234345 �l � �' f
� �•t�al to City Cleik . �
� ,_ �
• ��� - ORDINANCE . 234345
� �
� I -
1 "
An ordinance amending the Zoning eode,
Chapters 60 to 6�+, inclusive, of the, Saint �
Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to; Use
Districts� Height Districts, and Rezoning �
of certain propertie5 in the City of ��aint
Paul, as amended. �, �
�ection 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
� inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; pertaining to �
IIse Districts� Height Districts, and Rezoning; of certain _
properties in the City of Saint Paul� as amended, be and the .
same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following
described property from "g" Residence Distric�t to "C-1" Residence
District, to-wit: �,
North �- of the NE � of the SW � of„the NE � .
of S ection 11� Township 28 North; Ran e 22 �
West, and part of the NW �- of the NE �, Easterly
of Burlir�gton Heights, Division No: 2 Ramsey
Co. Minn. and �outherly of Londin Lane� in
�Section 11� Township 28 North� Range 22 West�
except the 1�Testerly 20 feet thereof;
situate on property located so�ath of Londin Lane, east of Totem �
Road and north of Boys' Totem Town in the City of saint Paul�
subject to the condition� of this ordinance. �
�Section 2. This ordina.nce is subject to the following �
conditions: �.
1. That the owner of said property shall grant to �he .
City of Saint Pa�.l for public use an easement for pedestrian
travel and travel by nonmotorized vehicles �; including the right �
and privilege to construct and maintain pa�hs, ways, and
necessary fen�ces� through, over and across :the following
described portion of the aforesaid property, to-wit:
r �
Beginr�.ng at a point on the �Southwesterly corner
, of said tract; then�e East 180 feet; thence in
a general Northerly direction towards Londin
L�ane and. parallel to the Westerly boundary of '
. said property to a point 180 fee,t �outh of the
South line of Londin Lane; thence in a general
Northeasterly direction to a poi`nt on the South �
_ line of Londin Lane, said point �being a distanee
of 500 feet measured along Londin Lane in a
� �
a ,
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council - ' ,
Carlson � ' �
� Dalgli"sh � In Favor � ,
Holland =
Meredith � Against �
Peterson �
Tedesco �� �
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• `
Attest: � I �
City Clerk � Mayor :
! �� �orm approved Corporation Counsel By ,
� W '
1 � "
J _ � �.
. '. ._ � ����'�r a
. � � ��
�� .
; � 3 � � � ;
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2. �� ;
� ,
general Northwesterly direction from the point .
at which the Easterly boundary of said tract .
intersects Londin Lane. � �
, - � . .
Said grant of easement shall provide that, except as '
otherwise provided therein, said area shall be kept and �
maintained by the City of Saint Paul in its natural wooded state, �
that no other structures, buildings� picnic facilities, camp ,
sites or fires shall be placed thereon without consent of the �
owner, and that the owner reserves the right �to use said area +
for walks, roads and utilities provided that ;,such use shall i
not interfere with the rights granted the public and the City .
of Saint Paul under the terms of the easement. � '
�� •
2. That the grant of easement provided for herein �
shall not relieve the owner of said property- from liability for �
any special assessments authorized by Charter or statute for :
which the owner would be legally liable.
3. That the owner of said pr,operty, within the period '
of sixty days next succeeding the publication of this ordinance, ;
shall file with the City Clerk, in two fully executed counter- '
parts, said owner' s written acceptance of this ordinance,
incorporating therein a grant of an easement unto the City of , '
Saint Paul incorporating the terms set forth herein, approved , �
as to form and execution by the Corporation; Counsel and in a
form recordable in the office of the Register of Deeds.
� ; �
4. That, in addition to other requirements therefor, •
said owner' s written acceptance and grant' of easement shall � ;
incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance and immediately ' '
upon the aforesaid filing of the same, the�City Clerk shall cause �
one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the ;
office of the Register of Deeds in and for;�Ramsey County, �
Minnesota. , �
` � �
Section 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of �
the Saint Paul Legislative Code to the contrary, the area encom- � �
passed by the terms of the ease�nent required by this ordinance ;
may be used in determining compliance with the schedule of �
density controls;pertaining to residential� buildings in "C-1"
. Residence Districts. � �
� -
Section 4. The property affected by this ordinance � '
shall be subject to further reclassification and rezoning by '
virtue of any proceedings hereinafter, inst,ituted, conducted ,
and completed according to the then existing provisions of law ,
pertaining to such proceedings. �: : �
� �
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� � •OriQinal to City Clerk • '
' � � ~ � � ORDINANCE;
� _ 234�4� �
. �
3• �
�Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be
in force upon its passage� approval and publication.
!t •
� � � ,
� �
I ' I
t �
: �
' AUG 31968 � .
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �
Da�d /, Y ,
� Tn Favor
Meredith v � Against
� P�JG 31��� � I
Tedesco �
Mr. President (Byrne) Appro ' �
Att ' � � i
C' Clerk � yor ' �
�O �� I
Form approved Corporation Counsel B� _ , , i
� � ' ]9hD1[eate to Ptlnter • ,
� � � ORDINANCE 23434
An ordinance amen�ding the Zoning Code�
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Uae
Districts� Heigh� Dis�ricts� and R�zoning
of certain properties in the City of Saint
Pau19 as amended.
Sea�ion 1. That the Zoning Code� Chapters 60 to 64�
inclusive� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code� pertaining to
IIae District�� Height Districts� and Rezoning of certain
properties in the City oF Saint Paul� as am�nded� be and the
same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following
described property from "A" Re�idence District to "C-1" Residence
Di�triet� to-wit:
, North � of the NE � of the SW ;� of the NE �
� of Seation 11 Townghip 28 North� Ran e 22
," West, and par� of the NW � of the NE �, Easterly
of Burlington Height�� Division No. 2 Ramsey
Co. Minn. and Southerly of Londin Lane� in
Section 11� Township 28 North� Range 22 West�
�" eacept the Westerly 20 feet ther�of;
sifi�ua�'e on property located south of Londin Lane� east of To�em
Road #nd north of Boys' Totem Town in the City of Saint Paul�
. sub��ct to the Qonditions of this ordinance.
Seation 2. This ordinanee is sub�ect to the Pollowing
, � 1. That the owner of said property shall grant to the
Ci,�y o�' Saint Paul �or public use an easem�nt for pedestrian
t�"avel and travel by nonmotorized vehicles inaluding the right
and p�ivilege to con�truet and maintain pa�hs� ways� and
�eces�ary fen.�es� through� over and across the following
� descr;�ib�d portion of the aforesaid property� to wit s
i � ' '
; ` Beginn�.ng at a poin� on �he Southwesterly corner
� of said tract; thenQe East 180 �'eet; thence in
� � a general Northerly direction towards Londin
,Lane and parallel to the Westerly boundary of
;� � ', �, said property to a point 180 feet South of the
� `,South line of Londin Lane; thence in a general
` �. Northeasterly direction to a point on the Sou�h �
� '.. line of Londin Lane� said po�nt being a distance
� .�, of �00 feet measur�d alon.g Londin Lane in a
I tl
Yeas ;' Council�en Nays Passed by the Council
� Carlson �
� Dalglish ' Tn Favor
'� Holland
`� Meredith Against
` r Peterson
� ' Mr. President (Byrne) Approved•
Attest: � �
City Clerk Mayor
Form appro�ed Corporation Counsel By
,s � , � ,
� � 234�4� �
4 L
2• /� � Zo�
«� �
_ general Northwesterly direction from the point
at which the Easterly boundary of said tract .
intersects Londin Lane. � . .. •
Said grant of easement shall provide that, except as _
otherwise provided therein, said area shall be kept and
maintained by the City of Saint Paul in its natural wooded state,
that no other structures, buildings� picnic facilities � camp
sites or fires shall be placed thereon without consent of the
owner, and that the owner reserves the right- to use said area �
for walks, roads and utilities provided that such use shall
not interfere with the rights granted the public and the City
of Saint Paul under the terms of the easement.
2. That the grant of easement provided for herein
shall not relieve the owner of said property from liability for ,
any special assessments authorized by Charter or statute for �
which the owner would be legally liable. � �
3. That the owner of said property, within the period
of sixty days next succeeding the publication of this ordinance, �
shall file with the City Clerk, in two fully executed counter-
parts, said owner' s written acceptance of this ordinance,
incorporating therein a grant of an easement unto the City of ,
Saint Paul incorporating the terms set forth herein, approved . , '
as to form and execution by the Corpora±ion Counsel and in a �
form recordable in the office of the Register of Deeds . ;
4. That, • in addition^ to other requirements therefor, �
_ said owner' s written acceptance and grant' of easement shall - �
incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance and immediately,
upon the aforesaid filing of the sa*ne, the City Clerk shall cause '
one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the .
office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, ,
Minnesota. - i
Section 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of i
the Saint Paul Legislative Code to the contrary, the area enco�-
� - - passed by the terms of the -easement required by this ordinance _ ,
may be used in determining compliance with the schedule of� J
density controls -pertaining to residential buildings in "C-1" �
Residence Districts . �
Section 4. The property affected by this ordinance �
- shall be subject to further reclassification and rezoning by
virtue of any proceedings hereinafter instituted, conducted !
and completed according to the then existing provisions of law
pertaining to such proceedings. ` -
� ,
. �
. • ; ,, i
• , ;
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� ' !
� �
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-- • - � • . -� j-.---•
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-. • D1d'yllcate to Printer . .
. � � � ORDINANCE 234345
Section 5. This ordinance shall t�.ke effect and be
in f'orce upon its pas�age� approval and publioation.
AUG 3196T
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
,�- � D Tn Favor
�� Meredith d Against
u�n,.� ao�--
Tedesco 1���
Mr. President (Byrne) ��JG 3
Attest: �
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
s..t'` ••"= � �'����/„� . � � / / � �• �y'�/ ,�
. /� (p � (�Q / p i�
' �,,� V � OG S
,�`Vr � q � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �/�`
� �� The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted o�
under the new classification before signing this petition. � `�
For further information about the re-zoning of property, �'�
call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4-4612, Ext. 251. V���
(Please type or print) �
� the City Clerk ,
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ,
Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two-
thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the
real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the '
frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following
described property: (legal description and street address)N. 1/2 of-N�.1/4 of SW 1/4
of NE 1/4 of Sec. 11, Townsh'p 28, Rge. 22 & part of the NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, Etly of Bu�rlingtor.
Heights Div. No. 2 & S'ly of Afton Rd� 'n Sec. 11, Township 28, Rge. 22, exc. the W'ly 20'
• from a p, . � District to ,a C Residence District �
for the purpose of installing� constructing and/br operating the following: �hereof.
. �� (describe briefly the proposed facility)
/ � For construction of apartment buildings
�� (See attached sheet for legals)
�1 / � � �i�--
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� � ��5 a � � • ,
� ° 6 '- ` �
State of Minneaota) •
County of Ramsey �ss � , s -
� ,
William Waller be3ng first duly sworn,� depoaes and states '
that he is the person who circulated the withia petition consisting of tw o (2)
pages; that tbe parties described above are the otmers respectively of the lots
placed immediately following each name; that this •petition was signed by each of
said owners in the presence o� this affiant, and that the signat�ures above are
the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
-:9ub'sc�cibed and sworn to before me � �� � l �,
� _. � t�i� � �.'x� aay of /9�` ��%(/.�2� - � �P//>',,�'�.-
, ---�-��---- _ e -
� s
� Notary Public, Ransey County, Minn. �
-" &Iy Commis�siox� egpires �-- 3 - 76 Page I of pages.
-, _ .� �_ < � y Approved aa _to form 7/2 54
'���`��' - � Of�ice af the Corporation Counsel
�: _
� '• ; • �
� /�3�{., ' ' _
.� _
. �.,� . �� _
Z-1 7/2/54 � ��i
� G, C� I� �1 ��1 � � . .
- f Fg � n.. 1967 ° - � �
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. ' . � � i
r ' ' '� �
� Name Street Address Legal Description
Carl K. Dewall 2169 Londin Lane That part of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of e c.
Eileen W. Dewall ` 11, Township 28 North .-of.R=ange 22 West, ,
Ramsey Co. , . Minnesota, described as follows:
; � Commencing on the East line of said quarter
� quarter section, 725 feet South of Northeast
corner thereof; thence North along the East
� line thereof 200 feet; thence West 300 feet;
thence South to Northeasterly line of the f L,ower
Afton Road; thence Southeasterly along said
- line of said road to a point due West of tlie poin
of commencement. �
Emma Waller 2155 Londin Lane The West Twenty-five (25) feet of that p rt of
the Northwest quarter (NW 1•/4) of the N�rth-
east quarter (NE 1/4) of Section eleven (�11),
Z� Township twenty-eight (28) North of Range
� 0 4 twenty-two (22) West, described as follo+�w;s:
; Commencing: on the East line of said qua�rter
_ quarter section, seven hundred twenty-five
(725) feet South of the Northeast corner there-
of; thence North along the East line ther`eof
two hundred (200) feet; thence West thre�e ,hun-
' dred (300) fe`et; thence South to the Northeast-
. erly line of the Lower Afton Road; then �e
Southeasterly along said line of said ro�d,to a
point due west of the point of commencement;
thence East to the point of commencement, -
according to the plat thereof on file andlof
record in the office of the Register of D�eeds in
and for said� Ramsey County.
Neil F. Marshall 2191 Londin Lane That part of; the West half (W 1/2) of the West
half (W 1/2) of the East half (E 1/2) of the
' Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section eleven
(11), Township twenty-eight (28), Range twenty
two (22), lying North of the Lower Afton Road,
according to the plat thereof filed of record in
the office of the Register of Deeds in arid for
' Ramsey County, Minnesota. �
William A. Waller 2050 Londin Lane That part of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 11,
Anna M. Waller Township 28, Range 22, lying Southerly of
� � � Afton Road.as now located, except that�part
p� included within Burlington Heights Divi�sion No.
2 such excepted portion containing 5. 38 acres,
, more or le's s, and N. 1/2 of NE 1/4 of<S�W 1/4
� of NE 1/4 of 5ection 11, Township 28, Range ;
� 22.
S & B Construction Co. Same legal as above.
By Harold Shear, President ,
' � 2 �
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y� '`�� � ' .
�"' � � .
M j
.. `..-a • ... � L• � � • ' 7� � r
`. � � ' y. ' �
�` . � a City of Saint Paul, Minnesota /� �O I �
• , The signer should appraise himself of �the uses permitted �
. under the new classification before signing this petition.
. ,For �further, information about the re-zoning of property, • �
' ' � call the Board of�Zoning Office Ca. 4-4612, Ext. 251.
(Please type or print) , �
� ! Date: ,
� the City Clerk , ,
City of� Saint Paul, Minnesota
. Pursuant to`Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two- -
thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the
real =estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q'o or more of the ,
frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following
described property: (legal description and street� address)N. 1/2 6{•.N�,1/4 of W 1/4
of NE 1/4 of Sec. 11, Townehip 28, Rge. 22 & paft of:the�NW 1f 4 of NE 1/4; E'ly of B rlingtor
Heiglits Div. No. 2 & S'ly of, �fton Rd. in Sec. 11, '�'owx�ehip 28� Rge. 22, exc. the W' 20'
from a ,(� District to a C �,Residen�e � � District
for the purpose of installing� constructing and/bT operating the following: here of.
(describe briefly the proposed faciTity) ' ' ' '� ` �
For, �construction of �.partment buildinge �
, (See�.attached sheet for legals) •
. ���� ��0 ���,
, � . . , a
. , �
_ . . _ - . �
� � � _ ,
. . . _ . _
State of Minneaota) � �
County of Ramsey )$a -
William Waller beiag first duly sworn,�•deposes and states �
that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of�'o (2)
pages; that tbe parties described aboYe are the owners respectively of the lots
' placed immediateLy following each name; that this •petition was signed by each of
said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that,the signat�ures above are i
the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
��Subscxib�d and sworn to before me� '
�`-, this �a.s..a day of �� ` D
. , .
- �' Notary��Publxc, Ransey County, Minn. '
' My Commission expires $- 3 ..�'o Page�_of pages. �
,. ` � _ J .�� Approved as to form 7/2 54
, � Office af' the Corporation Counsel `
< < � � ' ;
�- - � ' ' i
� � �
Z-1 7/2/54 ,
' , „�._ .
� ,
� �'� ,
_ /i � ,
� �
, e �• ' � • • _ � •.i
� � f.. n- � , •
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� • +
. � (
' � ' .
I ' ' r �
Name Street Address Legal Description = �
William G. Kasten 2185 Londin Lane All that part of the East one hundred n inety
Karen E. Kasten ' • (E. 190) feet of the Northwest quarter (NW
1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4} lof
Section eleven (11), Township twenty-eLght
. (28) North, Range twenty-two �22) Wes�t,'
lying Northeasterly of the Lower Afton� Road
- except the'�North seven hundred twenty-five
(N. 725) feet thereof, according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of
the Register of Deeds of said Ramsey�County
_ i
The Cardinal Co. , a partnership That par't of the West 1/4 of the East 1/2_of
By Harold Shear, Partrier '. • the Northeast 1/4 of Section 11, Town�ship
- • 28, Range 22, lying South of Lower Afton
Road, now known as Londin Road, subject to
' - Mailand R�oad and except the East 60 feet of
_ �
• . that part of the West 1/4 of the East 1/2 of :.
the Northeast 1/4, North of a line running
West at right angles from a point on the Easi
line of said West� 1/4 and 333 feet South frorr.
the Southerly 340 feet of the West 131. 5 feet
of the West 1/4 of the East 1/2 of the North-
east 1/4 of said Section 11, Township 28,
Range 22. _
n �
, . �
. . ,
. {
;; �
� .
, �, i .
- - ,, l ` ' ' , , I ^�
f , .. I�� 7 �
� Note: The�' signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
• �ate; -
• c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50y�a or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address)N. 1/2 of NE 1/4 of S W 1/4 of
NE 1/4 of 5ec. 11,- Township 28, Rge. 22 & part of the NW 1/4"of IVE 1/4, E'ly of Burlington
Heights Div. No. 2 & S'ly of Afton Rd, in Sec. 11, Township 28, Rge. 22, exc. the W'ly 20' there-
from A District to istrict for the ' of.
C Residenc� �
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) �
For construction of apartment buildings
��� �
Darrel T. Johns on
Iris J. Johnson •
State of Minnesota (
" County of Ramsey � ss ,
O� �� �C�i eing first duly sworn, deposes andf'tates that he
is person who circulated the within petition consisting of J pages•
that the parties described above are'the °owners respectively of the lots placed�
immediately following each name; that this petition was �i�gned by each of sai'd '
. owners�in the�presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subscribed and sworn to b fore me
this � � day of _�/�„f�
Address; �� S� ` oz�y��
` Telephone No. � 7�S/G�/8,
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My commission expires 9?�,d„ � � � 7D Approved as to form 1/4/65
FGI 1/5/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel
. -�
� . �
,� .` .qm, r v , ', _ , ' . . . ,.. . = .. .. , , -, � • ; , „ � .:.., .
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_�'�_t . , I ,. ..�.- —r-...__-r-�..-.� -� . " _ i .
� , `a ,
;a ;s +
.� Noto: Tho signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-' :
�ication be�oro signing this potition. ror further in�ormation about the ,.
. r rezoning of property; calY the Board of Zoning Offi.ce at 223-4151. � .
. �
:, _ , .�
(Please;type or print)_ -" � `'
',�� � . . . a �� Date: �
f •' c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City' Hall . ' -• . �'� �
` City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � � � < �' , � .
, , � . . „ , , _
- Pursuant to Section�64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of � �
' �` two=tnirds��of th� sei�iexal QESCriptioi�� af �ea'_ estate �i±ua±eci tvithin ;100 feet of �
-- 5the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of 3 {
!� the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable�Body to rezone the follow-� ' ; • �
�` ing described property; (legal description and street •adclress)N. 1/2 of NE 1/4 of S��. al/4 of
�- NE 1/4 of Sec. 11; Township 28, Rge. 22 & part of the NW ,1/4 of NE 1/4,�E'ly�of Burlin,'gton f
� Heights Div. No. 2 & S'ly of Afton Rd. in Sec. 11, Township 28, Rge. 22, exc. the W'ly 20' therE
�� from A District to 7 istrict for the of.j
C Residenc�� � .
: purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: . �
4 (describe briefly the proposed facility) p� . , .
For construction of apartment buildings .
. ,.
':� $��1��k�.$'�fC ' r� '_ , y �
�' Darrel T. Johnson _ �See below �2081 Lower Af�on Road)
� ' . / :� a
�! �
Iris J. Johnson I, a
� ,
� � ; IS
Donald R. Jones ��3 ,
'� Ha i Jones � �'Y�'� � n I��' I
. . . � � • � � f I
; _c.. . ;
; i a ,
:'� The West 164' 1 'n .S uth of the North 466' Nort `of Lo er Af on Road f � � � i
�! • � � ' � - 1
:"� �Northeast 1/4 of the IV rthwest 1/4�of the Northe st 1 Secti n 11 Townsh' � .
k �
" ' ' ' �
:a 28, Range 22 1 � ;� I� � '
� � I ' .
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S�ate of Minnesota (• '� • � F �� E
ra • n Cour.ty-.of Ramsey�.�-.�-:SS•_�.,� _,.._. _ .�. `- -_.��.... �. . , .- ---- . _ .- _ -�- - �� ` �
,�:�. n ` � ' • ., , � _� ' ' ` , 'U i ; .
� 5`��� ����� '� �� being first duly sworn�, deposes j�nd states that h �, }
� is the person who circulated the within petition cons'isting of V pages; � ' �
c� that the parties described above are'tlie �owners respe.'cti�vely of the lots placed � �� i
'' • ` t
:� immediately following each name; that this petitio�i was �igned by each of said -
try , � , owners;;in theipresence of this affiant,-and that the�signatures above� are the truei '� f
F� and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described,. � {
RS ubs be�i�and sworn o be o m ��„G� �' _ ; b ��, (�/ �
;�, t h' � ' ' � � ' . f ;,
;r �" -• ''�9 . • - Address: �� S° o�yr-��,-����. � ,
• �!l�-fi',��_� . . a � '
Telephone No. � 7/ S/G�B, `
Notary:Public, Rar�sey County, M/inn. � , ;�„�k ! -
My coininissi.on expires,
�-/ / 5 7D Approved as to form 1/4/65 � •
� '`~' ' �'y.~,:i-`;�� ` .
a • t. � �_ Office of the Corporation Courisel I
�. FGI .�C5�65'�"' \/ y" � • � " ;'�
-�. � !�—� 'S �
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\ J;� :3�T'�.} � ` \+�.R`a �_� � � � � �..
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�` � ,� .. . . Y ,�� _ y , „
� �. . ; � �'•- y,�• • M ` .
� , ' ' ,
_ � 19b� ,
� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �
City of Saint Paul, Minne s ota . -
. . � - � >
Pursuant to Section 64. 06 of the Legislative Code, �we, the undersigned � , "
owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated ,
� within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the - -
owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your
Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: �
North half (N�1/2) of Northeast quarter �(NE 1/4) of -
Southwest quart�er �SW 1/4) of Northeast quarter=(NE
1/4) of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22 and part
of the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of Northeast quarter �
(NE 1/4), easterly of Burlington Heights I}ivision No. 2
and southerly of Afton Road in Section 11, .Township"28,
Range 22, except the westerly twenty (w'ly 20) feet thereof.
from an "A" District to a "C Residence" District, for the purposes of in- �
stalling, constructing and/or operating the following: � '
For construction of apartment buildings. '
CO�.�,�,��,, That part of the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of
5ection 11, Township 28 North, Range 22 West,
lying easterly of Burlington Avenue (as shown on ;
the recorded plat thereof). That part of the North-,
, west quarter �NW 1/4) of Section 11, Township �
28 North, Range 22 West, described as follows: ;
Commencing at.the center of said Section 11; thence
westerly on the� East and West half �E & W 1/2) �
section line to the easterly boundary of Burlington .
Avenue; thence northwesterly along the easterly �
boundary of Burlington 200 feet; thence generally ;
northeasterly to a point on the north and south ,
line 250 feet northerly of the center of said Section
- 11; thence 250Jfeet southerly to the point o�f �begin-
ning. � ;
The Northwest quarter :�NW 1/4) of the So,utheast
���"�M�S�! quarter (SE 1/4.) of Section 11, Township �28 North,
Range 22 West, lying northerly and easterly of
Burlington Avenue as shown. � � ,
- 1 ,- ,
, 1 .
. �
' = �
� . , � �
� , � � -
., • K � ' . _ J ±' ' ...
`J f �� � ti Y � � Y� � •
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I , �, 1' .� '' _ .
. �, . ' •
V 4
• J ! ` �
" - @ as
�-��.��� The So.uthwest quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northv�s�
quarter N 1/4), Section 11, Township 28 North,
� . , Range 22. West, lying easterly of Burlington Avenue,
except the North half (N 1/2) of the Northeas�. �
quarter (NE 1/4) of t,�ie S�t}�w-e�t quarter �SW 1/4)
of the said North ��arter, (N�l./4,). I a
� "� ���
� .
The Board of Ramsey Count�Co, ssioners in session on January 30�1967 resolved to : � �
�oin this petition as to the above described three parcels of rea3 estate solely for
the purpose of qualil�ring this petition for hearing before theJEcounc ' of the -
City of 5t. �?aul • r _ �V� �
Chai������`gY o��ty s i ers. �
��cr, Co : �y ��c�,�ur, ,
Attests �
� � : f . . ----. ,CHIEF EPUI� . '
� i
��, �
�'6 b g `
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- - �� �'G� f EB b P M�12 og .
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' � CITY CL£S��' ' U�'�ili�
;�� SAINT PAUL, l�l�f�d: ,
, �i� :� �. . . ,��.; � ,
� � • - - • l
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_ � - � 3 3 �s�
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. ,
� THIS INDEidTURE� made and e�ecuted this �a � day of
_ �o�iri,�1}l� , 196']� by and between the S & B �
, f
� Construction Company� a corporation duly organized and existing �
' under the laws of the State .of Minnesota� and the Cardinal Co. �
a partnership� both said� company and corporation hereinafter
being designated "the Company, " and City of Saint Paul, herein-
} after designated "the City," WITNESSETH: �
iWHEREAS, the Compa.ny is the owner in fee sinple of
all of the following described real estate situate in the City
of Saint Paul� County of Ramsey� State of Asinnesota, to-wit :
i North 2 of the NE 4 of the SW 4 of the NE a
of Section 11, Township � 28 North� Ran�e 22 �� �E
Eas�, and part of �he NW g of the NE 4, `
s erly of Burlinaton Heights� Division No.
2 Ramse3r Co. Minn. and Southerly of Londin
.�. Lane, in Section 11� Township 28 �Torth� .-
Range 22 West� except the Westerly 20 feet �s] SEP 13 P,� � :15
thereof; situat� on nro�erty located south , , -- •-
of I�ondin Lane� east of Totem Road and north
of Boys' Totem Town in the City of Saint Paul. ��jY CLt6��',"� fi�" �;
WHERF;AS, said real estate on August 3� 1967 � andS�orTai�j�� 1�!.�
considerable period of time next preceding the same� was zoned
arid classified in "A" Residence District under and by virtue of
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive� Zoning Code� Saint Paul Legislative
Code� as amended� and pursuant to a petition therefor the Council
. of the City� according to the provisions of said �oning Code, as
amended� and the Statutes of the S�ate of r•Zinnesota, in such cases .
made and provided, with the written acquiescence of the owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated
within 100 feet of said real. estate, duly enacted City of Saint
Paul Ordinance Noe 13672� approved August 3, 1967� and published
in the Official Ne�rspaper af �he City on August 5� 1967, a�ending
said Zoning Code, as amended, so that said hereinabove described �
. ^
. � �
. real estate was thereby and thereunder rezoned and reclassified t
from "A" Residence District to "C-1" Residence District, subject
� to the condition that an easement be granted to the City of -
Saint Paul o�er a portion of said hereinabove described real -
estate and subject to further rezoning and reclassification of
the same by virtue of proceedings therefor thereafter instituted� �
conducted and conpleted� according to applicable provisions of
said Zoning Code� as amended�� and of statutes of the State of
WHEREAS, the Company� for itself, its successors and .
assigns, intends hereby to accept said Ordinance Vo. 13672� and
to grant said easement in compliance therewith;
. NOW� THEREFORE� the Company� as owner of said herein- - .
above described real est�te� does hereby grant unto the City of
5aint Paul for public use an easement for pedestrian travel and
travel by nonmotorized vehicles� including the right a.nd privilege
to construct and maintain paths, ways, and necessary fences�
tY�rough, over and across the following described portion of said
hereinabove described real estate� to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly corner
of said tract; thence East 180 feet; thence in
a general Vortherly direction towards Londin
Lane and parallel to the Trlester-ly boundary of
said pro�erty to a point 180 feet 8outh of the
�outh line of Londin Lane; thence in a general �
1Vortheasterly direction to a point on the South ►
line of Londin Lane, said point being a distance
of 500 feet measured along Londin Lane in a
. general North�resterly direction from the point
at which the �asterly boundary of said tract
intersects Londin Lane.
Fxcep t as otherwise provided herein, said area shall be �
kept and maintained by the City of Saint Paul in its natural
wooded state� and no other structures� buildings� picnic '
facilities� camp sites or fires sha11 be placed thereon without .
consent of the owner. � -
� 2.
: r � ^ � _ > ' I
�. . , �/
! \
.The Company reserves the right to use said area for `
walks� roads and utilities provided that such use shall not �
interfere with the rights granted the public and the City of �
Sai nt Paul under the terms of the easement. °
The grant of easement provided for herein shall not �
relieve the owner of said property from liability for any special �
assessments authorized by Charter or Statute� for which the owner
would be legally liable. � � -
� FURTHER, the Company makes reference to said Zoning
Code� as amended, and by reference incorporates the same herein
as part hereof, with the same intent, purpos�e and effect as if
said Zoning Code� as amer_ded� were fully set forth herein; and
makes further refe�ence to said arriendatory Ordinance No. 13672
and to the duly certified copy of the same hereto attached and "
hereby incorporated herein by reference as part hereof; and the
Company, for itself� its successors and assigns� hereby accepts
said amendatory Ordinance No. 13672y and every provision� term,
and condition of the sar�e without reservation or exception. ,
IN TESTIMONY 4dHERr,OF, The Company_ has caused these
presents�,to be executed in its corporate name by its Pres�.dent _ !�
_�, . ; -- �, .
�u ;
and its Secretary and its corporate seal to be hereuntatiaz�fi-xed� ` ��
, �; � .: .��.
the day and year first above written. -_� „ :. ' ' � � �
, ;�, , .
_ �, -�
- _ .�. __
In Presence of: S & B CONSTRUCTION CONff�Ai�1Y='' � ?' �- ��
• /J ' �� �
a. BY� - �� .
� . es ent
GG�� �•
3• � � '
I ,
� � ; �
� � .
--- -- --- _ _ -- - ' F E_
i • • , ' ' ' . .
� ' - �
� � -
� •
' • �
In Presence of: CARDINAL C0. a
� _ .
. �
. By• �-�-e�
� P rtner
� ' µ- � _ •
� �L -
� = Partner =
; • Partner .
� - -
i . �
� - -
i ) ss .
I •
� . On this
, �d — day of � � 1967�
� before me, a Notary Public within d for said County� personally
I appeared ara/.� S/,�gr and /I'jo,�-o„ ,�e,- 1a_,,d ,
i� to me personally known, who, being each by uie duly sworn did say
that they are respectively the President and the Secretary of the
S & B Construction Company, named in the foregoing instrument,
; and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate
! seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed
I and sealed in behalf of said corporation by unanimous vote and
� authority of its Board of Directors and said �,.d fo/ �T'ti�ar
, and 11�o►��en ���a.»d acknowledged said instrument to be the
� free act and deed of said corporation. -
� . �
�pprd�oe� a!s fo form afzd eaceeution i1'/l�-(' �• �Qi!-,d.�i �
th�! ��aa,, oto-��`1_ .___Y�G� Notary Public� Ramsey Gc�nty� Minn. ;
My commission expires `� ��°�a. �+N�is,
�����(� _, � � � ounty, Minn.
Assistant Corporation Cour�sei : MY Cammission Expires Jan: �2,t 19j4
� - . .- �."��. '
_ - •,.., �: ,.. ,
• ) ss . -
On this 1�� day of �T� , 196'7� .
before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally
appeared �'s�tctc �e�/a�, d and /77a� �an ,c�er .��, d
and �,,a �� S��,r _ , to me personally known, who, '
being each by me duly sworn did say that they are the partners
'of Cardinal Co. , named in the foregoing instrument, and that the
company has no seal� and that said instrument was signed in behal�f , ,
of said company by unanimous vote and authority of all the partners 1
and said �'saa� �r /Q.,,d and /�d,. z'�o� ��r .Cz�'�^__ �, {
and /,1�,-a ��! ���Qr acknowledge said instrument to be t� �e� �
free act and deed af said company. - � __ �
. �
Q � '�G'�dL., 7 �
.Notary Public, Ramsey County; Mirin. : ;
My commiss�ion eXP�2'8S CAROL A. L'ANDis, ;
, unty, Minn. '
• • L}.� ,My Commission Expires i an' 22, 1974�
Council Flle Np. 23434S�Ordinance No. • ' �
1367�By Victor J. Tedesc� � • '
An ordinance amendirig the Zoning � �
Code, Chapters.60 to 84, inclusive, of T�
the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- =
tai�ing to Use Districts, Iieight Dis- °
tricts, and Rezoning of certain proper- �
ties in the City of, Saint Paul, as
amended. '
The Council of the City of 9aint Paul � ;
nces ora�: _ ,, • STATE OF MINNESOTA �
That the Zoning Code, Chapters so County of Ramsey 8Bc
to 64, inclusive, oP the Saint Paul i
Legislative Code, pertaining to Use CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1
Districts, Height Districts, and Rezon-
ing oP certain properties in the City '
of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the �,
same is hereby turther amended so t. �
as to__rezone the following described $a,Y'Y'3T E. Marshall, Ci L'ilefk
pro�erty from '•A'• Residence District I�.............................•---•--._...----.:.---...------- �
to 'C-1" Residence District, to-wit: -
North. ?� of the NE !4 of the SW
la of' the NE la of Section il,
To�n�p,28 North, Range �z,WesY, of the City of Saint Paul, Minneaota do hereby certify that I have
and part oP the.NW ?4 oP the NE � � (
?a��Eesterly ol+Burlington Heights, �
•se�us°t ie To�nipd za�rrortn; Ordlnance�No.ttla3�ed copy of Council File No....._.23�+3�+5, be�ng__ �
Range 22 West, except the Wester- �� I
ly 20 feet thereof; • AU S't 6 i
6�c�8te on property �o�atea 6ouu� of as adopted by the City CouneiL_.___ � _3,...........................19...7_
-------- - ----------
Londin Lane, east of Totem Road and ,'
north of Boys' Totem Town in the p", ,
city o� sa�t Pg�. subject to tne an d approv e d bq t he Mayor----=---------Augus t--�-�-----•---._...------------19 6�__.:._....
conditions of this ordinance. . �
- SECTION 2 , �' . �
zt� ordinaxice is sutieot to the with the original thereof oa flle in my o$iee.
fouowing conaitions: ,:
1. That the owner of said property
shall grant to the City of Saint Paul
for public use an easement for pedes- �-----°------°-°°°--------°----°°-°-----°-------�--------------°------------.....-----°-
trian travel and travel by nonmotor-
ized vehicles, including the right and � ' �
privllege to construct end maintain . �
paths, ways, p d necessarY fences. ---•-•------°--�-----------------------------------------�-------------°-.....•---------------°-------.._..__.....-------------.....
BeB�nning at a point on the aSouthaid �---------•---°-°-------------------------------------
wester�y � corner of •said tract;
thence East 180 feet; thence in a " �
' general Northerly direction to - --°-------^°------------°-°-•--•-°°....---°-----°-� _..._ I
wards Londin Lane and parallel to ---------•---------°----------°------°-....------°
the Westerly boundary oP said ' �
property to a point 180 feet South = �
afthe South lu�e of Londin Lanet --------------------------------•---•--.._.---•--....-----Y----•-........---•------------••----•---.._...--•-
thence in a general Northeasterly �i���
directfon to a point on the South � �
line of Londin Lane, said point be- -
inga distance of 500 feet meas- � '°-----°----°-°°...._--°•---°°•---------°-------°:.................°•--------°-°-----°°°---°.....---°---°°-°------
ured along Londin Lane in a -�
gen`eral Northwesterly direction " � �
from the point at which the East- ..... ....... ....�_ '
erly boundary oP said tract inter- ._..•-°°--....-----°°--°--° N_.._.....°----°-...----°---°-------°° -
, -•...............°---I.-------
sects Londin Lane. ' -
Said grant of easement shall pro- �
vide that, except as otherwise pro- i '
videdtherein� said area shall be kept _..-----°°°---------°°-°--°-----....-°°°--°-------°--------------------------------------------•°--°-----...._..I-°-°-• .
and maintained by the City of Saint
Paui in its natural wooded state, that >>
no other structures, buildings, picnic' �
facilities camp sites or tires shall be ••--°----_..----...........................°-°---^---:-°°--------------------°•-°°--
, - ---------------------------•-i--°--..
placed thereon without consent of the %�
owner, and that the �owner reserves �
the right to•use said area for walks; `
roads and utilities Provided that` such ---------------------°----°°-...----°-------•--°•°-----^--------°---•---------------..._.----------^-°-°------°-•-°-------
use shall not interfere with the rights �
granted the public and the City �f I further certify that said copq is a true and COri'CCt COpy Of
Saint Paul under the terms of the �
easement. - _
2: That the grant o4 easement �
providefl tor heresn skigli not reueve �;d original and the whole tliereof. '
the owner af said property from lia-
bllity for any special assessments '
authorized by Charter or statute for � ' '
� which the owner would be legally -
� neble. WITNESS my hand and.the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Mii n..
aL 3. That the owner oP said property, ��
awithin the period of sixty days neXt x z_ . .. A. D. 19_:7.'._..�
_3 succeeding the publication of this �g,.,__.__.7�h...............da� tember 6
ordinance, shall flle with•the� City "°"'"° ' '' ""°' -
� Clerk, in t�po fully executed counter- �
� parts, said owner's written acceptance =
of this ordinance, incorporating there- �O '
. in a grant of an easement unto the ----*..._..�-�-- --- • ° - J---•-""----... _ .
n City of Saint Paul incorporating the � �i�� lerk.
,� terms set forth herein, approved as �
to form and execution by the Cor- :, '
a poration Counsel and in a form re- '� ,
F cordable in the office of the Register +�
of Deeds. " .
3 4. That, in addition, to other re- �
�, quirements therefor, said owner's �, � ;
� written acceptance and grant of ease- i:
; ment shall incorpora�e a certified ,
f copy of this ordinance and immedi- � _
� ately upon the aforesaid filing of the
� same, the City Clerk shall cause one -
' of such counterp arts thereof to be � .
�� flled of record in the office oE the
Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey
County, Minnesota. �_
SECTION 3 ' . �
Notwithstanding any other provision "�
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to
the contrary, the area encompassed �.
..__ ...,. ..._._.. ..: �L_ ,._....�.._. _.._..,_..., . �
� ��.� . . - - � .
...�� ,
� Q ;
} • .��y^"�``'. . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a ^ �
. � CITY OF SAINT P�AUL /� � � � '�
J� ' MINNESOTA � ' '
, ,
I t3 Court House,551�2
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner °. -
LOUIS H.McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner - Phone:223-4646 {
µ .
� .
February 8, 1967 � _ j
� .
� ' '
�. , ,
� '
To the Council _
City of Saint Paul � _ i
Gentlemen: � , j
� . ,
I have checked the attached petition of William and Anna �
Waller, filed in the matter of rezoning, � �
North 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 �f the
NE 1/4 of Section• 11 tiTownship 28, Range 22 � �
and "part of,the NW lj4, of the NE� 1/4, .Easterly �
of Burlington Heights -Division�No. �2 siid Southerly • -
of Loridin Lane, in Section 11, Township 28, �
Range 22, except the`Westerly 20 feet thereof.
(Wherevex` it describes propertq to°be rezoned - �
as Southerly of Lower Afton Road, it stiould be �
described as Southerly of Londin Lane.)� 1'he ;
property is located south of Londin Lane, east ;
of Totem Road and north of the Boy's Farm, • _
from a Class "A" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence �
District, and,find that said petition is sufficient. � , ,
Yours very truly, 7' �
� -
� f -
mes J. Da lish ��"L F '
ou�ission r of Finance ;. '
Re: R-240 '" i
c.c. Mr. Ames �
N. R. Aeiden �
� -
/ � ( s
. o� � � � � �f �� r�,
� a
�� � FEB 1 � 1q�7 i �
�� � � � '
c�,r� r��������� ������� ` y� �
- �� �aint Paul, �linnesota _
s� '
. � _
O � �
, � .
, � - ,,.r- y' � + . , PETITIONj�TO REZONE
• � ,
� ' A petition.having been filed request-
' ing that Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive,
, St. Paul Leglslative Cade, re Z ning, �
C etc., be amended so as to rezone rop-
. C I T Y O r S A I N T P A U L erty described as North 3'Z o the
r Northeast ?s oP the Southwest �!4 ot
MINNESOTA �e Rgnree�t �a f Sec. 11, Township
g part of the North-
west ?4 of the Northeast 14, Ea�terly �
DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �p Bu=l��an Aeights D����on No. Z
and Southerly of Londin Lane, in Sec.
113 Courf Nouse 55102 il, Township 28, Range 22, excep the
_ � Wester�y 20 feet thereof, located �outh
of Londin Lane, East of Totem Road
M••�• 26 1(�6'j ° and North of the Boys' Farm, to �lass
a-aay�� � " "C" Residence District, the Councll ,
04 the City of Saint Paul has fixedl the �
8th day of June, 1987, at ten o'cYock
, in the forenoon in the Councll Chamber
in the City Iiall oE said City, and at '
' said time and place, the Council � �
hear all persons and all object ons i
City Clerk � propo ed amendment relative to aid
' Dated May 23, 1967. 4
File g2�.�.�� FiARRY E.NIARSHALL, '
' City Clerk.
. � ". (May 27, 1967) �
.. -
� .
� �
i ,
You ar.e hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the -
Council Chambers of the City Hall anc� Court House;in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m, on June 8, 196�j, on the petition of 4Jilliam
and Anna Z•�Taller to rezone from ��A�� Residential District to ��C��
Residential 1]�strict, for the gurpose of constructing apartment :
buildings, on the following property: north 1�2 of northeast 1/!�
af southwest 1/!t of northeast 1/!� of Section 11, Township 28� Range '
22 and part of the northwest 1/!� of northeast 1/1��� easterly of
Burlington Heights Division AJumber 2 and southerly of Lonc�ai.n 7�ane, �
in Section 11, Township 28� Range 22, except the westerly 20 feet
thereof. The property is located south of Londin Lane, east of �
Totem Road and north of the Totem Town facility. � ,
m •
For ftiirther information contact Planning Board, 1010 Commerce Building
or phone 223-�-51•
Commissioner of FYnance .
� :
� �
,?. A
R .
q + '
� �
_ ;
w �
� �
Y �
�O C
April 6, 1967 Plat Map 43 I � 'i
- . ' � I
,, Actin� under Le�islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 • File No. 6221I
passed August 22, 1922 as amended to Au�ust 24, 19G4 ,. �
-, Also ;
1. APPLICANT'S NAN� . William Waller {
2. C7�ASSIFICATION • Q Amendment ❑ Appeal ❑Permit ❑ Oi;her �
`' I
. _3. PURPOS� � Rezone from "A" residence to "C-1" residence �
4. IACATION • South of Londin Lane, East of Totem Rd. , north of Soy's Town '�
(See file)
, I
6. PRESENT ZONING . "A" Residence
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.06 Section: Paragraph: .
8. S1'AFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 2/26/67 By: R.Ryan
A. In a letter dated February 8, 1967, the Commissioner of Finance declared the
petition sufficient with 8 of 9 acquiescing.
C. PROPOSED USE: Apartments
D. AREA AND FRONTAGE: The property has approximately 900' of frontage on Londin I,ane
. and an area of approximately 635,000 square feet. •
E. ADJACENT �ZONING: The adjacent zoning is all "A" residence
F. CONIl'REHENSIVE PLAN: The Plan makes two proposals for the site: (1) de��elop the
western portion of the site as a passive park area (this part is heavily wooded;
and (2) the remainder of the site is to be developed R-1, one-family residential
(lot area minimum of 12,000 square feet per dwelling) . The Plan proposes R-2,
one-family across Zondin Lane, R-1, one-family to the east and west, and public
to the south.
Q. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is rolling and falling in elevation from southeast to
' northwest. There is approximately 70' difference in elevation; one single-^,ramiiy
dwelling is in the southeast corner of the property.
H. AREA CONDITIOIvS: The area uses are as follows: north,five single-family dwellings;
east, three single-family dwellings; south, Ramsey County Boy's Totem To�m; and
west, single-family dwellings, The area is rolling and rises from west to east
and from north to south. Sewers are all in Lower Afton Road, Totem Road, and
Burlington Road. They will be put in Londin Lane this summer.. Water is in Lower
Afton and Burlington Road. _
. 6/28/67
9. SOARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval ❑ Denial Council Lt.
•- ' - Dated
Moved by: Cohen Yeas - Nays
X Ames • 6/29/67 I
' Seconded by: Gadl'er X Cohen Date of Hearing
��� �
X Janes,Chmn. •
McPartlin Council Acti In�
Secretary's remarks: Haarstick - Alt.
$ Gadler Date
x Gauger
I � .
� • . • �� � `
r �
. . ..
1 - � '
Room 20 CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone 223•4151 I ,
i �
` June 28, 1967 /� � `, �
� ���� �
_ _ ��
Mr. Harry Marshall ° . , ,
City Clerk ' � ; k
Court House � � �
` r '
Dear Mr.Marshall: ,
This is written in response to the petition of William and Anna Waller to re- '
zone to "C-1" residence property located south of Londin Lane, east of Totem �i
Road, and north of Boy's Totem Town, the legal description of which is attached. ,
The original petition requested a rezoning to "C" residence. Subsequent to �
the filing of the original petition, the petitioner 'has requested that the ' Ii
;� petition be amended to request "C-1" rather than "C" zoning. ,
The property has approximately 900 feet of frontage on Londin Lane and an
area of approximately 635,000 square feet. The entire surrounding zoning
is "A" iresidence. The surrounding uses are east, north and west, single-family,
and south, Boy's Totem Town. The Comprehensive Plan'. makes two proposals for
the site: (1) develop the western and northern portions of the site, which is '
sloping and wooded, as a passive steep-slope conservation area; and (2) develop
the remainder of the site as single-family. -
The developer wishes to construct seven apartment buildings at a density of
approximately 20 dwellings per acre. He also wishes, to provide a portion of
the steep-slope conservation area, an area approximately 180 feet in depth paral-
lel to Totem Road, as proposed by the Comprehensive Plan by either deeding that �
portion of the site to the city or by imposing a negative easement on it.
The matter was first considered by the Board of Zoning on March 2, 1967. The
Board of Zoning then referred the petition to the Planning Board to be reviewed
in reference to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Board adopted .
a seven-page staff report dated May 24, 1967. The conclusions and recommend-
ations of that report are as follows:
The initial staff reaction to the proposal to amend the Comprehensive Plan
to a more dense use in this area was unfavorable. High density residential
structures are not permitted in this area under present zoning or in the
Comprehensive Plan. Private development in the area is exclusively very ,
low density single-family use and it was felt the intrusion of a complex of -
apartment buildings would be an upset influence.� The rezoning of the area }
would constitute 'spot zoning in a single family area. Rezoning may encour- �
age similar applications by others. Many necessary public facilities are
not available. There is presently no bus transportation. Traffic volumes :
would increase on Londin Lane which is a local street. ,�,� °
^ �'�\ .
~ � �
�az : � -
' 1 . i� " ' .• . - a " _ "
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, `_• - . � ' �_- , . - . y � � . ,. . F`f �
' ` . � " �-_ � August 7, 1967 - . . ' 1
. - .. - � _ : . , � . . � . .
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: . _ . e . .. - � _ _ - ;.. .
, . - - - � . f
William Ea��Arind W�ller.. - . . . ` . : .
2050 I,ondin Lane � . � , '- -� � - � � ' .
- _ r
St. �aul, Mirineaota ; - � . _ .- .' . _ � .
" � � � .. - - .. ' , �. .
� De�x Mr: � Mra. Wallert , - - - . .
. _ _ . - • . . _ _ ;
: -
Encloaed• is e� capy of.ari ordinanee re o_ ing prcrperty sub�ect to . '
eertain ebnditions set out in the ordin . � ! - �
_ . . . . . f� _
We eal7. your epecial atten to ap o� Section 2 which ' -
- requires that you file a d s�f nega i e ea nt in two parts in this � � ' `.
� oft'ice within 60 dqya. � - . � _ _ . �- �
. � - = - � � " ' • - . ; �
The Corporation Counnelr� ice can yeu f'urther information as . 4 � �
to the form of t � rum � _ - � - , t � �
- ' _ • , " . _ '.. , . _ . � ' =-Y�,
_ � . , � _ - " - = ', ' ' - - qery truly Youre� - � : .
. • � - ' � - . . . _ � ;� _ '_
-. _ . , .� . _ - _ , -
_ � _. ` ' ' City �]�r'k ._ v �_' -
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_ _. _ _ � . .. . ` ` ' ' r ^ -_
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, /� � z� ,
� William Waller �' Page 2
"Close examination of this particular property, however, revealed the dis-
tant possibility of a different staff conclusion. First, the property
is within one-half a block of a major street - Lower Afton Road. � �
"Second, a considerable part of the neighborhood is vacant and the ultimate ,
character of the neighborhood has yet to be firmly established. '�
"Third, in an area proposed for primarily single-family use, this particular �
parcel is bounded on one side by Totem Town and across the road, the Comprei :
hensive Plan calls for a slightly higher density than the present single- �
family use of the area. The Comprehensive 3.Plan also calls for multi-family � �
use further east. It may be desirable to transfer that density allocation '
to this property. �
"Fourth, the developer proposes to buffer the multi-family development from '
the imm�ediately ,adjacent single-family development through the retention of ;
a heavily wooded slope area in its natural state. Further, the developer
has offered to place a permanent restriction on�the use of this portion of
the property or to give the buffer strip to the��City as a gift. If given to
the City as a gift, an arrangement would have to be developed permitting the
use of the buffer strip in calculating the permitted density. I '
"Fifth, the proposed buffer area is indicated onathe Comprehensive Plan to be
preserved in its natural state as part of the steep-slope conservation areas.
'"�: The proposal of the Comprehensive Plan is somewhat larger than this specifie
proposal of the developer. .
"Sixth, the possibility exists than an arrangement between the developer and
the City can be made to assure that the development will have little or�no ,
adverse effect on the surrounding single-family development.
"Seventh, the possibility exists that the developer would agree to objectives
of the planned development concept and thereby create an enviro�ent for the
future inhabitants of the development that would provide for their desires
for well-being, beauty, charm, and contentment. ,
"Eighth, it may be possible to work out with the Corporation Counsel of the
(3ity.,a specific contractual agreement which will` ensure that the proposals
by the developer and the requirements of the City Planning Board can become ,
a reality. " '
�� VI. Recommendations �
The staff recommends that the Comprehensive Plan�use for this parcel remain -
single-family unless an agreement can be made between the City and the de- :
veloper that will ensure the sing�-family intent for the neighborhood will
be preserved, that the area proposed for steep-slope conservation in the ;
Comprehensive Plan be accomplished, and an unusually fine environment be
created for the ultimate inhabitants of this site. i
. � , . � � i
t. � � /�� � .
. William Waller ; Page 3
� •
"The staff does not have sufficient specific information from the developer
at this time, to accomplish these objectives. No agreements have been de-
veloped and the best procedures for doing this have yet to be created by
the Corporation Counsel. ,
��In view of the present status of the proposals, the staff feels that the �
developer needs some encouragement in order for him to go to the expense ' ,
of providing the necessary information. In view of the present status of '
the proposals, the staff recommends that the Planning Board approve a land-
use change from "R-1" to "R�6" in principle only and sub�ject to the condition
that the developer work out an agreement satisfactory to the Council, the .
various interested departments of the City,the Corporation Counsel, and the
Planning Board Staff.
"The staff further reco�ends that the area south of Lower Afton Road and
eas� of Winthrop, which is presently indicated by the Comprehensive Plan
as "R-6" "medium density" residential, be changecl to "low density" "R-4".
Also, that Winthrop Street (a collector) be removed from designation as a
collector from Lower Afton Road to Totem Road." ' .
The matter was taken up by the Board of Zoning again on May 18, �967. The Cor-
poration Counsel advised the staff that it cannot require a review process as
a condition for rezoning the property. It was the findings of the Board of �
Zoning �that it�would be reasonable to rezone the property to a "C-1" residence
district in view of�:the developer's proposal to preserve a portion of the Compre-
hensive Plan Steep-Slope Conservation Area in its natural condition, and since
the site is near a major street - Lower Afton Road - which can handle a higher
traffic load, and since the�,proposed steep-slope area and Boy's Tor�i�'� Town will
buffer the development on two sides from surrounding uses. '
Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends that the property be rezoned to "C-1"
residence district provided that a western portion� of the site, as shown on the
attached plot plan, be platted. - • _
� - -
,� • .
Very truly yours,
_ � ,
� °
N. R. H iden
. - . �
Z. F. 6221
_ . . . _ . . i
. . . ., � = - ,
; � ,
i I
F 1
113 Court House 55102 .. �'
June 2, 1967
City Clerk �
+ :
File - X-240
This is to advise that due to the unexpected
absence, a quorum of the City Council will
not be available for the hearing oa the petition .
of William and Anna Waller to rezone from "A"
to "C" Residence District, a part of Sec. 11,
Township 28, Range 22, scheduled for June 8,
1967. -
This hearin� has been rescheduled for .;une 29,
1967. If you have any questions, please phone
223-5241. -
Co�issioner of Finance
. �
[ �
. _ � i ;
, Har�y E. Marahall �,TY a�, . Albert B. Olson
City Clerk and ���' 8� Council Recordrrr ��
�ommissioner of Registrdtion .. � � e ,
' � �� �� �p K°��^o F
�� � �� ' �. M1
���� �
S88 Cit�Flall •
, St.Paul,Minnesot¢ S610E
May �3� 1967 �� � �
� 1
_ ,
� `
' ;;
Zoning Board ' '
1010 Commerce Bldg. ,
St. Paul, Minnesota '
The City Council referred to the Zoning Board the attached letter '
of Harold Sheax, attorney representing petitioners for the rezoning .
of the following described property requesting that the petition be
amended to request "C-1" rather than "C" zoning: ,
That part of the Northwest quarter (NW 1�4) of the Northeast quaxter
(NE 1�4) of Sec. 11, T. 28, R. 22, E'�jr of Burlington� Heights Division
No. 2 and S'ly of Afton Road except the W'ly 20 ft. thereof; and the
North half (N 1�2) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1�4� of the Southwest
quarter (SW 1�4) of the Northeast quarter (NE 1�4) of Sec. 11, T. 28,
R. 22. r,
Very truly yours,
� \'
City. Clerk �/J
ng �
� �
1 �
♦ .
� C� �C� � � �' � !U �
1VIAY � � 196`r
�,�'�i� f �.,�li�.,1�+�u r�vraie,.
SaiuX Patal, IVa�Aneeota
� ,
�� �C�i �
' � ' � �
� . P • . , I
. � .
{ . - .
" S H E A R & R O O N E Y -
� 93B MINN6lOTA Bui�o�NO r
� ST. PALIL, MINN. 55101 No. Sr. Pwu� OFFICEB �
HAROLD SHEAF2 2515 - 7TH AVE. N.E. i
THOMAS J. ROONEY CAPITAL 4-3361 SP. 7-3070 �
May 22, 19 67 � �
.The Honorable City Council =.
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �
City of Saint Paul, �. Minnesota 55102 �
� •
Re: Rezoning-Petition �
Gentlemen: � .
I represent the petitioners in regard to the rezoning petition covering the �
following described property: �
' 4
That part of the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of the l�torth- `
east quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 11, Township 28, Range 1
22, easterly of Burlington Heights Division No. 2 and south- �
erly of Afton Road except the westerly twerity (20) feet
thereof; and the North half (N 1/2} of the Northeast quarter
(,NE 1/4) of the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northeast
quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22; .
and it is our desire that the petition be amended to request "C-1" rather
than "C" zoning. �
Y rs truly, -
OLD S E � '
� � :
HS/cal �l � ? �
_ �
cc: Director of Planning ^ A� ;
City of Saint Paul . .
Commerce Building � .;� �� � � 1� � ��
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 . - _
� Ivlur � � 1967
' �Y'�� �`l.f�,l�a.�ir� �vH� .
.G.c1.�txit Pa.ul, Minne�ta
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Yeas Nays Yeesl Nays
arlson � �Carlson
' '}.�,
alglish Dalglish
�,��� \
olland ��ae �t3lFali'd V
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�Meredith � Meredith
T� �eterson � Pe�n
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\ �.r�� Tedes�o
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Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne
�O �
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