234354 �r ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK 2343iV' .l CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � OUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM � , , PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONE DATF �. WHFRE�5, Ordinance No. 3250 authori2es;and provides for payment for overtime work, and , � WHFI3EAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has authorized overtime work in the Water Department �Iuring the period from - Ju1y 1, 1967 to Ju1y 1l�, 1967: � therefore, be it RFSOLV�D, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized • to pay the employees who performed such overtime work in accordance with the provisions of Ordinances No. 61a.1�6 and No. 3250. COUNCILMEN J U L 2 0196� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - , �. Carlson :D fl�L 2�019�7 Dalglish � � pproved ig._ Meredith n Favor . ��"r'^''"^�— /� Mayor Tedesco V A gainst F r. President, Byrne ��tj�}{�� �UL 2 21��7 �zz r ti +