234356 a ' � � / ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL ` FoENCi� N0. 56 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL L TION—GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE � DATF Julv 20� 1967 1 RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for a new traffic signal at Third St. and Maria Ave. ; for traffiic signal revisions at Snelling Ave. and Randolph Ave. , Snelling Ave. and Jefferson Ave. , Snelling Ave. and St. Clair Ave. , Snelling Ave. and Gra d Ave., Snelling Ave. and Summit Ave. , Snelling Ave. and Se�lby Ave. , Snelling Ave. and Marshall Ave. , Snelling Ave. and University Ave. , Snelling Ave. and Thomas Ave. , and Snelling Ave. and Minnehaha Ave. ; and to interconnect traffic sigrials on Third Street from Maria Ave. to Mounds Blvd. as submitted by the Commissioner of �Public Works are hereby appr ved and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertize for bids thereon in a man�er�pro- vided in and by the Charter. Each lump sum bid shall be •accompanied by a statement 'of total cost for each of the twelve (12) signal projects. The sum of the twelve ( 2) �cost statements shall equal the lump sum bid. The lump sum bid shall be the basis fo the consideration of the award of contract and be it further � � RESOLVED, That the cost of the above traffic signal projects be finenced fr�m PIR Fund Code 3001 , the same fund to be reimbur`sed from htunicipal State Aid Funds, f�om County Aid Funds, and from Minnesota Highway Department Funds as per City-State Agreements �#55352 and #55480 as follows: � . ' ' . 1 . Snelling Ave. and Randolph Ave. - 50% State Highway Funds, 25% Municipa State Aid Funds, 25% County Aid Funds. _ � . 2. Snelling Ave. and Jefferson Ave. , Snelling�Ave. and St. Clair Ave., Sne ling Ave. and Grand Ave. , Snelling Ave. and Summit Ave. , Snelling Ave. and Selby ve., Snelling Ave. and Thomas Ave. , Snelling Ave: and Minnehaha Ave. , - 50% tate � - ------.'..- - ._ H i ghway Funds and 50% Mun i c i pal State A i d� Funds. � 3. Snelling Ave. and Marshall Ave. and Snelling Ave. and University /�ve. - 100% State Highway Funds. � 4. Third Street and Maria Ave. - 100% Municipal State Aid Funds. � 5. Third Street - Maria to Mounds - 37i% State Highway Funds and 622% Muni ipal State Funds. � � � COUNCILMEN ,(,j l 2 0 196� � Adopted by the Council �g_ Yeas Nays Carlson �,Q��. 2 0 195� r Dalglish ' ���� � Approved 19_ Meredith In Favor I �.-`=rr'-';--' u . Mayor ti Tedesco A gainst _ Mr. President, Byrne 4 PUP�}-SMEO �� 2 2196� -• � �2z ' I . r � r DUPLICATE TO rRINTER 23�3�6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSDIONER Robprt F. peterson o,►rE Ju13�2U� 1Q67 � � RESOLVED, That �he ,plans and sp�cifiFations. for a new trafflc signal ot Thild St, and Marta Ave.; for t�affic sign�l �-evi�tons .at S�oilt�g Ave.� and Randolph Ave„�Snetling Ave. and Jefferson Ave., Snelling Ave. and St* Clair Ave., Snelling Ava., and Gra�d Avs., Snelling Ave. and Summit Av�., Sna�ling Ave.. and Selby Ava., �n�lling Ave. �nd rshall Ave., Snnl�ing Ave. and UnTvers�ty Ave., Snelling Ave. and Thomas Ave, � and Snei tng Ave. and Minnahaha Ave.; and to interconnect traffic signals on Third Straet frQm Mac a Ave. to Maunds Bivd. �s submitted by the Corrm�ssioner of Rublic Works� are� hareby appr ved and the Purchas�ng Agen� ,t.s hereby author�ized to adverttzs �for bi�ds thereon in a man r pro- vided in and by the Charter. Each lump sum bid shall ba accompanfed by a statena�nt of total cost fo� each Qf xh� twe.lve ,(12) signal proJects� 7he sum�of the twelv� (�2) cost s�atemants shall equai the lump sum bid. The lump sum bid shall be the basis for the cnnsideratio� of the award of cantract and bs it further , R�SOi.VED, That the cost of the above firaffic Signa] pro�e�ts be financed fr PIR Fund Code 3001 , the same fund to be ratmbursed from MuniGipal State Aid �unds, f �+n County Aid Funds, and from Minru�sota Nighway Department Funds aS '¢er City�State Agreeme ts #55352 and #55480 as foliows: � , 1. Snel l ing Ave. and Randolph Ave. - 50� State Highway �unds, '2S°,� l�l�inicipal State Aid Funds, 259� County Aid Funds. 2. Snelling Ave. and Jefforson Ave. , Snalling Ave. and St, Ciafr Ave., Sn$lling Ave. and Grand Ave., Snell ing Avo. and Surrmit Ave., Snal l ing Ave. and Selby A�ra., Snetling Ave. and Thanas Ave., Snelling Ave. and Mfnnehah�a Ave., � �d� S�tate Highway Funds and 50�6 Municipal State Aid Funds. 3. Snelling Ave. and F4arshall Ave. and Snelling Ave. and University Ava. - 00°,G State Highway Funds. 4. Third Street �nd Maria Ave. - 100°� Municipal Stats Aid Funds. 5. Third Street - Maria to h4ounds - 37� State Highway Funds and 62� Munic pal State Funds. �UL 2 0 1967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ��� 2 p 1957 Carlson Dalglish • Approved 19— �a��a—� Meredith �n Favor Dc��:.�: � MS Or �� y Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �+22 I