234288 i f r • r ' l TO CITY CLERK CI I I OF ST. PAUL � COUNCIL 2342�� • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. � � � IL E OLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY r•� , COMMISSIONE DATF . � RESOLQED, That the Council hereby approves the award of �he Contract Committee there� or and hereby awards contract for furnishin all labor ma � g , terials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the installation of Chain Link `Fence, complete• in place at the West Side Reservoir located near the intersection of Stryker Avenue and � � - Emerson Avenue in the City of West St. Paul, for the Water Department, St. Paul, Min�esota, to UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION for the contract price of $3,310.00, in accordancl with,Water Department plan B�6364 and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid �2381 of� said United States Steel Corporation, such bid being the only bid received and said United States Steel Corporation being a reasonable and reliabli bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and.hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefo�, and the proper Citq officials hereby are suthorized to execute . said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Formal Bid �2381. . �U L 141967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � , r�l u L 14 196� , Carlson , , Dalglish � Approyed 19.^ Holland Favor Meredith Peterson (� � Mayor' �' Tedesco Ag��t PUf3LISH�ED JUL 2 21967 Mr. President, Byrne - • - ` ' �22 1 ^ pVaL�1ATE TO rRINTER . �� r�v � CITY OF ST. PAUL OOENCIL N�, � ,� F_ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , , � , � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � �QI:VED, Ttia� the �onncil. hexebq 'approveg the award of the Contiract Com�ittee the�efar 'snd �h'ps'ebq at�ards con�"ract for furniehing aIl �.abor; c�ateria],.s and servicea necessa�y for and reasoriab].y ,iTM�idental to ttie instal�.at3on �o£ C[�.a�.n .I,ink Fenee, co�plete in place a� t'he W�sC $ide �tesexvoir Zocated near the int�rsecC3on of Stryker �Avenue and' �iers�n av�nue in the City of West $t; Paul, �or the Waeer DeparCmeat-� St.: Paul; I�fi asotia, to trlTITBD STl►�BS STBB� C4'RPO�tATION £os ttie cpn'tract pric• of $3,310.00, in accordanc�. with Water Depaxt�ent p�an Ep6"364 and� spe�ciE3,�ations th�re£or hereto ateach'ed and the Formal Bid �2�81 of 'said bnited StaCe's Steel �orporaCion; each bid being the only b3d received and ea3d United Stistes SteeZ Corpo�cation heiag s reaeanabie and reliable . bidde�r, and the Corporation Counsel be an8 .hereby is directed to drafC th� �roper form of contract therefor, snd the proper Q�.ty of�ic3.als herebq are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of th� �ity of St. Panl. Foxmal Bid i�2381. - �uL 1 � i9s� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson �u� 1 4 19�� Dalglish Approved 19� Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peteraon Mayor Tedesco �Sainst � . Mr. President, Byrne ' �22