05-187Council File # ��� 1 U�
Presented By
Refeaed To
Committee: Date
GreenSheet# 3025472
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointment, made
by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Culutral STAR Board.
Richard Cook
Mary McColl
Ben Omorogbe
At-Lazge Representative
At-Large Representative
Saint Paul Business Community Rep.
Term Exuires
December 31, 2006
December 31, 2007
December 31, 2007
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
De{�rtmeMfofficelcourwil: Dafe Initiated:
Mo -��5�ce o,-+�.� � Green Sheet NO: 3025472
Cofrtact Person & Phora: ���gM SeM To Person InitiaUDate
KuR Schuftz � 0 0's Otfic
266-6590 p��yn 1 ar'sOg'i De rtm ntDirect r
Must Be on Cou�cil Agenda by (Datel: Number 2 i Att e
Routirtg 3 or's�ce Ma orJAss' nt
Order 4 ou '1
5 ' Clerk ' Clerk
Total # Of Signature Pages _(Clip AIt Locations fOr SignatUre)
Action Requested:
Approval of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of Richazd Cook, Mary McColl and Ben Omorogbe to serve on the Cultural STAR
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed jR): Personal Serv)ce Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worked under a contrect for this departmenY?
CIS Committee Yes No �
Civii Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city empbyee?
Yes No
Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, fssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantages If Approved:
DisaWaMapes ff Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Totai Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted: C��y� .('.�p�p2 ('�; �}e�
Transactio�: �
Funding Source: Activlry Number,
Financial lnformation: 1"IAR o� ZOD5
C�I L-� VJ 1t�J�r/ 1 pi n J�tIOI � �IICCf�rI'C D�1Ga1J10U
DS-1 �"1
Application for Committee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mark Engebretson
A+Iayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
15 W est Kellogg Blvd_, Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:6S1-266-8513
thc Minncsota Guvernmcnt Data Praccices Act (Minncsota Ssaiutes Chap[cr 13) govcrns the City's usc o: tlie
informa�ion wntained in this app(ication. Soene ot the inCormation sought in diis upplication is private daea under the
Act. The requcsted inFormation will be used by i1�e appointing authocity ta carry ooi the City's offieial appointment
respoasibiLties. You are noi reque:cd to provide any information. However, Pailure io answcr [hc app)ication qucstions
may causc tht appointing auChoriey to reJect your applica[ion. The majority of items contained in thts application ate
public, including name, address, employment, skitls, tcaining and experieneq and a�e lhecefoce avaitabte to anYonc
requesting it. Thc rcmair.ing itcros on the application form arc cl.�ssificd as private. Thc privatc data is avaifnblc only to
you and [o ot]�cr per5ons in Ihe Ciry who, beCause ofwntk :�ssignments, reasonably rcquire acecss to the mformution.
NameRichard Cook
Hame addcess 250 E 6th SCreet, #21.1 Sd1nt Paul MN 55101
.v'trcei ciiy sta[c zip
Tciephones 651-225-9693 651-767-8482 651-291-9180
Plca>cincluticAreaCotlex homu work fax
E-mailaddress cook@parksquaretheatre.org
Planning District Councit 17 City Covncil Ward 2
Preferred mailing address 408 St. Peter Street,#110 Sd1rit Paul A5N 55102
t(cce4 city Stntc Op
Occupacion Artistic Director
Place of employment Pdrk Square Theatre
Employmcntaddrsss ?08 St. Peter Street, Suite 110, Saint Paul MN 55101
Committec(s) applied for Cl11tUYal STAR
What skillsltraining or expericnee do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek
I have been working pro£essiona].Iy in theatre as a producer,
artist and manager for nearly 30 years.
I was involved in the community discussions and planning
that led to initial legislation for the 1/2 cent sales tax_
I have served on the Cultural STAR Board from the beginning.
I am involved in other Saint Paul arts organizations,
including the Nayor�s ACE planning process and the Arts
and Culture Partnershio.
pa�e 1 of 2
rau �� u� 1G�JlN rarx a9uare ineaLre onicyiaiau
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Personal References
�ame Steven Kent I,ockwood
Address 250 � 6th StYeet, #211, Saint Paul, MN
Telephones 651-225-9693 651-767-8481
P{ea<c ipClvdc Area Codes homc work
Namo James Rustad
Address RBC Dain Rauscher, Suite 1400, ?00 Robert St. N, St
1'elephones 651-293-1570 651-228-6920
Please includc Arca Cndct Iiume work
Namc LJilliam TCimes
Address 1740 Millwood Avenue 4Jes, Roseville, MN
Telephoncs 651-631-1579
Ple�se includc Arca Codcs home work
Paul, MN 55101
Reasons for your interest in this particular committee I Cdr@ deeply 1I1 trle
principle of public support for the arts and feel I can
bring a healthy, thoughtful perspective to the public and
policv discussion
H�ve you l�ad previous contact with the committee for which you arc making application'?
If so, when, and undcr whxt circumstances?
Yes_ Service since its inception; Chair for the
last 3 years.
In an attcmpt to eusure that committce representation reflects the makcup of our community,
picase check fhe box applicable to you. This infarmation is sYrictly voluntary.
Q✓ White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American)
� Asian or Pacific lslandec � Ameriean lndian or Alaskan EskiTno
� Male Female � Date of birth 9�1�48
Disabled: � Ycs No �
IC special accommodations are needed, please specify NA
How did you hcar about this opening? Thru Gayle ObeY and Mayor' Kell
page 2 of 2
ou cor<voa 11.LJ rnn o�166atoco UKLnAY YHUllUV11UlV
OU. Ull2
os- rs7
Application for Committee, Soard, or Commission
Please return to Mark Engebtetson
Mayor's Office, Room 340 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, NIN 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:b51-266-$513
The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesora Statutes Chap[er 13) governs [he City's use of the
inFoxmation contained in this applicacion. Some of the information sought in this application is private data under che
AcL The requested ioformation wi11 be used uy the appointing authoiity m carry aut tTe City's of{icial appointmenc
responsibilities. You are ttot required to piovide any information. However, failute [o answer tTe applica[ion quest�on5
may cause the appointing nuthoriry :o rejec: your application. The ma�ority of items contained in this applica[ion are
public, including name, address, employmenc, skilfs, training and experience, and are therefore available m anyone
requesting it. Tfie remaining i[ems on the app]ication form are class}fied as private. The privace daca i5 available onfy m
you and to other persuas in che City w6o, because of work ussignments, reasonably require access to [he inEorma[fon
Name � �l 1, �(`i.5 1 Y L GvC-� l i -- ----
Home address
Telephones („ ,S � - (p � "�
PleaseincludeAreu ,/ e � s g
E-mail adclress /t� i/�A/_P r°if.� �
Planning Distrlct Council
Preferred mailing address
Occupation�� c�_
Place of empioyment �
Employmant address �
Committee(s) applied for
a .
City Conncil Ward
.5� ��;;�`S�-. S�. �� � ��16 �
city stace 2ip
� t _ _ I . _
page 1 of2
What skillsltraining or experience do you possess fox the committee(s) for which you seek
Personal References
�"'`. , . �
Name�(���Y _
Please inciude Area Codes
Name � f(J,(� y� � �'
� v / Y /
Telephones ��5�—�Q( �" �J�� �
Pleaseinclude Area Codes home work other
Picase inc)ude Area Codes home
Reasons £or your in
�j G
Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you aie making application?
Tf so, when, and under what circumstances?_
In an attempt to ensure that committee regresentation reflects the makeup of our community,
please check the box applicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntary.
White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American)
Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
� Male Female � Date of birth j�— r
Aisabled: � Yes No �
If special accommodations are needed, please specify
How did you hear about this opening?
t in this particular committe
page 2 of 2
JRN-27-2005 16�25
OS- �87
Agplication for Cominittee, Board, or Commission
Please return to Mark Sngebzetson
Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall
I S West TCeliogg glvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513
Tlie Minneaots Go�ernment Dato Praeticea Act (Miaaeeo�a Sta[utu Chupler 13) Kn�er�s si�c C�ry's vse uf the
intolmaciau eontaiacd in t6;z aPPlicaHOn. Some nf fhe Iaforma�ion t�ugh[ in chis applies4on 1R pr�v��e da[a u6dcr tEc
we[. TLc requcsced i.,Tpemuiun wil! he uaed 6y [he appointing au[kuri�y [o carry eue Ihe CLLy'a ofFicial appamtment
eccponeibiiitin. Yov ate not reqnircd fo pxovide nny inY'oxmation Hnw��er, fatilure cn sn<wer cFe xpplicat+nn aua<tians
may enuK thc appoiAtinS nuthonly tu •eje�[ yo�r appl�ca4on. Ti�e majnrity of ucm� eontained w tbie �pplieauon arc
pufilie, in�ludidR name, addreae, empl0ymenf, �kilb, ertiuing Md cxp<ricntt, and nre �htrefore �vsilabie to anyone
�cquctting it The renuining ium� on thc npD���a�iov foim nic claasificd aa psind<. Thc pciral<dal,. is avs(�yyic n�ly tn
you and [o other D�rwns in t6e City whu, becanse uf wurk aasigament5, rcasmuhty reqnire aecc�a [o ehc informa[�on.
E-mail address
Plannsng IIistrict Council
Prcfcrrcd mailing address
Occupntion �^/t\Q„
City Cauncil Ward
= SfS�1
Placc uf employmtnt � �p,�,,� 1� �'1��Q,�
Smployment address
Commietae(s} applied for
What skiils/training or expericncc do you posscss for thc committee(s) for which you seek
oi Cc.1�Nw��- ��
pagc 1 of 2
JAN-27-2H05 16=26
Pe�sonat References
A ddrtss
Plcasc:uelode Arc� CvJex
Plcu:a le<lade Area CuAea
A�euae lncludc Area Cndes
�j � � D /
t�,�,��t- �. �-►t.� �.��;
�t l `� Q dl /1�11�bY1 S .
Rensons fox qour inteTest in tliis par�ieulac committca
�+_� /�,..�n„_.C✓1 (Q.P�-Q.o,r»n�..�i. �i �11-�- �
T-lave you had previous concact with thc committee f'or which you art making applieation?
Ifso, when, and under what eircumstanccs?
in an attemp� eo �nsure that committee rcpresc�tation rcflects the makeup of our community,
please ciuek the box apP�icnbte to you. This �nfor,nation is stric[ly voluntary.
� Whitc (Caucasian) �] Hispanic �Black (Afncan-American)
� Asian or Pacific Islandar � American Indian or Atsskan Eskimo
� Male Famale � Datc of birth
Disabted: � Yts No �
If special aceommodations nre needed, please specify
How did you heat about this oPeningl
page 2 of 2
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fl5- Ig7
Randy C. Kei1y, Mayor
390 Ciry Hall
IS West Kellogg Bou[evard
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Telephone: 651-266-8510
Facsimi[e: 657-266-8513
To: Saint Paui City Councilmembers
Council President Kathy Lanhy
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Pat Harris
Councilmember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Debbie Montgomery
Councilmember Dave Thune
From: Kurt Schultz
Date: Mazch 2, 2005
RE: Cultural STAR Board
Mayor Kelly has recommended the appoinhnent of Richard Cook, Mary
McCol1 and Ben Omorogbe to the Cultural STAR Board. Mr. Cook's term
shall expire on December 31, 2006. The terms of Ms. McColl and Mr.
Omorogbe shall expire on December 31, 2007.
Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well
as their application for appointment. Please remember that certain
information on the application is classified as private and should not be
released to the public.
Feel free to contact me at 266-6590 af you have any question regazding this
cc. Gayle Ober