, all at the sole cost and expense of the City. In addition, _ the City shall. provide the power supply to the controller cabinets at its � own expense. • � � . 7. The City indemnifies, saves, and holds haxmless the State and _ all of its agents and employees of and from ar�y and all. alaims, demands, . . actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out � - � , of,' or by reason of, the performa.nce of a.qy work by the City provided for • � � hereby,and f�.irther agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense ar�r action �,� � or proceeding eommenced for the purpose of asserting a.r�y cla.im of whatsoever - character arising in connection with or by virtue of the work to be performed � e_ by the City. . " ' 8. Any and a11 persons engaged in the•aforesaid work to be performed by the State sha11 not be considered employees of the City and any and all claims • .that may or might axise under the Workmen's Compensation Act of this State , on behal.f of said employees while so engaged, and ar�y and all claims made by ar�y . ,. third party as a consequence of ar�y act or omission on the paxt of said employees � while so engaged on ar�y of the work contemplated herein shall not be the - - obligation and responsibi7.ity of the City. � - .�.�, -� � . . - , � . - . , , . ' � - Agreement No. 554g1 , • � , - - (Sheet 2 of 4) � • � � - `� . . . . �. . , � . - . . . . 9. The City shall prevent by adequate poliaing a.r�y stopping, standing � or parking of vehiales prohibited by Sections i69.34 and 169.35, Minnesota , Statutes .Annotated, on a11 trunk highways within its limits. It sha11 also prevent the install.ation or cause the removal of gasoline pumps loaated on a � -.� trunk highway right of way, and a17. other obstructions and signs prohibited by � . � Seotions 160.27 and 1b9.07, Minnesota Statutes Annotated,� upon or along any � f trunk highway through the City. . .� , f 1 ' �� - 10. A1.1 timing of al.l traffic control. signals provided for herein ' �f f , _��-� shall be determi.ned by the State, through its Commissioner of Highw�ys, and no ; , cY�anges shall be made therein except urlth approval of the State. , �1, • � . ' . . ; • ` • • ' � . Agreement No. 554g1 .. - ` " . � �sheet 3 of 4) . � �. � � ^ � c, r � . V . . ' , • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' _ ' BY � . . • �`��, . By � "� - . " City C1erk � - APPROVED S TO FaRM: � By - � ' Commissioner of Publia Works B3' ,. . Corpo t on un 1 , ' Dated: , , . . . . • • � COUNTERSIGNED: , BY . - ' Comptroller _ � RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: ' � r . . Tr fic gineer, Dept. of Highways � � ����� . . . . ���,�,,, ��� � . Deputy District Engineer, Dept'. of Highw�ys � APPROVED: ' ' `i����v�.�✓� • . Assistant Director of Operations Depaxtment of Highw�ys STATE NNE 0 A B ' ;�,�� De u� o ssioner of H3.ghway - ;� � � . Dated• LLu � � - !, � . - . ; � APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: APPROVED: ' �� • � . DEPARTMFNT OF ADMINISTRATION: ,� . � � � $y ��� . peci ssistant ey General !� ��//-f�(7� iDated: � � r ' Agreement No. 55481 ���Y ������!g���} . (Sheet 4 of 4) ' .� �^,�— y ��� 3�L�1� . ' ' �94 °-- � , � . � �}G �6 ��57 �. �., �_..�..,_..._..,__�_�- . _� ..�.... � ��� � . . . - . , , . . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA Countq of Ramsey se. C P terson—e No. 234393—By Robert F. CITY OF SAINT PAITI. Resolved, That the proper ofAcers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to enter into Agreement rTo. 55481 with ttie State HB.Y' E Maxshall of Minnesota, Department of Iiigh- � •________ ____ ______! ways. concerning the installation and I+---------•...................•------------•- -----•----•-----._.._.....----------City Clerk modiAcatlon o£ traffic signals on state trunk highways within the City, as ore particularly 5et forcn � s�a of the City of Saint Paul, Minneaota do hereby certify that I have agreement. Adopted by the Council July 25, �ss�. 23�+393 Approved Tuly 25, 1967. caU�Y zs, �ss�� • compared the attached copy of Council File No..__._...__............................... July-•�5'----•--------.._.19.67.---•---- as adopted by the City Council._.__..____.._....... . and approved by the Mayor------------•--------•-•---J�--�S-'-••..............19.67--•------ with the original thereof on flle in my o$ice. ---------------------------_.---------------......-•---------------•---------------------....----------------•-----•-----------•------- -------------------------•---------•----...------------•----...----•----------•-----.......-----•----------------........-----•----.... ----------------•-•-----._........---...----------------•-------------------•-•------------.....------------.....------------•--------•- ---------------------------------•------•-------------------•--------------------...---------------....._....-------......-------•--..._ -------------------------------------•------•-•------•----------.........-----------------------•---.._..---....---••------.._....----- ---------------•--------•------._.:.----------•-----------•----•-•---------------•------------•-------•--...--------•-------•---------•- •-----•-------••------------•-------•------------•---•---•----------------•---------..___._......._.._.._..----•--......._...--------- _..--•----•-•---------------•---------•-•------------•--------...-------•-----.....--•---------------......._......_...-•------_._.._. ._--------------------•------------------•-------------------•••---------------------...---------------__......-------....--------•- .._--------_---------------------------------------•-----------•-----•----....---------------__...._._.....•-----•----•--•---------- I further certify that said copy is a true and conect copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS m�hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.. this-----------�lst.-•----..._day of--------------J�`z••...••-•-•-------- --------A. D. 19_6�'_._. �O .._�.� ...---- -�- -------------•- •-•------ . .---------- -- - Citq Clerk. ��