234186 TO CITY CLERK CI I I OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL - OFFICE OF THE CITY FILE N�� ���� , , CLERK ' ' UNCIL RESO�L 10 -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.�i . COMMISSIONE DATF � RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extension to be constructed at the location listed below by A. A. Arrigoni, Inc. under , their annual sidewalk contract for District No. 3, known as Comptroller's Contract L No. 6924 at a cost not to exceed $35.00 based on the unit prices bid for four inch monolithic concrete sidewalks which cost is` to be charged against the P.I.R. FUND-TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES On the South Side of Dellridge Avenue at the Walkway in Block 4 Afton Hgts. Addition. - ' � _.. . °- t COUNCILMEN ' �� �� � � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . Carlson �, - � Dalglish ��`� ~� ���� ' proved 19— Holland Meredith �In Favor ; Peterson , Mayor - J � Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � l�1�,A �� � 1�d i 2z — - • .-,. TO rRINTER ' Q , �. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ��� U� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `�: COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ' - � �SOLVID; That tha Cominiarioair ot rubiic Works be aad h� is l�r�by authoris�d and dir�ct�d to causs th� necea�arq sidralk �xt�asioa to b� coostructed at the lacatioa listad b�lov b� A. A. eracigoni, Inc. uadar th�ir annual eidawalk contract for Distriat Na. 3. knowa a• Copptrolltr'a Coatract L t�o. 6924 at a co�t not to �xcead $35.00 base@ on th� uuit prices bid Eor four inch �onolithie cai�r�t� sid�valla whic6 cost is to be chtr��d . agaiart th� t.I.A. FUpD•TAx �T P�0ls1tTI�8 On th� �out'h Side o£ D�liridg� Av�nw at the Nalinay in Biock 4 Afton Agts. additioa. I .�UL 6196� COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ' � Dalglish , . ' ��'' 61�� Approved � 19— Holland ' " Meredith In Favor Peterson D , Mayor� Tedesco A gainst , Mr. President, Byrne �az . I