234303 � � 2� �
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� Resolution Apgroving Assessment By—
i and �xing Time of Hearing Thereon �
� ..
In the matter of the a�ssessment of benefits, cost and expenses for constructing and
restoration of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contract 65-M-327, Levy No. 14,
District No.. 3, � . .
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�_ '�-._,_.'F.O:`�- 21�9575�'- Geor,ge St. , Aboth si'des from Robert''St, to .Sta.te�=St.:"'= " ��' K'� �
� 1 _ . �R:O:°�=t;219413�;`=Congiess St._;�both sides-from Ohio`,St, to Bellows St.��=.-�r`
M•' F.O. - 218149. -�W. Baker St. , both sides from Ottawa Ave, to smith Ave. � �
j F.O. - 222586 - Mort�on S.t. , bo.th sides from Smith Ave. to Manomin Ave. ` r
1 �F.O...- 222589 - Stevens St. , north side from Charlton St. to Waseca St.
j F.0 - 222436 - George St. , both. sides from Bellows St, to Stryker Ave. �
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F.O.. - 219413 - Congress St. , both sides from OhiohSt. to Bellows St. I
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� F..O. - 222586 - Morton,St. , both sides from Smith Ave, to Manomin Ave.
� '�i�FsO:�'a=z�272�5�89=-��St�vens�St?�,�nort�i�sitde�frem�Charlton�St:fto��Waseca`�'St°��'�� �'ith
i F.O. `- 222436 - George St. , both sides from Bello � St. to Strqker Ave.
' t�ae ab4ve �rr,gro�*smettt h�X'iny{ �;,:�°t �;zu�itt��. t,� th� 4;fi��.�nTi� �n.ct� _� €;^i1LCiI h8�a13�iUi!`_3dP1E(I &'�;b
� auu�iviiiia-rGiteraala -dS�e$�Yrieii�SaLlSia�wiy,-LllC1C1Vl'Cj fJC-14
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
ftESOLVED FURTHER,, That a public hearing be had an sa.id assessment on the 16th
day of ` Atlg,�s*-, �9�,� , , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the �ouncil Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fina,nce _
give natice of said meetings, ,as required by the Charter, stating in�said notice the time a,nd place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the paxticular
owner to whom the notice is directed. .
Ye2,s Nays A t ��llL I 8196�
Dalgl�sf� dopted by he Counc
Houan�t . JUL 1 � 196�
Mered fh
Peterson Ap rover� _
Tn Favor '
_ Mayor
A gainst
For� R-� 2� �o-ea s� PUBLISH�ED J�lL 2 21967
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