234230 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK J �����0 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � UNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in the action of the Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 and the County of Ramsey • in authorizing execution of contract between said Authority . and the United States of America, United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, whereunder the Authority will receive Federal prisoners assigned under a work release pro- gram to the City and Coun.ty Workhouse institution; be it FURTHER RESOLVED That the authority herein contained is predicated upon a l�ke concurrence by the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County; and upon such concurrence, the proper officers of the Detention and Corrections Authority are hereby authorized and direeted to execute such agreement on behalf of the Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey. . , FO APPROVED � � � • As Corporation Couhsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�lu L 1 1 196� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson J U L 11 1967 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith �In Favor Peterson � , Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLI�FfiEU .iUl� 15196� , �2I ' j. :r d' . . ' , � . . . : � 3 � �3 , • . � ` EXHIBIT A-3 � . - It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the � terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit A, A-2 and A-3, referred to in the Contract for Service in .Nonfederal • , Institution, between the United States of America, United States Department of Justice, B ureau of �'risons, and the - _ � Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint � Paul and the County of r�amsey, are incorporated in said � � � contract as fully and as completely as if set forth under - the terms and provisions of said contract; and in the event of a conflict of any of the provisions of said contract or �he provisions of Exhibits A and A-2 and this Exhibit � A-3, the terms , provisions and conditions set forth in this Exhibit A-3 shall control. a a b t een the � It is further understood and greed by nd e w � parties hereto that the City and County 'rJorkhouse , operated and controlled by said Authority, is a minimum security institution and that said Authority is to receive only Federal prisoners who are assigned to said institution under the _ Federal work relea"se program. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that this contract shal�l be for a period of three �3) years from the fifteenth (15th) day of July, 1967 , through the fourteenth (14th) day of July, 1970, but may be canc.elled by either party upon ninety (90) -day written notice given �. - to the other party indicating that said contract is to be cancelled and terminated on a date 'not later than ninety (90) days after service of such notice. Any such;notice terminating the contract by the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, shall be given to the Detention and Corrections Authority through United States mail or by leaving a copy in the principal office of the Executive Director of said Authority; and any notic� from the Authority to the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, shall be given to the IInited States Marshal at � . .the United States Marshal' s Office in the Ci�y of Minneapolis � either by•mailing such notice to the Marshal through the , � United States mail or by leaving a copy for him at said � office. . It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto . that the IInited States of America, acting through the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, agrees that . • it will save harmless and defend the Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, the City of Saint Paul and the County of �amsey, and the . officers and servants and employees of said Authority� City and County from all claims , causes of actions or actions of � every kind and nature, whatsoeyer, arising out of �r by virtue - . of the terms, provisions or coriditions of this agreement or the operations or procedures contemplaLed hereby. � a • :". " Adminletrnlivc I�urm No. 1:S _ Marc6, 1956 . ' Contract No. CON'1'RACT rOR S�RVIC� TN NONI�'EDERAL IIVSTITUTION J1c- TIi� UNITED STA7.'ES OF AMERICA I'or UNIT�D STATES DEPARTM�NT OI' JUSTICE, BUR�AU OI' P1tISONS, WASI�INGTON, D.C. 20637 witl► Detention and Corrections Authority, City of Sta Paul � Coun�g of Ram�e Minnesotn � _ Judiciul District � Immigration and Naturaliz:►tion Scrvice Mic�nego�a Region,District Description of Service � Rate Per Day Per Person Safekeeping, care,nnd subsistence of persons held under anthority of szny United`States statute, excluding persons ' ��I-.5� detained as aliens,in the , Citp � County 4dorkhouse� St. Paul It is understood that the care provided will -e include medical treatment� except the �xpense of hospital, surgical� �nd dentAl trEa�nen�� whieh the Government �grees to bear. - � The above-named city,county,state,or agency,by the undersigned, agrees to furnish the services above specified� and shall render monthly on prescribed voucher statement of the amount due ��� for persons other than detained aliens� to the United States marshAl for the judicial district specified�s . , ��t����FR.j�R�lt smoi��'ta3' ' ' ' '�d�ty���g�� In consideration thereof, the United States of America, b i the undersigned,agrees to pay the rate specified above. Terms and Conditions This contract is subject to the provisions of Title 18 of the United States Code and to the rules and regulations governing the care and custody of persoiis committed hereunder as set forth in Exhibit A°�-a� ��here� attached and made a part hereof. aTl��3 This contract will remain in force for a period not to exceed three years and will be modified or cancelled onll after thirty days' notice prior to the effective date of any proposed change, which shall be given by the party proposing � the change. � The United States reserves the right to enter the institution specified at reasonable hours for the purpose of ' inspecting the same and determining the conditions under which federal offenders are housed. . No Member of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part o� this contract or to any benefit that may arise therefrom unless it be made with a corporation for its general bene&t. E�ective Date I D2ten�ion and CorxEC�ions Au�ho�ity, , City o� Sto Paul�Count�► o£ 8amseys Mzm�ao�.a BY - — -- — Title .— _ �- By ... _ i I 'i5tle � —_. (. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Acceptance of this contract is recoramended. By direction of the Director of the Bureau of Prisons United States Marshal �� Assistant Director � �PI—LK-1-1�-66-6hi-576� UNITLll STAT�S llLPAlt7'1ILN'i' Or JUSTICL BUR�AU OI'P1tISONS �YASIIING'1'ON, D. C. 20537 EXIIIBI't' A RULES AND REGULATIONS GOV�RNING CUSTODY AND TREATI�TENT OI+ r�D�RAL PRTSON�RS IN NONI+�DEftAL INSTITUTIOI�TS G�NEKAL Under the provisions of Title 18� UI11tCd StRtCS CiOI�C� �c) In pursuance of an oral or wrilten order o[ the courl Section 4002, the Director of the Federll Burenu of Pris- resycct�ng cne trial ot nn tnaivtauur�case. ons mny contract witli the proper authoi•ities of Any (d) In eomplinnce with wr�cs of hnbeas corvus. stute, teri•itoi•y, or political subdivision t}iei•cof, for the �c) For intervicw sc ehc o�r�e or che un�ced 5tntes attor; 3 imprisonment, subsistence, cAi•e, und proper employment ney or she local otrce ot chc Fedcral Bureau oL Inve3tigation as of nll persons held under authority of any enactment of authurized undcr thc United States msrshuLs• :�6��ac;o�. L'Oilgl'eSS. (t) For the purposc o[commitment to an institution wher ecntence is to bo scrved. The rates to be plid for the care and custody of said �g� In accordnnce w�ch instructions tro,,, th� Director of - persons shall tAke into considerution the character of th� s�r�n� of Prisons to t8k� a prisoncr eo cho b�a5�ao or t�! the quarters furnished, sanitary conditions, and quality neral ot a dyinS or a��e�ca parent, husbund, ws[c, �h���, o' of subsistence and may be such as will permit 8rid eil- other membcr ot thc immedinte tnm�lr. courage the proper authorities to provide reasonably de- cent, sanitary, and healthful quarters and subsistence 3. Standard of Treatment for such persons. Federal risoners �vill be held in clean Persons who will be I1ced in nonfederal institutions p quarters ade; P quately helted and ventilated, nnd receive adequate and under authority of federal stututes include (1) prisoners wholesome food, and proper medical services. Juveniles held prior to a hearmg or conv�ction, to await trial, for wili be held npurt fi•om adults and male and female pris! tempornry detention wl�ile being transported to another oners tivill be properly segregated. Federal prisoners will institution, to serve short sentences, as parole and man- not be allowed special privileges or improper liberties� datory release violators, and as witnesses; and (2) per- They will not be perm�tted to purchase or receive spiriti sons to be detained for the Immigration und Naturali- uous or malt liquors. They will not be permitted to leave zation Service. the institution for any reason not authorized by law� Sentences and other processes under which federal of! RULES AND REGULATIONS fenders are held must be carried out impartially un i withoutinterference. The general regulations which follow govern the cus- Federal prisoners shall not be subjected to corporal tody and treatment of federal prisoners in jails and punishment or other cruel or inhumine ti•eatment, no other nonfederal institutions. Institution ofticials should to control or abuse by kangaroo courts. They shall no� take up with the United States marshal or the Director be handcuffed or ot3�er�vise shackled within an institu! of the Bureau of Prisons matters not covered by these tion nor �vhile being employed as authorized in 'para� � regulations and any cases in which it appears that an graph 13. If the institution ofTicials think that a federal exception to the regulations should be made. prisoner cannot be restrained by reasonable method� they should report the facts promptly to the United � 1. Responsibility for Prisoners'Custody States marshal or to the Director of the Bureau o� Prisons, and appropriate instructions will be issued fo� It is the responsibility of the sheriff, jailer, or other the inmate's custody. official�responsible for the administration of the institu- Federal prisoners who violate the rules of the insti- tion to keep the prisoners in safe custody and to main- tution may be disciplined by the following methods� tain proper discipline and control. Restriction of.privileges. 2. Remo��al of Prisoners Restricted diet of a type approved by physicians a� sufficient to safeguard health. A federal prisoiier legally held in a iail or other place Solitary confinement for a limited period of time. Any, of detention may not be removed therefrom by any per- cell used for this purpose should be properly heated and son without an order of the Federal court, the United ventilated; a normal temperature should be maintained States attorney, the United States commissioner, or per- and precautions taken to safeguard the inmate's health� mission from the Director of the Bureau of Prisons, ex- The prisoner should be secn by an of�'icial at frequent in! cept that (1) the committing officer may remove a pris- tervals, preferably at leflst every thirty minutes, during oner for a hearing before the United States commis- the time he is confined, und should be visited at leasi sioner or other magistrate concerning the charge on . once a day by a physician. which the prisoner �vas arrested; (2) the committing Forfeiture of good conduct deductions. This must have of�cer may remove a prisoner placed in an institution the approval of the Director of the Bureau of Prisons� temporarily while being transported; and (3) the United States marshal may remove a prisoner as follo�vs: No person confined in a jail or other place of detention (a) For trnnsfer to another isil or instiiution for epecified shall on the ground of race, color, religion, or national reasons in accordance w•ith Bureuu oL Prisans re�ulations and oI'igln, be SubjeCted't0 discrimination ln atty matter re'- tor medical trentment as prescribed in the medical rea�tat�on9. lating to his confinement. (b) For uDPearance in court for trial, hcurtng, or investi- . Sation upan request ot the court or the United States attorney. 4. Photographing and Publicity In this connection Section 3012, Title 18, United States Cafc yrovides: "Prisoners o� persons �n ��todv ahull bc brouRht into Institution officials have no authority to give out pub- court or returned on order of the Court or o[ the United States I Atcornev, for which no fee shall be chnr¢ca and no writ licity concerning federal prisoners. They shAll not give , zequ�rca:� out personal histories or photographs of the prisoners o 1 i . � , , infoi•mation ns to the arrivnl or deE>artttre of prisonei•s concei•ning ci•iminal ncLivitics, or any maLei•ial in viol�- . or permit ►•eportei•s to iiitcrvicw theni. Thcy shall not tion of thc postal 11�vs, mail should be �vithhcld nncl th . , permit thc phoLographing of federal prisoncrs Uy report- facts reported promptly to thc United States marsh.1 � ers, ttews photographci•s, oi• other persons not connecLed or the Directoi• of the Liui•e1u of P►•isons. with the institution. The institution o(i"icials m�y photo- � graph federal prisoncrs 1s n mcaus of identification for 8. Prisoners' I'roperty ' ._ otCiCial use ottly. , ` , Fedcral prisoncrs E�crsonal property 1nc1 moncy mu t 5. Attorncys bc protected and accui•ately accounted for. Every fedcra] prisoner must bc grflnted the right to 9. Dledical Scrvice , comnnmiclte �vith counsel of his own choosing. IIowever, Feder�l �risoners shall Ue �rovided �vith such medica� in the case o£ certain prisoners, the Bureau of Prisons I 1 may consider it necessary to require that the sherift, and dental treltment us ma�� be necessary to conserv )fliler, United Stutes marshal, his deputy, or other o(i'icer, thcin c�alth. General mectical cai•e will be pi•ovide$ be present at 1n intcrview betwcen 1 prisoner and his either by the institution physician, if the institution ha� , counsel, �iid in such n case «�ill issue special insti•uctions agreed to fui•nish medical sei•vice, or by n physician accordingly. The intervie�v will Ue held within sight but Paid by the Government. In either event it will be thc out of hea►•ing of the supei•vising ofl'icer. If a pr�so�ier responsibility of the institutioii to see that a physician is serving a smitence, the oft'icial �n ch�rge of the insti- is called when needed for federal prisoners. tution m1y postpone nn intcrvie�e by an attorncy, if in When under the terms of the contract the Govcrnmen his opinion it �vould not be proper to permit it, pending is responsible for the espense of special medical seivice� advice from thc Director of the 13ureau of Prisons, which such as dental', surgicll, and hospital trcatment, th� he should request promptly. Except �vhere the safe cus- institution should contnct the United States marsha� tody of the inmate is involved, a prisoner a�vaiting trial for advance authority before incurring any expens should be permitted to cori•espond �vith his acci•edited foi•these sei•vices, unless an emei•gency is iiivolved. In a attorney �vithout having his m1i1 ex�mined. emergency, ���licn the treatment �s clearly necessary tb conserve the prisoner's health, the institution may pro� 6. Visits ceed �r•ith the necessai•y ti•eatment �vithout prior authoi•� ity, but in evei•u such case must notify the United State� Visits to federAl prisoners shAll be in lccordance with marshal immediately and furnish full information re- the institution's prescribed rules. The rules should per- garding the natui•c of the illness, the type of treatmen� mit v sits irom identificd members of the prisoner's fam- to be provided, and the estiinated cost. Prior authority ily, his attorney, and in the case of prisoners awaiting must ahvays be secured before incurring expenses for trial, persons with wliom he may need to confer to pre- any elective medical service, such as eyeglnsses oi• pare the defense of his case. Institution officials have dentures, or other corrective medical or surgical treat� the right to deny a visit to any prisoner �vhen in their ment of disabilities whicli si•e not flctive or progressive�. opinion such a visit would not be in the best interest No federal prisoner will be permitted to underg� of society or might endanger the security of the insti- treatment nt his o���n expense except with special ap! tution. proval of the Dii•ector of the Bui•eau of Prisons. If in the case of a prisoncr awaiting ti•ial or hearing When medical oi• dental ti•eatment requii•es removal o� the United States attorney considers that visits or�com- the pi•isoner from the institution, he shal] be remove, mumcations from pci•sons other than the pi•isonei•s at- only after the United States marshal has been notified torney are Against the public interest and so advises the and has authorized the removal, unless an emergency i officials, such visits �vill not be permitted without the involved. In the event of an emergency �vhich does no wi•itten approval of the United States mai•shal on each permit prior notification, the institution may remove th � occasion. prisoner for necessary treatment, but nuist notify th 7. Mail marslial as proniptly thereafter as possible. All neces- sary precautions shall be taken to insui•e the safekeepl Federal pi•isoners �vill be permitted to cori•espond, ing of the prisoner while he is absent fi•om the institu within reasonable limits and suUject to inspection by tion. institution ofT'icials, with their families and•friends, their �Prisoners afi�icted �vith venei•eal disease in an infec attorneys, and, in the case of pi•isoners a�vaiting trial, tious state �vill be segregated and not pei•mitted to min with per�ons whom they need to contact in pi•eparing gle with others in the jail until they have been renderec� -for ti•ial. They must be permitted to �vi•ite to the At- noninfectious by treatment. Prisonei•s suffering fron� torney Genei•al, the Dii•ector of the Bui•eau of Pi•isons, active tuberculosis or other communicable disease will the Pai•don Attoi•ney, the United States marshal, and also be segregated from others. The jail physician will tlie United States D�strict Judge, and with their attor- observe the local health laws and report such cases to neys as pi•ovided in pai•agraph 5, without their letters the proper authoi•ities. being opened or read by institution officials. Prisonei•s' incoming and outgoing mail should be in- 10. Narcotic Drugs spected; however, mail, including packages, that has The pi•escribing or administei•ing of habit-forming� been pi•ocessed thi•ough a post office should not be opened i without the wi•itten consent of the inmate to whoru it is narcotic di•ugs for the purpose of satisfying the crav- addressed. Upon commitment to the institution, ench ings of addiction is not considered bona fide medica� federal prisoner should be requested to sign a declai•a- treatment, and the use of narcotic drugs for tha� tion, similar to the one sho�vn below, authoi•izing the purpose is proliibited by la�v and forbiddeii under these officials to open, i•ead, and examine his mail. regulations. Federal prisonei•s confined in jails or other� nonfederal institutions shs�ll be given narcotic drugs "I hei•eby authoi•ize the (ofiicial in charge) of (name only when absolutely necessai•y in the course of inedical� of institution), oi• his authoi•ized repi•esentative, to treatuient, and then only by the jail physician. Narcotic • open all mail and packages directed to me as long as drugs shall be abruptly �vithdra«�n from addicted prisi I um a pr�soner in said institution." oners upon commitment, and appropriate safeguards Nlail pi•ivileges should be denied to any inmate who re- shall be maintained to pi•event them from receiving fuses io permit such authority �o �he institution offici.^.ls, such drugs while in custody. When, however, an indi-� and thc inmate should be informed that any mail re- vidual addict is Aged or exccedingly debilitated be i ceived for him will be returned to the post office 1s un- cause of disease or long-standing addiction, drugs may� delivci•able. be administered by the jail physician as an emergencyl � If inspection of incoming oi• outg•oing mail discloses measui•e to save life or to pi•event undue suffering, bud evidence of contraband, s�ttenipts to escape, information in gradu111y diminishing doses until t}ieir use has bee 2 _ t , " \ entircly discontinucd, usunlly wil,hin one �vicek. Ex- 1G. CompuLation o[ Sentences ceptions are to be made only in connection �vith cases A federal sentence be ins to rim on the da the iis- afliicted t�•ith painful, pro{;ressive, and incurnble dis- � Y p� � orders such as a�dv�nced malignant growths. oner is received nt the jnil or other place of detention , for service of sentence. Any pai•t of a day served on the 11. Dcath o[ a I'risoncr day the senlence Ucqins and the dny it expires is counted • us A full d�y. A pi•isoner should bc rcicased at u reason- In thc event of thc c1c:�Lli of ti fedcral prisoncr the flble hour dui•ing the day his senteiice expires. It is not instituLion should notify the United States marsh�l im- necessary tliat he be hcld until midniglit, nnd he cannot medintcly, furnish information ns requested for the mar- legnlly be held over unLil the fol'.o�ving d1y. shal's i•eport to thc Burc�u of Yi•isons, and follow his A sentence espressed in months or yeurs must be com- instructions with i•c�aril to dispositioi► oF the body. If puted by calendar months. It extc�iils fi•om thc date of the body is claimed by relatives, the mnrshal has authrn•- sentence to the corresponding dlte in the month of ex- ity to rcleasc it to tlicm, 1nd if the relntives live at a pirltion, ]ess one, ��•hen the month of expiration h1s so distance ancl the budy must be shippecl, the Government many days, otherwise to the last day thereof. For ex- will pay the necessary expcnses of preparinq the body Ample, a sentencc of 2 months imposed June 27 expires for shipment and Lhe express chlr�;es. If the body �s August 2G A sentence of `L months imposed December not claimed the marshail has authority to arrnnge for 31 expires FcUruary 28 (or I'ebruary 2�J in a lcap year). burial in the local potter's field Ancl necessai•y funei•al A sentence expressed i�i days must be computed by expenses �vill be paid by the Govei•nment. If death is counting on the calendar the numUer of days in the sen- due to violaice, ncc�dent surrounded by unusull or ques- tence. For exami�le, 1 sentence of GO days imposed June tionlble circumsttince�, or if death is sudden und the de- 27 expires Auoust 25. celsed hns not been under immediate medical supervi- - sion, the coronci•of the local jui•isdiction should be called On sentences of six months or more, on which deduc- to review the case. tions for good condu�t ni•e eai•ned, the date of discharge is computed by subtracting the number of days earned 12. Aiarriagc from the maximum expirltion date of the sentence. For example, a sentence of six months imposed June 27 will FederAl prisoners shall not Ue allowed to mni�•y uiiless expire, �vith full good conduct credits, on Novembcr 26 permission has becn obtained from the Director of the (December 2G, date of mnximuni expiration, less 30 days Sureau of Prisons. good conduct deductions). When u pai•o]e or mandatory i�e'.ease violator is com- 13. F.mployment mitted to u nonfederul institution for service of sentence, Federal prisoners may be employed only in the manu- his sentence �vill be computed At the federal institution - facture of articles for, the production of supplies for, from �vhich he «�as released or in the Bureau of Prisons the construction of public works for, and the mainte- and a stateinent of the computation �vill be furnished to nance and cai•e of the institutions of, tl�e state or politi- the officials of the nonfederal institution. cal subdivision of the state in which they are imprisoned. If a prisoner escapes, his sentence stops running ut ' Employment of federal prisoners by private parties and the close of the day on �vhich he escapes, and resumes on conti•act labor is pi•ohibited. (Title 18, United States running at the beginning of the day on �vhich he is again Codc, Sections 43G, 4002) taken into custody as a fedei•al pi•isoner. His i•elease date will be extended by the number of days his sentence was 1�1. Escape inopei•Ative due to escape. For example, if a prisoner under sentence of t�vo months beginning June 1 escages The escflpe of a fede►•11 pi•isoner must be reported im- on June 1G and is appi•ehended on June 19, his sentence mediately to the United States marshal. will be considei•ed inopei•ative for 2 days and his release Punishment by finc or iinprisonment or both is pro- date changed from July 31 to August 2. If a prisoner � videcl for federal pi•isoners who escape or attempt to escapes and is apprehended on the same day or on the • escane; for pei•sons �vho assist in any �vay in the escape fo'.lowing d1y, there is no inoperative time. ' of a federal prisoner or concell an escaped prisonei; ��hen the court has specified in the judgment and for persons who have in custody any federal prisoner commitment that a prisoner shall stand committed for and voluntarily or thi•ough negligence permit such,pi•is- nonpayment of fine, the prisoner is required to serve 30 oner to escape. (Title 18, United States Code, Sections days solely for nonpayment before becoming eligible to 751, 752, 755) take the indigent prisoner's oath. If the prisoner has a � term sentence also, the 30 days must be computed as 15. Deductions for Good Conduct beginning on the day follo�ving expiration of the ter�n sentence. For example, a prisoner �cith a sentence of G Federll pi•isonei•s sei•ving sentences of six months or months and a committed fine imposed June 27 will be more 1re eligiUle to earn deductions for good conduct come eligible for releflse from the term sentence, wit at the following i•ates: - good conduct deductions, on November 26; and the 30 on a sence�cc ot days for nonpayment of fine �eill beoin November 27 and� Not less than G months nor more thun 1 year 6 days per month er►d on Decembei• 26. Morc thnn i r�ar a�a i� thnn 3 years 6 dnys per month State laws cannot be used as a basis for computing Nut Icss than 3 yc�rs and Icss than 6 ycnrs 7 days per month federal sentences. Not lcsa than 5 yenra und Icss thun 10 ycnrs 8 days per month I Ten ycurs or nio�r 10 days per month �Vhen two or more consecutive sentences are to be . 17. Release from Service of Sentence - served, the aggregate of the several sentences shall be Prisonei•s serving fedei•al sentences shall be release the basis for the deduction. as follows: All or any pnrt of a prisoncr's earned good time may (a) NIaximum Expiration be forfeiteu oi• good time may bc �v,thheld if he commits A prisoner having a sentence or sentences total; any offensc oi• violates the i•ules of the institution. When ing less t}ian six months is not eligible to earn good local officials feel that an inmate's conduct warrants conduct deductions and will be released when he hAs withholding or fc,i•feitui•e of good time, the matter should served his mAximum sentence. I be i•efci•►•ed to the Directoi• of the Bui•e1u of Pi•isons foi• ' considei•ntio►i. Foi•feited good time may lntei• be i•estored (b) 1�linimum Expii•ation �f thc pr�soner's conduct improves sufficiently to �varrflnt A priconer whose release is based on good con; such uction. Institution ofi'icials should submit recom- duct deductions of 1S0 days or less will be released mendations for restoration to the Dii•ector of the Burenu uncond�tion�liy at the espiration of his term less of Prisons for considei•ation. good conduct deductions. 3 � ' . _- , ' i . ; (c) Mandatory Rcicase �erved 30 daiys solcly for nonpayment, ltc may apply A prisoner whose rclease is Unsed on �ood con- to the Uni6ed States commi5sioner to tal:e the ir�- duct deductions of 1S1 days or more will be re- digent prisuner's oath. If the conuuissioner finc�s � lcased conditionally at tl�c expi►•fiLioii of his tei•m the pi•isoncr eli�;iblc, hc �vill a�lminisLei• thc oath ai�d less good conduct deductions. A mand�itory rclease order the prisoner discha�•ged. The commission r , cea•tificate ��•ill Ue for�varded to the institution at wiil furuish Cnc �nsLitutton ollicials ���ith n certific.i�e thc pro�mr timc by tlic U. S. I3oard of Parole. A of his findin�;s. If the commissioner reports that thc prisoner so rele�secl remains under the supervision })1'1SOt1C1' C1I1ROt tal:e the oath due to his circun- of the Buard of Parole tmtil the mnxinnim expira- stances, the prisoner sh111 not be released. In such , tion of his sentencc less 180 days and if hc violates casc, thc institution o(licials should brin� tlic mattci the conclitiuns of his release mny bc returned to to the attention of the Director of the Liureau o � custody to co�n��leLe his sentence. Prisons. (d) Pnrole l8. Graluilies for Discharged I'risoners A prisoner sentenced undcr regular criminal pro- cedin•e to si tei•m or tei•ms totaling moi•e thln 180 Fecle►•nl ]n��•s, pi•ovide for the issuance of ti•nnsport<�- daps is eli�ible to Ue i•elcased on parole by authority tion to the place of conviction or legal i•esidence and, ih of thc U. S. Boai•d of Pau•ole �ftcr sci•ving one-thii•d the disc►•etion of the Attoriicy Gencral, clothing anJ cash of his sentence. Pi•isonei•s �vishing to make npplicl- �I•ltuity to all persons dischai•ged after service of sen- tion for plrolc mav write to thc Chairman, U. S. tencc, and for the issuance upon court order of trans� Board of Pai•ole, �Vashington, D. C. I.f p�role is poi•tation and subsistence to pei•sons released withou� g►•anted a pairole certificate �vill be foi•warded to the conviction (othci• than relcase on bail) or placed on pro- institution by the }3oai•ci of Pai•ole as autfiority for bation. Institution of�'ici�ls should consult the Unite�l i•elcase of the pi•isonci•. A pni•oled pi•isonci• remains States marshal «�hen they fecl a prisoner is in need o� under supervision of the Board of Parolc until thc the gratuities mentioned. maximum expiration of his sentence and if he vio- lates tiie conditioiis of his pni•o'.e may bc returned 19. Vouchers and Records to custody to complete his sentence. The United States m1i•shal will instruct institution � (e) Release from Imprisonment for Nonpayment of officials regnrding preparation of vouchers and the • Fine method of reporting commitments and discharges of When a prisoner held for nonpayment of fine has federal prisoners. NIYRL E.ALEXAND�R . Director .i , FPI•MI-i•6-6i 3M•i5 � a � . � UNIT�D ST11.T�S DEPAR7'i��I�TI' OP JUST�IC� • Bureau of Prisons • S�'�shin��:on, D . C. 20537 ' iahibit �.-2 POLIC�S t!i]I� P�GULIIT XO�TS C,OV�RNI�TG 'i'I',L C Oi�P�'I:?�';i�'.:'i.' 0=' - .'LD�I'.��L PRIS O�LRS TRANS �LRP.�D T 0 NO�v.� �D�I?�1L IVST I`�L'J.'.i0��5 FOI: 1�FORi� IZE L�AS� OP TR�TNING PP OGR�I.:IS In adctition �o the general regulations stated in �xhibi-t A and/or �xhibii: A-�., the fo11os1in� re�ulations t1i11 apply to federal prisoners i:ransferred to nonfederal ins�:i�u- -fions for participation in zlork release or community tra.ini:z� pro�rams under �;he �authority of Tit1e 18, U. S. Code, Section 40II2, as aniended by Public La.w 89-176, approved Sep�:ember 10, 1965. _ � X. Le�a1 au�hori-t,y � Public La.z1 89-176 authorizes the assignr�ent of fe�eral � prisoners to worl� at paid employmen�t or participate i�1 a train- ing program in the community on a voluntary, basis, provided tha-t-- � " (i) repi esentatives of 1oca1 union ceni:ral boclies or simiXar- 1aUor union' oi^ganizations are consulted; � �� (ii) such paid employment wi11 not resul� in �he � displacement of employed worlcers, or be applied in s1�i11.s, crafts, or trades in which there is a surpl.us of available gainful �.abor in the locality, or impair eaistin� contracts for services ; and � �� (iiz) �he rates of pay and other condi�ions of employment wi11 not be less than those paid or provided for worlt of similar nature in the 1ocality in which the work is to be performedo'� 2. Transfer procedures , : � When a prisoner is approved for transfer to a non- federal institution for worlc release or tra�inino purposes, no�i� fication will Ue sent .to the transferring federal ins�i�ution, the receiving nonfederal institui;ion, and the .United States marshal in the judicial dis�;rici: in Slhich the nonfederal ins'�y- tution is 1ocal:edo ldhen the transfer^ is effected, pursuani. �o ai°rangements made bei;ween the transferrin� fede�^al institution and �he nonfederal institui:ion, the nonfederal institution i�ri11 • advise the United States marshal. of t,he date of the prisoner�s arrival at the nonfederal institui:ion. � ^ } � � _ , . -2- • . . , - , � � • 3. Clothin� and oi:her allowances ' � The transferrin�; federal institution will supply each prisoner with an initia� supply of worlc c�oi:hin�, tailef ar�icles, tools as needed, a.nd•, if the prisoner is tvithout funds, an advance • of cash sufficien� to cover his expenses for two weoks. There- af;tei�, suppleniental and replacement clothing, tools, and toilet • articles will be purchased by the prisoner ou�t of hi.s otian funds . The cash advance saill be repaid by the prisoner 'out of his subse- quent earnings. ' 4. Use of personally-os�rned cars Ordinarily, federal prisoners wi11 not be perniittecl to drive their personally-owned automobiles whi�e on a work release or community training pro�ram. Exceptions to this policy wi11 be ' made only on the basis of z�itten authority from the Director, ' Bureau of Przsons. - 5. Tianagement of pr�.soners' worlc release funds Ptana�ement of prisoners� woi lc release funds ��ri11 be in accordance with the nonfederal. institution' s established procedureso Distribution of each prisoner� s earnings ��ri11 be in accordance with an a�reement signed by the' pr,.isoner and approved by the transfer- . ring federal institution, copy of which will be furnished the nori-� federal• institution at the time of transfer. 6. Pa,yment for prisoners� care � � The United Stafes marshal wi11 pay the nonfederal insti- tution for �he care of prisoners committed hereunder, at the estab- lished contract rate . . Each prisoner on 1JOrlc release wi11 pay to the transferring federal institution, foi^ deposit to the U. S. Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, a subsistence charge of �2.00 per day, to be collected by the nonfederaJ. institution and trans- mitted weelcly to the transferrin� federal institution. In fhe case of a prisoner transferred foi participation in a community , trainin� program, special instructions S1i1:� be a.ssued by the trans- ferrin� federal institution indi�ating whether the prisoner wi11 � be required to, con�ribui:e tozJard his subsistence o 7. �scape � . The wi7.lfu1 failure of a prisoner to remain at his approved place of employment or trainin�; durin�, ,the hours speci- fied by the terms of his employment or trainin�; prograr�, or to return fo the nonfederal institution at the time prescribed, sha�.1 be deemed an escape , punishable as provided in Title 18, U. S. Code , Section 7510 Such an escape must be reported immediately to the .United Sta�es marshalo .. .! r► . . . r -3- � . S. Loca1 re�ul.a-L-ions a�p�icaUl.e ' ' S ub jcct 1:o c oizipli�nce tilith �:he sta�:ui:ory r�cluireme n-�s s1:ai:ed in para�;ra��h 1, and the specific re�Lila�ions incorporatcd ' hcrein, feder�l prisoners ��ri1X be �overned by -the policics and re�ulations wl�ich control. the nonfedera� ins�:ii:ution's s�oa^k , _ . re�.ease aiid connnunity training programs. � 9. Repori:s ' . _ The transferring federal institution wi11 provide : forms and ins�:ructions to the nonfederal institution for prepa- ration of the requirecl r�epor-L-s eovering participation o£ fecleral prisoners in �woric re�ease or community �:rainin� programso These reports wi11 be sen� to the transferring federal institution. . �� 1�IYRL E. ALEXEI\TD�R .Director i � � � 1 4 , v , , t : ► ^ ' EXIiIBIT A-3 . It i,s agreed by and between the parties hereto that the terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit A, A-2 and A-3, referred to in the Contract for Service in Nonfederal Institution, between the United States of America, United . States Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, and the _ Detention and Corrections Authority of the City of Saint . Paul and the County of Ramsey, are incorporated in said � contract as fully and as completely as if set forth under the terms and provisions of said contract; and in the event . of a conf lict of any of the provisions of said contract or the provisions of Exhitiits A and A-2 and this Exhibit � A-39 the terms , provisions and conditions set forth in this Exhibit A-3 shall control. - It is further understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the City and County Workhouse , operated and controlled by said Authority, is a minimum security institution and that said Authority is to receive only Federal �` prisoners who are assigned to said institution under the _ Federal work release program. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that this contract shall be for a period of three (3) years from the fifteenth -(15th) day of July, 1967 , through the � fourteenth (14th) day of July, 1970, but may be cancelled by either party upon ninety (90) -day written notice given to the other party indicating that said contract is to be cancelled and terminated on a date not later than ninety (90) days after service of such notice. Any stich notice terminating ° the contract by the United States Department of Justice, B ureau of Prisons, shall be given to the Detention and Corrections Authority through United States mail or by leaving a copy in the principal office of the Executive _ Director of said Authority; and any notice from the Authority to the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, shall be given to the United States Marshal at ' the United States Marshal' s Office in the Ci�jr of Minneapolis either by mailing such notice to the Marshal through the United States mail or by leaving a copy for him at said office. � It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto ___ that the United States of America, acting through the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons, agrees that � it will save harmless and defend the Detention and Corrections ' Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, and the - officers and servants and employees of said Authority, City and County from all claims, causes of actions or actions of every kind and nature, whatsoever, arising out of or by virtue of the terms, provisions or conditions of this agreement or the operations or procedures contemplaLed hereby. . �