234208 \ � `, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �'J!'A� o CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. ��'�;i OFFICE OF E CITY CLERK - � CO CIL RES I N— E ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DAT � WHEREAS� The State i. ota has enacted through the 1967 Legislature a three per cent sales tax which will be imposed on 1a6y cammodities, including water sales , to be effective August l, + 9 7; WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners� by Resolution No. 2037, adopted June 30� 1967� has stated that the Board' s present billing' equipment and system is not capable of handling the additional item of the sales tax and asks that the Council of the City of Saint Paul eoncur in the Board' s request that three Model � No. 5610 Computyper Data Processor Machines be pnrchased from the Friden� Inc. , 3329 University Avenue S. _E. , •Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the net amount of �41,950.00; now� therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in and approve that certain resolution of the Board �- - of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, IJo. 2037, ��` - adopted June 30� 1967; and be it � - - � FUR.THER RESOLVED� That the Pur�hasing Agent be and he is _ hereby au.thorized with the consent of the Comptroller and the _ Mayor� to purchase three Model No. _ 5610 Computyper Data Processor . Machines in the net a.mount of �41,950.00 from the Friden, Inc. , 3329 University Avenue S. E. � Minneapolis, Minnesota, without advertisement or competitive bids� pursuant to Section 291 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul� as failure to act promptly will work an in�urp to the City of Saint Paul; be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED� That Resolution� C. F. No. 23�-146, adopted by the City Council on July 5� 1967, be and the same is hereby rescinded and superseded by this action of the Council. FORM a PROVED � Asst. , rporation C n el � Jl1L � �`��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson , � Dalglish J��' � � Approved 19— Holland Meredith .�In Favor Peterson - � 1 �Yor� Tedesco A gainst _ Mr. President, Byrne Consented � 196'J y Comptroller pUQLISHFD JUL 151967 �22