05-185Council File # ��' � 0.7 Green Sheet # 3025482 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA tt / Presenced Refened To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saixrt Paul and the Intemational Union af Painters and A11ied Trades District Counci182 for the 2005 Wage and Fringe adjustment. � �, � � ioption Certified by Council Sectetary ce of Auman Resources os-�ss � Green Sheet Green Sheet 6reen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �`��`�"� ��� Green Sheet NO: 3025482 NU — A�R�� o�-r�wR-as CoMad Person & PFrone: Jason Schmidt 266-6503 Must Be on Couna7 Agen � Assign N�enber For Routing OMer Total # of SignaWre Pages_ (Clip Ail Locations for 5ignature) ��: j /// � • � w �.i.,�� -�', � �_��� �� �� _ � ��� . � Resolution approving the attached Memorandum of Agreeme� between the City of Saint Paul and the Intermational Union of Pajnters and Allied Trades Aistrict Counc3182 for the 2005 Wage and Fringe adjustment. Apprwe (A) or Planning Commissian CIB Committee CFriI Service Commission Gluestions: 1. Has this personlfirm eoer worked under a contract for this department? `Yes No 2. Has this perscNFlrm ever 6een a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sidll not normally possessed by any wrreM city empioyeel � Yes No Expiain all ycs answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity {Who, What When Whwe, Why): � - The amount of the increase for 2005 was determined in the 2004 - 2007 Maintenazice Labor Agreement. However, the distdbution of tl�at increase between wages and fringe benefits is detecmined each yeaz by the bazgaining unit. AdvaMages If Appraved: Bargaining unit members would be paid the wages and fringe benefits agreed to in the Maintenance Labor AgreemenL DisadvaMages If ApQraved: None. MA� 0 2 2U05 i �` .r " _ a . �` : pisadvantages If Not Approved: It would be considered a violabon of the agreed upon terms of the Nfaintenance Labor Agreement Totai AmouM of Transaction: Fundtng source: CosURevenue Butlgeted: ActivRy Number: �.r.,�*,,.�-� s eu���?Pf°�l 9';a�@cr Fina�ial tnfortnation: (ExRiain) � 1"1 d R d 6r ZIDU� ai OS-1 �S,.S MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN � THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL :_ �I I Tf� PA.Il� I'ERS DISTRICT COUNCIL #SZ 2005 WAGE AND FRINGE ADJUSTMENT APPENDIX C The basic hourly wage rate for regular employees appointed to the followin$ classes who garticipate in PERA shall be: � Painter Lead Paimer Effective 3{�B4 3/1J05 (Or closes[ payperiod) Effective 511105 (Or closesf paype[io� Effective 5/1l06 (Or ctasest payperiod) �2�:29 $26.16 $2�-�3 27.11 ## �� The basic hourly wage rate for temporary, regular and probationary empioyees appointed to the following classes who are not participating in PERA shall be: Effective 3��184 3/1/05 (Orc(osestpaypaiod) Painter Lead Painter c'� $27.61 ��8-�� $28.61 Effective 5/1105 (Or closest paypaiod) Effective SI1IOfi (Or ctoses[ gaypetio8) * �k *� * Effective SJllOS (or closest pay period) an additional $1.55 per how increase will be added to the totat package. The parties will agree prior to that date as to the distribution of the increase between wages and fringes. This amount wiil be decreased by any increase in the Industry Promotion Futtd. **Effective 5(ll06 (or closest pay period} an additional $1.50 per hour increase will be added to the total package. The parties wiil agree prior to that date as to the distribution of the increase between wages and fringes. This amount will be decreased by any increase in the Industry Promotion Fund. - C1 - a5 !�S In the event that the L3nion elects to have the fringe benefit contributions made by the Employer increased during the contract period, the basic hourly wage rates shail be reduced by the amount of such increase. � When performing the following types of work, the rate o£ pay shall be seventy-five cents ($.75} per hour over the basic fiourly wage rate for any class covered by this Agreeme�: 5andblasting, swing-stage work, erected sfructural steel skeleton work, all bridge work, all exterior work where safety helt or window jacks aze used, spray painting, for application of materials over 50% creosote, and for application of ali two component epo�y materials. The Employer agrees to pay $30.�0 toward the cost of a pair of safety shoes purchased by an employee who is a member of this unit. The Employer shall contribute toward the cost of one pair of shoes per contract yeaz and shall not be responsibie for any additional cost for any additional shoes thereafter. The reimbursement of $30.00 shall be made only after investigation and approvai by the immediate supervisor of that employee. This $30.00 EmpIoyer contribution shall appiy only to those employees who are required by the Employer to wear protective shoes. . - C2 - OS-18S � . ��� ��_ � Effective �i4ay-1 Z884, March 1 2005 for regulaz and probationary employees, the Employer shall: (1) �2) (3) t4) {5) contribute to a designated Health and Welfare/Dental Fund $4.55 per hour for all hours worked by employees covered hy tlus Agreement. contribute to a Pension Fund $6.55 per hour for all hours warked by employees covered by tlus Agreement. deduct $1.50 per hour from which payroll deductions have been made for all hours worked by employees covered by this Agreement, to a Vacation Fund. contribute to an Apprenticeship Training Fund $0.28 per hour for ati hours worked 6y employees covered by this Agreement. deduct �8 �5 $0_19 per hour from which payroll deductions have been made for all hours worked by employees covered by this Agreement, to a Window Dues I+lind. Effective �4a�-984, March 1. 2005, for all temporary employees, the Employer shall � �l �2) (3) (4) (5) contribute to a designated Health and Welfare/Dental Fund $4.55 per hour for all hours worked by employees covered by tlus Agreement. contribute to a Pension Fund $6.50 per hour for all hours worked by employees covered by this A$reemern. deduct $1.50 pet hour from which payroli deductions have been made for all hours worked by employees covered by this Agreement, to a Vacation Fund. contribute to an Apprenticeship Training Fund $0.28 per hour for all hours worked by employees covered by this Agreement. deduct $8:1-5 0.14 per hour from which payroll deductions have been made for all hours worked by employees covered by this Agreement, to a'Window Dues Fund. The EMPLQYER shail establish Workers' Compensation and I3nemployment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota Statutes. Bmployees covered by this Agreement shall not be governed by nor be eligible for, the accumulation of vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral leaue, jury duty, or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Civil Service Rules, Council Ordinance or Council Resolution. - ni - D�- /8S • The Employer's fringe benefit obligation to employees is limited to the contributions andlor deductions estabiished by this Agreament. The actual ievel of benefits provided to employees shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has fonvarded contributions and/or deductions. WIT'NESSES: . CITY OF SAINT PAUL im Vollmer Human Resources Specialist r� � l �7 `Ocs� Date J on Schmid Labor Relations Manager � l� a5 Date PAINTERS [JNION LOCAL #61 ' � �� 7 f 7� :�tt Business RepresenYative a� 1� bs� Date