234258 .. ., �r i ' _ i I - OR�GINAL TO CITY CLERK - 17��f'�I�V CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � UN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF � • , ' WHEREAS, On Jul4y 17� 1967� at 9:30 o' clock a.m. � in Court Room No. l, 317 Federal Courts Building, 6th and , Market Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, there will be a hearing before the Hearing Examiner of the Interstate Commerce Commission� Alvin H. Sehutrumpf� relative to a petition filed by the Northern Pacific Railway Company seeking to discontinue its passenger trains Nos. 3 and 4 operating between the �rin Cities and Jamestown� North Dakota; now� therefore� be it , . RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul� being duly advised in the premises, hereby finds that it is : not in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul to have the aforesaid passenger train service discontinued; be it = FURTHER RESOLVED� That this is partic ularly true � with reference to passengers desiring to proceed into the northern part of the state from the City of Saint Paul who - normally would travel over the aforesaid lines to Little Falls and thereat transfer to trains proceeding in a , northerly direction to International� Falls; be it J � , �. , ,_, ., � FURTHER� RESOLVED, That the Council is unalterably op- posed to any further reduction of any passenger train service in the area of this city and in consequenee thereof hereby authorizes and directs Owen J. Beatty� the City' s - U�ilities Engineer� to appear on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and to present to the Hearing Examiner at the aforesaid hearing a certified copy of this resolution in opposition of discontinuance of passenger trains Nos. 3 and 4. - APPROVED� st. Corporation ounsel ,,, COUNCILMEN .�. Adopted by the Council ��� 1 � lgs� 19._ 'i"`' Yeas � ' Nays Carlson ��L 1 � ��� Dalglish !/ Approved � 19_ , Holland Meredith �In Favor Peterson , Mayor �2seQ-- A gainst Mr. President, Byrne .pURLISIf�D ��� �51967 1 � . �2 • � ('