234339 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1 23 , CITY OF ST. PAUL _ couNCi� N�. � ��� : OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E � „ � . COUNCIL RE TION—GE RAL FORM .y, . PRESENTED BY Robert F Feterson COMMISSIONE � �7hereas, In connection with the installation of certain traffic signal revisions at Montreal, Seventh and Lexington; Grand and Cleveland; �T. Seventh and Smith; Kellogg Blvd. and �Iabaslia; and Kellogg Blvd. and Mounds Blvd., and , , " �Jhereas, The City of St. P�aul with its� own forces and equip- ment is required to complete this work, now,therefore be it . Resolved, That the City Forces proceed_with such work at an estimated cost of $8,050.00 plus Engineering and Inspection costs of $565.00 or a total estimated cost of $8,615.00, said work to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, code 6000 and this same fund to be reimbursed es follows: ` ' M-316C Minnesota Highway Department Agreement No. 55352 $ 5 565.00 Minnesota Highway Department Agreement Ho. 55480 . 795.00 Municipal State Aid Suspense Fund 1 760.00 County Aid Fund �495.00 $ 8 �b15.00 . � , . � _� , •- -- � • . � ��, . � � a ,U� 191961 COUNCILMEN- Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , , ���- ��.�� 19' 1��� Dalglish . Holland / Approved �19— Meredith x� In Favor , � Peterson (�� Mayor Tedesco A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne RUf�FSH+EB ��� 2� ��6� I�2 DUrLICATE TO rRINTHR ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�. � _ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Peterson COMMISSIONER Robert F. DATF - � Whereas, In connection with the installation of certain traffic signal revisions at riontreal, Seventh end Lexington; Grand and Cleveland; W. Seventh and Smith; Kellogg Blvd. and Wabasha; and Kellogg Blvd. and Mounds Blvd., and Whereas, The City of St. P aul with its own forces and equip- ment is required to complete this work, now therefore be it Resolved, That the City Forces proceed with such work at an estimated cost of $8,050.00 plus Engineering and Inspection costs of $565.00 or a total estimated cost of $8,615.00, said work to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, code 6000 and this same fund to be reimbursed as follows: M-316C Minnesota Highway Department Agreement No. 55352 $ 5,565.00 Minnesota Highway Department Agreement No. 55480 795.00 Municipal State Aid Suapense Fund 1,�60.00 County Aid Fund 495.00 $ 8,615.00 COUNCILMEN �U L 1919�7. Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ����� /' .�u�, � � iss� Dalglish ( Approved 19— Holland }O Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � blayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne �az