D001368No. D �✓���lU� Date: _� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE QF TIiE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDSR £or CONTRACT CHANGS AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMIN2STRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Snstallation of Air Conditioninc� ka'rown as Contract 15332 , City Project No. B95-04-18 , Doody Mechanical. Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the following: Y4ARGARET RECREATIOI3 CENTER 1. Provide a new refrigerant coil, necessary ductwork, gas piping and electrical revisions to Air Handling Unit S-3 2. Add grilles and registers in ceilings above 3 rooms. 3. Relocate condensate pipe in lower 1eve1 and pipe to mechanical room above. 4. Add new combustion air grilles in furnace rooms. NEIGHBORFi00D HOUSE 5. Add booster pump for rooms 310 and 311. 6. Add air separator to chilled water piping system. ADD $ 3,665.52 ADD 921.00 ADD 1,709.00 ADD 633.56 ADD 1,720.00 ADD 2,370.00 -------'----- — ----- TOTAL ADD $11,019.08 ORDERED, That the City o£ Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the Eoregoing . additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum o£ $ 11.019.08 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 15�2, and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $159,920.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Change 11.019.08 New Contract Sum $170,939.08 Chief Engineer Director of cc: City Clerk Finance Department . Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy �/ � 19 ° � C/ a . � i g 4'�l —_! ecreation 19_ C95-3D008-OS9S-34149 Doody Mechanical. Inc. Contractor By letters dated 4l16f96 - 7/1l97 �U� ��� Direc or of Finan ial Sexvices m f� �. Admin strative Assistant to the Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM DEPAPTMENT/OFFlCHCOUNQL DATE fNRiATED � 1."�01368 ` �j� GREEN SHEET � �� NO. 37256 Parks and Recreation g/23/97 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INfTiAL/DAiE INfTIAL/DAiE ane Stolpe 266-6426 � DEPARiMENT DIRECTOR _CfTV COUNCIL tA1M6Eli GOP Z CRY ATTORNEI' 4- CT' CLERK MUST BE ON CWNCIL AGENDA 8V IDAlP pq�pEp 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 5 PARKS & RECREATION MAYOFIORASSISTAN� _ TOTAL C OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNANHE) ACiION REQUESiEO: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Air Conditioning for EI Rio Vista/Neighborhood House and Margaret Recreation Center RECOMMENDATIONS: ADDrove (A1 or Rejec[ fFl PERSONAL SEBVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has [his persoNfirm ever worketl under a conhac[ for [his tlepartmen[� _CIB CAMMITTEE _ YES NO Q$TAFF _ 2. Has this persan/firtn ever been a ciry employee? DISTflIGTCOUNCIL YES NO 3 Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? VES NO Ezplain all yes amwers an se0arate sMet aM attach to green shee[. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha[, When, Where, Why�: Additional work needed due to unforeseen conditions found during construction. Provides completed, fully operational systems and project can be closed out. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The buildings will be fully air conditioned and contractor compensated for additional work required. � � �� D15ADVANTAGESIFAPPpOVED. SSEVL_IVELi y A � None OCT 2 3 i997 `7 rr ��/�/� CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED: Buildings will not be fully air conditioned and contractor will not be compensated for additional work. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRqNSACTION S 1 1.019.08 COST/PEVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO DINGSOURCE CDBG ACENITYNUMBER C95-3D008-08 8-34149 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� V� _�„� wy. Nriurv tNG1NttH1NG 6124362594 07/08/ 7aPetiP❑ �: J:9I; 7:26AM; 7870$96 -> AFTON �N'u:NEcBIKG; q2 JUL-03-9� THU 68:22 FM DpODY MECH4 CNANQE�RpER� nt�F� !� � i • SNEET META� pr°1ed: MARGARET REC. GENTER Requ2stad by_ ENGINEER C.O. Kequest Fto.: 2 Description of wark: Retocate DX coil IpCation ?87E596 520 Front St., 3t. Peut, MN 551�7 a88.gt36 C.O. No.: 572t-02 Date: stt tl97 REVtSED: 711I97 � ------------^--___==___�_______ _____________________ -------------------- MATE4�IALS -----------'==�_�______________ Equipment gpg pp Matsrial: S 15.00 Sa{es Tsx: 7 �iG 54.00 Mat9riai SutrotaC • I.ABOR ours labor ale Cost Shop .............. 5 d3.84 pet h0ur 219.20 Fie!d ... ........... 19 44.84 per hour 851 86 DraRing .........._. 4 44.84 per hour 179.36 Pro�. Mgf. ... .. .. D O.OQ pef hOUr D.00 Trucking _,.... ,,.. q 50 1'est & dean-u 00 pec hc�ur 50.pp � . ........ ................................... aa.�n Tool Replac�ment ......................... ........... 39.00 , ParkinplFravellSubsistence . . ............. D.00 �ne�ctenc .. y ................................. 0.00 _... _ . L2bor Subtotsl: SuBr_aNTpq�TS f) WHELAtJ / DAVIS COMPAMY 6 � � Ij UUNNtLtY tttl; I Kf(;Al 270 � :i) 4} 0.00 3� 0.00 0.00 SubrArnraC, SubEOial_ Equrpment Rental ... ............._ ...._. _ ..._......... . p.00 Indirect Costs tor this C.O . ............... ........ ........ 0.0C1 Permit5 anti rees . ................... . . ........ 68.00 _ .__....... This proposal may be w�thdrawn byr us if noi accepted w±ih,n 30 days. T�me extension: 0 dsys . Submittetl by: ' APProved by- F_�2 7iS n[} '1,3s5.52 • . � t, Ghange Qrdec Subtotal Cost .,.,,. OvarheaG b %....... SuMotai with Ovethead..__......... Margin .... 10 % ............ 3ubtatat with Mark-uD ................. GrediSS ................................ ........ SPeCial )nsurance ................° . - BonC Premium .................. ........ T07A1 CHANGE OftDER PRICE: Data. �— ! — 9 7 3, i 73 52 159 11n 3,332.5� 333.00 3 fit'iS 57 0.00 a.00 U.00 3,6$5.52 �. Qate: SEP-�i-96 WED 08�39 DOODY/UNITEA C • Y i�Qt3IYML•'::'_ : I�.A`�ERIi±3, : SALBS :l:i� ��� ��� �� ` ��{/ V � �... ... � _.. _ ... .- � �: ...� .:'���<:.:� .. ' .. . � . _.. : . • S}i:EET li�lET�IL ;S�2i 488-9�36 520 FAONT AVENUE `� ��.�7 ST. PAUL, MN 557�7 PRQ�ECT: MA3GF,.RyT �EC. CEN'PER '�UM3ER: 5721-03 CF�?1.1�x' D2.�•^nit R�Qli$Si'8'D BY: ENGINE.�^.i2 DP_TE: 49J10j9b x�ROVID� GRILLES fi R�'GZSTERS IN (3} GYP. BOARI} CSILINGS • . i✓i4'1'si23�!_ `:�'PAL: F'IES.I� i�3::iL 10 HRS. @ $42.59 SXOP iAS3CIi 1 HRS. @ $43.59 �RAFTIVG :_.�a�R 0 HRS. @ $43.59 TRUCRZ�±G 1 ARS. � $50.OQ TESTING S CLEAN UP 2�t LP.B03 TC10L itEP"_?:_'6':✓,ENT 3� LABOR PAH.KSNt;-!"sL3VSL ?'IS3E-5UBSSST�;iiC� iV,F.'r F'ICIENCY vV$rtT:i✓t�: �_."?i(j'SENCY :.A$UR �?:�- Gii:L: EQIIIt�IhEti'i' �NTAL: s �nco�*�:.r z c•^otts SIIBCON2'Ri::i5 StSB-TOTAI,: P�:kM�:5 ;.::�.'. rEES • INDIREC'P ��OSTS FdR THIS CHANG� ORDETt: CHI�NGE �J:c.,�R SiSBTO'PAL: OVRRHEAD ::? 5$: SiJII �- i UTA�� M1_RGSr v� :Or: �H�UE 0:.: SER i`�TAL: T:�IS iRCJ�::SAL :^iAY SE WITfiDRAY7�. BY L'S �F 2;0," AG+. WI^tHIN 3� DAYS. `i'_'?:E ,.z,Xi'�?iSiON REQtiIRED CO?�L�;E'r"I'S; _XCLUSIONS: SU3MIT'_T' ::; :sY: KEVIN WFiRGIN 0 DAYS. D�,TE : FAX N0, 612 487 2637 P. 07 0 237 � 17 ------ 25$ 426 44 D 50 9 14 543 4 ' 0 -----�- 4 0 n --- 797� 40 837 84 92S 2, asjia19s __" _' ' " '_ _' . : . ' :""" � �. = �_" AtA GON'J;TICNiHU • h!F1.T1hG • VEhT;� ATICN - ^ -' '__'_' "' __ �S ��� �� �S SEP-11-9B WfD OSw39 DOODY/UNITED .. .. _.. , FAX N0. 612 481 2637 P.OB . . + %�/t1(fj� �'Gk$`:.r' ..a'"71/"0 unrt rF�► • Job Tak� af� Sheet • �oa � 3 �� : � �f���� • . ` ✓�' 1 W �S job Name �kitc-,d�. s �. ��iT�Z Date - �o -`/C sent by: AFTON ENGINEERING 6724362594 06/16l97 3:78AM Job 594 Page 5/6 r,=,F�ven 6!�'-�5�; �:47PG; PfiYC596 => AFT�N EMGINEEfl;NGq H2 .JUN-12-97 TriU 62:44 aM D00DY MECH4 7870596 F.�� ��3bg UN�TEQ • SHEET METAL 52(3 Front Sf-, St Paul. MN 55117 46B-313fs CHI�NSi� ORDER fi��ll�St Projeck MARGARET REC. C�NTER C.O. No.: 5721-0d Requested by. OWFiER 6ats: b111197 C.O. Request No.� 1 Descripiion ot work Relocate wnder�sats pipe in lower level and pipe #o mechenical room above_ ----------�------- --__`"_" ---' -'-- ---- -'---------- --------------- ---'------�- --_'__--^- =`--------------==-===-= NfATERIAF.S Equipment: D.4p Material� D.00 gyles Tax: 7 % 9.tl0 Matetial Subtotal: LABOR ours abor Rate os Sfiop ........ ....... d 43 $d per hour 0.00 Pie{d.._. __. _ D d4.84 perYaur 0.00 Dtaftirtg ... .. .... 0 4d.84 pet hour 0.00 Proj. Mgr, .,......_ 0 0 W per hour O.OD Trucking .. 6 SOAb per hour 4.08 Tast & ciean-up ..................... ... ... .................. D_OD • 7001 Reptacament .._ ...............................--....._. O.OQ Park�nglTraveVSubsistsnc;a ........... .............. Q.W ine�ciency ....................................................... OAO Labor Subtotal: 5UBCONTRACYS �) WNELAN / bAViS COMPANY 97a,04 2) DONNELtY EL£C'CRiCAt 475.d0 33 0.06 �) b.04 5 ) 0.00 Subcontroda Sublotai: Eq ulpiuent fleulaf .....................................'_"'......... O.UU �ndirect Coetstor thss C.O. ._ ...... ............................ 0.00 Parmits and Fees .............................. ... ....... .. ... 35.00 This proposai may ba wiihdrawn by us if not accepteB within 30 dgys. Time extensron: 0 days. � �a � �� i.4a3.08 C�ange Order Subtotal Cost ....... Overhead 5 `�....._._ �uamca� weut uverneaa .____.....,. lvlarg[n . . i0 %. .......... Sublotal with Mark-up . ..... ...__ . Crsdits .... ... .......................... sRecia( �nsurance ...................... Sond Premium ..... ..................... 1.480.00 74.00 1,b54.W 155.W 1,708.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 70TAL GiiAT1GE ORDER PRSCE: 1,70$,dl • Submitted by. �(/Vd.�y.t D (�� /' �j 7 �- npproved by; Date. 3. {fo C)U1v� 1�1�`? �/c5' Sent by: AF70N ENGINEERING 6724362594 06/16/97 3:78AM Job 594 Page 4/6 nFr,etre�.: o� �:va���a; roruoao => AYIVN tnotnttnino; sa .?UN-12-97 THU 02:44 AM D09DY MECH4 7870596 F_93 � 13�� � u�i� SHEET METRL 52� FrOnt SL, St PA�I, Mt� 55117 488-9�35 CHANG� Oit�R �t�tSi}€Sf Psoiec�: MAR�'iAF2Et REG. CENTEi2 Requssied by: dWNER � C?- Reques! No.: 9 Description o# work Add grilies in iurnaca rooms. C.O. Na: 5721-05 Dsfe: 6fiii97 m__ec_ca=a_ __=' �---- - ------------=====4===== ===s=====na_ ___-'__'^=-_=---___ MATE�IAt�S Equipment 70.00 MateriaC t5.�� Sa�es Tax 7 % 6.00 Materiai Subtntal: • I�BOR Hours Labor Rate Cost ShoR .... ............ 7 43.84 par hour 43 84 Fleld .. .. 8 44,84 per hour 358.72 Draft�ng... ..-. Q 44.134 perheur 0.0� Proj. Mgr. ..... .... D 6.00 per hour a.00 Trudcing .. 0 50.00 per nour 0-D(3 Test & clean-up .......... . ...................... ........ _. 8.00 Toof Replacemant .----...... __...- .... ................... 12.00 ParkinglTraveilSubslsterfce ....................... _ 0.00 IneRciency .......................... . -- -.................._ 0.00 labor SUbtotat 1} WNELANlDAVlSCOMPANY 0.00 2} DONNELIY ELECTRICAL 0.90 3) 0.00 4) 0 Op 5) 0.00 Subcontracts Subtokai: Equ�pment Renta! .._._ _.. ..__. . . . _.._ . .. . _ ._.. O.UO indirect CosSS for ihis C.O . ...................................... 0.00 Permits and Fees . ......... ....... ............................... 35.00 This proposal may be wiUidr�twn by us if not accepted within 30 deys. Time exiension. 0 days. a •� 42256 � �� Change Order 5ubto�l Cost . .. . Overhead 5 °� ............ SubtoEat with Qverhead._...... .._ Mer'yin .... '10 °h .......... . SuDtofal wifh Mark-up ................. Credits . . . .. .. ..... . _ . . . _ Special t�urance ... ......_._. ... Bond Premium .... .................... . 54fl.56 27.00 575_58 58 00 633.56 fl.00 0.00 a.00 ( TDTAL CHANGE ORDER PRIGE: 633.66 • Submitted Dy_ I7 QflZ✓1 i(��,.�'��'�'�/ �8(0: Cs'�l /� Approved by: Date: G� �(o �jUN(i �l�'� �� �� � uy: ariON ENGI�ERING 6124362594 . , . 07/08/97 7:53AP� Job 637 Page 4!4 00 0nY � ��� • MECHANICAL � INC. f612) 487-106} 520 FROiVT AVENUE ' �nx 487-2637 ST. PRUL, MN 55117 June3D, 1997 .Atton Consulting Engin�crs t421 Ncal Ave. So. Afton_ Minnesota 5�007 Attention: J�hn Arcu Re: E! xio v;sta� fhar John: N:�.�nbor`,�.o��, {���sv � I.isted befo�� i� pricing to add a buoster pump Eor rooms 310 & 311 per t�ttun i:ng�neer skctch dated.l�ne 16"' 1997. • Wc,rk includcs providing, installing pump. r'icctrical �vork and draining and repumping glycol into system. Total sum of 51720.OU 1f'you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call. 5+ncerelF_ i�oody Mechanicaf Inc. � ��' � �-� 1lmothti .i T>al� Estimator % Yroject Managcr �[� I [J . 5. t ' �; �'j����3 Mec�a�:icai CO^+rr,r,cron � .__. . . _ --- ------ .._ -'-- - "- ...._. CO�J�A!ERCIAL � iNpVSTHIAI • INS7ITUTIONAL ------._' Sent by: AFTON ENGINEERING 6124362594 . u • O6/16/97 12:OBP� Job 598 Page 4/5 1��v(�g �/N F�OiliE.P S!lF,g-y %TC.S� IN .�r7ah� 3// BEL �� COUL/iYG BapS7El1 Pl/�tq,0 OiY iy SU.vlvl.tfl.Q- QFF /iS/ W/NTEsP �� �I / n�c �,o�vEs � cr.vc��ara,Q Pv.H.° " T/ti1EiP- (ONF.FUh/ 6AiW TO /O�i19J � �O 'HO, ° /20 ✓ �CU Sl1PPLYERET NE/GLf.BORH000 i/OUS,E" P�IPO CH�!!EO W.4TER C/ipl' PUHI.° FoR .�Oti1S 2�a e� 3i/ . �(� , J(��'�°' 1�`�� as � AUG-13-96 TUE 15;54 DC3�QY �� MECHANICliL, !NC P. Ol � �368 520 FRONT AVENUE = ST_ PAUL, MPI 551t7 April 16, 1996 A£tan CansUlLing Engineers 1421 Neal Avenue South �fton, MN 55oQ1 Attentibn; 3ohn Arco FAX ft0. 612 487 2637 [612j 487-106i �aX 48� 2637 Re: E3 Rio xec Cantez. �rJ��r�b'�� ��� Dear 3ohn: • F�ist�ed below is pricing �o add a itL-4 Ro�airtrol air separator to the chzil�fl water system. Material Lataor Weatherproaf insulation 158 Profii and overhead T3x Total $].,026.Ot1 $ 328.00 $ 650.00 $ 304.Op $ 66.00 $2,370.00 If you have aay questions, please do not hesitate to cail me, very truly yours, Aood� Mechanical, Inc, ������ Timotl�y�J. Daly � Est3,matorJProject Manager � fiJBIAP DOQDYlUNITED �O. MECHav�cn� CoNrq�croa � ' - COMME.�CIA{, • INDUSTR!Al • Ih57Olp10NAL