05-192Council File # � � 9 a
Green Sheet # 3 ba �S b.�
Resolution in appreciation of the civic leadership of Kent and Ariel Dickerman
and the Dickerman Family in the revitalizafion of Dickerman Park
i Wf�REAS, Dickerman Pazk is a 2.6 acre lineaz park on University Avenue between Fauview and Aldine, and
2 WI�REAS, Dickerman Park was donated to the City of Saint Paul in 1909, by the Dickerman Investment
3 Company, and Griggs, Cooper and Company, and
4 WI3EREAS, Dickerman Park has not been widely recognized as a city park because it fronts six commercial
5 properties and has the appeazance of private property, and
6 WHEREAS, a community process was initiated by the Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey
7 Counry to make the park more distinct, attractive, recoguzable and usable to the public, and
8 WHEREAS, the community enthusiastically participated in a design charrette in February 2004 — sponsored by
4 University United, and facilitated by the Saint Paul on the Mississippi Design Center, the Design Center for the
10 American Urban Landscape at the University of Minnesota, Public Art Saint Paul, and Saint Paul Parks axid
'.1 Recreation — which envisioned an inviting open space to be enjoyed by Midway workers and neighbors, and
2 WHEREAS, news coverage of the charrette attracted the attention and support o£ Kent and Ariel I3ickerman,
3 residents of Saint Paul and descendants of the family that donated the property to the City, and
4 WHEREAS, Kent Dickerman, working with Dickerman family members azound the country, have raised
$45,000 for the purpose of completing a design for the redevelopment of Dickarcnan Park; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, expresses sincere gratitude and appreciation to Kent and Ariel
Dickerman, and all the Dickerman family members, for their civic spirit and generous support of the
revitalization of what will become an important Saint Paul Midway Iandmazk, Dickenuan Park.
Absent �I Requested by Department of:
Benanav ,/
Bosffom ,i
3ams ,/
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Yeas Na s Abseiri
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Form Approved by City Attomey
2 Adopted by Council: Date /y)i�iti iG; �oh
3 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
4 By: ��I/.�u /����s��
5 Approvedb��M�yor: Date � r
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Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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Conqd Petson & Phone:
Jay Benanav
Couna'1 Age�da by {Date):
Date Initiated:
�-05 Green Sheet NO: 3025503
Total # of Sig n a ture P ages _( Clip A Lxations fo Sig
Action Requested:
Showing appreciation of the civic leadership of Kent and Ariel Dickerman and the Dickermau Family in the revitalizarion of Dickerman
idaflons: Approve (a) or R
Planning Commission
CIB Cammittee
Civil Service Commission
t. Has this persoNfirm ever worked u�der a contract for this departmenP?
Yes Na
2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirm possess a skilt not normally possessed by any
current city employse?
Yes No
'E�cplain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Deoar6nent Se� To Person InitiaUDate
0 oun '
1 on ' e ent Director
2 er e
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, UYhat, When,lNhere, Why):
AdvaMages if Apprwed:
Disadvantaqes If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Fumling Souroe:
CosNRevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
Financial infottnation: